Showing posts with label SPECIAL EVENTS AND THINGS TO DO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SPECIAL EVENTS AND THINGS TO DO. Show all posts

11 September, 2023

Remembering and honouring those that lost their lives in 9/11


Remembering and honouring the people who lost their lives on this day 22 years ago and honouring the families who lost their loved ones including those that came to the rescue including the rescue animals and later lost their lives. The memories live on in our hearts, you are not forgotten. 

Honouring Roselle the guide dog that helped save many lives. 🦮👨‍🦯

18 March, 2023

The Picnic Train is back in Canberra

Yay! This is a good fun outing, and there are bookings available for April for all you Easter Bunnies that love steam trains. When boarding the train try and get a seat opposite the platform because you will get a great view of the Gorge as you head out to Bungendore. It is a spectacular view and worth taking a video or photos. Kids will love this and have great memories of the day out for years to come. So why not take advantage of the opportunity. I do believe this is going to be an anual event as this is the second year after lockdown ended. I went last year and really enjoyed the atmpsphere with people waving to the train along the route. I garuntee this will put a smile on your face.


Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...