Showing posts with label METAPHYSICAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label METAPHYSICAL. Show all posts

19 January, 2025

Regrets are a waste of time

Regrets are a waste of time, they trap you in the past like a broken record that just keeps repeating. We must learn to disengage from the past. Focus on the current moment and keep looking forward, the mind has a habit of overthinking past events. It’s like a person that habitually keeps going to the cupboard looking for junk food and keeps craving what is not healthy. Regret is toxic energy that pulls you vibrational frequencies down and damages the aura with blockages. 

Break the unhealthy cycle whenever the thoughts come back into your mind. Use a mantra or phrase to snap out of the thoughts. It’s by no means easy, one must practice this every day until it becomes a routine.

You may like to visualise a specific symbol in your mind to help you break the cycle of regret "thinking". Whether it be visualising a stop sign or the word NO you visualise, whatever symbol that you find effective and works for you, keep going with it. Forward thinking is what you are looking for and not being stuck in the past. The past is gone and never coming back again. You are free from that time, you must give yourself permission to move on in freedom. Uplift your energy by taking control and disengaging from this negative pattern, unhappy or negative events from the past must never define you as a person. Many of these situations are not your fault and you should not feel guilty about things that you had no control over such as abuse, an overbearing parent, a bully or any other situation. 

Sometimes we only have limited ways to respond to situations and that is not our fault, especially if one was a child at the time. These experiences don’t define us, they can make us stronger once we understand better. Regardless of what happened regrets are a waste of time because we can’t change the past, it's over and done with. 

We can shape our present and future and there is room to grow as we move forward. Going over a situation in our minds over and over changes nothing, it holds you back in the past. It justs weighs down the soul and keeps ones frequency low, leading to health problems.  Let it go and move on.

Repeat the words, “let it go” and "move on" in your mind every time an intrusive thought keeps pulling you back into the unhappy person. As soon as you start to think of it situation. Think the words, let it go, and move on, visualise the symbol that resonates with you and do your mantra. This can unblock your chakras and heal you from your pain. This uplifts your bodies frequencies and restores equilibrium. 

Keep up the good work and watch the results come. Know that you are special, loving and valued as a human being. Your thoughts, feelings and emotions are valid just like everyone else’s. But do not keep staying stuck in the past, what was is not the now. If you want to grow and transcend from the past then you must move on. 

Heal and set yourself free, love the you and grow in your freedom.

Warm and fuzzy hugs


16 January, 2025

Monte Cristo House: House Ghost tour operator vows to continue legacy after famous Junee ‘haunted house’ closes to public

Monte Cristo Homestead was a big tourist attraction for the paranormal community, alas times are changing and it faces a new future. The facebook page is still available to look at for the time being where you can see photos of the grand house, or if you google the name you will find ghost stories on different websites in regards to the ghosts said to haunt the house. There are photos of the house interior on google images if you would like to see them too. Wikipedia page 

30 June, 2024

Human body healthy frequency rate

Higher frequency in the body, results in better health. It has been shown that a normal healthy body has a frequency of 62–72 mhz. When the body drops below this frequency, we begin to get into illness and disease states. For example, if our frequency drops to 58 mhz, then we are likely to get a cold or flu. If our frequency drops to 42 mhz, we become susceptible to cancer within the body. The lower the frequency, the closer we are to death. Death starts at 25 mhz. The human body should be alkaline to be healthy also, when it turns acidic that is when illness happens. 

Actually this article states that Blue Idaho Spruce essential oil has a frequency of only 428 mhz, yet I have seen it mentioned as 580 mhz, which seems to be the more common number online. Spiritual work needs to have a high frequency, I use Rose essential oil (320 mhz), Frankincense (147 mhz) and Spikenard and was used by Jesus  (I know this has a very high frequency but I can't find my notes on this, so I am googling it).

 Surprisingly some of the oils used for spiritual protection are not that high , but in biblical times I would say the oils used were also as an antiseptic. 

963 mhz is known as the god frequency which activates the pineal gland. Now despite the megahertz of these oils, they have been used in spiritual practices for centuries and obviously do the job Ancient shamans and spiritual practitioners have always known what herbs and oils for their cultures to use for spiritual protection and assisting in their practices. Lets not forget the Catholic church always used incense in resin during certain religious ceremonies. These incenses are to ward off negative energy as well as purification. 

I found this in draft from 2021 😕

Not sure what I did, but the white behind the text is a nuisance, not the first time this has happened on my blog, lol. I think I must have started in WP originally and did a cut and paste. 

02 June, 2024

Black Spruce Essential Oil,its%20opening%20and%20elevating%20quality.&text=Holmes%20states%20that%20inhaling%20black,the%20level%20of%20the%20soul.

I came across this article today when looking up spiritual usage of essential oils for my personal use. I am aware of the high frequency of  Idaho Blue Spruce, which is rather expensive and not always available in Australia. The frequency is the highest of the essential oils that I am aware of at a phenomenal 580 MHz. So the Black Spruce would also have a high frequency and is a good option for psychic work, whether you use it in an oil burner or in a massage oil or whatever you want to use it in. Please be mindful of any sensitivity to the oil and read up on the do’s and don'ts of any essential oil that you are using.

As luck would have it, my new oil guy actually has this oil. Actually, Max was my very first essential oil retailer in Canberra, way back in the late 1990's and he had moved out of town many years ago. So I came across Bonvale Creations and stuck with them until John retired. John actually recommended Essentials of Australia to his customers and what a surprise I got to find out that this was my original supplier. I couldn’t be more pleased. I intend to stay with this supplier until he retires. By that time I will probably retire myself, lol. 

By the way $9.90 for 18mls is pretty good. The oils come in different sizes, just click on the box that says, size and you will see the different options available. 

Enjoy your reading and enjoy your oils.


10 January, 2024

Blue crystals and blue clothes

Lately I have had the urge to wear a lot of blue including blue crystals, Angelite, Sodalite and Lapis Lazuli in particular. I have worn shades purples and pinks with either white or black for years. But over the past few months I am really drawn to blue. This is a very strong pull I might add, you know like when you just can’t stop being attracted to a certain colour. 

Isn’t it funny how we get strong pulls to wear particular colours suddenly. I recall my mother being told by a psychic, that I would wear a lot of blue 40 odd years ago. I was in my early 20’s then, wow such a long time ago. I did have a light sky blue mohair jumper that I wore to death back then but always loved purple shades and pink. So here I am filling my wardrobe with blue, but it has to be particular shades of blue,  I can’t stand turquoise, it has to be proper cold colours. The occasional pastels will do in summer though. 

These colours in the crystals below are more of the blues that I resonate with. Blue on a spiritual level is related to spirituality, calmness, peace, serenity, communication, integrity, intuition, healing, truth, confidence, power and wisdom. Blue is also related to the elements water and air, the star sign Libra (that’s me 🤣) Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces. 

The colour blue is aligned to both healing, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, and the third eye or crown chakra.the shades of blue are different thought the darker blue of sodalite is correlated to the throat chakra and the head chakra is 

                                               Pretty Angelite bracelet 

Angelite is a peaceful energy attuned to spiritual energy and relates to the throat, third eye and crown chakra. It assists in communication, calmness and dispelling fear, anger and anxiety. Don’t get this wet. 

I checked in my Crystal Bible volume 1 by Judy Hall, and this stone assists with learning Astrology and mathematics. Isn't that interesting?  This stone is not in the original, Crystal hand book by Ken Sullivan  which is an excellent book to have in your collection. I always use that book for a quick reference.

Angelite is connected to Aquarius.

Read the instructions in the link.,the%20astrological%20sign%20of%20Aquarius.


                                          Sodalite chip necklace courtesy of

Sodalite, used for logic, rational thinking and aligned to the throat chakra, enlightenment and broaden knowledge.  Beneficial in helping people be more objective and less critical. It is said to be useful in combatting the effects of both natural and artificial radiation for those who work around x ray equipment or radioactive material. Very beneficial for acupuncturists.

Sodalite is connected to Sagittarius 

                     (compliments to Natures Magik, I really love this crystal)

Blue Lace Agate

This beautiful shade of Blue Agate is lovely and soft, just the sort of soft blue tones that I love; which haronises with my Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite necklaces. Celestine is another on that looks similar to Angelite.

Blue Lace Agate is a healing stone with soft energy, its calming and cooling and works with the throat chakra. Assisting in self expression, dispeling anger. Dispelling old patterns of repression. A lovely crystal to use spiritually to bring about peace within you. 

Astrologically this stone has an afinity with Gemini and Pisces, as the blue colour relates to both air and water.

I just love the soft femanine feel of this crystal and to wear it with something to show off its beauty is a must. 


Lapis Lazuli used for the third eye, mind, body and spirit connection and purity. It is a cleansing stone for the respiratory system, throat, lungs and the nervous system. It also assists with blood purification and boosts the immune system. Its main function is for the mind and mental function. Lapis Lazuli is also a powerful thought amplifier. Know to increase psychic abilities and opening the third eye. 

Care is important in where to wear this stone, such as near the throat as possible, it must be used with great caution and care. It should be placed above the diaphragm and brings forth the individual’s inherent abilities and enhances their abilities. 

Lapis Lazuli is connected to Taurus, Aquarius and Sagittarius star signs. 

                                                                   Kyanite in light blue

Kyanite comes in a few colours this is the light blue version which has a lovely shimmer to it.
This crystal holds similar properties to the other blue crystals mentioned here, this one is my own which sits in my office or is worn in a little pouch. While this crystal has calming abilities, it is a healing crystal said to lower blood pressure, relieve pain, assisting with trauma, aids dream recall. it is a communication stone or crystal like all these blue crystals it assists communication and therefore good in the office or in communicating with others clearly. Again it is aligned to the throat chakra.

Kyanite is associated with Aries, Taurus and Libra.

Colours are a wonderful way of showing your personality and bring happiness to the person wearing the chosen colour and also may attract other people who are like minded or on the same frequency that you are resonating with. Colour is there to enjoy and enhance our lives as we interact with others. 

12 October, 2023

Robert Seperh: Edgar Casey the sleeping prophet on Atlantis

 Notice the mention of the different races of humans, we are all hybrids of different star races there was no out of Africa and science can definitely prove this now. This was a way of shutting down any uncomfortable questions and debate about the origins of man in modern history and partly because these scientists didn’t know the origins themselves. Yet many ancient cultures knew of the Star people that came here, the Dogon people (as in the star Sirius aka the Dog Star in Canis Major ) of Africa and the indigenous Hopi peoples of the Americas knew of them and mentioned the Ant people in particular that lived deep underground thousands of years ago that hid there from a cataclysm before Atlantis was destroyed. Those familiar with the Wes Penre Papers will understand the importance of this information. Pay attention to the names mentioned here and you’ll see that they are relevant to modern day because throughout western world culture the use of certain star names occurs in Hollywood, official sources such as government agencies and the media. This is no coincidence including military vessels, aircraft and spacecrafts and satellites bear names that are astrological in origin. 

The earth apparently gets cleared every so many millions of years, and re-seeded. However I don’t think there has been so many people on this earth previously. I believe that we are currently going through a tipping point again but not the same way as before, not that we actually know what really happened in the past other than what was left to us by the great philosophers and historians in the ancient world. Astrologically and Spiritually speaking Humanity only gets to evolve to a certain point and then we have a reset. I don’t know how long that actual process takes but I would hazard a guess that it’s over a few thousand years building up to a clearing phase and restructure of society. I also don’t think it is actually the entire planet is wiped out, it’s more likely localised regions as with the story of Atlantis. Whether by natural disaster, famine,  disease or warfare or perhaps all of these over a period of time. 
 Astrological speaking, events can be in thousands of years shaping the world and our behaviour. Astrological and astronomical cycles do affect the entire universe and all life after all. 

I feel that factions of the Atlantean people brought evil into the world via their priesthood and perhaps even their royalty bringing it first into Ireland and Europe and then into ancient Egypt and Babylon with survivors spreading out over centuries to get to Egypt hence the red haired white skinned pharaohs. These were not native peoples to Egypt and this has been mentioned in history, these pharaohs came from the west. Some say they originated in Ireland but I would be more inclined to say their origins are in Atlantis and then into Ireland. Our modern royal families with their red hair and O negative blood are from these  Atlantean bloodlines and the off planet rulers of this earth from thousands of years ago in our ancient past. These are the gods that were revered, a narcissistic star race with a very violent history. Why else would we have ancient people so focused on the Orion galaxy and all the ancient cultures that have venerated this particular area of the night sky? 
The pyramids built around the world including Europe, Newgrange in Ireland, Stonehenge,  are also aligned to Sirius and Orion for that reason. 

04 October, 2023

Wes Penre: Q and A Session #1 October 2023

Lol, #3 There are some really stupid people out there, a ghost is just an electrical imprint which eventually fades over time. Think about the centuries old ghost of Catherine Howard that people have seen in Hampton court in England, the ghost is now fading and now only part o her ghost is seen by witnesses.

I have read about similar ghosts in historical places in England that are now fading away and only part of them is visible such as the top half. Energy eventually becomes depleted and thus no more ghost. We are all bio electrical beings. 

09 August, 2023

Wes Penre: Orion book 1 and 2 Q and A session 5

In the last question when mentioning the Akashic records and energy being stored. I can tell you that on a psychic level energy is stored on items that belong to a person. That is why we psychic people are able to read from personal items belonging to people. That ability is called psychometry and is part of the Clairtangence ability. I have had to clear energy from items that belonged to people who have died because the person was attached to the item including a very dangerous person that had died. If you go into the index of this blog look for the labels psychic experiences and articles by Alex.

You will see a few posts of my experiences of deceased people who are attached to items but also the living people when I read an item belonging to them. Jewellery is a common thing for our energy to be stored on but so are crystals. As I was reading question 6 Atlantis popped into my mind because the people of Atlantis used crystals as part of their technology and in temples. The reason for me knowing about the temples is, when I was a child of 6 or 7 I had a flashback to life in Atlantis. That is mentioned in a blog post about my psychic experiences. It is not something that one forgets because it is a memory and poof of life from a past lifetime. 

11 July, 2023

Wes Penre: Orion book 1 and 2 Q and A Session 1

Some good stuff here, with the last question in particular I highly recommend the books of Ralph Ellis. He goes into deep detail on the family bloodline and there are some rather interesting revelations.

03 July, 2023

Full Buck Moon tonight

 Tonight is the night to put your crystals out in the moon light to charge. However it may be quite cloudy overnight. 

I think I will just wash mine in water and smudge them because I don’t fancy going out in the freezing night air. We are expecting rain tomorrow too so my advice if you live locally is just wash your crystals under the cold tap and if inclined; smudge them too especially if other people touch them. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs 🤗 🤗🤗

14 June, 2023

Wes Penre: From the dying moment to exiting through the grid

Please take the time to read this, however if you have not read any of Wes’s work then you need to do that or this will be very confusing for you. I have all of the links to Wes’s work on this blog with his name tag on the bottom right hand side of the list of posts.

One thing in regards to dementia sufferers that I can tell you about from my experience is, I saw with my late mother in law suddenly appear in my house at random times for a while before she died. She didn’t say anything to me just standing in front of me but she felt like she was asleep. For almost a year she kept just appearing between my lounge room and kitchen which is a large open plan room. It was as if she was in a portal and just fixed to the spot. 

Not doing anything other than standing perfectly still almost like a hologram. I assumed that she had fallen asleep in her nursing home and was out of body and somehow remembered my house. But it felt very strange. I don’t think she could actually see me or know where she was. There was a blank look on her face. Which is not like her, she was a warm and funny person easy to talk to and always had a smile on her face we got on very well and I was very fond of her. 

People in spirit are often much bigger than they were in physical life, and I have seen a man attending his own funeral as I was passing by with a lady that knew him. I told her his face was taking up the whole sky as he was watching the mourners leave the church to go to the cemetery. The man had a big smile on his face as he watched over the mourners. 

When we exit the grid expect to be much bigger than what you are in the physical world. We can change our appearance by thought, because spirit is thought reactive. You can choose to be invisible too, that is something that people in spirit can do regardless of being in the matrix or outside the matrix. I have seen spirit beings shield themselves many times using a white shimmer or a blue shimmer of light. My mother used to do this when my father was doing healing on people. A relative on my sister in law’s side of the family used a blue light shield to let me know they were standing next to my little nephew years ago. The person felt male and tall but would not show me who they were. Only they were a guide for my nephew.

I feel the more time we train ourselves to get used to exiting the grid we will be more confident and comfortable with the task. Most people reading the Wes Penre books will be young so they have plenty time to have the intentions filter through the astral realms. But I would not worry about it too much, because as long as you are focused and have firm intentions then you can do this in the blink of an eye. Like Wes said don’t second guess, one single thought and hold onto to it. I am exiting the grid now. 

As you don’t recall what the other side of the grid looks like don’t form an image in your mind because that can cause confusion. Once through the grid call on your higher self and ask where do I need to be now. I personally don’t trust the Orion queen. But once through the grid I will see what thoughts and memories come to me. I would shield myself and make myself invisible to others until I feel confident and aware of my surroundings too. I am a very cautious individual and will keep my own counsel until I understand what the situation is. It is a new adventure and my focus is healing myself and creating a nature environment for myself to heal. That is my priority at this stage anyway. Safety and healing making the transition from the physical body to an energy body is a big change which one needs time to adjust to. 

04 May, 2023

02 May, 2023

Science Alert: Mysterious Surge of Activity Detected in The Brains of Dying People

Interesting how they get lucky catching these experiences at random times. It is a tricky thing to have the scientific equipment in use at the right moment but it may not happen in every single case. I guess it will be a mystery for a while longer. 

07 January, 2023

Seeing a Scottish soldier in spirit

 Over the past two or three days I have been seeing a world war 1 Scottish soldier in spirit. He has popped  up at random times such as when I have been in bed or getting out of bed in the morning, including when I was in the shower this morning. He is wearing a Glengarry hat with the red and white chequered or diced pattern head band; which some Scottish military regiments wear as part of their uniforms, some wear a Tam O’ Shanter style hat. 

At first I wondered if the soldier was something to do with an old Scottish school friend as her father was in the army as a career soldier. Then as the soldier came into frame more, I noticed his kilt was a red and green tartan and a military sporn over his kilt. The sporn had white on it no doubt it was tassels as I said the vision was very quick and not all clear. I was not able to see the tartan clearly as it happened so fast but I was aware of the colours red and green. I sometimes only get a split second look at the person from head to toe in spirit,  I did also notice he was wearing white or very light coloured gaiters which some Scottish regiments still wear. 

I also could see him in what could have been a trench, and he seemed to be loading a shell into a field gun. This man is letting me know that he is around me in spirit at present as a guardian, so I can rule out him as trying to communicate something to my friend. I can’t get a name at this stage, perhaps I might later. I have not had anyone come through for me personally for a while other than my paternal grandfather; who has popped in recently but not saying anything, though I am aware why he is visiting me. Something must be happening in the spirit world for this to be happening, I will just have to wait and see what happens in the near future. 

Above is a traditional Glengarry, similar to what the soldier in spirit was wearing. 

This is the photo is the closest that I can find online; to show what the soldier looked like in uniform. However I don’t think he wore a white belt, just the jacket and I could not see any rank or anything else to inform me of his regiment or anything important. 

06 December, 2022

Wes Penre: Q and A session 2022, 1 December

Apart from reading ALL of the Wes Penre Papers, read other books, because Jesus in the bible is definitely not the same as the real person. The Jesus in the bible is pure fabrication and manipulation by a  team of scholars over thousands of years editing, redacting and obfuscating historical facts. 

Jesus is referred to under multiple names in the bible and and was an actual king of Egyptian and Parthian/ Persian ancestry. His great grandmother was Cleopatra the 7th . 

I personally do not have all the answers, neither does Wes or anyone else that is seeking these vital answers. The answers must come from within when the seeker is in tune with themselves/higher self. I personally don’t accept the Orion concept it is just too naïve for my liking. The entire universe is not what we think it is, nor is it a hundred percent safe. 

 And as I have pointed out so many times, channeled information is not trustworthy because it comes from within the heavily controlled matrix. I am speaking from personal experience and am not fooled by an archonic entity that tells me it is a guide, a master guide etc. This is an entity with a huge ego and is nothing but an archon. Like most “beings “ that communicate via channeling; and there is absolutely no way that anyone cane prove that the entity is who they says they are.  The said entity knows exactly how to manipulate and control a human ego too. Humans are far to naïve to be dealing with these entities who have millions of years of technology, and knowledge at their finger tips.

I have seen and experienced this many times over the years, however those that intend to go down that path will bear the consequences in the end. This is a subject not to be taken lightly either, it is not cool or fun to channel, it can be dangerous and can cause mental health problems. Once you get a liking for channeling; you can draw in entities that are far more clever than you and that’s where the problems can start. The ego human is a weakness  when it comes to channeling so keep that in mind. 

26 August, 2022

Wes Penre: The Orion creation story according to the Wes Penre Papers part 3

Transcript Video format

Notice the comments about the Big Bang theory from the 1960’s. This is what I was shown by spirit and I blogged about this in my old blog in  August 2018. I had absolutely no knowledge of this scientific theory either. For the record I want nothing to do with the Wingmakers stuff, it has a very bad vibe including the art and music. 

I am very sensitive to this art and music and I don’t feel this is beneficial to anyone. I feel that it will take a person into a dangerous situation or direction. I don’t advise getting involved with Wingmakers information. I have passed my concerns on to Wes a few years ago and the experience that I had with the vibrational frequency that created this universe. I do keep records of all my communication with Wes and other people in regards to my blog and my psychic experiences etc.

23 August, 2022

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 2 August 2022

Above is the written format, below is the video format.

Like Wes says, you need to read the Wes Penre Papers to fully understand everything he is saying. I was lucky to print off all of his books as they came out including Synthetic Supper intelligence. I do recommend people buy that book from Amazon because it has very important information in it that equates to our current situation forward. If people don’t want to learn how to avoid reincarnation then there is nothing to be done about that, it’s their call. Do not take on other people’s worries or hold yourself back because of others that won’t make an effort to help themselves. That is not helpful to anyone, our first responsibility is to ourselves at point of physical death. 

Remember many people are selfish in this world and they don’t like to see others advancing spiritually. Spiritually on this earth has a very cult like mentality and far from real spiritually. How can it be anything else in such a low vibrational frequency? Work on yourself without getting involved with what new age spirituality is encouraging, that is a road to nowhere other than back into the same false light. 

I don’t even bother trying to explain this to anyone these days. They tend to think they know it all or know better than me. Knock yourself out then if you know it all, it’s free will. 

15 August, 2022

Spiritual cleansing in the shower

 This is what I do every day when I have a shower, it is something that anyone can do to stop any negative energy building up in the etheric field. 

I am cleansing my entire body and my entire aura, removing all dis-ease, evil and negativity from my entire body and entire aura. Cleansing my entire body and entire aura and removing all dis-ease evil and negativity. Washing it away down the drain to be transmuted and returned to mother earth. By my will so may it be, and it is so.

I say this three times as this is important when dealing with spiritual energy, as in third time 's the charm, the trinity and three levels of consciousness. Water carries very powerful energy as does our intent. Most metaphysical and spiritual  practitioner's are able to tune in to spirit in the shower or near water because humans are 70% water. Not just does water carry an energy signature and it is a spiritual energy amplifier. This is why some people need to be at the beach or around water to feel energised and grounded.

 It is common for mediums to hear spirit when we are having a shower many psychic people tune themselves in to spirit in the shower each day. But this can cause a problem for other family members and really you should not do this if other people in the house have to share the same shower because it can make the other people dizzy and have unpleasant effects. 

Best to just stick to cleansing your aura in the shower and then ground and tune in to spirit in a different room.  When doing any spiritual meditation and energy work it is very important to gold light the room before and after. People that may be new to the spiritual world need to learn about spiritual and psychic protection and cleansing. These are vital for your well-being and safety. As is closing down the room after you are doing anything of a spiritual one psychic/metaphysical nature. You do not want to leave an energy portal open as this is very dangerous.  Please look at my psychic protection and grounding posts for some methods.

I also have warnings about creating entities and the unintended consequences of things such as Tulpas. Be wise and be safe and stay right away from things that are dangerous such as spells and rituals, because you are dealing with forces much more cunning than you can possibly imagine and they can and will turn on you at any time. Too many people get into danger with meddling with things that they don’t fully understand and are way out of their league. So please stay safe and within safe boundaries. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs 🤗 

29 June, 2022

My Crystal Ball


I love this Crystal ball, I use this from time to time when doing readings or just when I want to do some scrying to focus. The base is three hares made from pewter.  A crystal is useless if it is clear, it must have inclusions for it to work properly. Not like the ones that one sees on TV, which a just props with absolutely no energy  and made of glass. This is clear quartz which is used in amplifying energy.

                                                           The spare or stand by

                                              The baby crystal ball on a pewter butterfly stand

28 May, 2022

Wes Penre: Video 303 Q and A session 100

The pdf written version 

With regards to Orion, don’t you think it is odd that a film company uses that name? I do, and have noticed things on tv logos and other things that suggest that this industry has people in the know on such things. I personally don’t share the same opinion as Wes on this matter. My intuition tells me something is very wrong here. I still feel it is good cop bad cop BS. I will stay reserved on this issue. format 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...