Showing posts with label NLP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NLP. Show all posts

03 March, 2021

We are all in this together....No, we’re bloody not!

 The continuous  COVID 19 advertising of the  “ We are all in this together “ is really irritating me . It is nothing more than propaganda programming complete with the Luciferin hand gesture of  “as above, so is below”. Two hands, one above the other, one facing down and one facing upwards.

The celebrities get in on the act with this occult spell /ritual sublimely programming the masses of the world with these adverts. I wonder how many celebs are members of the Luciferin ranks. I personally have no time nor respect for the people taking part in this propaganda or any occultism.

The hand gesture of  “as above, so is below” is a very old one, used in secret societies and in the occult/ New Age teachings. It is about polarities  or dualities; the spirit world and the physical world.

You may see this in banking adverts or financial and insurance adverts, some of which you will find on YouTube, including current COVID 19 adverts and infomercials. This is an in your face shot at the masses by those behind this great evil. It is not just China behind this as I have already commented on lightly in an other post. There are Western “interests” involved here from the get go.

I do not want to get involved in this other than to say all is not as it seems. And no we’re are not all in it together. The rich and powerful and celebrities have absolutely nothing in common with the rest of us. They are not doing it tough like us. It is downright naivety to believe this offensive nonsense they spout.

It must be wonderful to be self isolating in a multimillion dollar mansion on acreage, rather than a council flat without a garden. Imagine that if you have a young family and you are in lockdown. How on earth can these rich propagandists be able to sleep at night or look ordinary people in the eye, knowing full well, we have nothing in common with each other and never will.

Most of us are struggling through this world wide event and will suffer more with unemployment and the Depression induced to bring us down. This is no accidental Depression it is pre planned like all the others in human history. To believe otherwise is utterly stupid and naïve.

UPDATE Just to show you how out of touch with the public the rich and entitled really are. Who in their right mind or has any sense of decency and compassion says such a thing?

It is best to keep your stupid mouth shut and let people think you are an idiot, than open it and prove you are an idiot.

15 May 2020

01 March, 2021

NLP: Neuro Linguistic Programming Or Mind Control

Neuro-Linguistic Programming, think of those words, the mind being re programmed!

This is a practise that I highly disapprove of. I do feel though that a good psychic or clairvoyant should be able to feel on a clairsentient level that this is wrong. However we do not all pick up on everything. We are only human after all.

The only type of "healing" that a person should be given; if they actually want it, is spiritual healing, that also includes the cultural  version of spiritual healing  of a persons homeland such as Reiki as it was originally done. However one must be careful with this too and research it first. Check the source, the creator god is not what you want to be invoking. You will have your energy taken and will have health issues yourself should you be unaware of the vampire energy harvesting going on from the unseen world.

I know from experience and I have had to alter my healing technique.

A person cannot just decide to be a spiritual healer either. You are born a spiritual healer. It is not a get rich quick thing, you don't just learn it, the ability is already within you. You are just being shown how to use your abilities.

Theta healing is something else that I have nothing to do with it. As a Clairvoyant I just know these things without being told. However to the non  psychic or nor clairvoyant, it is not so easy to know, unless you research for yourself.

To me this NLP is sneaky  manipulation of your free will. When you look at the origins of this, you can see the intention right there. If a person can be manipulated so subtly like this it is no leap of imagination  to what else can be done.

This is everywhere, so be warned. Just think of when you are sitting watching TV for instance. Watch the hand movements, the head movements too. Is the left hand on top (left hand path) or the right hand on top (right hand path). The forced smile, the tone of voice and that nauseating fake laugh the presenters use. It is all buy, buy, buy. That is when I switch off.

No form of healing practitioner should discount proper medical treatment. I will always say, keep seeing your doctor and any specialist that you are seeing.

No healer should ever say that they can cure anything either. That is not our place to say so.

If it isn't purely spiritual I won't touch it and no one should, unless they want to get dragged down the dark path. Keep it honest, keep it pure and keep it simple. Or in other words tell the truth and shame the devil.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...