Please read through the comments in YouTube for interesting comments.
Aphrodite/Etidorpha 🤣
Please read through the comments in YouTube for interesting comments.
Aphrodite/Etidorpha 🤣
An interesting history lesson of ancient and modern times in Italy. I feel things will erupt in Italy within the next 12 months. We are going to have more suffering through out Europe, I really don’t see a happy outcome for anyone.
The mention of Jesus and the unicorn 🦄 or more accurate Monoceros. It’s all astrology and all the stories rehashed in different countries over the centuries. Cycles within cycles the same stories retold
The royal arms of Scotland has the unicorn alluding to something important in our past, about our royals. There are also the rival royal houses connected to this, those that represent the dragon bloodlines. The Sinclair’s, the Hamilton’s and the Stewart’s of Scotland’s royal bloodlines. There are two royal bloodlines, the Ram (Aries) and Dragon (Serpent).
The Welsh dragon is astrological too, it represents the constellation of Draco (Dragon).
I find it very interesting that there is a strong and important link with Britain, the royal families of the world and this bloodline which also ties in with Sirius and ancient astronauts and there is a link to the Dogon (Sirius the dog star/ Canis Major) people of Africa in all of this too. Clearly there is much more to humanity than we are being told, yet there are clues around the world in many cultures from South and North America to Ireland and to the Middle East to parts of Asia and of course Europe.
Note: please click on the index for metaphysical and esoteric and scroll through the posts, you will need to keep clicking “older posts “ to take you back further to read other interesting articles.
If you would rather read the transcript then click on the little arrow pointing downward on the right hand side of the screen directly below the little blue box. Then you will see the transcript link, so click on it and you can then read rather than listen to this video. Do read the comments too because there can be very interesting comments with snippets of information.
I don’t accept the views in this video, they are Robert’s take on things and the people in the past that wrote about reincarnation. They do not talk about the matrix control over this universe or out world. Nor do they know what actually happens in the so called spirit world.
For those with an enquiring mind and willing to think outside of the official narrative of what history is.
Read the comments while watching this because some people add very interesting comments.
The red hair is very important in human history, and must never be discounted in our evolution think of Cro-Magnon man and Neanderthals, the royals of Europe and ancient Egypt. This is important bloodlines and the connection includes Atlantis. History cannot advance without the investigation into Atlantis and the ancestors that came from Atlantis to the rest of the world.
This documentary only mentions the giants between the heights of 7 foot up to 10 or12 foot but they omit the ones much taller. Also from what I have read over the years some were peaceful and some were violent and aggressive. But when the average person cannot access the information that academics can access we can only collect published information in books. So the best that one can do is buy books including second hand books. Just keep in mind that your loved ones will perhaps hold no value in such books or historical literature in general. Only the random individual will appreciate such knowledge.
Now is the time to make an effort to track down the books that you feel offer you enlightenment. But do not lend them to others or you will not get them back. Not everyone treats books with great respect and deep reverence. I have learned that very painfully that nothing leaves my house. Let people buy their own books, because usually they don’t respect the privilege and the access to information without having to pay like you do.
My father was ripped off by a friend because he foolishly trusted him with a extremely valuable book that costs thousands of dollars. And he never got it back. This jerk proclaimed to be spiritual yet lied to my father so easily. That book is worth 2.5k now. My father's name written on the inside of that book! It was not gifted to anyone,ever!
Trust is folly, so please guard your wisdom and guard your books and anything of value. It’s not about the money it’s the principles that are paramount. He who values nothing but expects everything handed to him is profane. Such a person can never be your friend nor trusted with sacred wisdom.
Please enjoy the video and hopefully it will enhance your quest for knowledge. Enjoy your weekend.
I haven’t see any of his videos for a while but I found this one tonight. I hope you enjoy it.
Sami, Wes Penre talks of a race of off planet beings called the SA.AM.I that is interesting as there would be a link here in their origins. The thermal image on the video is what I see on a person when I do healing, especially when working around the head of a person.
I like how Robert has added Jordan Maxwell and the Intelligence officer in this. Many do us psychics know some of these things discussed on a intuitive level, myself included. I put that down to the fact we a tuning in to the universal consciousness/ Akashic records of humanity and this reality.
I like the video of the inner world it reminds me of the lord of the rings. Most people that are into this sort of thing are well aware there are several ways into the inner earth including the Himalayas. There are entrances dotted around the earth. We have seen the Afghanistan caves and others in documentaries. We don’t know who built the tunnels but we know there are networks all over the world for a reason.
Technology that is thousands of years old must have been used sometime in the far distant past to make these tunnels. Modern man has only been able to do this in the past two hundred years with explosives and then the invention of boring machines.
When listening to the spiritual music in the video please be aware that this can open your chakras. If you are unaware of this please be careful because it is a vibrational frequency that is very powerful and to a person that is sensitive this can have an affect on you. Giving you a floating feeling, if you feel this happening, stop the video and ground yourself immediately.
On my blog under spiritual protection you will see how to ground and attune yourself and how to gold light yourself. This will help you come back to earth or reality. Our chakras are powerful but can be manipulated.
Read the comments in this video post. As always there are people that are very aware and informed in the subject matter.
Always enjoyable and educational. Like I say the universe is made up from mathematics as shown here in the video. Nothing in “creation” exists without mathematics and energy (vibrational frequency, there is no such thing as the Big Bang).
The ancient Atlantean people were not squeaky clean like some people like to imagine; they dominated other cultures and interbreed with their nobility, and their offspring are living amongst us today. They abused technology and caused their own demise, but not before certain people left the continent of Atlantis and reached other lands. Did you know that Atlantis was ahead of our current technology too?
As a child in Scotland, one of my primary school teachers taught us about the Atlantean’s having weather control technology and they used crystals in this technology to manipulate the weather. That was back around 1972 or early 1973. Somehow I don’t think it was part of the school curriculum though, lol. But it remained with me from then onwards and I have come across this same information mentioned in books over the years.
Think of all the royal bloodlines of the world and powerful people that rule this world. It is no great leap of imagination to see where they originated and why the trail was hidden from the world however this is only one part of their history. There is another important component; and that is in the DNA of humanity. A hint in that direction lies with the Dogons, ancient Native Americans and the connection to the Sky People. The subjugation of Ireland and all the Aryan races needs further examination too because there is something that it being withheld from public knowledge that is also very relevant to this puzzle. Why are the Aryan races persecuted and hated by the Vatican and certain factions of western politics for centuries? All of these things are interconnected and under closer inspection a new picture emerges.
Robert Sepehr is one of many researchers in the past 120 years to uncover a big part of the hidden history and with technology improving more will be revealed. You have to ask why it was and still is so vital to hide this information and spread disinformation for centuries even contradicting the biblical information which has itself been heavily edited multiple times already as we well known. HIS STORY, exactly is what the word implies, his story.
The real world history is withheld for a reason because the truth is quite a shock to the senses for most people. That information must be revealed gradually and not just sprung on the public. Nothing much has changed since the days of Atlantis to current times, it is business as usual, war and money. Greed and a compulsive dominance over the world population. The interesting thing is that the rulers no matter what century they live in, all follow the stars. Their cult is exclusive and not for the common people, we are seen as profane and unworthy.
However it is these individuals that have forced ordinary men into acts of war and barbarism since the dawn of time. That obedience to the rulers keeps people in spiritual debt and prevents a spiritual awakening and perpetuates reincarnation due to ignorance. An ignorant population that does not understand the power of spiritual enlightenment is doomed. What the common person thinks of as spiritual enlightenment in current times is false enlightenment and the false light.
More interesting information from Robert Sepehr, like myself Robert doesn’t accept the propaganda and lies that we are indoctrinated with at school, in religion, history, universities, mainstream media etc.
Astrologically and spiritually, humans are only programmed to go so far and then they hit the proverbial wall and have a big evolutionary reset. I have commented on my old blog and on this one about this; how humans are again currently devolving. And how humans are only allowed to progress to a point and then start to devolve mentality, morally, spiritually and including war and destruction.
This reality depends on regular resets once an end cycle occurs. This planet has been through this a few times already and there is archeological evidence; as well as ancient texts that mention this. Evidence of Atlantis is suppressed despite Plato and other men in ancient times recording the fact and humans were much more advanced in technology back then than what we are presently. There are people that have past life experiences from Atlantis who remember little fragments of events, and let’s not forget Edgar Casey and his experience in regards to Atlantis and other situations.
Put it this way, just imagine one day the authorities decided your great grand parents generation didn’t exist but you have letters and items that belonged to them. This happens in modern history as events get air brushed out of history like Tiananmen Square. Celtic history has also been destroyed to prevent truth coming out about human evolution and that history is back to front with the absurd out of Africa theory, which is downright rubbish as science reveals.
Now why is it that secret societies are indulging in “spiritual” practices but publicly debunk spirit? Liars and evil people that dictate what the truth should be. Yet indulge in debauchery and the black arts behind closed doors. Yet you will see symbols all around us in public buildings, art, government logos, private companies etc rubbing our noses in it, with open secrets.
Shame none of the self proclaimed gurus knew about the matrix and the soul trap. This is a vital part of understanding why we should not be here or incarnation being to our detriment. This is why I do not get involved with new age rubbish or trendy spirituality. It is not real nor is it a benefit to humanity. I know what is good for me spiritually, as it comes from within and not peddled indoctrination that every Tom Dick and Harry clamours for thinking they are special and spiritual. No these people are mistaking false teachings that lead them to a dead end. No two individuals can do the same spiritual path, we are not the same so our spiritual path is not meant to be the same. Even our energy signatures are different because we are individuals and not meant to be on one path leading to one “godhead “.
As far as I am concerned Gurdjieff is anything but spiritual nor was any aspect of his lifestyle (a person that manipulated and mesmerised others by suggestion, just like other dubious characters in history; definitely not spiritual) I have not and will not read anything written by him or the rest of the so called spiritual leaders or gurus. I have seen this type of behaviour up close for real in the spiritual community and it is vile dark energy.
People are gullible in this particular area of society; desperate for a leader to follow. My father was forever having people tell him that he could have his own church and to guide people. He was deeply shocked that people would say this to him. He was not in the slightest interested in doing such an absurd thing and told people that made these suggestions to him, he had no interest nor intention to do such a thing. My father is a very honest man and wouldn’t stoop to doing anything that he felt was wrong.
It is so very easy to manipulate people to think you are a spiritual leader and an expert in spirituality, which is very disturbing. So please be ware because you can be very vulnerable to suggestion by certain individuals into following these individuals like a sheep, and this can unintentionally end up with a cult like situation.
Many of these gurus and spiritual leaders (manipulators) are dishonest individuals that I would not allow in my home if they were alive today. Tantra mentioned in the video is used in energy harvesting and if any of these people were truly spiritually educated they would know that. They should know that humans are trapped in this matrix and our fall was a deliberate drop in our spiritual frequency and DNA to be put into the third dimension in a physical body (prison or tomb of the flesh) and we didn’t do it to ourselves it was done to us by what some may call among other names the demiurge and his people. We know them better as dark ET’s and life designers of this polarised universe.
I read souls for a living, I read a person’s energy from a photo whether they are a person that lived a hundred years ago of are a person that is alive right now. This is an ability which is a part of the psychic sense known as clairtangence. I read personal items, photos etc, and none of your Blavatsky’s, Besant, Fortune and the rest of them are not what they are presented as. I know this by reading a photo of them and I look right into the person’s eyes as I am reading the photos. I can describe the personality of the individual.
As for being spiritual, you do not need these individuals to tell you if you are spiritually awakened or spiritual, never mind the fact that they are not qualified to judge either. Who has the right to tell you if you are spiritual or anything of that nature?
Leaning takes decades of dedication to your spiritual path. There are no short cuts, delusion is up to the individual though. Yes you will learn things that after you gain more wisdom, you will dismiss earlier things that you believed and that is part of the process. I have been there myself and continue to evolve spiritually. Don’t take your path to spiritually as something that if you fail you will be seen as inferior, because that is not the case. Just be honest and follow your heart as best you can. Your intentions are what counts as is your sincerity of purpose. It is a private journey of the individual soul, it is unique, it is you. Go forth and experience life and spirituality in your own individual way.
This is a rather important video, but please read the comments too. Our world history is not what we are told by mainstream historians, it is politicised for a reason and I lay the blame at the feet of the Vatican first. But gradually some of the truth is coming out into public domain. Up until the 1990’s no one would admit that the Vikings or Celts had traveled to the Americas, yet many Indigenous American words have Irish roots and both races were in the Americas before Columbus. The Vatican knew exactly where the Americas were and Australia too. There are also folk legends in the Indigenous American race that mention the ancient Celts and ancient Vikings
Here in Australia ancient Egyptians had been here and there is cave art near Newcastle, NSW to show this fact. An Australian Cockatoo was given to a pope in the 1500’s and the article is on my other blog about that. The NSW government actually closed off the site where Egyptian cave art was discovered saying it is Aboriginal sacred ground so no one must go there.
Which is true because if tourists flocked there it would be desecrated, this spiritual ground protects the ancient art , but the government really just want to cover this up and have disinformation released to keep people away from the fact that Australian was known about hundreds of years ago by Europeans and ancient Egyptians before that. Let’s not forget that the ancient Egyptians went all around the world and that is an even deeper story; because that only came about thanks to Atlanteans, European and Irish seafarers traveling to Egypt over a long time and sharing knowledge. That history has been heavily suppressed but alternative historians like Connor MacDari and Ignatius Donnelly, Anna Wilkes and many more have already uncovered much of this information. But people refuse to accept that we have been deliberately lied to and the usual suspects are in the Vatican and it blows the lid off of their version of events. Part one of Steven Strong's Videos on Ancient Egyptians in Australia. He is not the only one talking about this either, follow his videos for further information.
We are living in a time when some truths are revealed because there is overwhelming evidence to back up the claims. But not everything will be released, this is just the way it is unfortunately. For example the Atlantis connection was known as far back as the times of Aristotle and Plato. Yet taken as a fairy tale, but remember so was the now known fact that the Vikings went to the Americas. History is written by the victors and always needs to be questioned and forensically examined.
I wish he had said more on Edgar Casey, he is an interesting person. I don’t accept all that Casey said but it is still interesting to read up on or watch videos on him. Channeled information should not be taken as 100% truth because the spirit world has fakes and liars too. Never put complete trust in anything from the non physical world because there are beings that do lead us astray and are very dangerous entities.
After listening to this, please read the eBook on my blog: The world between the poles, by E Valentina Straighten. She had plenty to say on the Antartica issue. Antartica plays a big part in Australian research too.
Coincidentally, yesterday or the day before I posted an update on the psychic predictions for 2022 stating that China could possibly invade Australia from Antartica. Then today I discovered this YouTube video. Scroll down to the predictions that have come up and you can see my comment in the prediction about France’s dummy spit over the submarine contract. Australia is vulnerable to attack and that scares the hell out of me.
UPDATE: 9 July 2022: As things develop with Russia the Arctic could become an access point for invasion, but don’t rule out Antartica. Sky news are not really credible but this is a plausible scenario.
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