Showing posts with label EMILY’S LIST. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EMILY’S LIST. Show all posts

13 May, 2022

JP Sayers: They banned abortion, Everything you need to know Watch the video all the way through and read the comments.

Truth is often disguised as humour. Gates parents are well known eugenicists and so the concept or belief is still around for Bill Gates to be seen promoting it.  The rules only apply to the working classes though. Eugenics was a popular belief all over the western world from the late 19th century onwards most of the wealthy people though it was right; up to WW2 and obviously many still do (selective breeding). It’s absurd though because many of them are inbred and are not as mentally stable as ordinary people. Humans are no different to animals in saying that the purer the bloodline the higher the risk of defects.  Some of the seriously rich believe in keeping bloodlines clean and the female bloodline is vital to keeping the elite alive and in control. This has gone on since the dawn of time really. It just didn’t become public knowledge until the 20th century.

The hysterical  female in the video screeching about abortions is utterly disgusting. Who in their right state of mind does this, you can bet your ass she was indoctrinated at university. Did you know planned parenthood are behind the political group EMILY’S list? And find it perfectly acceptable to perform late term abortions and will endorse female politicians that joint EMILYS list and financially support them to further their political careers. 

The baby does feel every bit of pain in late term abortion, being ripped apart literally. One must question the mindset of any individual that participates in such a horrific murder but also neglects to tell the poor woman what she will have to endure as well as the poor baby feeling every part of its cruel death.The baby is not given any pain relief and you can find videos online showing this however I do not recommend viewing these videos.

Bear in mind these “females” endorsing abortions and especially late term abortions have never had to go through this horrific suffering or they would not be the militant wicked creatures they are. They are anti life and anti women, bitter and full of rage through manipulation and indoctrination. No normal thinking woman acts like this.

If you have the courage then research this abomination of evil then do so. Again I must stress, I don’t recommend looking at the videos though because they are horrific. Terminations are done for various reasons, but after 12 weeks I don’t think it is the right thing to do, I feel for any woman that is in this situation and sympathies with them. But it really depends on the health issues of mother and baby when the procedure is done. Late term termination is absolutely wrong and very, very dangerous to the mother and the poor little baby.The mother is often left traumatised after such a horrible experience and deserving of our love and compassion. These poor women are manipulated into going through late term abortions with absolutely no real idea of what it really entails. Please do not hate these poor women, they are victims of abuse by very evil and devious individuals with a clear agenda. These ladies have absolutely no idea about the agenda. 

We are living in such sick and disgusting times and people are deliberately pitted against each other. For those with an esoteric education the reasons are obvious and highly disturbing. We must be very careful as to choosing a side if at all. Karma is automatically activated if one takes sides with anything on this earth. Karma though is a deliberate artificial construction to enslave the soul of the unaware and unless you have a sound esoteric education then you may be tricked into believing and accepting this evil manipulation of innocent souls. I will remind you again this world or reality is a very negative and very low vibrational frequency that we are locked into. It is not for the betterment of humanity, more the opposite and for multiple reasons. Thus a good esoteric education is needed to call the ferryman’s bluff.

03 March, 2021

EMILY’S LIST member Kamala Harris 

You all ok with late term abortions? Obviously you Democrat voters are, along with Kamala Harris. If you did a little research you would have uncovered this like I just did. You don’t get the financial backing from this organisation  unless you are ok with late term abortions. Think about that one! Don’t make any excuse for this, there is none. 

Australian women have joined in this vile act of evil too, especially those in politics. I have put the links on my old blog to the Australian EMILYS list years ago. As long as these women get what they want, they will do anything to get to the top of the dung heap. 

Why don’t you look up the videos on late term abortions? It will make you sick. The unborn babies are not given pain killers either. Remember a baby can be born at eight months and earlier and survive. They are living sentient beings and do feel pain and react to emotional distress in the womb as well as physical pain. I know I have had three pregnancies. Ever heard of fetal distress? Of course a baby at the second and third trimester feels, thinks and reacts to stimulation. 

What sort of person could perform such a monstrous barbaric act? Forget religion, just focus on the actual act of late term abortions. It is horrendous and most women unfortunate enough to have to go through  late term abortion are distressed by what they and the babies suffer. They should never be put in such a horrible inhuman situation in the first place, nor should it be politicised. 

 It says so much about what sort of woman or human beings will do for power. But hey it’s just business. Have a look through the listing. 

I personally am not anti abortion, I just feel that it should not be done in the third trimester, as I feel the babies are fully developed sentient beings that feel and think. It is up to the individual women  to say what they want, as long as they have all the relevant information, including what can go wrong.  My heart goes out to any woman that has to have a pregnancy terminated. They should not be made to feel guilty or ashamed. None of us have the right to judge them. Every woman’s circumstances are different and they are entitled to privacy and respect. Please read through this for an understanding on the medical information. I have no religious or political interest in this subject only medical and the well-being of the women and unborn babies. Read this report please. Biden on record as anti abortion, Harris gets on his case about it. Yes, this is a woman’s choice, it is a human right, to have safe access to a termination, however there needs to be a safe cut off point on medical grounds. I don’t feel the third trimester is safe. So why are they not making more effort to ensure that the termination is done before the end of the second trimester? It all comes down to money, politics and religion, the three evils of this earth.

26 February, 2021

EMILYS List Are You OK With This? I Am Not.

Take a long hard look at the names of famous people on this list. I am shocked to see so many names here. I doubt if most of them understand what it is really all about. The con is calling this Pro-Choice, which is really nothing more than avoiding using the "abortion " word. It is Feminist/Communist/anti-family and anti-humanity, just like all the other Rothschild/Rockefeller plots.

I also recommend that you learn what agendas 21 of the UN Charter is all about, in a nutshell it is Eugenics. We have all heard of that and of the NWO reducing the world population by two thirds. That is established fact.

This is vile and evil beyond belief. To start with to be a member of this organization, you must be OK with putting a woman and baby through late term abortion. That is the condition of being given the grant for your political career. No if's or buts. DO YOU KNOW, what it is like to go through the hell of late term abortion and the emotional suffering from there after?

Why don't you ask the poor women that have had the misfortune and suffering that goes with it. To put any human being through late term abortion is disturbing. No one wants to go through with a late term abortion. Sometimes it has to be done for medical reasons, but not just for the hell of it, pardon the expression.

What is also horrible now in Australia, is making women suffer when going through a miscarriage. They make you go full term with the dead foetus. I know a few women that this has happened to. It almost happened to me 13 years ago at 13 weeks pregnant. But I stood firm and demanded that they do a D and C on me as I was not going home to eventually pass a foetus into my toilet. Never, ever let the doctor push you out the door like that, too many things can go wrong, including infection. It is a violation of your rights too.

The evil people pushing all this monstrous crime against women are Social Engineers, without morals and without one shred of compassion. This is a crime against women and children. It is a crime against Humanity.
Who else but Satanists  would be behind this evil.

Don't get me wrong, it is a woman's right to end a pregnancy if she feels she needs to. It is her business and hers alone. While the new agers misleadingly say, " the spirit world frown upon abortions, they are compassionate and do understand". That is untrue, this spirit world doesn’t care one way or the other. The reason being is if you read my other posts is, the "spirit world" it is not what humans have been misled into thinking it is, supposedly all unicorns, rainbows and harps.  It is a soul trap!

The spiritualists teach, the soul is not permanently seated in to the Human body until the child is 5 years old, I cannot honestly verify if there is any proof that a child’s soul is not permanently seated in the physical body, but I have been witness to the teachers or instructors stating this, and told it has to do with free will. Be that as it may, sometimes  something goes wrong and the soul cannot incarnate, we honestly do not have true and verifiable answers , spiritually speaking.

But please do not feel guilty if you have to terminate a baby. That soul will go back to spirit for a while and then work out where it goes from there. However, it is best to do the termination early and not late term, or the baby will feel pain and distress and so will you I am sorry to say. So be gentle and do not be eaten up with anguish.

Getting back to EMILY'S list, please read up on the cold hard political facts of this and then talk to the women that still suffer from this trauma. Do you care? Do you have the guts to ask them how they feel?

I lost a baby at 13 weeks and I know the suffering that I had. My mother in-law lost a baby due to medical negligence at full term. That is something she never got over. By law when a baby is stillborn after 26 weeks the parents have to go through a funeral. In the case of late term abortion, it is up to the parents to decide. Either way, it is so very sad. These women and the unborn babies deserve love and compassion.

I have just seen a photo of an aborted foetus on Facebook today, which prompted me to write this post. This is my 3rd post on EMILY'S LIST, in the past 12 months. I feel very strongly about politicians supporting this for their own selfish political agenda. It is nothing more that sick and evil.

These politicians should be outed and earn their job the hard way like other MP's. It is a disgrace, and they are the lowest form of men and women, to support such a horrible political agenda as this.

Like I said it is purely political, it has nothing to do with the unfortunate women that are being manipulated, by the forces of evil into making a decision that they regret in the end. These politicians don't even know the women, they do not visit them and offer love and compassion, why would they? is the Aussie EMILY's List. Look at the list of names to know what sort of individuals you are voting for, Australia.

While I am no fan of Mr Makow, I do agree with some of his articles. Please look through the list of what he has here. This is all factual.


Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Thursday, 6 December 2012

EMILYS List, Are You OK With This? I Am Not.

UPDATE: Note the original post was from 2012 on my old blog. There are links that have been removed on this but there are some still intact. If the owners of EMILY'S List need to hide things what does that tell you? 20/5/2023 

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