18 October, 2024


 Hello everyone around the world. It's that time of year again to do my psychic predictions. Kicking off the 2025 psychic predictions starting with Australia first. 2025 is a number 9 year, which means endings and new beginnings. It is also the year of the Wood Snake.

The number 9 covers limits, strength, completion, temporary stability, humanitarianism, philanthropy, solitude, security, wisdom, the unconscious/ consciousness mind, pregnancy, attainment, accomplishment and even pregnancy.

Astrologically the number 9 relates to the 9th house of the zodiac, of which the ruling sign is Sagittarius (understanding) Which covers religion, freedom, philosophy, scholarship, justice and generosity. However the negative effects are hot headedness, argumentative, bluntness, impatience, procrastination and exaggeration. The ruling planet is Jupiter (expansion ). This tells us the year is about law and order, and finances, which I picked up as I opened the tarot deck to start my predictions. 

So let me explain a little bit of information first. There are 3 houses of life in the zodiac, 1, 5 and 9.  As a house of life the 9th house rules the mind and spirit, hence it rules religion, the super conscious, spirituality. The 9th house covers philosophy, higher learning, distant travel, law and also in-laws. 

The ruling planet is Jupiter, the great benefic, which has a 12 year cycle. It is benevolent with the protective urge.

Interestingly among the body parts Jupiter rules is the right ear. This is the ear that I have activated when working with spirit. I get a strong energy in my right ear as I tune in every day.This lets me know that I am tuned in to spirit. Jupiter also rules fatty tissues, the pancreas and upper forehead. 

 Jupiter rules big business, wealth, prosperity, the higher mind, higher education and reasoning, It also promotes health and growth. Jupiter is the law maker, the judge and helper. This sets the theme for 2025.

For Australia in 2025 there is a very sensitive energy, it is emotional and has Neptune energy infused, so one needs to be tuned in to the under emotional current of the Australian psyche, which is erring at times on the side of naivety and gullibility. This is due to global politics at present, things will settle down soon though.  The Australian public needs to be a little bit more objective with what is in the media and monitor their reactions accordingly. 

Australia is known for being a very compassionate nation, and is always there to help others in need, and this can be taken advantage of. Unfortunately the government does occasionally neglect the needs within its own borders and has to be reminded of that fact.

Government reform is highlighted for 2025 as this year is about law and order, being a number 9 year. 

People need to keep their emotions under control this year, there seems to be a lot of provocation and tension building up with the public, and the government must step up to hold this in check. Expect protests and people being hot under the collar for various reasons. The cost of living is still hurting ordinary people and so they are understandably tense as they struggle to survive and support their families. I do feel that the government will step up with more financial assistance here, remember this is a federal election year too. So money will be dished out to ensure the public vote them back in. 

Make no mistake the public are not in a good place right now and are quick to anger for many reasons.  Mostly to do with the cost of living, homelessness and religious conflicts, immigration, the health system and crime. People will push back against the government's inaction on serious issues. There are however people that are closed off and unwilling to listen to reason and the government needs to pay more attention to these individuals, especially extremists like the far right and far left. 

This year people will be cutting back on electricity, as in not using air conditioning to cool their homes because of the cost of electricity. This is just so unfair and adds to the already tense living conditions faced by many. Which will result in frayed tempers and more violence.

The good news is though, there will be a major turning point in the economy for Australia. So financial relief is on its way. 

 The federal government will be working very carefully to keep the economy under control and think very carefully over the actions it takes politically.  

 Business will also start to make a turn around, slowly but steadily. This is the effect of Jupiter and the number 9. 

Defense in 2025 will be a big priority, with the Royal Australian Navy taking on a more prominent role than the Australian Army, particularly closely monitoring and defending our coastline. There will be a couple of breaches of our borders, (air space) I feel this will be mid year with drones just testing the waters so to speak.  They will be intercepted, but this is a real eye opener for the government. And showing the need to beef up the monitoring of our air space and coastline.

More money will be given to defence to build up our defence capabilities and upgrading hardware, I do see the navy using Sonar technology and they may need more personnel to perform this task for underwater surveillance. Expect more recruitment into the military next year. Just slightly up from last year. 

Education and haulage are in the news also. With haulage it is not just goods coming into Australia but local goods having transport issues. Some goods may take months longer to arrive or are in short supply.  Sea routes will be changed obviously as conflict zones increase, thus affecting consumers. 

Visits to the GP are going to cost more, however I do feel that there will be a medicare rebate to balance this. 

I do feel that Labor will win the elections but only just scraping in, they will lose some seats though. Mr Albanese has some very hard work ahead of him, he is no longer popular with the public or the labor party. I do see the Labor government working with big business to move Australia in a positive direction. 

I do not see the Liberal-Nationals being re-elected until the following Federal elections. Let's hope they can get their act together in the meantime.  

Expect changes to taxation, some tax relief is on it's way but I do not see it affecting low income earners unfortunately.    

I do feel the Australian government will change its stance on some hot political issues, as they are seen to be out of step  with allies. They are seen as the odd man out, and closed off to certain views held by the US. Australia is afraid of making any judgment calls that may cause offence. In doing this the government has made a rod for its own back with a peace at any cost outlook. Sometimes there is a time when countries have to stand together. Getting that right is not always easy. By mid year we will get a clearer picture of what is going on. Be ready for sudden and unexpected changes.

Please take care of your loved ones, and hold loving thoughts in these difficult times. I know it is not easy.

Blessings to everyone and warm and fuzzy hugs


 Hello everyone around the world. It's that time of year again to do my psychic predictions. Kicking off the 2025 psychic predictions st...