Showing posts with label CUTE WARM AND FUZZY STUFF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CUTE WARM AND FUZZY STUFF. Show all posts

18 November, 2024

Police track down unlikely shoe thief from Japanese kindergarten

LOL, I just had to share this one. What a cute little stinker, lol.  I love the expression used at the end of the article. My late cat Tolstoy had a thing for shoes, he would steal them and sniff them, sometimes we found them under the bed. He was a funny little guy. 

What's the difference between a weasel and a stoat? A weasel is weasely recognised and a stoat is stoataly different

19 April, 2024



We made it to the end of another week of  whatever passes for  the ongoing game of Russian Roulette called life with crazy shit happening in the Middle East right now. We might as well just overdose on laxatives too and be done with it all. 

Let’s have some warm and fuzzy stuff for a change. Artist Alison Friend has some wonderful artwork with dogs and cats to give us a smile. 

24 February, 2024

I Love Parasols

I have always had a love affair with parasols and came across a website years ago called A Bit Shady. and I started collecting these beautiful parasols. 

I do use them and have just ordered the lace parasol in Ivory to match the fan. These are made in Queensland and of high quality. I can't wait to receive my new baby in the mail this week. It is identical to the little black lace one with the shorter  stem.  

Parasols are making a big comeback in recent times; as I often see ladies of various ages using them. They are good if you want to avoid hat hair in a hot day.  Now there are umbrellas with a silver UV coating on the inside to repel the hot sun too, which is a great idea as they have a double function. I have a little collapsable one that I bought and keep in the car just incase it rains or its really hot. That is just an emergency stand by though. 

The chinese parasol in the photos is waterproof. It is treated with a wax coating so it will always look great. I will probably buy another one of these too. Perhaps the pink or the red , they are both beautiful and it's hard to make up one's mind . I did buy the pink one for a friend a few years ago for her birthday and she loved it.  

I got plenty use out of my umbrellas this year with the constant rain too and I love fancy umbrellas too. My red one  which is similar to the Empress parasol and my Monet one’s especially, very girly-girl stuff, lol. That's a Libra for you 😁

This black and purple was a special one off that the company did. I have no idea how many they made. I hope they revive it because it is very nice. 

See the wooden spokes inside the parasol, amazing craftsmanship 

I hope you like these parasols, and maybe you may decide to use one too this summer. 

My new parasol arrived today, yippee. I can’t wait to try it out. 

14 November, 2023

Mummy cat ❤️

 This world needs a good mummy cat to make everyone feel safe and loved. 

27 July, 2023

Baby birds expeced on my veranda again

 Yesterday afternoon I was delighted to see a mother bird, a Silvereye to be precise, making a nest in one of the plants on my back veranda. This is the second time my veranda has been sought after by a mother bird. I absolutley adore little Silvereyes. They are so tiny and chirpy little dears. Yesterday afternoon this little bird was fluttering around preparing her nest with feathers and what looked like dried twigs or dried grass. I have had a sneeky peak in the plant to see what she has brought in to her temporary nest. But I know to keep right away while she is prearing for her babies arrival. 

The problem is trying to water the plants without frightening her away. Especially once the eggs hatch as she might abandon the nest. I also need to keep an eye on miss Ruby just in case she discovers the bird as her barking  may frighten the mother bird away. 

I really enjoyed the last birds on the veranda, however it was quite hot and I was worried about the chicks not surviving the heat due to the lazerlite holding in heat and it was a very hot summer. However they all survived and flew off shortly before Christmas 2018.

The last photo was on 23 December 2018. For some reason I kept thinking it was Blackbirds, D'oh! they were Thrushes.

I will try to get some photos from afar and zoom in as the mother bird sits on her eggs and then see if I can get a phot of the chicks, being careful not to upset the mummy bird.

 Below is the blurb and photo from Wikipedia.


UPDATE: The little bird has relocated she must have felt the nest is not in a safe place because of people constantly passing by and checking the plant. Good luck little mother to be ❤️


25 April, 2023

Let sleeping dogs lie!

 Let sleeping dogs lie they, say it will be fun they said. In my house Miss Ruby rules the roost, but she is ever so cute and does it in a very adorable way. Making the bed after stripping it to wash the sheets, I have to do the remaking of the bed in stages; mustn't disturb the baby after all. There she is on top of the bed lying on a big European pillow with a soft minky cover on it for more snuggling of course. Oh and don’t be fooled, dogs and cats know what is soft and what isn’t soft. They can tell the difference between a cheap minky cover and one that is like touching air. I kid you not, straight away if you put a soft blanket or jumper on the bed or on a chair, within minutes either a dog or a cat in my house would be in like Flynn. Move over human I have to test the quality and softness of this. 

But when changing the bedding it’s look out for the plush toys, Gingerbread man, Froggie and of course Squirrel. Hidden under the European pillow are two pigs ears, as Miss Ruby likes two on the go at the one time. Meanwhile she is curled up in a ball on top of said  soft minky cover on the pillow. I start putting the sheets and pillowslips on the bed and she gives me that look with one eye. You know the one, one more move and I will tilt mum, but in reality she will growl her displeasure and get up and move if she has to.

Today she is determined not to move, the top half of the bed has the pillow slips on the pillows, the fitted sheet is on and the flat sheet and thermal blanket are on the bed, just waiting for madam to shift her bum. But nope, Miss Ruby works on her time not mine, lol. Got to love her though because she is just so cute.

The bed making in my house is like being a nurse, where the patient is bedridden and nurses actually change the bedding with the patient still in the bed if they are too ill to be physically moved. It’s a tough gig I tell you and Miss Ruby wants all her pigs ears and any biscuit put right back where it was, she just knows you know 🤣🤣🤣🐶 I must admit she is not the only dog or cat in our house over the years to be this precious. But I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. I am such a big sook (softie) with my fur babies. I like them to enjoy their creature comforts. Ah, the joys of life 😍😍🐾🐶

06 March, 2023

Think quick mum!

 Miss Ruby is on a roll again 🧻 This week she has been in asshole mode, grabbing anything that she could; to get a reaction from me. There was the usual umpteenth shoe theft and removing the insole from the shoes, a toilet roll she grabbed from an open bag of them sitting in the laundry. Mummy forgot to close the laundry door, D’oh! She came bolting through to the family room ripping chunks out of the said loo roll and head’s straight under the table. She knows it’s hard for me to reach her under the table. Yeah, she was on a roll,  the little asshole 🤣🤣🧻 I had chunks of paper to pick up all over the room after that. Then just as I sat down she was back again, going after the remote for the telly. So I give her a doggie chocolate drop so that I can get the remote back. All is good finally and I get to sit down and read. Then she is up in my face wanting goodies. I try to ignore her but I can’t, she is just so cute and those  brown Malteser eyes melt my heart every single time. More chocolate drops which are actually carob and not human chocolate.

The unthinkable poo on the veranda, that is something that she doesn’t normally do, Yuk! Grabbing a sun hat and chomping on the straw, nom, nom, nom. Nick another shoe, getting up on the dinner table because a chair was not pushed in. Mind you she can pull a chair out and then jump up on the chair and then up on the table. Miss Ruby is so quick on the uptake, that little Jack Russell mind runs overtime. Miss Ruby is the proverbial naughty school kid always up to mischief. We love her so much and wouldn’t have her any other way to be honest.  She knows she is cute too; the little minx.

During the week she scared the living daylights out of the postie; launching herself at the fly screen door, four off the floor; as the lady came to hand us a package. It’s hard work being a Jack Russell you know, keeping everyone on their toes, making sure we get enough exercise, and a cardio workout, she knows mummy and daddy are on a diet right now 🤣🤣 (yeah, I am in to fitness, fitting a whole pizza in my mouth 🤣🤣).

We would be lost without our Ruby she has a lovely playful personality and full of love. A tad spoiled of course as is every fur child’s right. Jack Russells don’t do slow down and age gracefully, they are little dynamo’s from birth to death. Fantastic companions for life and very affectionate, one just has to accept the little things they get up to as they entertain us and display that jeux de Vivre. Just don’t think that you can disturb their night sleep because they get shirty if you accidentally nudge them in your sleep. 

Ruby sounds like a Rottweiler when woken rudely with a bark that makes your heart pound. She insists on sleeping in mummy and daddy’s bed since first night we got her. That proved to be a contentious issue with the four cats that were used to taking turns at sleeping on the bed. Miss Ruby put a quick stop to that. No night-time incursions' were permitted by the feline family members, miss bossy boots asserted herself on the first night. A cheeky 12 week old whipper snapper with attitude was not what we expected but here she is. 

15 October, 2022

Bedtime kitties

 I would love to know who the artist is; of these cute and lovely cat pictures. I have another one on my blog and I just adore sweet things like this. I really resonate with cute, warm and fuzzy stuff like this. I am such a big sook when it comes to old world charm and wholesome things that speak to the inner child.  That’s why I love Beatrix Potter stories and Brambly  Hedge so much, I have a small collection of the Royal Dalton bone china Brambly Hedge. They speak of innocence and love that this world needs. 

04 October, 2022

Things that my dog is good at

 I love dogs, I love Jack Russell's, but some Jack Russell's are assholes. Aren't they Ruby? There is me just now attempting to wipe the dust off the ceiling fan in my bedroom. I can't do heights either and made worse by constant vertigo for 2 and a half years now. Anyway, I took my clogs off to get up on the dressing table stool. Oh and the clogs are new by the way; leather Colorado's.

That little asshole waited until I was in the middle of cleaning the fan and she nicked my clog. She ran like a thief down the hallway in a nanosecond. Luckily I managed to get down off the stool without breaking my damn neck. There she was in the loungeroom with teeth biting in to my clog. This calls for a chocolate button, yeah, I know it's negative reinforcement, but I want the clog back without being chewed.

All this week Ruby has been after the insteps from boots and shoes too. I have to keep a dowel stick in the sliding door of my wardrobe because she will help herself to shoes. This is the dog that waits until I am on the phone and she starts her mischief or I am just about to start a reading and she shows me something in her mouth that she is not allowed to have.....little shit.

Bed time is usually time for a pig's ear chew. They stink! A couple of nights ago she got a new one and it was one of those disgustingly smelly ones. You know when you open a brand new packet and the stench hits you, it was one of those situations. A bit later and not  thinking; I get into bed and think to myself;  Jesus what smells like arse? Yeah, she brought it right up close and lay on top of me eating it. Then she goes down the bottom of the bed and dislodges a bright yellow high viz beanie belonging to my husband. This was squished down between the mattress and the footboard out of sight. She dug out another stinky pigs ear from that, because sometimes she likes two on the go at the same time. The beanie being her idea of a doggie handbag too I suppose. 

Another thing Ruby is good at is the art of the hidden pig’s ear in the garden. She is not supposed to take them outside, however she does manage to sneak one out occasionally. She digs a hole and disposes the ear.  The horrible part is when she decides to dig it up and it is fully rehydrated. Yuk, it’s like a cadaver being dug up. I made the terrible mistake of touching one once. It was horrible, there was no way  that I would let her eat it after being in the dirt as she may have gotten sick from that. 

Morning teatime and Ruby hid her biscuit in the garden somewhere. She’s cute, I’ll give her that! I just can’t stay cranky with such a cute little face. 

27 September, 2022

ACT POLICE: Echidna not, rural patrol faces prickly situation 

Poor little guy, if it’s not the poor little Wombats or Kangaroos in danger it’s other little critters. Rescuers need to wear protective gloves to pick up echidnas usually. They can move fast also, I have seen them scurrying along at Tidbinbilla nature reserve. Not always able to get a photo of them but it’s nice to be able to see one. 

We currently have snake season in Canberra especially in the Tuggeranong area, so people need to be on guard when out walking and especially if they are walking their dogs. There have been quite a few sightings this week already. 

27 June, 2022

Miss Daisy sprung coming out of the cupboard of teddies


She was just so cute, a tiny little thing but strong. My little Empress. 😻😻😻 Daisy loved teddy bears 

As soon as I opened a cupboard door she would be in like Flynn. Whether this one below the tv or in my office, miss Daisy would suddenly appear and quick as a flash she would be in among the bears. I even had two small picture frames with gift cards with pictures of bears in them for her and she would just sit and look at them. She was a very special little girl. I miss her so much. 

07 May, 2022

Video of dog driving ute shows Jack Russell Lexie helping on south-west Victorian farm

You just gotta love Jack Russells, they are awesome little dogs. Lots of fun and big hearts. Lexie looks quite the thing steering the Ute like a boss 😻🤣🤣 My Ruby is my car buddy when I am in the driveway. She is in her princess house (dog crate) if we are going somewhere though. Nice pink bedding that is soft and snuggly for our best little girl to drive in comfort. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs


30 April, 2022

There’s a bone-bone biscuit in there!

 I leave my jumper on a chair for a few minutes and Miss Ruby decided to hide her biscuit in there 🤣 it’s now a no go area. I have been given the look 👀 You not touch my stuff mummy.

06 April, 2022

The science behind puppy-dog eyes, and other ways our canines communicate with us ABC

Short and sweet article, but it doesn’t go far enough. Psychic people can and definitely do communicate with dogs on a telepathic level. Feeling their emotions and also knowing things like if the dog is outside and wants to come inside, a psychic person like myself will have a telepathic image of the dog sitting at the door waiting to come back indoors. Other things like wanting a treat is conveyed telepathically too, we see a psychic picture in our minds of the item that the dog wants. Usually the dog is looking directly at the person when the Image is detected. If the human is slow at picking up the signals the dog will stare at the human until the human understands what the dog wants. 

This depends on how strong the psychic link is between the human and the dog, but it’s not just dogs that do this cats do too and are much more psychic than dogs. A person that is in tune with their fur child does have that strong bond always. When I go out shopping or I am visiting someone I often get a psychic message from my fur babies asking me to come home. When I get in the door they are all over me to say they missed me; and that is dogs and cats greeting me at the door. It makes me so happy to be with them and life without fur babies is boring, I just love being with them. On the very rare occasion that I have been away overnight I fret for them, no matter how much I may enjoy that rare weekend trip to Victoria I miss my fur babies; but know they are in good hands with a family member. I phone home to ask how things are going of course and I know that my fur babies know that I am checking that all is ok and any medication is given. 

30 March, 2022

Good night kitty

Isn’t this sweet, mummy cat putting her kitten to bed. This picture reminds me of Tabitha Tiwichit from Beatrix Potter stories with her naughty kittens. I don’t know who the artist is but they have won my heart. (As soon as I find out the artist’s name I will add it, I don’t want to be in trouble for copyright issues.)

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...