22 December, 2024
Miss Ruby's Doggie Advent Calendar And Spreading Her Love
26 August, 2024
Happy International Dogs Day 26th August 2024
Happy International Dogs Day to all the beautiful doggies all over the world. Thank you to all service dogs and therapy dogs world wide and those amazing military, police and and all our beautiful and brave dogs of the world.
30 March, 2024
My Psychic Dog
Damn, miss Ruby never misses a beat, every time that I make a cup of tea standing at the breakfast bar (kitchen counter or bench) she is right there in a blink of an eye. I don’t even hear her, she just appears.
My cup of tea is an important thing 🤣🤣🤣 and she knows exactly every single time that I am making a cuppa. There is no tricking her, I swear she is psychic. I gave her little tea cup of her own which she drinks from occasionally and then she comes after my cup. Just now I have just made a fresh cuppa and right on cue she appears at my side. It’s not my ordinary tea, oh, no, it’s the T2 New York breakfast tea.
Ruby is a doggie tea connoisseur and she just knows the good stuff. She hangs around like a shark watching and waiting for me to hand over the tea at the bottom of my cup. I will try to string this cuppa out as long as I can before she pounces.
04 October, 2023
Update on Ruby’s eye surgery
Well today miss Ruby had her surgery for the tumour on her eye lid. The thing actually popped a couple of days ago and I rang the vet to let them know. I was advised to bring her in today for them to check her out. So the vet told me that her tumour is on the lower rung of tumours but would quickly fill up with fluid again, so it would be better to operate today.
All went very well and she is home resting. Oh, and with one of those Elizabethan collars and she is not amused one bit. She was drowsy when she came home but boy did she did ham it up as she started to get back to normal. Then there was the woe is me mummy, and she played me like a fiddle 🤣🤣 Mummy I can’t reach my food with this fang dangled collar on. But the moment daddy put some chicken on the floor she hoovered it up. I offered her, her food again and she played the woe is me act again. So daddy said give her more chicken, so I put it on top of her normal food and she hoovered it up and her wet food.
Talk about spoiled, she has no problem eating when there is fresh chicken on offer. However to get her medication into her I have to bribe her with a doggy chocolate and then put the stuff in her eye while she is chomping on her chocolate button. The pain killer is liquid and fed by a syringe, it doesn’t taste very nice so she gets a doggy chocolate after that too. She also has to have artificial tears in her eye also to stop any irritation. She is not tolerant of of anything near her eyes so I have to bribe her with a treat for this too.
Having to wear the Elizabethan collar for two weeks will not be pleasant for her, especially at bed time so I guess we will have two weeks of intermittent sleep all around. You should have seen her with her “get well soon“ treat. I forgot that she may have a problem trying to hold it to eat. However she did manage to pick it up and carry it through the house. She just can’t jump on the bed at present. So we have to pick her up.
I have just discovered that I am allergic to her fur this week. I have never had a problem before but this week her fur against my skin results in a huge spotty rash that is so itchy. I have an 180mg Telfast tablet every morning and it won’t stop this rash. When I took Ruby to the vet a few days ago for her consultation on her eye, I noticed a rash suddenly developing on my arms at the surgery and thought that’s odd. Today the same thing happened but also on one of my feet too. One thing crossed my mind was grass seed in her fur or forget me not seeds, but she wasn’t outside today and it has rained since last night non stop so I think it’s her fur that’s causing the problem.
I didn’t think that I would have an allergic reaction to her fur as we have had other dogs long before Ruby was born and she is 11 years old now. I did have a reaction with our late cat Garfield’s fur and he had the softest baby fur. Garfield was a Persian tabby cross. His fur used to hurt my face and was itchy but I never had a rash from his fur. So this is something that I have only just developed.
Miss Ruby in the bedroom going up to the window with her treat to hide it. To the left is a blanket box with her cover on it. She suns herself every afternoon on the blanket box.
29 September, 2023
Miss Ruby is having a tumour removed
Today I took Ruby to the vet because she has a lump on her lower right eyelid. The vet informed me it is a tumour. I expected it to be a benign growth but I wanted it removed because it has gotten bigger over the past two weeks and Ruby was starting to rub it.
I assumed it was like a skin tag, and the lump has been there for a couple of months. So Ruby is going to have surgery to remove this tumour on Wednesday morning. I just pray that she will not have any more problems. We love our little princess and want her to have a wonderful life full of love and happiness.
She is happy in herself and has heaps of energy as an 11 year old dog should have. I am not sure how she will take to the E-collar after surgery though, she must wear it for two weeks so she doesn’t scratch her stitches. In the meantime she has a gel to put on her eye 3 times a day. Poor puparino, we will have to make sure she is happy and comfortable when she comes home from surgery. Thank goodness she is not going through surgery like poor Tolstoy did. He had his right hind leg amputated at the hip from bone cancer and he was only 10, he got 4 extra years with us. It breaks my heart to see animals or children ill. Losing them is horrendous though.
I will update everyone on Wednesday afternoon and hopefully there won’t be any further issues. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and cuddles to your children and fur babies.
25 August, 2023
International Dog Day 26 August 2023
Wishing all the doggies in the world a beautiful International Dog Day for all the pure unconditional love from your hearts to our hearts ❤️
Miss Ruby has freshly baked biscuits made for her to enjoy, well I actually made them a couple of days ago and let her have some already. She is so worth spoiling with her sweet little face and exuberant personality. May all dogs world wide have a beautiful day every day for the love that you give us unconditionally ❤️❤️❤️
03 July, 2023
Funny meme and memories
This made me LOL, I remember many years ago when my house was being extended and at the end of a work day one of the tradies (tradesmen) had left our gate open. It was a cold winter night and I suddenly realised that out Jack Russell, Sparky was missing.
His nickname was Puss, and that came about because as a puppy he had gone under my bed and wouldn’t come out. I was in a hurry to pick my small children up from school and this was just what I didn’t need.
So after trying to coax Sparky with different sounds I just went Puss, Puss, Puss and he came bolting out and ran to me. I laughed and thought, no way. So I did it again and sure enough he responded.
So after that we all called him Puss as his nickname. Anyway back to the story, this night he was missing in action, I went around the streets looking for him calling Puss, Puss, Puss. And all these cats came from all directions 🤣🤣🤣🐈. It’s amazing what we don’t know goes on after dark with animals. All of these cats around me, heaps of them. There is me saying, no I am not looking for you guys.
Quickly distancing myself from all these cats that had been distracted from their nocturnal social activities. Eventually I decided to go home. And then I thought what about looking under the house. Sure enough. He was right at the little door trapped and waiting to be rescued. Poor little Sparky, he obviously had followed a tradie under the house at some point in the late afternoon and the man was unaware.
Just as well it wasn’t summer, just imagine being in a small crawl space in shorts and a cold wet nose touches your read end. A sudden jolt in shock and a bang on the head from the wooden beams inches above you, lol.
25 April, 2023
Let sleeping dogs lie!
Let sleeping dogs lie they, say it will be fun they said. In my house Miss Ruby rules the roost, but she is ever so cute and does it in a very adorable way. Making the bed after stripping it to wash the sheets, I have to do the remaking of the bed in stages; mustn't disturb the baby after all. There she is on top of the bed lying on a big European pillow with a soft minky cover on it for more snuggling of course. Oh and don’t be fooled, dogs and cats know what is soft and what isn’t soft. They can tell the difference between a cheap minky cover and one that is like touching air. I kid you not, straight away if you put a soft blanket or jumper on the bed or on a chair, within minutes either a dog or a cat in my house would be in like Flynn. Move over human I have to test the quality and softness of this.
But when changing the bedding it’s look out for the plush toys, Gingerbread man, Froggie and of course Squirrel. Hidden under the European pillow are two pigs ears, as Miss Ruby likes two on the go at the one time. Meanwhile she is curled up in a ball on top of said soft minky cover on the pillow. I start putting the sheets and pillowslips on the bed and she gives me that look with one eye. You know the one, one more move and I will tilt mum, but in reality she will growl her displeasure and get up and move if she has to.
Today she is determined not to move, the top half of the bed has the pillow slips on the pillows, the fitted sheet is on and the flat sheet and thermal blanket are on the bed, just waiting for madam to shift her bum. But nope, Miss Ruby works on her time not mine, lol. Got to love her though because she is just so cute.
The bed making in my house is like being a nurse, where the patient is bedridden and nurses actually change the bedding with the patient still in the bed if they are too ill to be physically moved. It’s a tough gig I tell you and Miss Ruby wants all her pigs ears and any biscuit put right back where it was, she just knows you know 🤣🤣🤣🐶 I must admit she is not the only dog or cat in our house over the years to be this precious. But I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. I am such a big sook (softie) with my fur babies. I like them to enjoy their creature comforts. Ah, the joys of life 😍😍🐾🐶
07 April, 2023
Miss Ruby had an early visit from the Easter Bunny
Easter Bunny came early for Miss Ruby 🐣 some tasty doggy biscuits with Easter designs on them a carob bunny and a doggy lollipop. We spoil our little girl, I am so glad that retailers actually make pet treats for seasonal events and birthdays. Why should we humans have all the fun?
06 March, 2023
Think quick mum!
Miss Ruby is on a roll again 🧻 This week she has been in asshole mode, grabbing anything that she could; to get a reaction from me. There was the usual umpteenth shoe theft and removing the insole from the shoes, a toilet roll she grabbed from an open bag of them sitting in the laundry. Mummy forgot to close the laundry door, D’oh! She came bolting through to the family room ripping chunks out of the said loo roll and head’s straight under the table. She knows it’s hard for me to reach her under the table. Yeah, she was on a roll, the little asshole 🤣🤣🧻 I had chunks of paper to pick up all over the room after that. Then just as I sat down she was back again, going after the remote for the telly. So I give her a doggie chocolate drop so that I can get the remote back. All is good finally and I get to sit down and read. Then she is up in my face wanting goodies. I try to ignore her but I can’t, she is just so cute and those brown Malteser eyes melt my heart every single time. More chocolate drops which are actually carob and not human chocolate.
The unthinkable poo on the veranda, that is something that she doesn’t normally do, Yuk! Grabbing a sun hat and chomping on the straw, nom, nom, nom. Nick another shoe, getting up on the dinner table because a chair was not pushed in. Mind you she can pull a chair out and then jump up on the chair and then up on the table. Miss Ruby is so quick on the uptake, that little Jack Russell mind runs overtime. Miss Ruby is the proverbial naughty school kid always up to mischief. We love her so much and wouldn’t have her any other way to be honest. She knows she is cute too; the little minx.
During the week she scared the living daylights out of the postie; launching herself at the fly screen door, four off the floor; as the lady came to hand us a package. It’s hard work being a Jack Russell you know, keeping everyone on their toes, making sure we get enough exercise, and a cardio workout, she knows mummy and daddy are on a diet right now 🤣🤣 (yeah, I am in to fitness, fitting a whole pizza in my mouth 🤣🤣).
We would be lost without our Ruby she has a lovely playful personality and full of love. A tad spoiled of course as is every fur child’s right. Jack Russells don’t do slow down and age gracefully, they are little dynamo’s from birth to death. Fantastic companions for life and very affectionate, one just has to accept the little things they get up to as they entertain us and display that jeux de Vivre. Just don’t think that you can disturb their night sleep because they get shirty if you accidentally nudge them in your sleep.
Ruby sounds like a Rottweiler when woken rudely with a bark that makes your heart pound. She insists on sleeping in mummy and daddy’s bed since first night we got her. That proved to be a contentious issue with the four cats that were used to taking turns at sleeping on the bed. Miss Ruby put a quick stop to that. No night-time incursions' were permitted by the feline family members, miss bossy boots asserted herself on the first night. A cheeky 12 week old whipper snapper with attitude was not what we expected but here she is.
04 October, 2022
Things that my dog is good at
I love dogs, I love Jack Russell's, but some Jack Russell's are assholes. Aren't they Ruby? There is me just now attempting to wipe the dust off the ceiling fan in my bedroom. I can't do heights either and made worse by constant vertigo for 2 and a half years now. Anyway, I took my clogs off to get up on the dressing table stool. Oh and the clogs are new by the way; leather Colorado's.
That little asshole waited until I was in the middle of cleaning the fan and she nicked my clog. She ran like a thief down the hallway in a nanosecond. Luckily I managed to get down off the stool without breaking my damn neck. There she was in the loungeroom with teeth biting in to my clog. This calls for a chocolate button, yeah, I know it's negative reinforcement, but I want the clog back without being chewed.
All this week Ruby has been after the insteps from boots and shoes too. I have to keep a dowel stick in the sliding door of my wardrobe because she will help herself to shoes. This is the dog that waits until I am on the phone and she starts her mischief or I am just about to start a reading and she shows me something in her mouth that she is not allowed to have.....little shit.
Bed time is usually time for a pig's ear chew. They stink! A couple of nights ago she got a new one and it was one of those disgustingly smelly ones. You know when you open a brand new packet and the stench hits you, it was one of those situations. A bit later and not thinking; I get into bed and think to myself; Jesus what smells like arse? Yeah, she brought it right up close and lay on top of me eating it. Then she goes down the bottom of the bed and dislodges a bright yellow high viz beanie belonging to my husband. This was squished down between the mattress and the footboard out of sight. She dug out another stinky pigs ear from that, because sometimes she likes two on the go at the same time. The beanie being her idea of a doggie handbag too I suppose.
Another thing Ruby is good at is the art of the hidden pig’s ear in the garden. She is not supposed to take them outside, however she does manage to sneak one out occasionally. She digs a hole and disposes the ear. The horrible part is when she decides to dig it up and it is fully rehydrated. Yuk, it’s like a cadaver being dug up. I made the terrible mistake of touching one once. It was horrible, there was no way that I would let her eat it after being in the dirt as she may have gotten sick from that.
Morning teatime and Ruby hid her biscuit in the garden somewhere. She’s cute, I’ll give her that! I just can’t stay cranky with such a cute little face.
13 July, 2022
Happy birthday Ruby: Doggie Birthday Treat Box
Miss Ruby had her 10th Birthday last month and we bought one of these Birthday in a box treats for her.
It went down a treat with the birthday girl. So if you are looking for these, go to Petbarn. I love the little party hat in the box. A cute little keepsake, and yes there is a little birthday candle in the box too, rather natty I thought 😀💖💖🐕
27 June, 2022
Miss Daisy sprung coming out of the cupboard of teddies
She was just so cute, a tiny little thing but strong. My little Empress. 😻😻😻 Daisy loved teddy bears
As soon as I opened a cupboard door she would be in like Flynn. Whether this one below the tv or in my office, miss Daisy would suddenly appear and quick as a flash she would be in among the bears. I even had two small picture frames with gift cards with pictures of bears in them for her and she would just sit and look at them. She was a very special little girl. I miss her so much.
01 April, 2022
Peanut butter
Miss Ruby is still having her antibiotics twice a day. I give them to her in a dollop of peanut butter and she takes it like a boss. I just have to mention peanut butter and up go the ears and she runs to the cupboard. I think there will be issues when she finishes the course of medication because she just loves peanut butter, she will be going cold turkey in a few days when the antibiotics are finished, lol. Tonight at bedtime I forgot to give her her pill and Ruby was under the covers as I mentioned to my husband that I forgot to give her her peanut butter.
Well quick as lightning she got up and sort of morphed out from under the covers and slid quietly onto the floor in a fluid like movement, then off like a frog in a sock to the kitchen. No way was she going to miss out of her peanut butter. Just as well I wasn’t sneaking through to the kitchen to get chocolate for myself because Ruby just knows. She has a sixth sense when I am on the prowl for chocolate, it’s like saying Bloody Mary three times and Ruby is next to me. She just knows!
20 March, 2022
Poor miss Ruby is sick
Just as I always say no sooner that one problem is over another comes along in my family. This time it’s our dear little Ruby, she has been diagnosed with colitis. Could things possibly get any worse? Most of my fur babies have died one after the other from cancer mostly. But they were all around the same age to be fair. But just like I have said many times my family lurch from one heartache to another.
Over the past few days and nights of poor sleep; because we are taking it in turn to care for Ruby and mopping up blood and diarrhoea three times a night for the past few days. Plus the trip to the vet for tests, it will be back there on Monday morning for more examinations. Poor little soul, Ruby is a great little girl and will be 10 at the end of June.
She has been unable to eat and only drinking water for the past four days. I just hope that this won’t be a long term illness because it is one of the worst things to suffer from. Thankfully she is doing a lot of sleeping and then gets up for water and the call of nature. We can’t leave her alone because she needs constant monitoring and someone to open the door to let her in and out.
It is so distressing to see an innocent little dog go through this suffering. I pray for a speedy recovery for her. Just hoping that this is a one off bout, though generally speaking that is not usually the case.
Update: Miss Ruby is at the vet for more tests and maybe an ultrasound. She vomited up white mucus twice yesterday afternoon. She is very exhausted now, so the vet tells us she is dehydrated despite her drinking water. Meanwhile I have a lot of pet bedding and our quilt to soak in the washing machine.
At times like this I need two washing machines to cope with the load because it isn’t just washing as normal, things have to soak in stain remover for many hours. That is part of the routine with gastrointestinal health problems even with humans.
At present we are waiting to hear back from the vet on Ruby’s health status. I am very anxious about the outcome. We love our little girl so much. Her sister Daisy is around me in spirit for comfort, I miss our little Daisy so much too.
I will post an update as soon as I know anything. The house is so quiet without Ruby Roo.
Update: Well Ruby is home resting now. She has special food to take mixed with water in a big syringe. If she tolerates this and starts eating that’s good but if not back to the vet for an ultrasound.
She had an X ray today and it didn’t show any blockage or obstruction so that is good news. Everything nasty has been ruled out other than colitis. So far though it looks like she is starting to respond. I won’t know really until the morning. Fingers crossed that she perks up.
Update: Tuesday 22 March,
Looks like Ruby is on the mend, by lunchtime she started to eat. But not doggie or cat food, oh no she wanted what we had. Then went and ate her food and a schmacko too. No flies on her lol. Barking at anything out the front door and being her usual self again. She still has a little toilet issues but so much better. It is such a relief to see her recovery.
23 January, 2022
How about Giraffe's kneecaps on toast?
Fussy eating 101, I offer the dog some food at breakfast. A serve of beef pet food, the nose goes up, I offer her chicken and the nose goes up. There is plenty dry food and the nose goes up again, it is sitting in her dish, but she ignores it. This is the dog that will only eat cat food too, bloody Gordon Ramsey mindset.
She thinks this is a gourmet hotel, Just as I open a pouch of Chicken; I can hear her little mind going I don't want that any Turkey? Just as well I hadn't opened a tin of tuna for her.
It's beyond me, everything I offer, it's; I don't want that one! Geez, how about Giraffe's kneecaps on toast Ruby? Too bad, we're all out of toast 😆😅
I am sure Ruby thinks she is a cat, she is so damned fussy and refusing to eat recently; and it's not been a hot summer so far. She is just being super fussy, just like a cat. I open some food and put it in her dish and leave it. She just casually strolls past, gives it a look of contempt and moves on. It's been going on for a few weeks too. Food goes off; if left for a few hours too. No point putting it in the fridge because she wont eat it if its been in the fridge.
It's hard to know what makes a dog or cat so fussy; just out of the blue; yet they will eat anything disgusting at the drop of a hat. Ruby wants whatever I am eating; and gives me that emotional blackmail look until I give her a little bit. But I don’t always allow her to get anything from my plate, so she knows that she can’t just come to me and scrounge from my plate. I can't even get a full cup of tea without her demanding some, and that is every cup of tea, well except herbal tea. Oh then there is the just for shit value, sniff the tea , give it a lick and walk away. Nah! I don’t want it now.
This is the dog that will try to get up on your shoulders to get your cup of tea if you are sitting in a lounge chair 🤣😂 Now if that isn’t a feline thing I don’t know what is 🤣🤣 our cats would climb onto our shoulders when picked up for a cuddle.
If this isn't bad enough, there are food shortages at the supermarkets too. Empty shelves are happening regularly now, including pet food. I am lucky that I don't have all of the cats that I used to have, because it would be difficult to secure enough food for all four plus Ruby right now. I just hope the food shortages are over soon; and more importantly our four legged Gordon Ramsey stops being a right little sod and just eats her food.
I bet at least one person reading this is laughing and thinking, "I have a dog/cat doing the exact same thing". Fur babies they are just so precious at times; yet they will eat cat poo any time they see it. 😩
20 November, 2021
Medication like a Boss ah tells ya!
Boy it can be hard giving medication to our fur babies. The high risk of bites or scratches add to the adrenaline rushed moment. Ah, but dogs are easier than cats. Just a huge dollop of peanut butter and stick that bad boy pill in the middle and woompha down the hatch it goes. Too easy 🤣🤣 well most of the time anyway 🤣🤣 I stopped using sandwich meat long ago as I get a better result with peanut butter and it’s cheaper lol.
I recently had Ruby at the vet to have her glands drained; as there is no way in hell that I will be dumb enough to do that with out all the padding that the police use to train police dogs. She is feisty with a capital F.
I give her half a human antihistamine tablet as advised by our vet, with a big dollop of peanut butter to soothe her itching and she takes it like a Boss. No harm done and I get to live to another day 🤪🤪 Not sure if other people in Australia are having problems with their poochies being itchy at present; with the strange weather and high pollen count. But my poor Ruby is scratching like crazy poor little girl; and I cut the grass regularly to make sure that there is nothing in the grass to make her itchy.
But there are plenty of pollen laden trees and flowers in the neighbourhood at present. In fact it is the worst season on record for pollen and allergies. I am in the middle of removing Forget me not flowers from the garden too as I had let them run wild this year. Bad idea to let them self seed; so now in between the rain I have to rip them out they may be part of the itching problem and the Forget me not seeds stick to everything imaginable.
We are getting a lot of rain and then out comes the sun and hey presto pollen! I am allergy central with dust, pollen and pet hair as it is and popping antihistamines daily and eye drops. But poor Ruby is scratching like a fleabag still; even a week after having her glands drained. So it’s daily antihistamines for her too until the itching stops.
It’s not much fun for our furry family members when life is made miserable with itching. Cats on the other hand don’t have the same issues as dogs as far as I know with pollen allergies. My cats were indoor cats for most of their lives and never had to worry about fleas or other nasties. Medicating them was a nightmare though, life saving medication twice a day in old age; and peanut butter just didn’t cut the mustard. They were gentlest kitties imaginable but when it came to medication they had the strength of a lion and I have the battle scars to prove it 🤣🤣 You suddenly learn you ain’t da Boss when giving a cat medication. Lacerated yes, Boss, no! But after the ordeal they were back to being lovingly affectionate kitties again and all is forgiven.
Giving a dog medication or worm tablet
24 August, 2021
The Chronicles of Ruby
Sitting here next to me on the printer, is one very smelly and wet little dog. Looking out the window to see what is going on out the front that she might take offence too. No birds, cats or dogs shall pass. A bit like the Monty Python Holy Grail, none shall pass. I can see it is going to be a long week if the rain and cold keeps up. How to entertain a small hyperactive dog when trying to get your work done Hmmm!
Chocolate Button Roo Roo!
We have had our little Ruby Rose, AKA Ruby Roo for a whole year now. The cats are still in shock too! She is a lovely little soul, so full of love and fun. However, mummy has her hands full, with this little ball of fur. I can not turn my back on her for two seconds, or leave anything on a table or the floor. Ruby may be small but, she can leap and bounce as if she has a pogo stick.
So far she has destroyed several shoes, several pairs of sunglasses, my reading glasses (which were 3 months old) My kindle and several tennis balls and soft toys. It is just the way Jack Russell's are I guess. My last one, Sparky never did any of this. So this is a shock to the system, having a canine terminator in the house. The cats are not having any of it either.
Thankfully all the kitties can get up high, to get away from her in a flash. Except poor old Tolstoy.
Not to worry, Tolstoy has now become 'Grumpy Cat", He just goes for her old school. Swipe with the claws, she doesn't even see it coming. "Ouch!" " he hit me mum, sort him out!"
For a three legged cat, he can move fast. Ruby knows how to push his buttons, and then run like hell.
Ruby has an unhealthy interest in kitty litter boxes. Sometimes she will hide a dog treat in the litter box. She leaves it there for a day or two. Then, just as Tolstoy goes to the litter box, BAM!
She is on him, like a fat boy on cake. All you hear is a horrible screeching and growling as she tries to drag Tolly off the litter box. What a din, Tolly then kicks her butt. I have to stop what ever I am doing, to run to the rescue.
Some days there is a cat fight at the OK- cat run! (we don't have a corral). Two cats happen to go in to the cat run for a little R and R, Via a cat flap in the window, so Ruby decides, hey this looks like fun, but then it turns ugly.
She is bailed up on the walk way and can't move. Yet again the faint calls of ....Muuuum!
Again I stop what I am doing, go out the back door, walk to the cat run and step inside to rescue her.
You know those days, when you have so much work to do, and so little time? Those days seem to be happening more often now. Just as you are at the computer, you get that feeling that it is too quiet.
A glance over my right shoulder confirms it, yup! Ruby roo strikes again. Shit, that looks like my kindle she has. I had left it on the bed side table. A moment of forgetfulness, and it costs me. Grrrrr!
As I get up off my chair, she is off like a scud missile down the hallway. Shoots under the side board,
with me running behind her, shouting, Ruby!....Chocolate button ruby! I keep a little jar of doggie chocolate drops for her near by, for moments like this. Yes there are lots of those moments in our house. I give her the treat, and I get my chewed up kindle back. The thing is trashed, bugger! Well that is a trip to the shop for a new one.
Daisy, my girl cat has a part time job as a floor mop and a duster. Ruby chases her and drags her along the floor. Daisy hisses and growls like a banshee. But when I break it up. Daisy just sits there waiting for Ruby to come back and do it again. It seems to me that they both get something out of it. Daisy can hold her own, don't you worry. This is the cat with 'tude! She will face off, to a dog any time.
We often joke that Daisy keeps a half brick in her handbag to slug the dog, or one of her feline brothers with. I have seen Daisy run after Garfield, her ginger kitty brother screeching and growling as if he is thumping her. Only to find when I go to investigate, she is chasing him. Next there is an orange and grey knot rolling through the lounge room into the bed room. It is like something out of a cartoon. Humans know better than to get in the way. Too many scratches to out feet and ankles now, so we leave them too it. Thankfully these days are very few now, as all the kitties are elderly, but by no means over all of this action packed matrix styled lifestyle. We do still get entertained by feline and canine stunts, evenings are the best time for the high drama at our house. We don't need the Hollywood action, fur fury is heaps better.
Now the hot weather is back, Ruby likes to play with a hose or sprinkler in the back yard. Try as I might to water my plants, she comes after the hose and wants to play with the water gushing out. She picks up the hose in her mouth and drags it around the garden, having little drinks as she goes.
Ruby has a little wading pool to play in, but it isn't the same as a sprinkler or a hose. I turn the water down to a slow trickle, and she seems to be happy with that. As long as she can drink from the hose and move it around she is happy. Funny little thing she is. I would be lost without her. She is pure love after all.
Introducing Miss Ruby Roo
It is my pleasure to introduce the latest member to our family. Ruby is a 10 week old Jack Russell terrier. We have been looking for a JR female for weeks. And now we have this lovely little girl, Ruby. We nick name her Ruby Roo. What a tornado she is, lol. We had forgotten what active little things puppies are.
our cats are in a state of shock at their new sister, hissing and growling, and the odd swipe with the claws. Slinky just takes it all in his stride, he is Mr Cool, the Morgan Freeman of Tabby cats. Garfield, is interested in her and teases her. However if Ruby gets excited she freaks Garfield out and he will hiss and swipe at Ruby. Poor little Ruby Roo doesn't understand what is going on. Being a Jack Russell she is hypo to the max, lol. She is not on good terms with Tolstoy at all. he hisses at her and chases her, claws at the ready. He has swiped her a few times and she just comes back for more. That is Jack Russell's for you though.
We made the one big mistake last night, we let her sleep in our bed! The cats all sleep on our bed every night. They just take it in shifts. We had vowed not to let Ruby into our bed, after having the other two dogs sleep there for 13 years. Oops!, She is just is soooo cute.
Originally posted on 10/9/2012
Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice
Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...

This year I am doing the predictions in short bursts and writing them down; and then reviewing them before I post them. Not as easy for me a...