Showing posts with label CUTE WARM AND FUZZY STUFF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CUTE WARM AND FUZZY STUFF. Show all posts

14 January, 2022

9NEWS: What you can do with the UV torches from your rapid test kits (it involves kittens)

No red dot to chase. It’s much more important. 😻😻🐈‍⬛🐕

Tips for finding your missing moggy

I thought that I should share this with people that come across my blog. Many people are cat owners and from time to time our darling moggies go missing; even the house cats like mine were. My late Tolstoy was missing in action for three weeks, and it was a horrible nightmare for my family and his dear little kitty wife Daisy. When we found him he was so stressed that he scratched me. Tolstoy was a very loving kitty boy and never scratched me. This was a stress reaction to being away from his home for three weeks.

Surprisingly he was only a few meters away from home, he accidentally got locked under a vacant house; I assume by someone that had not noticed he was there, and accidentally locked him under the house. 

Cats should be kept indoors and have the use of a cat run if possible; and cat grass needs to be available to them for intestinal health. It is too risky to let them just wander the neighbourhood. I am glad that the ACT government in Canberra have brought in laws now to keep cats contained, already in new suburbs it is compulsory to keep cats indoors permanently. From 1 July 2022 the law states, all cats must be contained or on a leash through out the ACT.

As for walking cats on a leash; I think it is dangerous, because some people just let their dogs wander and cats do get attacked by roaming dogs; so how on earth are you going to protect your cat and yourself from a dog attack. What about a child walking a cat on a leas; there is no way a child can protect themselves let alone a cat from dogs that are determined to attack the cat. I have heard some horrible things about cats being killed by dogs that are left to roam. I am a dog lover and dog owner and there is no way on earth that I would allow my dog out to roam the streets or harm anything. I am very protective of my fur children; I would naturally assume that any pet owners/ fur parents are similar in their beliefs about keeping their fur children safe and secure.

24 August, 2021

The Chronicles of Ruby


Chronicles of Ruby... Yesterday was the day from hell Ruby was as manic as they come. Form when she got up she was bouncing off the walls, barking and doing what silly Jack Russell's do. She knew that I had clients to see and she wasn't having any of that. She found every flaming thing in the house, that she is not allowed to have, and sunk her teeth into them. She shot under the bed with her treasures. So that mummy had to grab a doggy chocolate and get on all fours and chuck the doggy chocolates under the bed. Then she gave me back the stolen item. Every time the phone rang she pulled this stunt too. I have never seen such a little minx as our Ruby. Neither of our other dogs did any of the stuff that she gets up to. Today we started going down that path again, grrr! I just hope to God that she stops this soon. She will be 2 at the weekend, and I can't keep up with her antics. She is very cute and loveable but by God she pushes my buttons.
Today she has been chasing the chooks in the rain and barking her head off at them. Then comes in doors and goes straight for the cats. Lock up the remotes too, and anything that she can grab. Lol. It is like having a human 2 year old in the house. Mind you they don't smell like wet dog.

Sitting here next to me on the printer, is one very smelly and wet little dog. Looking out the window to see what is going on  out the front that she might take offence too. No birds, cats  or dogs shall pass. A bit like the Monty Python Holy Grail, none shall pass. I can see it is going to be a long week if the rain and cold keeps up. How to entertain a small hyperactive dog when trying to get your work done Hmmm!

Originally posted on 24/6/2014

Chocolate Button Roo Roo!

 We have had our little Ruby Rose, AKA Ruby Roo for a whole year now. The cats are still in shock too! She is a lovely little soul, so full of love and fun. However, mummy has her hands full, with this little ball of fur. I can not turn my back on her for two seconds, or leave anything on a table or the floor. Ruby may be small but, she can leap and bounce as if she has a pogo stick.

So far she has destroyed several shoes, several pairs of sunglasses, my reading glasses (which were 3 months old) My kindle and several tennis balls and soft toys. It is just the way Jack Russell's are I guess. My last one, Sparky never did any of this. So this is a shock to the system, having a canine terminator in the house. The cats are not having any of it either.

Thankfully all the kitties can get up high, to get away from her in a flash. Except poor old Tolstoy.
Not to worry, Tolstoy has now   become 'Grumpy Cat", He just goes for her old school. Swipe with the claws, she doesn't even  see it coming. "Ouch!" " he hit me mum, sort him out!"
For a three legged cat, he can move fast. Ruby knows how to push his buttons, and then run like hell.

Ruby has an unhealthy interest in kitty litter boxes. Sometimes she will hide a dog treat in the litter box. She leaves it there for a day or two. Then, just as Tolstoy  goes to the litter box, BAM!
She is on him, like a fat boy on cake. All you hear is a horrible screeching and growling as she tries to drag Tolly off the litter box. What a din, Tolly then kicks her butt. I have to stop what ever I am doing, to run to the rescue.

Some days there is a cat fight at the OK- cat run! (we don't have a corral). Two cats happen to go in to the cat run for a little R and R, Via a cat flap in the window, so Ruby decides, hey this looks like fun, but then it turns ugly.
She is bailed up on the walk way and can't move. Yet again the faint calls of ....Muuuum!
Again I stop what I am doing, go out the back door, walk to the cat run and step inside to rescue her.

You know those days, when you have so much work to do, and so little time?  Those days seem to be happening more often now.  Just as you are at the computer, you get that feeling that it is too quiet.
A glance over my right shoulder confirms it, yup! Ruby roo strikes again. Shit, that looks like my kindle she has. I had left it on the bed side table. A moment of  forgetfulness, and it costs me. Grrrrr!

As I get up off my chair, she is off like a scud missile down the hallway. Shoots under the side board,
with me running behind her, shouting, Ruby!....Chocolate button ruby! I keep a little jar of doggie chocolate drops for her near by, for moments like this. Yes there are lots of those moments in our house. I give her the treat, and I get my chewed up kindle back.  The thing is trashed, bugger! Well that is a trip to the shop for a new one.

Daisy, my girl cat has a part time job as a floor mop and a duster. Ruby chases her and drags her along the floor. Daisy hisses and growls like a banshee. But when I break it up. Daisy just sits there waiting for Ruby to come back and do it again. It seems to me that they both get something out of it. Daisy can hold her own, don't you worry. This is the cat with 'tude! She will face off, to a dog any time.

We often joke that Daisy keeps a half brick in her handbag to slug the dog, or one of her feline brothers with. I have seen Daisy run after Garfield, her ginger kitty brother screeching and growling as if he is thumping her. Only to find when I go to investigate, she is chasing him. Next there is an orange and grey knot rolling through the lounge room into the bed room. It is like something out of a cartoon. Humans know better than to get in the way. Too many scratches to out feet and ankles now, so we leave them too it.  Thankfully these days are very few now, as all the kitties are elderly, but by no means over all of this action packed matrix  styled lifestyle. We do still get entertained by feline and canine stunts, evenings are the best time for the high drama at our house. We don't need the Hollywood action, fur fury is heaps better.

Now the hot weather is back, Ruby likes to play with a hose or sprinkler in the back yard. Try as I might to water my plants, she comes after the hose and wants to play with the water gushing out. She picks up the hose in her mouth and drags it around the garden, having little drinks as she goes.

Ruby has a little wading pool to play in, but it isn't the same as a sprinkler or a hose. I turn the water down to a slow trickle, and she seems to be happy with that. As long as she can drink from the hose and move it around she is happy. Funny little thing she is. I would be lost without her. She is pure love after all.

Originally posted on 28/11/2013

Introducing Miss Ruby Roo 

It is my pleasure to introduce the latest member to our family. Ruby is a 10 week old Jack Russell terrier. We have been looking for a JR female for weeks. And now we have this lovely little girl, Ruby. We nick name her Ruby Roo. What a tornado she is, lol. We had forgotten what active little things puppies are.

our cats are in a state of shock at their new sister, hissing and growling, and the odd swipe with the claws. Slinky just takes it all in his stride, he is Mr Cool, the Morgan Freeman of Tabby cats. Garfield, is interested in her and teases her. However if Ruby gets excited she freaks Garfield out and he will hiss and swipe at Ruby. Poor little Ruby Roo doesn't understand what is going on. Being a Jack  Russell she is hypo to the max, lol. She is not on good terms with Tolstoy at all. he hisses at her and chases her, claws at the ready. He has swiped her a few times and she just comes back for more. That is Jack Russell's for you though.

We made the one big mistake last night, we let her sleep in our bed! The cats all sleep on our bed every night. They just take it in shifts. We had vowed not to let Ruby into our bed, after having the other two dogs sleep there for 13 years. Oops!, She is just is soooo cute.

Originally posted on  10/9/2012

14 April, 2021

Tales of Beatrix Potter - Opening Titles

I just love this song, Miriam Stockley singing Perfect day. Credit (SatOnthetelything- YouTube) to the kind person that uploaded this for all the Peter Rabbit fans and big kids like me.

01 April, 2021

Keeping the blue ethereal background on my blog

 I am loving the blue ethereal background of the blog, it goes nice with nature pictures so I think it shall be permanent. Lol, I am a big Peter Rabbit fan too, and as it’s Easter I am posting some cute pics of the bunny. They are just too nice not to post 😀 I was really lucky a couple of years ago to find a set of Peter Rabbit garden ornaments in a garden store, they are very hard to get in Australia So I made sure that I bought them as soon as I saw them. 

22 March, 2021

The mountain ash fairy (Rowan tree)

 They thought me, once, a magic tree

Of wondrous lucky charm,
And at the door they planted me
To keep the house from harm.

They have no fear of witchcraft now,
Yet here am I today;
I’ve hung my berries from the bough,
And merrily I say:

“Come, all you blackbirds, bring your wives,
Your sons and daughters too;
The finest banquet of your lives
Is here prepared for you.”

(The Mountain Ash’s other name is Rowan; and it used to be called Witchentree and Witch-wood too).

The Flower fairies colouring pages

Click on the link to get the colouring pages, good entertainment when stuck indoors or for kids traveling.

19 March, 2021

Friday giggles


These pictures are from artist John Lund, I just love his sense of humour. That meditating cat picture on my blog is one of his. I have the actual card in a photo frame of that cat. I saw it in a shop and just had to buy it.

17 March, 2021

Autumn squirrel

 Nature’s beauty, a beautiful little squirrel among the autumn leaves welcomes the change of seasons. 

14 March, 2021

The Baby of the Family || ViralHog

OMG! This is one of my favourite kitten videos. I never get sick of watching this. I love ginger kitties, they remind me of our baby Garfield.

04 March, 2021

Animals hugging humans

Animals hugging humans. We need a dose of animals right now, some warm and fuzzy stuff.

Credit toYouTube Maniaia Life 2018

Merry Christmas 2020


Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a bright 2021. Thank you for reading my blog and thank you to my clients over the years. 

Ancient Origins: Rock Art Discoveries in Eastern Sudan Tell a Tale of the Once ‘Green Sahara’ The entire universe goes in cycles, so this is not unusual...