Showing posts with label NEIL OLIVER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NEIL OLIVER. Show all posts

20 October, 2023

Neil Oliver: Expendable


Every life matters. Just like I said in my predictions; when I ask what does it mean to be human? Think about this, someone’s child, someone’s son or daughter. I sure as hell would not want to have blood on my hands, especially a child’s blood that is horrific. Yes, I realise that in war sometimes children are armed and will kill. The reason being is because children don’t have the reasoning ability like an adult and so will not think about the full consequences of their actions. What sort of human beings arm children with a bomb or a gun? Knowing full well that a soldier has to make a judgment call on this innocent child that has been used by cowards because the coward doesn’t care about the innocent child nor does this coward have any human decency or courage to be a man. It matters not where this type of situation happens because it happens globally from Northern Ireland to the current areas of conflict. The fact that it happens is the issue. This is a massive collective failure of humanity right there. 

I will never choose sides in violence, I respect what it means to be human and spirit. We are one and the same, both human and spirit. Yet incarnated in such a low and heavy duality of the third dimension suffering was always part of the conditions, yet very few can raise their spiritual frequency high enough to leave this reality permanently. We must strive to rise above the evil in this reality. We are on the earth but not of the earth spiritually speaking.  

29 March, 2023

NEIL OLIVER: Tyranny or Revolution it’s coming, a storm is coming

You do realise that apart from ramping up the fear; the war footing is approaching faster right? If not, then you should be thinking about it because it is not far off as I keep warning people. The timeline to war could come slightly sooner than expected, that depends on the current circumstances. Other human beings are not our enemies, they are just like us; the victims of pure evil. 

There are no winners in war unless you are a powerful businessman or world leader. This is a war against humanity and our spirituality also, don’t forget that. Just imagine what would happen if ordinary people around the world refused to fight each other, war would come to a halt. But people being people will not work this out, sadly we will be suffering and all because of the super rich and powerful. Grabbing our assets and homes as the death toll of war rises. Yet not one person will stop and think about the waste of lives and the terrible destruction of nations. Not one person will be calculating the financial gains of the elite at humanities expense. That is a frightening prospect and reality. There is no bloody saviour figure that will make things better, to believe that is ludicrous and childish. Each human is their own individual saviour and no one and nothing else is your saviour. 

One thing that just crossed my mind just now was that annoying, “ We’re all in this together “ phrase. Yes we the ordinary people all over the world are collectively victims of a very dark agenda. There is absolutely no doubt about that. We will all suffer together. Forget any religious beliefs or any other social division. This is ordinary people who have done nothing wrong versus a secret solar death cult. And if you read my blog you will see what I am talking about. Have you noticed the price drop on things for Easter? I have and it was mentioned on the news tonight. Christmas was the same, and the penny just dropped just now for me. When Neil mentioned Isreal. D’oh! I have been slow to notice the connection.

The need to include the masses in this solar death cult ritual. If you think that is absurd then you have no idea of what solar death cults are. There is plenty on this blog to inform you as well as all over the internet  . These cults are thousands of years old and in various cultures, forms and levels of influence. One just needs to open one’s eyes and see what is right in front of them. This includes blood sacrifices and that can even include war victims. 

22 March, 2023

Neil Oliver: Many are speculating that a final and catastrophic crash is coming for the banks

Read the comments on YouTube 
Read my older posts where I said I saw all of this coming in 1990, in a vision. 

18 March, 2023

Neil Oliver: Mass Distraction


Let’s just call it as it is. It’s all a bloody scam that has been going on for over a hundred years on this particular theme. But it has very long tendrils going back three thousand years at least. 

Only now things are moving along at a rapid pace for non stop perpetual war on humanity from every single aspect of life and you ain’t seen nothing yet. This beast has its claws in every corner of the world, make no mistake about that. Infesting every single occupation, religious ideology, political ideology, spiritual ideology; you name it they have it covered or should I say controlled. There will be no saviour coming to help humanity. Each individual human being is their own saviour spiritually speaking and responsible only for themselves and needs to man up. 

26 February, 2023

Neil Oliver: Who do the leaders of Scotland and other western countries think they are ?!?


Read the comments in youtube format!

This is not just about Scotland, a once great nation with pride, self respect and a race that were respected around the world for their achievements, inventions and education and easygoing nature. Now that small country of 5 million people is an example in how to take control over a nation and destroy lives of the people. It seems that nobody has the courage or the inclination to stop this or demonstrate the willing ability to counter this destruction.

People should not have to be told this, it's so bloody obvious to anyone with a brain, yet it takes someone like Neil; to have to articulate this more than obvious situation. This is happening globally though and it is pretty damn  hard to miss, because it is so damned in your face and exactly the same in Australia and New Zealand. Neil has only touched on the basics here; not to mention this is an intergenerational process that started after WW2. I would  say that it's birthing was way back in the late 18th century and the 19th century's with the  upper middle-class and upper class intellectuals  such as   Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley hypothesising over good wine and fine food; on with form of communism would be ideal. 

This was global trendy ideology amongst the wealthy as this was the next great thing among the rich and entitled as was spiritualism. Remember these individuals had a better life than the masses and no way would they give up or share what they have; like the masses have in communist nations. No, it doesn't apply to them, these individuals have never soiled their hands in the hard labour of the workers. They are privileged and spend their time writing and pontificating. They just pay lip service to the masses and fill their heads with dangerous nonsense, firing the masses up. Yet it is the rich middle class that hold office in the communist parties and they swap the elected leaders with egocentric maniacs that destroy nations under the rouse of communism.  

We know how that turned out, but many people are so blind that they can't see it happening right now in western nations. It has been happening all my life in increments, as I said it's intergenerational. What the WEF are all about along with the UN and many world leaders is soft corporate communism. It matters not if it is Marxist, Trotskyist or Leninist or whatever. It is manufactured to suite the times, the culture and  agendas.

I have already said in another post that Sturgeon and Yousuf are protégés of Clause Schwab. There are hundreds of people under his influence. Not all are listed on the ngo, WEF website, but typing in politician's names in google search along with  WEF or Schwab and you will see those affiliated with him, including Ardern and Trudeau. They are in it for themselves and no one else. As is the Vatican and that is easily verified on the WEF website among a huge list of corporations. Of course the Vatican would be involved there is money to be made. 

The millenia old concept of  Communism was never the invention of the common working classes, they do not have the power, money or reach that the upper classes have. We know that for a fact never mind working people would never be able to set foot in a  university until the 20th century where these well educated individuals had the privilege of a good private education including Marx and Lenin. So wake up and smell the coffee, pay attention to what is happening around you. 

Yes, all the side distractions like gender identity etc, are ploys as are used by their useful idiots that rile up people to join stupid protests and disrupt public order. Communists lure people in by pushing the agenda of your rights, but once in power you become their target. Read Russian history  and see the murder campaigns and don't be so naive as to think life will get batter for the workers of the world, that has never been the agenda. How many rights that the early 20th century unions had fought and literally died for are now traded off to the corporations by union executives? Do you even know how many?

My maternal grandfather put his life on the line to help the working men in factories in Scotland. My father worked tirelessly in the unions to to help men and women that were unable or too afraid to stand up for themselves it has all been a waste of time because of traitors at high levels in bed with management, oh and then next thing these sellouts are in politics. How does that work? Classic self serving maggots.

 We are going backwards in less than a hundred years due to corruption and greed and being sold out constantly by these self serving high level union leaders. I have been a victim of that many years ago on a few occasions. Funny how the unions will only help when it suits them and the people at the top are biding time before they get a foot into a political party, and then they forget about those that helped them along the way over many years. This is about egos, money and power, not about making the quality of life better for the masses, not their income equality, not their quality of life, and not their health and education and retirement years.

 Factories need workers corporations need workers, Ka Ching.  Everything in this world revolves around money and the more the better for the ruling class; not to be shared with the masses that would be absurd. Understand that and watch the actions of the talking heads that try to influence your opinions.  Absolutely nothing is for the individuals benefit, nothing is for the masses benefit and never will be.

20 February, 2023

Neil Oliver: celebrates Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation: So much damage has been done.


I am glad to see Neil is commenting on the damage done by this creature of Clause Schwab, make no mistake, she was and is one of his protégés and so is Hamza Yousaf.  As is Jacinda Ardern and many others. Just do a google search of random politicians and add WEF or world economic forum and see who pops up. It is an eye opener, then the giant list of charities, banks and corporations in cahoots with Schwab.

I am absolutely disgusted with the way Scotland has been dragged down the toilet in recent years. It breaks my heart to see it turned into a victim of leftist ideology and the much public just accepts the damage done.  Where is that strong Scottish pride and strong belief in our own cultural heritage and identity that always stood up and used its voice when something was wrong? 

More to the point is, who are the muppets that voted repeatedly for the SNP? I question their intelligence to vote in the SNP even just once, but to do it a second time beggars belief in their collective and utter stupidity. You must be so proud of yourselves to participate in the wilful destruction of a great and respected nation.

Just who in their right mind wants to split from the United Kingdom? I am not a royal supporter in my adult life but I strongly believe in a United Kingdom. The benefits of a United Kingdom far outweigh the benefits of separation. Not to mention the financial drain if Scotland did separate from the United Kingdom. Where would the money come from to do this madness? The European Union of course but then Scotland would lose its sovereignty overnight and be in severe financial distress all to please a few leftists nutters that want to watch the world burn. 

1 February 2024, Sturgeon

01 February, 2023

Neil Oliver: The clock is ticking

Australia is all set to go on this by the way. I have also mentioned in my posts that digital currency will be implemented within a few years. I don’t see any way of avoiding this and the frightening consequences. Notice Neil’s comment on not having a car in the years to come, that ties in with me saying that we will eventually not be permitted to take trips to the countryside and this excuse will be we are damaging the environment which is utter nonsense as nature regenerates and evolves constantly. 

Restrictions on travel would not be very easy to implement in Australia because of the sheer distance between places; so I would say this would perhaps be more effective in the UK, Europe and such countries but Australia is just so vast. 

The elite have always ruled our lives one way or the other it is just the way things are. Also there is very little free will in this reality; pretty much close to zero. We operate on a very narrow spectrum and much of what we experience here is locked in prior to us incarnating into a particular experience and minuscule leeway. This can be shown by an astrological chart on any individual on the planet. Everything  we experience is down to the family one incarnates into from our soul group, the time and place of birth etc. Not being an astrologer I can’t extrapolate on this, however I am about to take up studying astrology. After many years of procrastinating over it.

Have a look at this just as an example there are two pages to read and then the questionnaire starts. 

23 January, 2023

Neil Oliver: ……it’s a racket


It's all cause and effect and the world leaders no longer care about what we think and that is why we have seen the blurring of political party boundaries; so that we can’t tell the difference between the parties anymore because there is no difference it was all a sham. The illusion is no longer needed, we are looking at compliance now, if you don’t follow the rules you will be punished. 

Mark my words, the next push will be to stop people going to the countryside to have a day out or for a holiday. The greenies want to separate us from nature which is our basic right to enjoy nature and is vital to our wellbeing. 

NOTE: Neil has removed this video from YouTube unfortunately. What a shame, perhaps he wasn't happy with it, I don't know.

27 December, 2022

Neil Oliver:…..will we survive?


Pretty much sums it up right there. How on earth can people not work this out for themselves? It’s been bloody obvious for two centuries, and especially since the dawn of the twentieth century. The mass suppression of humanity by the ruling classes has always been there since the dawn of time. Including forcing us to accept their religions of suppression of the spirit and soul. Which causes trauma to the spirit. 

It also serves a purpose on a spiritual level. This keeps the mind occupied and suppresses our spiritual side from functioning. The more stressed and tired a person is from  poverty, financial problems, working full time and looking after the family, the less time to focus on our spirituality. I don’t mean religious beliefs, that is not the same and is incompatible with being a spiritual being or entity. 

 But what Oliver doesn’t know is; humanity astrologically programmed to go so far before we hit the reset button because of the cycles that control our reality. Understand there is no such thing as free will in this reality nor in the part of the perceived universe that we are currently aware of;  there never has been. This is an augmented reality no matter what you believe, learn how to break out of the encryption first or you will be stuck within this control system indefinitely. We are on the clock right now and with the clearing of the earth many souls will be sent the what the New Agers call the twin earth. In reality it is just another lockdown spiritually by the “gods” or overlords. 

A large population can survive on earth easily however the NWO don’t want that. The power elite will not turn over lands that they took nor will they give up their power and mass fortunes. This planet as I said is metaphysically a prison, where our spiritual energy is greatly reduced from what we are truly capable of.

This world was not set up for our advantage it was set up like a prison  to enslave humanity. Those of us with true spiritual soul fire present a danger to the overlords because we are stronger than they are spiritually. Most people just are totally unaware of their real potential as spiritual beings. Trapped in a locked and low energy dimension with our spiritual birthrights denied.  Think of this world like a faraday cage to entrap souls, understand that and things are different. 

A small population is easily controlled and enslaved. Artificial intelligence running the entire planet was always the intention. Suppressing our spirituality is vital to the agenda, as we are trying to raise our spiritual energy and awareness. The powers that be have known of this event coming for a very long time. This is why there is an urgency to their plans right now. But because the masses are indeed unaware of their spiritual ancestry and who they really are, they laugh at those that are aware. No matter; because they are walking into their extinction right now. No amount of warning will alter the facts, if one is not spiritually mature and even aware of the complex situation they are facing. 

At the 17: 15 mark, Neil mentioned how people were affected by the lockdown. That was a social experiment to see how people would react. It went like clockwork too. What people don’t understand is this was also the energy harvesting of loosh or life force that people give off especially when stressed. That energy is vital in keeping evil alive in the non physical world! Unless you are knowledgeable in this matter you would not even know this is real. Hence why people that are psychic or clairvoyant must use spiritual protection constantly to protect themselves from energy attacks and energy attachments. 

The ruling classes have always been very aware of the metaphysical world for thousands of years; this is part of their own spiritual practices which were always hidden from the masses. Yet to this very day there are symbols all around us that allude to this fact and the masses are totally unaware. 

Is life worth living these days? Apparently not, high suicide rates worldwide show that along with mass homelessness, poverty and stress we are all at breaking point. Nations are deliberately destroyed by the ruling classes and pushing people to the brink of despair and destruction. Millions of refugees are currently roaming the earth, soldiers suicidal because they were part of the shocking agenda to destroy nations at the behest of these rulers, and kicked to the kerb when they are discharged from service. Having done their slave masters evil deeds for them. What is the reward for those that served? Suicide! Broken men and women returned home to unemployment and homelessness, no one to help them deal with trauma and PTSD and some of the ex servicemen and women are denied a pension from the military. 

With the current events ramping up we are going to see much worse coming as well as world war. Stage managed by the ruling classes yet again and further suppressing our humanity and spirituality. But now comes the silent death. Artificial intelligence implants into every aspect of life or what passes for life now.

Medical technology breakthroughs will be offered to those that balk at euthanasia. These medical implants are artificial intelligence and programmed. Human DNA as we already know is programable, add to that the current nanotechnology in our bodies even prior to the current situation. Nano particles have been the human food and medicine for years. Most people are totally un aware of that. No matter though; it’s a done deal anyway. But the vaccines that we have been coerced into taking are DNA altering, making those that took the vaccines chimeras. Again it’s a done deal  the next step has still to be rolled out; what will that be I wonder. Elon Musk is really gung-ho for human being microchiped and is on record for saying this. 

Do you understand that you cease to be human at that point? Do you know who owns the new DNA in your body? You need to wrap your head around that one. If was young right now there is no way that I would bring a child into this world.  But humans don’t have free will, this reality and never have, because it is controlled  and humans are encouraged to incarnate in this lower vibrational frequency with promises of advancing spiritually and working out “karmic debt” Karma is an artificial construct and used to manipulate naïve humans. We have been schooled into believing this rubbish along with new age garbage funded by the CIA and think tanks since the 1960’s. Karma will only work if you believe it and accept it. 

How can you prove that you did or did do something in a life time centuries ago, when someone tells you that you killed somebody? You have no way of knowing whether you did or not, so why would you believe it? But if you believe that you did then you pay the debt. Brilliant scam that never fails to  entrap naïve souls. 

We know times are changing fast and the so called end of times scenario is being brought into human consciousness. This is to keep us in fear and make us compliant. The end of times is nothing but an astrological cycle. Currently though there is a push for people to accept euthanasia as an answer to their problems, especially mental health issues or if one has a long term health issue or disability. Canada is rolling this out now and targeting children as well as adults. Is this a rational and moral thing to do when there are medical and economic solutions to improve the quality of life? 

With the population shrinking as Neil points out, what will happen to all the houses, hospitals, businesses and our environment? Who will take control of all of this surplus? The ruling classes of course, they are the big consumers and polluters in the first place. The elite fear death, they fear the loss of power and wealth. They fear being accountable for their evil deeds too. They are fearful that they will be found out by the masses. That cat is already out of the bag though isn’t it? So they must resort to taking drastic measures to keep control of humanity for their own sake, not ours. We are made to fear China’s communism yet ignore western corporate communism reshaping our homelands currently.

One option that takes care of the problem is a gradual popular cull and infertility. Then the food must also be controlled and this is happening right now. Now remember that they started planting this information in the news before the pandemic had started telling us not to waste food, and now using false food shortages as an excuse caused by the war in Ukraine. Which has very little bearing on countries like Australia or Asian countries that can supply grains to others. Neither does the electricity, gas and oil from Ukraine affect Australia but it is being reported in the news along with power shortages. This is all just manufactured control and most people are starting to realise this. So now that the public are aware of this, then another tactic must be used, layer upon layer of control. 

All of this stress keeps humanity in a negative low frequency and therefore easy to manipulate. Keeping them cut off from their spiritual side. The split from our spiritual energy is the key here, this is vital to humanities survival. We are spiritual beings first and foremost, we belong in spirit not trapped in a never ending cycle of abuse and trauma that depletes our spiritual life force. The suppression of our life force and our psychic side is the silent  death knell once we make the move to transhumanism incorporating artificial intelligence into our bodies. 

People over the age of 50 are undesirable for this agenda, it is the children of the world population and those in their infancy right now that are the intended targets of this evil agenda. 

The euthanasia issue will become more noticeable in the media from now on. It will be presented as the right thing to do if we are old (define old) or have health problems , homeless or financially disadvantaged. When you are faced with this option you know that humanity is in great danger. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. 

20 December, 2022

Neil Oliver: Winter deaths. Neighbourhood lockdowns. Canada offering death to disabled people

Just what does it take for the masses to waken up? People just don’t want to know the truth. This is deliberate wilful ignorance of people just being indifferent to the suffering of millions including loved ones. I just don’t understand how people can be so indifferent. They are living a lie with climate change and all the suffering that it causes yet are happy to give up not only their human rights but sacrificing others including children, the elderly and disabled it’s eugenics 101. Humanity has hit rock bottom and has lost its way spiritually and morally. Many can no long think logically, but will see what their corporate and mainstream media handlers tell them as the truth. If they can believe the garbage spouted during elections to vote for a dishonest politician; then they are incapable of thinking logically when they are being controlled by psychopaths pushing death in their faces. Get used to it because this is your own making by not standing up to evil and greed a simple NO, is all it takes without any violence; just the masses saying firmly; no thanks, this is not in our best interests. How hard can it be in a supposedly free western world? 

Humanity not only has a price on its head it has a use by date that is about to expire because corporations have colluded with governments and the masses don’t seem to care. The masses have been hoodwinked with the Ukrainian war and believe everything that the media tells them forgetting every war has a propaganda machine. 

What if your country was being targeted for a take over by western business corporations, the WEF/UN and certain governments of the world and NGO’s? Backed into a corner and destroyed? A US puppet installed to destroy your country just like in Iraq or Ukraine and then hand picked corporations move in and get lucrative contracts to rebuild the country and bleed your country dry of its own money and assets. Central bankers dictate everything just like all the wars of the 20th century to date. 

Yes, I am against the invasion of Ukraine and I am also against what the west has done to Russia, they set up this proxy war in the first place. Ordinary people are the victims and collateral so the elite can rule and take from others anything they want, including human lives. They deem our lives worthless. 

But here is the kicker, your bank account will soon be controlled permanently from here on in. The elite decide when you can access your own money. When were they given that right and by whom? Did they ask your consent? With the shift to digital currency coming; they decide when you can eat and feed your family, so don’t forget that. This is all over the internet and has already happened to journalists in the US and Canada for speaking out. The politicians that you elect have to agree for this to happen and many of them are not the sharpest tools in the toolbox. Some however have been alert and are speaking out, but they are very few. 3rd MARCH 2021 6 MARCH 2021

12 December, 2022

Neil Oliver: it’s anti human, it’s evil and I think it’s heading your way


The term; “useless eaters” goes back to the 1970’s at least; there were other terms implying the same thing going back to the late 19th century and early 20th century. Eugenics were a late 19th century concept in modern history all over the world with intellectual and wealthy peoples; thinking it was socially acceptable right up to ww2. Many of them still held that belief. The Nazi's and communists took it a step further. You will find more state sanctioned deaths occurred in the USSR through out the communist regime from 1917 up to the 1950’s. Millions perished and Stalin was by far the worst killer yet none of this could have come about without the blessings of secret societies and the US government involvement. How quickly people overlook these facts. 

07 December, 2022

Neil Oliver: …The great reset power grab…


Listen to this and read the comments!

Firstly people have collectively been in denial for over fifty years; not willing to know what was going on. Up until lockdown happened, and then only some are paying attention.  Also Karl Marx was a lazy good for nothing. His father sent him to England hoping to make something of him. Marx made friends with a fellow student who came from a wealthy family,  and milked him for everything he could and shamelessly living off the money of  his naïve friend. Marx was a total  parasite that thought he was entitled to do this.  Not just that he expected his friend to financially support his family. He was a grubby shifty little bastard, and a bloody Freemason too. That is why you see photos of Marx doing the hidden hand gesture. Yet people that look up to him conveniently ignore the real truth about him. 

He did have a University education, but was just lazy and manipulated others to his advantage. A piece of human garbage that despised humanity. Yet his toxic twisted ideology was acceptable to the powers that be and; they used his twisted philosophy to their advantage. And hence the international banking cabal adopted his philosophy including using Russia as a test ground for communism. You can find this information on the internet quite easily if you care to look. 

Of course this current situation and all the 20th and 21st century issues were created by capitalists and the elite, who else had the ability to do this for heaven’s sake? You ain’t seen nothing yet either but we are all about to see it up close and personal. Ever wondered why wars always work on a schedule? You have to give the fake enemy time to gear up their arms and prime the masses over a few years. It’s stage management pure and simple yet two world wars were not enough to get the masses to wake up to the reality of war is profitable and necessary to expand wealth. We the masses are only cannon fodder and expendable, we are used to fight the wars and to be sacrificed. Humanity is the enemy of the elite, we are not like them and are seen as an expendable commodity. 

Stakeholders as in stakeholders of our lives, who is allowed to live and who can be gotten rid of in a nut shell actually. What do you think is happening at present? Clearly very few people are paying attention to world events. I have been talking about this since I started doing readings yet no one wanted to listen to me, not even my family. My premonitions and predictions bear the facts of what I have tried to warn people of. Too late now, we are all in it up to our eyebrows now. There is no way out now,  there will be a war and there is still western corporate communism to live with from now on. The framework is already there, so just sit back and watch. 

Remember the saying, in order for evil to exist, good men do nothing? Yeah, this is it. Western people have been under mass brainwashing since the end of ww2 and the dripper system of control gradually ratcheting up the pressure ever so slightly. Universities have been used as breeding grounds for communism and indoctrination for decades as well as for intelligence gathering yet everyone lets that slide. People are willing to give up their human rights and allow abuse to happen right under their noses and will turn on  anyone that dares to speak up. That is classic communist behaviour that has been introduced carefully into every day life to an extent that people don’t even notice. How disturbing is that? 

As far as democracy goes the entire world has never had it in the first place nor will it ever, what you are getting is the illusion of a form of democracy. There is no such thing as free will either, we operate within a limited spectrum of reactions which are very slanted against humanity based on a negative spiritual perspective. This is part of Gnostic knowledge that the average person is denied and it is vital that the masses are kept in ignorance including spiritual ignorance for this dualistic reality to function effectively to keep us in darkness, otherwise this reality would disappear. Gnosticism is not even trustworthy either when you see the mixed messages conveyed. 

The occult Gnostic link to all of this is always conveniently ignored by everyone that brings up this subject. Because no one is trained to think of that. Society worldwide is controlled by the perception of realty and the priest class and an other layer of hidden hands above that. This planet is a negative dualistic reality that only certain people understand it’s functions. It is intrinsically linked to everything including politics, corporations, religions and everything that you can think of. Our own spiritual power is turned against us to keep us in this perpetual reality. Get a grasp on that and you are free and out of this low spiritual frequency and you can live in a higher frequency and knowledge away from this evil augmented reality that is actually spiritual death. 

At 5.46 what he is saying here is human beings have a psychological disease of the soul, Wetiko or parasite. What Neil doesn’t know is there is also a spiritual parasite or disease of the soul within humanity. They are well known about in the spiritual community as archonic attachments; but dismissed in mainstream society. Very few humans are free of the parasite archons, even after physical death the entities are still there when a person returns to the spirit world and that is because most people have absolutely no idea that they exist. 

Also the spirits of the Nephilim are one possible cause of the disease of the soul according to some researchers in this subject. They are supposedly trapped in astral and can attach to humans without us being aware. However there is another theory, which is etheric implants that are supposedly done before a person incarnates. This is a theory put forward by Wes Penre. 

One thing that Neil may not have thought about when making this video is the DNA changes with the “gene therapy “ Pfizer vax is those people are legally and genetically not human as we know it, they are a chimera hybrid human technically. And who will own the DNA patent on us victims of this crime against humanity? Who owns us altered humans? That is something that should set off alarm bells right now. Remember the court case about patenting human DNA which was absolutely forbidden and thrown out of court in the USA? People need to smarten up and be better informed on this real fast.

Read this from the Australian government. 

27 November, 2022

NEIL OLIVER: …’s a toxic hell….


Neil hits the nail on the head in this post. I have been thinking this for years now. Humanity has gone down the toilet, our weak minded gutless western leaders are nothing but sociopaths with no real idea on how to lead. They are not actually leaders nor  are they real men. They are pathetic rich little boys playing with peoples lives. Society has also devolved from being strong and stoic people of my parents and grandparents time into pathetic brainwashed sycophants that are programmed to respond in certain ways on demand. Performing monkeys to amuse the world leaders, who in turn despise them. 

Moral and ethical decay has set in over the past few decades but especially from 2019. The rot has turned to festering in the minds of western society. A wilful destructive force in a dying world. There is no turning this around because the masses are unwilling to turn this around. The world leaders certainly have no interest or intent to turn this around either because it would defeat the purpose. 

The mass consumerism was cunningly inserted into society and slowly chiseled away at people; to turn them into these mindless mass consumers, then suddenly they are accused of being greedy over consumers. The gullible people accept the blame like fools they truly are. More like dim witted actually; totally incapable of critical thinking as to whom the blame really lies with. 

The replacement of people from their homeland with masses of foreigners is also part of the plan and anyone that speaks out on this is quickly silenced. The agenda has been full swing for 35 years at least, yet  no one was noticing except people that’s jobs were actually part of the system for this to occur. 

The rest is now taking place rather quickly now there is an urgency in the current developments. So much so that week by week things are happening to bring about drastic changes to society and our homelands in the western world. Yet still those that are concerned are now afraid to speak up. 

Theses are interesting times and scary times e are living in, it doesn’t bode well for ordinary people that are now on a precipice and frightened because they don’t know what comes next. 

12 November, 2022

Neil Oliver: sinister cabals are coming this way


Because it’s all about bloodlines! They are already here anyway and Egypt was obviously chosen for an occult reason too. Nothing happens by chance especially with the elite because they are heavily governed by their occult practices, it’s ingrained in them. 

When the ancient Egyptian bloodlines are studied and brought up to current times all become much clearer. It’s not just cyclical events, it’s occult bloodlines with agendas but no one has the guts to speak out about it because they will either be silenced or ridiculed. Systematic redaction of world history to keep the hidden power hidden is not a new thing. The cycles used go back to Atlantas; that history was redacted too and anyone that tries to bring information into the spotlight is ridiculed as a way of preventing any serious scrutiny. When one follows the bloodlines no matter how hard they try to hide the truth there are clues. Many writers have put together parts of the puzzle and the point of origin always points in the same direction. The heretical bloodlines of ancient Egypt which includes a direct family line to Jesus and Mary Magdalene via Cleopatra VII and  this bloodline is still very powerful in the modern world which includes the British and European royals. 

11 November, 2022

Neil Oliver: they want us to do what ?!?


One thing that stands out to me; is the similarities between climate change believers and  activists, and the people that are fanatically pro-experimental vaccines. The frightening and aggressive manner like a communist dictatorship mindset is startling.  This sets the precedent for more events in the future and the real threat to freedom of choice and our right to object to, and question anything that one feels is not in our best interest. Bullied into silence for fear of being vilified and perhaps losing one’s job or denied  access to one’s bank account if one does not comply with the rules, this is hardly democratic. What sort of world are we facing in the coming weeks, months or years? 

Our human rights are not negotiable, they are our inalienable rights and not for anyone to curtail or remove. We must never allow ourselves to be coerced into a situation where lockdown can happen again, whether it be for health reasons, climate change or any other situation that arises. I am of the opinion that the next thing will be to restrict access to the countryside as it will impact the fragile ecosystems or whatever excuses they dream up. The possibility of us being restricted to our regional areas unless we are granted permission is something that is already on the public mind.  Restrictions on the right to freedom of movement is something that we need to think about as things progress, this is an issue that should not be negotiable either as is the right to timely and adequate health care, and access to healthy nutritious foods and clear drinking and washing water etc.

29 October, 2022

Neil Oliver: …..hostile forces are trying to control your mind


Food for thought however; perhaps Neil is new to this stuff. He needs to look back prior to the beginning of the 20th century to see the trail of events leading up to current events. But this in reality goes back to the dawn of time in many countries around the world, where the ruling elite, including the priest classes of pre-biblical times and royalty worldwide controlled everything and still do. The priest class are more powerful than the royals of the world and more dangerous, they have controlled and manipulated  the royals for centuries and disposed of those that were a threat to their power base throughout history, and neither are on our side.

Not just was ancient Atlantis an oppressive society; ruled by the priest class according to ancient social commentators but they had its grip reaching out to every nation in the world and especially the main hubs such as Rome, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Parthia/ Persia and throughout Europe and generational bloodlines keeping the power in the same hands. This is where the power of the Egyptian priest class came from via ancient Ireland.

 So absolutely nothing is new on this earth. Astrological cycles repeat over and over, lifetime after lifetime. This is humanity in a recurring  cycle of enslavement, which could have been prevented if people made the effort to take back their power from the minority of  elites that rule behind the scenes. Warning signs have been obvious for decades  but especially in the past ten years. 

23 October, 2022

Neil Oliver: ‘ …. something bad’s coming our way, and it might be coming for you’

Something to ponder on, war is also a blood sacrifice for the elite. Humans are being taught to undervalue all aspects life and our spirituality by this elite cabal. Our humanity and spirituality is an undesirable quality that the elite wish to deprive us of; this is our divine right we are talking about here. Spiritually though cannot be taken by anyone and nor should it. This is what makes us human beings, without this we are just a worthless commodity to be discarded when no longer useful. This is communism in a nutshell being forced upon us. It is as old as time itself in practice. Recognising it is the issue we are facing right now.  

How far is humanity be willing to be pushed and kicked around for, by the elite of this world before pushing back on those that oppress us? Think about the World Economic Forum as an example, a criminal cabal that are trying to destroy our way of life and stripping us of our money, so that they can be even richer than they already are. Money and power concentrated in the hands of a few, that will stop at nothing to take all that we have, and push us into poverty again just like life prior to WW1 and WW2. But this time it will be worse, because they want to reduce the west to a third world status. Taking everything that individuals have worked hard for such as a home to raise their families in. The right to own a car, the right to a proper education without indoctrination. The right to a proper health care system, the right to work, the right to your cultural identity, family identity and values. The right to say;  no to anything they do not understand or do not approve of. To be denied this right is tyranny and a dictatorship. 

People are that confused these days that they can’t even perceive the dangers around them; in the form of powerful people; namely the priest class that Neil has mentioned recently; that have negative intentions against humanity. This has always been the case too if you care to do the careful research you can see this clearly dating back thousands of years BCE. People are giving there vote to some of these individuals clearly unaware of the repercussions. Demanding climate action when there is north wrong with the climate, it is a proven universal cycle. Not a cataclysmic situation because of humanity. Yet people are willing to lay down their lives for this lie and demand that others do likewise.

War is right under our noses, through the constant deliberate actions of the elite of the world. The ordinary people are the virtual blood sacrifice made to the elite; every time they create a war for the ordinary people to fight each other for no gain whatsoever. It has always been the way of course due to the masses being uneducated and accepting their lot in life. But right now people are supposed to be better educated yet many refuse to see reality or the real spiritual fallout for ongoing eternal suffering and laying down their lives for this evil elite. Their basic human rights ignored and invalidated by this evil elite class. Such as the right to live in peace and harmony, the right to keep their families safe, the right to question and refuse to take part in something that has nothing to do with them. There are many rights that are taken for granted and there are rights that are being taken away by this criminal elite yet no on stops them. 

No one wants to cause any problems or be out of lockstep for thinking alternatively. No one in politics is willing to step up for humanity to put an end to criminal behaviour by the elite; because they have a vested interest too or else they would not be in the job. So  we are here in yet another moment of history where our lives are being dictated to us again and again. Facing yet another human sacrifice for a war that the elite created for financial gain and power over humanity.  Not in my name, I value my soul and my spirituality. I know how the game is rigged and the consequences on a soul and spiritual level.

29 August, 2022

Neil Oliver: ‘ coercion is coming down the line for all of us


Staring down the barrel of dictatorship throughout the western world, that’s what’s going on, on multiple levels. This is what happens when the public allows the government and big corporations too much power.

This has been going on for years and no one was paying attention, only via lockdown have some people started noticing things. Oh but apparently it’s a conspiracy theory. Sure it is, how are you liking it? 

16 August, 2022

Neil Oliver: It’s hard to tell yourself that you have been taken for a fool but open your eyes 

For those that actually bother to read right through my old blog and this one, I have been saying similar for many years but no one wants to know. Well everything is coming home to roost! I warned of this,  I made predictions and here Neil is saying the same. This is NOT a conspiracy theory, just putting it out there. Not so funny now is it, all you that doubted me? 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...