Showing posts with label LEY LINES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LEY LINES. Show all posts

15 July, 2021

ABCNEWS: Small changes you can make to help make the lives of autistic people easier

This is a very important and interesting article, I feel that this is something that people need to take into consideration when interacting with others. Be mindful please, because the person who you speak to may have ASD. Sensitivity, respect and mindfulness are paramount; so that no one feels uncomfortable. 

Watch for subtle cues, it is not always lack of eye contact, (lack of eye contact is also a cultural thing, in many cultures looking directly into a person’s eyes is considered downright rude)

Not all people with ASD are children or young people, there are many older people with ASD. This disability has always been around; but with modern times we are seeing many more people being diagnosed. Some experts have predicted this could be 1 in 3 people in the years to come, one thing is for sure the numbers are increasing. Oh by the way, having lack of numeracy skills and being very poor at spelling and reading can sometimes go hand in hand with this also. But do remember these individuals can also be very intelligent and think outside the box. Please don’t undervalue these lovely people.

Grief of late autism diagnosis.

24 May, 2021

Along the 33rd parallel: A global mystery circle 

Very interesting information here. As in 33rd degrees in freemasonry, and 33 vertebrae in the spine, 33 turns in the number of turns in a DNA sequence, 3 plus 3 = 6 the feminine number 3 x3 = 9 the masculine number. I do love a good rummage on the internet, all things metaphysical 📚📚 one can never do too much reading and foraging for stuff. 

04 May, 2021

Mary Magdalene document

Mary Magdalene lived in Narbonne, France after the crucifiction: of course she would have known about the ley lines otherwise she would not have been there. Also there is a major ley line at Roslyn Chapple is Scotland that connects to Narbonne.   Nothing is ever what it looks like in this world. 

One thing to watch out for in art and religious images is blue grapes, they are a code alluding to the cult of Mary Magdalene and Isis.

More interesting images here, take a look at the paintings of Pandora. Click on them to enlarge them and you will see the skull and and she is also wearing red. Don’t you think there is an other esoteric message in these paintings? The cult of Isis. Perhaps the artists were members of the same secret society that worship Mary Magdalene and John the Baptist. Art often has multiple messages to convey to people that are “ in the know “.

09 April, 2021

Dan Green: The murder of Mary Magdalene

The free eBook ; The Murder of Mary Magdalen, is on this website on the right hand side of the page. After reading the Templar Revelation I came across this and they tie in quite well with more bits of the puzzle. We will never of course find out the truth about Jesus and Mary Magdalene anyway,  it it just shows the lengths gone to and mass murder to cover up whatever is to stay hidden.

Personally I think it is two rival royal bloodlines and their subjugation of humanity; as these are no normal bloodlines as anyone that follows this esoteric path over many years would know. It is in fact the off planet bloodlines (Sirius of the Annunaki fame). But one thing that I have learned from just reading  both this book and the Templar Revelation is, Jesus and Mary were trained in enslaving souls at the point of death (Isis cult initiates; Mary was supposedly a high priestess in the cult of Isis). That should be a warning right there on the evil enslavement of humanity and spirit. 

This particular book  mentions the north side of the church as evil, that is exactly the same as houses or any other building. If you read my article on ley lines you can see this. I am no expert on ley lines  and have left the subject alone, it is not a thing that I want anything to do with as can be seen by my article. 

I don’t have any time for heebie jeebie stuff, I prefer to keep away from the negative influence. Anyway if you fancy reading this book and enjoy a good mystery, you will find useful bits of information. Happy reading 😀

Additional notes: Page 15 mentions the mother of all code cracking, linking up language into a cybernetic fashion.

On page 88 the Fleur de Lis symbol apart from being phallic, it also indicates north, north indicates dark forces and alludes to Sirius. Page 99 the suppressed knowledge of the workings of the female body.

Take a look at pages 147 and 175 onwards about the alleged murder of Mary Magdalen. It is rather cryptic. Notice in page 147 the green hill or mound.; now remember the grassy knoll in the Kennedy assassination? If you have actually read through this book, you can see a link or synchronicity. Look further back and see the comments about the CIA. Bizarre is it not? 

Pg 188 notice the mentioning of the alabaster jar. read on from that to see the interpretation with the larynx and the spoken word of God. There is so much cryptic information in this book that you may want to take notes for future reference.

Page 189 Solfeggio frequencies open up special blessings on the people singing. Like I said on other blog posts; everything operates on frequencies in this universe. Healing frequencies are common knowledge these days through science as well as esoteric information. Even a purring cat triggers bones to heal as scientists have discovered.

NOTE: Please come back to this post later. I am looking for the text about Jesus and Mary allegedly having the knowledge on how to trap a soul at bodily death. I will put in the page number as soon as I find it.

I was going back through the Templar Revelation book by L Picknett and there is mention there about enslaving souls, especially a murder victim. Using necromancy to enslave the soul. It did not say that Jesus or Mary did it, but it mentioned Simon Magus allegedly doing this.

Scroll down to the pictures of Pandora and enlarge them. Do you see the skull? Now look at the one with the golden urn with the coins. Enlarge that one to see the golden skull under her foot. Note the red garment s in the paintings too. Isis and John the Baptist, I have no idea why they are in a painting of Pandora, but there you are. A coded message for those in the know. How far back does the cult of Isis really go? Way back to the beginning of humanity I guess.

13 March, 2021

PDF Operation Trojan Horse by J A Keel

If the top link doesn't work try this one below

I posted this on the Wes Penre post video 247 on 11 March 2021 as part of something else. I started to read this and felt that it needs to be shared , not so much as for the UFO stuff, but what he says in conjunction to this phenomenon. For those that follow this dark subject; heed my warning as well as Mr Keel's warning. 

If you read this please keep an open mind. But I need to draw your attention to the warnings in this book.

The Trojan Horse comes in many forms as you will discover when reading, BUT, I need to direct you  to The Cosmic Joker, the chapter when he mentions Malcom X and the harbinger of doom that visited him in prison. Look at pages 196/197 onwards. These are very serious warnings; that I have made in posts myself in regards to the Metaphysical world and the dangers, such as spells, magic, trance mediumship etc. DON'T DO IT!

I know of people that have lost all that was dear to them also, such as the family being split by divorce and other unhappy domestic situations and each individual case was due to esoteric stuff but especially channelling and in particular ET's, supposed guides and the usual stuff that I warn against.

How much do you value your life and your mental health? Because that is what you are staring down the barrel of. No if's or butt's. No matter how many people I have told not to do this and they still do. Hell mend you!  as we Scots say, you were warned and cannot say you weren't warned. This boils down to the individuals ego. The damage that could be done is irreparable as is the suffering.

Remember( look at my old blog for this) I was warned at a trance mediumship class to stay away from UFO stuff? Not just that being coerced several times into going on the trance mediumship against my better judgement (I have always disapproved of trans mediumship) and something very bad happened to me, but not the other person. She didn't want to know when I told her what happened to me either she just laughed in my face, but she kept her distance the rest of the weekend, she knew the score. She set me up for this course by badgering me numerous times saying it will be fun! Fun? For whom? It was not for me and it is something that I will never forgive. But hey; Satan looks after his own, her day will come.

Below is the link to my article on ley lines which is valid when looking into the cosmic joker.

Now after reading this chapter on the cosmic joker, can you see what is really going on? These entities play good cop bad cop for entertainment, not for our benefit and sure as hell not to benefit humanity spiritually. It’s all a con job. 

I would never recommend being a professional psychic or clairvoyant, (we are born with our abilities), I honestly wish that I had never chosen this career path. Yes, I see it as a spiritual calling, but it is a poisonous chalice. There is no money in this job unless you sell your soul, something that I would never do. I am a very grounded person that has no interest in fame and fortune, only a normal life. With good people around me, and animals of course; as I love them very much.

Please be wise and mindful when it comes to spiritual or other worldly matters, because nothing is what it seems and that includes religion. Be warned, be empowered, and be safe. Your actions are the emanations of your thoughts, that is why it is very, very important to practice mindfulness and be very carful of what thoughts you hold, they are often inserts by the cosmic jokers, your job is to know the difference between your thoughts and the jokers thoughts. 

A big clue can be a random thought that enters your mind and may be hard to dislodge. It can be something that is out of character with your personality or something that you know is wrong but you keep getting the urge to say or act on that thought. An example being, saying something that you know will hurt someone; and you deliberately go right ahead and say it. Which in turn can open the proverbial can of worms, and often backfires on you.

You then start to wonder why you acted that way and have terrible regrets. So you can see the danger here and need to be aware of your thoughts, your social filter etc, and think of what the outcome can be to others and yourself before you act impulsively or carelessly.

You don't want to have a trojan horse living rent free in your head. Evict it and keep your guard up by being mindful of your thoughts and actions. 


03 March, 2021

Science alert: Medieval Church Ruins Found With 'Witch Marks' Removed For a High-Speed Rail

Interesting article, but remember all churches, temples etc going back thousands of years ago we rebuilt on ley lines. Also this part of England is famous for witchcraft. If you do some digging around on the internet you will find plenty information. The black arts have never gone away, they are still around world wide. As for the inscriptions that would be for protection to prevent negative entities causing harm.

As I said churches are built on key lines, it is a standard practice, that ground too, would previously have had a pagan temple, because when Christianity arrived, the church leaders kicked out the pagans and took over the sites, usually destroying the original temple. That happened on a world wide scale. The pagans knew all about ley lines and that is why they built on them, however they were not using them for negative purposes. No, those people worshiped nature. The creators of Christianity were also fully aware of the power of Ley lines, that is pretty obvious. Remember Christianity was anti nature. It is no surprise to anyone with any sniff of knowledge on the subject. 

01 March, 2021

Black Goo and Ley Lines

This is a very good interview . The lady is Veronica Keen, I actually read for her a few years ago. What a small world 😁

Having issues  with ley lines myself, I was sent this video by a contact of Wes Penre's. Much gratitude to you you for sending this to me.

Image result for harald kautz vella
Have a look at this, Black Goo, half way down the science page there is a comment on Black Goo.
Some things should not be messed with.

Lyme disease is a Northern hemisphere illness, so far there is no evidence of it in the Southern hemisphere.

You can see the Ley line effects here and how to deal with Geopathic stress. Book mark this website for future reference.

Ley Lines And Interdimensional Beings

Ley Lines And Interdimensional Beings

Ley or energy lines (in Chinese culture they are called Dragon lines) run through our planet, as most people are aware of. Other than that, most people know nothing about them.

So, what are ley or energy lines? Well, I shall attempt to answer this question as best I can. They are veins of energy that crisscross the entire planet, and are electromagnetic energy in nature. The electromagnetic energy within our planet is its life force. Our planet, just like ourselves and all living things are electromagnetic and sentient beings. Australia sits on a ley line called the 44th Parallel.  


These ley or energy lines often have temples, churches, monoliths and pyramids built on them. Mountains have these ley or energy lines going through them also.  People have been aware of and worked with ley or energy lines for thousands of years.  Our ancestors knew the importance of these lines and how to map them and how to use them for energy work. There are some people that use ley lines for very dark purposes too. Such as black magic practitioners. Ley lines can be made toxic, as in be contaminated by dark negative energy.

It is a fact that the ley lines running through Canberra have been contaminated with very dark energy for many years now. I like several other psychics have been very aware of this dating back to 2005 and before. But from 2005 the energy has become very toxic. A Clair-empath person can feel this. It is like the proverbial disturbance in the force, as fans of Star Wars will relate to.


The human chakra system also correlates to the energy grid around the planet. Both work using sacred geometry and have a mathematical structure to their vibrational frequencies. This is so with all planets in the universe as the universe is composed of sacred geometry, mathematics and energy (spiritual essence), without such life does not take place.


There is a big ley line running through my garden and house, I have no idea how far it stretches, or how wide it is. It sure has attracted some nasty entities or beings and the effects of this is far reaching, as it also is affecting people living all along the line in various ways. At present I am asking a few people around me that they have experienced or heard of from others that live next to them.  


This ley line affects houses on either side of the ley line. I have had some very disturbing things happen in my house. The house right next to me has had some very disturbing things happen too; and they seemed to get worse in the past few years. Speaking to a neighbour behind my house recently she informed me of strange things happening with the house next to her. I am of the opinion that the negative energy may go in cycles. Such as active and inactive cycles.


The problem is not the actual ley line itself, but what is using the ley line as a means to interact with people living in the houses on either side of the ley line. And as I said I have no idea how far this actual ley line goes. As yet I have not spoken to any one that is perhaps in a position of authority, that can give me advice as to where the line starts and ends. I assume the ley line runs via Mt Ainslie all the way south to where I live, and much further.


The ley line is on the north side of my yard.  I also have an energy portal on the south side of the yard where I have seen elemental beings. They are harmless and just go about their functions within nature.

Now with ley or energy lines, I mentioned entities interacting with them. I have seen a couple of these beings in the neighbouring house, when I was invited in to examine the house. The feeling was very overwhelmingly negative energy. I could see a male and a female there dressed in black. These beings were not ghosts or spirits, they were Inter-dimensional beings. 


They were furious at me being there.  They knew why I was there too. The man held something in his hands that looked like a laptop. This is what the lady in the house had also seen, as she does have some level of psychic abilities.  Without going into the details about the occupants of the house.

Some of the patterns exhibited were sleep disturbances, nightmares, emotional/ domestic issues etc. 

The child was waking up screaming in terror, and on the day that I went to investigate, I witnessed the child waking up and being extremely distressed. There was a dark shadow around the child and the child's behaviour was rather distressing. It was very hard to keep him calm and happy. The child had also been talking to a male entity in the house, who had told the child not to tell his parents. So of course, the child did what this entity said. He would get very upset when his mother tried to ask him questions.


In the past 22 years that I have lived in my house, we have had a lot of things happen and a lot of disharmony, and this is even when I am using psychic protection and energy clearing, I might add. I decided to check the house out for energy portals by myself. I used copper dowsing rods and a clear crystal quartz pendulum to detect any disturbance, or portals.   I discovered 3 energy portals in one bedroom which is backing on to the fence line where the ley or energy line runs.  


I used to sleep in this room with my husband, and our two terriers back in the late 1990's to early 2000's. Both myself and the dogs would often feel things in the room as if we were being watched. The dogs would growl at the corners of the room. My husband refused to believe me at the time, that something was there and watching us in the room. I knew because I could feel it. If you are Clair-sentient you would just know. All animals are in tune with the energies so they see, hear and feel things too.


 I had energy blockages in other parts or the house also. I have cleared all of these things myself.  The result was very successful I am happy to say.

 Up until I shut the portals down, I would see these beings move around my bedroom at night and standing over me. The entities felt male and not benevolent.  My current dog reacted by growling at what she sensed in the room also. The feeling of knowing something is watching you, in your bedroom at night is a creepy and unsettling feeling, but I have never been afraid of this. I am not the sort to let this get to me, instead I deal with it.


Now about the three energy portals, one was a natural occurring one that was obviously there in the ground prior to my house being built in the early 1970's.  The other two portals were not natural occurring ones, which means they were put there by someone. Why? Your guess is as good as mine! The natural portal has been redirected out into the garden where it is better suited.

 The artificial ones should not be there at all. These artificial portals are like a star-gate or worm hole that permits beings both physical and nonphysical beings (Inter-dimensional beings), to move from one place to another, including dimensions, for any reason they see fit. The house next door to me also has these portals for these malevolent beings to come and go as they please.


Now after speaking to the family that lived next door and people nearby, what the common scenario was, is everyone has had very negative experiences because of the entities or beings using the ley or energy lines to set up energy portals. I must also add, the young couple that lived next to me had fled the house a few months ago.  Every family or couple that had lived in the house had relationship problems which ended up going from happy families to splitting up and moving out. The time frame on average was months to a couple of years. That is every single family or couple that lived there in all that time. Plus, the original owners of the house from the 1970's.


There was only one owner of the house that I live in prior to my family moving in. The family that lived here was a single parent family. I have not been able to ask the man that used to live across from me much about the history of his house or mine, due to a tragedy that befell him. 


His house is right in the middle of the ley line too. I do know that the man across from me did have domestic issues in the house. I would say they ley line activity had something to do with this.

I did speak to a friend of his 2 years ago who said that he was house sitting for this man, but had to get out of there as he found the house creepy and said there was a very bad feeling in the house and felt some one watching him. There are new people in the house so I have not spoken to them about the ley line business, I am not sure how they would take this.


Events or occurrences that have been experienced range from mood disorders, domestic problems, suicide attempts (this included children), miscarriages myself included when I used the bedroom with the three portals), paranormal events, serious health problems, self-harming, chronic fatigue, nightmares, items going missing for no reason. A few UFO type situations from at least three of these people.  I have mentioned my own UFO experiences on my blog already, so I won't repeat them here.

UFO activity is very common along ley or energy lines, as you will be able to see from a Google search into the subject. Canberra and the South Eastern coast of Eastern Australia is a renowned UFO hot spot.


Most people would have no idea of what Inter-dimensional beings are (apart from what they see in science fiction TV shows) or even how common this phenomenon actually is. Inter dimensional is as the name suggests, they can be human and in most cases are humanoid. They could be from our own planet, but just in a different time line or dimension. Then there is the possibility of these beings being from off planet also.


These beings do not have good intentions. I am of the opinion they are interacting with the human population with the intention of some sort of experiment, as in observational experiment or they are manipulating people for dark reasons. Let's not forget the UFO phenomenon with this too, such as abductions for scientific research supposedly (part of the TTP Technology Transfer Project).

Human emotions are like a food to some beings such as energy or psychic vampires. These beings are very real, some people are actual energy vampires too, and I have met many in my line of work.

 These beings know what they are doing and why. This sort of being does not care about those that it affects, nor the results.  This is predatory and sociopathic behaviour. You cannot reason with such a being, it clearly has no interest in reason, and does not have a conscious like we do. To try to negotiate with such an entity would be futile and a downright foolish waste of time.


I have still some investigations to do with this problem in my neighbourhood, but only in a small area. I have no idea of what to expect for an outcome, other than a peaceful life for all of us that are affected by this situation.


In this video, I would say perhaps he knows nothing of Walter Burleigh Griffin, nor the fact that he was deliberately chosen to come to Australia; to design Canberra using the ley lines as he was an expert in esoteric matters. However, some say that his advice was not adhered to, but manipulated to obtain a particular result. 


 It is nonsense that Canberra was chosen to be a meeting place for our leaders to meet up as it was a half way mark.  That is just spin to throw people off the real facts. This site was chosen for its Occult or esoteric purposes and for no other reason. I have lived in Canberra for 22 years and have read much on the subject and discussed it with people who are knowledgeable on the subject.


As a little extra info on ley lines in Canberra have a look at this. 




Ley lines do affect us and they can be manipulated for various results. They are a naturally occurring phenomenon but subject to technological tampering. They can affect those living by them very much.

There is much evidence to connect them with the UFO phenomenon. Our chakras do interact with these energy lines, as both are anchoring points to lock us in to the third dimension. Without these our reality will be much different.


Patterns of behaviour in a house affected by ley lines can be any or all of the following.


Emotional problems, disturbances, anger issues that come out of no where

Suicidal thoughts or actual suicide


Feeling or actually seeing beings out of phase (Inter-dimensional beings)

Paranormal activity including seeing spirit entities

Shadow people, these are entities which have burning red eyes they do not have a soul, they cause terror in those who see them, including animals. Not like the beings that you see out of the corner of your eyes. Those are not shadow people (They are out of phase Inter-dimensional beings)

Shadow people are very tall formless entities that resemble a thick black fog, they feed off of our fear. Think along the lines of dementors in the Harry Potter books 

Feeling like someone is watching you

Heightened anxiety issues

Health issues especially mental health issues

Items been taken such as small items of Jewellery, (I personally have had 3 Celtic rings go missing from my dressing table where I leave them)

UFO experiences, this can also be dreaming of UFO's on a regular basis usually lucid dream.

Unexplained marks on your body

Chronic fatigue

Miscarriages (myself included)

On closing this I must add, I have taken photos in my back year at the fence while it was night time and there are many spirit orbs right there. There are power lines above the fence line too. Power lines will also attract spirit orbs too. On the other side of my yard is a huge tree, and I have photos of spirit orbs there too. With spirit orbs in photographs, if you see dark coloured orbs, these ones are full of negative energy. Most spirit orbs are white, and occasionally faces have been seen in spirit orbs. I have never had faces show up in any photos that I have taken though. But who knows may be one day?

Above is a couple of examples of photos from my home photo collection.


Copyright Alex Fulford July 2017


I have been to see a colleague about this issue as more paranormal activity has happened. To both our surprise the house had an infestation of dark ET and inter dimensional beings. I was told that the whole 5 groups of dark beings were present. Despite me gold lighting the house every single day as well as all of us living here.

My colleague was able to remote view the house and see lots of energy chords attached to the house. He had never seen that before either. I did not know houses or buildings could have energy chords attached to them. I assumed that only living beings could have energy chords attached.

The clearance was done, and did not take that long to do. When I came home yesterday afternoon, I walked in the front door to be met by what I can only describe as a mass of electrical energy all going crazy. I felt quite uncomfortable walking into the house. But this is my home and I claim this space as my personal space and sent that message out to the universe that this is my space, leave my family in peace. 

 I now have to keep an eye on the situation to see what happens next. I will not be hounded out of my home by anything or anyone. I am a very stubborn person and I am not the sort of person to back down to a bully.

I will keep readers informed on the situation; I honestly don't know what to expect next. I do not like having to investigate this sort of stuff, I had no interest or intention to be involved in anything like this. I would rather just do my regular work as I had no interest what so ever in this stuff, and it has been thrust on to me. This has put a hell of a stress on my personal life. My colleague was amazed that I can still work with this going on. I know no different though, I just do what I do and get on with it.

I found this discussing the width of ley lines.

Here is another article on ley lines. mentioning hauntings and paranormal experiences. Mine are still on going. It is hard work keeping it un
der control.

Geopathic Stress (Ley lines) (posted on 9/11/22)

This article says ley lines are 100 km wide, however I don’t know if that is all ley lines that are this wide. Notice the mention of the Atlanteans building the pyramids. This is my belief also, now some people say the Irish Druids built them, but I believe the Irish Druids are the remains of the Atlanteans that survived the cataclysm. That is more logical because Atlantis was a technologically advanced race even further advanced that current humanity. 

Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Ley Lines And Interdimensional Beings



Ley or energy lines (in Chinese culture they are called Dragon lines) run through our planet, as most people are aware of. Other than that, most people know nothing about them.


• 6 Jul 2017

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...