Showing posts with label FIBROMYALGIA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FIBROMYALGIA. Show all posts

30 April, 2023

Mouse Study Reveals An Immune Cell That May Cause Fibromyalgia

Ah, that old pain in the bum Fibromyalgia. Every time I have a blood test done the doctor always finds it puzzling why I always seem to have a low level inflammation in my body. Obviously it’s the fibromyalgia causing it. But after reading this article I thought women are probably more prone due to our hormones. Who knows, but it’s something to be looked into. 

06 March, 2021


 NOTE: This article is taken from my old blog dating back to 2012. I had missed this one when transferring stuff.

Thyroid issues in Celtic people, this is a subject that has sprung into my mind today. Being a Celt, from Scotland, I was wondering if I was predisposed to Fibromyalgia and or Thyroid issues. So I started to google this. I found the names of two Scottish doctors with an interest in this too. Dr Malcolm Maclean and Dr Gordon Skinner. I have put the blurb in the links above into my blog post for others to look at. Lol, no link that I can see to Fibromyalgia.,8967?gclid=CPbWs6D8mrICFbBUpgodxmIA2Q

There is this fact sheet too to have a look at. At present I am making up a  batch of Australian Bush Flower Essences to treat myself for Fibromyalgia. It looks like it will take a while to kick in. But I have to cut out Night shade foods, Tomatoes and Potatoes, rats I eat a lot of them. I love hot chips and crisps/potato chips. This is quite a rude shock to me. Rice is good, so I will replace spuds with rice. Basmati rice is the best to use.

Looks like a double whammy for me. Last winter I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis all through my spine, but the doctor didn't check me for any other problems. I did tell him about the constant pain in my elbows, wrists and hands as well as my hips and knees.
He must have just thought it is all the same. D'oh, I did not tell him that I have chronic fatigue and memory problems too. Every morning I waken up exhausted as if I have not been asleep. I have no energy to move at all. I takes me all my strength to get out of bed at 7am, I just have to get on with it, just like everyone else.   
I did some googling and put two and two together a few months ago, but never went far with it. In a nut shell, I have Fibromyalgia on top of OA. Lovely....not!

Anyyhoo!, I am ready to take this thing on. I have just run out of steam and not got the energy nor the will power to do much at present. But, I am determined to do fix the problem. I do believe that this can be cured. Without man made drugs too. It is not a quick fix though, nothing is  though is it.

I read that 5% of the population have this and mostly women. I do recommend seeing a naturopath or homeopath. Try to find one that works with the Australian Bush Flower Essences too and Russ Tox. I believe that these combined with the right diet will cure this condition.
As I always say do your homework, here is the link for the ABE, they can be sent world wide if you take a good look at the website. You may like to follow them on Facebook too.

NOTE: I had an email from a cousin informing me that both he and his mother also have this condition, and that it can also be triggered by trauma too, such as a car accident. More work needs to de done on this.

Link to the original post

01 March, 2021


This is right on the money, I can't lift my left arm up high because it's frozen, as well as the fibro pain.  I get pains in my scalp in several random spots, that I at first thought was infections in the hair follicles. The doctor could not detect anything any time the pain happened, it was only recently that I realized it was fibro related. I use natural hair products only for washing my hair due to eczema and dermatitis on my hands and face. So the natural products do not cause a reaction to cause the pain.

I try to be as quick as possible in the shower as it is exhausting. However I don't always get time to rest. I have my family and fur babies to look after as well as work and household chores.


 This condition has times where it flairs up suddenly. It is a hidden illness. Yes, it is affecting my life in a big way. But I will not let it beat me or define me, and I am looking for a cure. I am one of the lucky ones. I can still walk unaided and intend to stay that way.

I have lost a lot of power in my hands with this condition, which was exactly what happened to me at the age of 19 after being badly injured in a car accident in 1984.

I don't get special parking spots, I just do the same as everyone else when shopping.
I can't carry shopping bags without being in pain. I use a shopping trolley  up to my car to unload my shopping. I rest when I get home after unpacking the shopping. Because I am in pain all over, and exhausted.

Life goes on, but like I said I am one of the lucky ones, sometimes, I can't do house work because I am exhausted and in pain. So be it, if I have to slow down then I slow down. Sometimes in life we have to make adjustments. 😊

The general public and the medical profession need to get behind Fibro sufferers, and not be at our throats. Remember, "there for go I but for the grace of god".
 Life can change in a heartbeat, speaking from experience from the age of 19, my life has been changed. It could be much worse, but hey. It is what it is.

I have a wonderful supportive husband and son. I am grateful for that. I can laugh at myself with this or I can cry. I like to laugh so that is what I will do. 😁

I have my twisted sense of humour to keep me going. Got to admit I love the smell of deep heat ointment too.

Some people may find a good remedial massage will help them. Ya gotta do what works for you!
Take the time out and rest and give yourself some TLC. You do not need permission for this. This is mandatory therapy.

If other people are putting you down and disputing your condition, ditch them. You don't need the negativity or ignorance in your life. You have the right to have loving supporting people in your life.
Don't let their negativity  bring you down to their level.

Simples!! As Aleksandr says.
Just tacking this link on here at the end I cam across this on 26 /2/18.

Fibromyalgia Pain


I actually thought that I was showing early signs of dementia. I didn't think it was my fibro that was affecting my memory. The good thing is it does not impact on my clairvoyance. I get physically and mentally  exhausted reading and healing though. I have had to cut right back on healing. The pain in my arms, shoulders and neck becomes unbearable and then I develop a tremor from holding my arms up. I have had the condition for many years as well as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and Reynaud's Phenomenon, all part of the auto immune system.  

With Fibromyalgia, we do not all have the same symptoms but the majority of the symptoms are shared. Sadly many doctors are ignorant to the condition, and the pain and suffering of patients, so they dismiss patients as crazy. There is much information on the internet provided by doctors and patients to give a good sound knowledge base for working out if a person has this condition. 

I would pinpoint my Fibromyalgia to a very bad car crash at the age of 19. Whilst no bones were broken there was nerve damage and spinal injury including whiplash. Fast forward 20 years and the Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis and Reynaud syndrome kicked in. Then perhaps 12 to 15 years ago the fibro symptoms started. It takes it's toll on my everyday life and is getting worse.

A simple thing like a hug or a gentle touch on the arm is very painful too I must tell you. The nerve endings on my arms go nuts with the slightest touch on my skin giving a horrible sensation.

Just because someone looks fine on the outside does  not mean that they are not in pain or don't have a condition that they suffer from. I am at present downsizing indoors and outdoors because I can no longer tend my garden and do task that I used to do. I have given away several potted trees and pot plants. Because I do not have the energy or health to care for them.
I am de-cluttering my house to make life easier to cope with a lifestyle change. This is a very physically exhausting condition too, it is not just chronic severe pain and memory issues.

I eventually may not post much on my blog due to constant pain from my finger tips up to my shoulders and neck. Add to that several compressed vertebrae from the second serious car crash 2 years ago, which stirred up old injuries.
I am very lucky to have a very helpful and very supportive husband by my side to care for me during flare ups. I do not know where I would be without his loving care.

Someone kindly shared this link with me and other Fibro-friends. You might be interested if you have this or know someone with Fibro.

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