18 February, 2024
Sausages will never be the same to me now
Lol, , credit to the person that uploaded this to YouTube. Such a funny advert. 🤣🤣🤣
23 November, 2023
Robert Sepehr, Etidorpha the end of the earth
Please read through the comments in YouTube for interesting comments.
Aphrodite/Etidorpha 🤣
20 October, 2023
Neil Oliver: Expendable
Every life matters. Just like I said in my predictions; when I ask what does it mean to be human? Think about this, someone’s child, someone’s son or daughter. I sure as hell would not want to have blood on my hands, especially a child’s blood that is horrific. Yes, I realise that in war sometimes children are armed and will kill. The reason being is because children don’t have the reasoning ability like an adult and so will not think about the full consequences of their actions. What sort of human beings arm children with a bomb or a gun? Knowing full well that a soldier has to make a judgment call on this innocent child that has been used by cowards because the coward doesn’t care about the innocent child nor does this coward have any human decency or courage to be a man. It matters not where this type of situation happens because it happens globally from Northern Ireland to the current areas of conflict. The fact that it happens is the issue. This is a massive collective failure of humanity right there.
I will never choose sides in violence, I respect what it means to be human and spirit. We are one and the same, both human and spirit. Yet incarnated in such a low and heavy duality of the third dimension suffering was always part of the conditions, yet very few can raise their spiritual frequency high enough to leave this reality permanently. We must strive to rise above the evil in this reality. We are on the earth but not of the earth spiritually speaking.
12 October, 2023
Robert Seperh: Edgar Casey the sleeping prophet on Atlantis
Notice the mention of the different races of humans, we are all hybrids of different star races there was no out of Africa and science can definitely prove this now. This was a way of shutting down any uncomfortable questions and debate about the origins of man in modern history and partly because these scientists didn’t know the origins themselves. Yet many ancient cultures knew of the Star people that came here, the Dogon people (as in the star Sirius aka the Dog Star in Canis Major ) of Africa and the indigenous Hopi peoples of the Americas knew of them and mentioned the Ant people in particular that lived deep underground thousands of years ago that hid there from a cataclysm before Atlantis was destroyed.
05 June, 2023
Squirrel fakes death and injury
This little guy looks like he is trying to scam an insurance company or he works out at the gym. Either way it’s a great video. I just love squirrels so I couldn’t resist this cutie.
26 May, 2023
The plan
This was just emailed from Wes Penre to his readers.
This video has been around for a while so we already know the score also this is only a snippet that is deliberately released not the entire goal plan, for that you will need to comb through hours of videos and articles woven through the UN websites, the WHO, the WEF website and possibly many others. Also this technology doesn’t just spring up suddenly they usually have a ten year or twenty year of the technology being existence before it becomes public and then tweak it to the level they want.
Just watch people breaking their necks to get this, and hey presto you are caught hook line and sinker. Say goodbye to your spirit , soul and your spiritual autonomy you are now living in a digital mainframe. I don’t think the likes of Schwab will have the stupidity to get an implant because they know what it will do to them and also they are not willing to become cyborgs and have their minds linked to a cloud. Which is utterly horrifying to do to anyone, because once it’s done it will not be undone. Meaning you are no longer a divine spiritual creation. You will be cut off from the spirit world permanently, you will also only have knowledge that you are permitted to have. You will be just a drone with the level of knowledge and intelligence that you are designated and nothing more because of your programming.
22 February, 2023
You pass the Canberra Test?
03 October, 2022
Robert Sepehr: The Nobel Italian awakening
An interesting history lesson of ancient and modern times in Italy. I feel things will erupt in Italy within the next 12 months. We are going to have more suffering through out Europe, I really don’t see a happy outcome for anyone.
11 September, 2022
EPOCH TIMES: The Great Reset, the Permanent Lockdown, and the Globalist End-Game: Marc Morano
Light at the end of the tunnel, yeah that’s a train ya idiot 🤣🤣🤣
Read the pdf, the Unseen hand in this blog. There are many writers that have said similar to the author of the unseen hand over decades dating back to the beginning of the 20th century. Also there is an extensive bibliography in the UH book so you will see where the information came from.
The US government are part of the criminal elite with a history going back to the early 1800’s at least; as is the city of London, with a string of minions across the world. Read my predictions too. Also, I have pointed out the the new world order has started last year, because it was announced on the Television on prime time news. I have known it was coming since I was 28. But I didn’t know it was a new world order. I saw mass suffering worldwide, like mass poverty, war and life like being like the Great Depression and here we are.
When this guy mentions Hitler what he doesn’t mention the fact that the US bankrolled him, just like they funded the communists of Russia, to kick off the revolution to name just a couple of things, and destabilising other countries including allies in order to control them and instal who they want in order to exploit and control every aspect of life in these countries. Useless eaters; this is Henry Kissinger’s expression; that stated in 1973, control the food and you control the people.
This guy must have done a quick read up on all of this shit, it’s all been around for years, decades in public domain. Sounds like he is trying to save his own neck by parroting all of this. I am surprised he hasn’t mentioned the Jesuit piece of shit Adam Weishaupt because that is how far back this goes. But there in fact have been similar things going on since the beginning of time. Now, expect things to hit the fan, because these government goons along with corporations will have to do something fast to prevent peoples rightful anger boiling over. This is building up with reporters jumping on the bandwagon which means the world is poised on a knife edge, anything can happen next. I feel for us ordinary people and what all of this will mean.
I put up with ridicule for years for what I was warning about, even from my family, well are you laughing now?
08 September, 2022
Randall Carlson Fascinating Interview
I have never listened to the Joe Rogan videos before, I just haven’t been interested so this is my first.
This is a three hour video and very much a must see, it has fascinating information especially at the 18 minutes onwards. Core samples 2 miles deep, Randall is able to explain the research and shows diagrams as a visual guide. You will see I have also put a blog post showing diary notes going back centuries with a link to each page from the website detailing the weather 400 years up to the 1990’s. They are still revealing the weather patterns and how they constantly change over centuries. Cycles upon cycles which are universal. 1666, the year of the great fire of London coincidentally.
There are great snippets of history to enjoy in this video, no wonder it has so many viewers and it as made back in 2015. I can’t believe that is seven years ago now 🤣
04 September, 2022
02 September, 2022
WES PENRE: Q and A Session 1st September 2022
Some more useful info from Wes. This is the transcript pdf for those that like to just read.
This is the video format, please read through the comments too as many are quite interesting.
Update: Wes has a new video on line with today’s date. I am not going to post it because much as I agree with it. It opens up a can of worms for anyone that agrees publicly. Pay attention to the very end comments too.
25 August, 2022
Robert Sepehr: Bloodlines of the chosen
The mention of Jesus and the unicorn 🦄 or more accurate Monoceros. It’s all astrology and all the stories rehashed in different countries over the centuries. Cycles within cycles the same stories retold
The royal arms of Scotland has the unicorn alluding to something important in our past, about our royals. There are also the rival royal houses connected to this, those that represent the dragon bloodlines. The Sinclair’s, the Hamilton’s and the Stewart’s of Scotland’s royal bloodlines. There are two royal bloodlines, the Ram (Aries) and Dragon (Serpent).
The Welsh dragon is astrological too, it represents the constellation of Draco (Dragon).
I find it very interesting that there is a strong and important link with Britain, the royal families of the world and this bloodline which also ties in with Sirius and ancient astronauts and there is a link to the Dogon (Sirius the dog star/ Canis Major) people of Africa in all of this too. Clearly there is much more to humanity than we are being told, yet there are clues around the world in many cultures from South and North America to Ireland and to the Middle East to parts of Asia and of course Europe.
Note: please click on the index for metaphysical and esoteric and scroll through the posts, you will need to keep clicking “older posts “ to take you back further to read other interesting articles.
24 August, 2022
Hale and Pace: Letter from Scotland
Hale and Pace from the 90’s doing a parody of the Proclaimers, very clever and funny
21 August, 2022
Robert Sepehr: The mystery of reincarnation
If you would rather read the transcript then click on the little arrow pointing downward on the right hand side of the screen directly below the little blue box. Then you will see the transcript link, so click on it and you can then read rather than listen to this video. Do read the comments too because there can be very interesting comments with snippets of information.
I don’t accept the views in this video, they are Robert’s take on things and the people in the past that wrote about reincarnation. They do not talk about the matrix control over this universe or out world. Nor do they know what actually happens in the so called spirit world.
15 August, 2022
Neil Oliver: big pharma, the corporations, the state, they’re fostering dependency
It is damn near impossible not to be distracted by all of the current things surrounding us over the past few years and this is how things are going to stay from here on in. These events distract us from focusing on our inner world of spiritual awareness which is detrimental to all of us as a species and as individual spiritual beings. The more we are focused on fear the worse things get for us, our spiritual energy or frequency drops too. Keep that in mind because that’s very important and if that is constantly happening then the physical body becomes ill.
Let’s not forget your spiritual sovereignty, that is a real thing and they seek to destroy that too.The media will tell you there is no such thing as spiritual sovereignty next, which is the ultimate cardinal sin. But right in line with the fake spirituality pushed to a percentage of the population.
Only the ignorant will accept all of the current circumstances that the world is facing presently like they do everything else. The media are there to keep you in line and train you to be self censoring, self criticising and scared of what your peers think of you. If you think other than the approved popular opinions you have problems. Which is straight out of the communist hand book. But hey, you either want to be empowered or disempowered take your pick and run with it!
What Neil is talking about with regards to hundreds of years ago was the destruction of the goddess religion. The patriarchs saw them as a threat and murdered them all and their followers. What people are not aware of is that aspects of the goddess religion while it went underground, was incorporated into what is now Christianity. Not all of that goddess stuff is nice either, it is naïve to think otherwise.
Remember there has always been a deliberate imbalance in spiritual matters in this world, it’s designed for polarity and sometimes extreme polarities, and never in humanities favour for a reason.
When the pendulum swings to extremes we have multi pronged conflict and war. Then at the end of one particular astrological age or cycle and the birthing of a new one, also brings conflict and upheaval.That’s how this world is set up, it won’t change because humanity are not willing to learn how this all works, they leave it to the overlords to dictate because it is easier than being personally accountable for one’s own actions. So they will never be able to change anything, just live in a self perpetuating cycle of ignorance over and over again. With no valuable lessons learned to break out of the encryption that keeps humanity earth bound in misery for eons.
Nothing on this earth is going to help break that encryption only when one reaches inwards to pure spirit and is sincere in their quest will one succeed in attaining that wisdom to set one’s self free and this is a process that takes many lifetimes until that epiphany occurs. But one does not stop there, as there is much more to learn or remember once in astral.
12 August, 2022
Robert Sepehr: All seeing eye of the ancient giants
For those with an enquiring mind and willing to think outside of the official narrative of what history is.
24 July, 2022
Neil Oliver: that’s what’s coming, it’s all about control
Please watch the video and read the comments.
I noticed Neil has now realised that the priest class are part of the problem. This priest class is not what you think it is. No, it is way above what you see as the church that you belong to. These are people that are never seen publicly we don’t get to know their names or what they look like; they are an old system of powerful people higher than your royals of the world.
These people control the royals, think of ancient Babylon and Egypt, this is them here and now. An inter-generational priesthood with bloodlines.This satanic priest class operates behind the scenes politically worldwide. This priest class actually go back, to Atlantis. But they will convince you Atlantis never existed, really then why are they following that ideology then?
I have already said many animals will leave this reality, here is Neil telling us about the relocation of wildlife. Wildlife creatures are territorial and don’t like other animals taking over their turf. Then there is food shortages this causes for the animals or there isn’t the right sort of food that the relocated animals eat and so they die. Humans can’t stop screwing up the ecosystem because of their stupid egos.
I am glad that Neil is calling out the screw up that is the greens. How could anyone actually not see this? Everything that their Marxist agenda has pushed from the shitty green shopping bags that are toxic, to compact fluorescent bulbs which are very toxic and dangerous, to wind turbines and solar panels. The push for veganism. It is all anti-life and totally against the way nature is designed but it has made many people millionaires.
By the time that I die thousands of animals will be gone extinct not to mention a much small human population. Because these nutters want to kill off millions of people to “keep the balance of life”. It’s all Eugenicists on steroids.
The recycling crap really annoys me, because I have known that it is just a psychological exercise to keep us in lockstep and distract us from the reality of what is going on. This was used in ww 2 as a distraction too. People were told to collect things for the war effort. In reality it was all just a psy op.
Today we again have all those gullible sycophants falling into line again If the government were genuinely interested there would be real alternatives and our recycling done weekly. But no we all have to play along with the bullshit. The public had the guilt trip put on them by the media too remember, the public were blamed for being inconsiderate polluters for all the waste packages. We were not the manufacturers of the good and the packaging so why were we accused of this? Because, someone told us we were responsible. Does one put their hand up to a crime that they didn’t commit? Apparently some people do and that is how this game played out until fairly recently. Suddenly the manufacturers were told to change their packaging, only some have though. Suddenly there is a campaign to return the plastic waste to the supermarkets. Who benefits from this financially?
The celebrities that get on board with all of this really annoy me because they virtue signal to the world that they are superior and are getting paid to lie to the world. They forget though that people remember what they have done in the past or do now and get caught out.
Think about all the over production of all goods by corporations worldwide constantly churning out clothes and footwear of which most is poor quality, household goods with a very small life span and then end up as land fill. Or sent to a third world country to fill it with garbage. Yet these same corporations and celebrities will tell us to stop using electricity, stop polluting the world and the oceans. They tell us to re use and make do with less. This is millionaires telling us ordinary people this. How condescending is this?
At the same time we are still being bombarded with over production of everything imaginable including clothes. Clothes of inferior quality in the past 35 to 40 years. This is a personal bugbear of mine. I hate the clothes that are produced since the late 80’s it’s all garbage. When I talk about this to other women my age or younger they just glaze over. It doesn’t bother them not. The lack of choice in styles everything is rubber stamp like a cheap Marxist production line. The left overs and clothes from last season end up in Africa, to be become “dead white mans clothes” as they name it in Africa. Even charity shops have to reject clothes because they have nowhere to store the vast quantities that are brought to them. Much of that goes to landfill, sent overseas to Africa or is cut up for rags.
Again this is not the fault of consumers, it is forced on to us by big corporations. Lay the damn blame at their feet. Make them accountable, make them produce better quality goods, better quality clothes like they used to do, without splitting the thread count on fabric. I personally am sick to death of cheap made clothes. I hate womenswear these days it’s trash. Most of it is very unflattering to boot.
They tell us we are running out of water which is impossible, we are running out of oil etc. it’s all lies. This is a planet of lies. Currently the push is on people to not use their electricity or gas. There isn’t enough electricity to go around. That’s utter bullshit. In reality the government is not buying an adequate amount of power, that is caused by one or two things. Either they are told to do this to lie to the public to make us think we don’t have enough, or the other scenario is , there are idiots in charge that don’t know what they are doing. My bet is it’s a little from column A and a little from column B.
This is a world that is really spiritually void and of a deliberately low vibrational frequency that is needed to keep us locked into this frequency to give our spiritual energy off to the overlords that control everything here.
Humans have through their own ignorance signed up for their never ending misery and signed their own death warrants, because they are encouraged to be ignorant by the priest class, because they need them like this to fit the agenda. We are also in the middle of a downward astrological cycle where as I have stated in other posts, the human race devolves and society collapses. This world is astrologically programmed for events like this. Cycles of thousands of years and then it’s crash and burn. Humanity is not permitted to evolve past a particular level. Only a small number of souls can transcend this reality and if you take the time to read my blog you can see for yourself why humans are in this state. No one is going to stop this, that is not how this world works.
We were also forced to be separated from the land and natural living by the elite, we did not do this to ourselves. Industrialisation was created not for our benefit but for the elite, our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers suffered at the hands of these people and the government that permitted this. Most of our grandfathers /great grandfathers left school between the ages of 12 and 14 to work in factories or mines right up to the 1950’s.
There is very little that the average human is responsible for other than street crime, and poor choices made in daily lives. Such as poor parenting which results in badly behaved children, and the blame lies with individual parents. Accountability where it belongs is the thing. Governments and big business are the biggest criminals but they try to fit us up to take the blame. It is them that cause wars, pollution, food shortages, chem- trailing in the sky etc. It is them that are responsible for the loss of wildlife and the destruction of the earth. It is them that are responsible for society devolving. It is the government and corporations that are responsible for pollution and environmental damage. It is them that are responsible for the mass poverty in the world.
Ordinary people though are responsible for lack of critical thinking and poor education when they have computers in most homes or a modern phone in which to access the information on the internet. Lazy people are to blame for lack of knowledge and the loss of skills such as farming, survival skills, growing their own healthy food and being responsible for their own health and well-being.
Expecting the government and corporations to look after you is giving away your human rights, keeping you a slave and dependent on them for survival. That is not living, nor is it ethical, moral or sustainable.
It is not the way that spirit intended us to be, it is anti life with no possibility of evolving and claiming back our spiritual connection to the earth and all life. The connection between humanity and the all that is of the cosmos is all but gone for many people.
What do you think will be left for your grandchildren if things continue along this path? A barren world full of pollution, living on a diet that has micro plastics and heavy metals which are injested causing chronic health conditions. Living on a synthetic diet, because only the rich can eat natural food and afford quality natural clothing. People that live on a poor nutritional diet will have chronic health problems, a much lower IQ and a poor education meaning they will have very few career options, resulting in lower paying jobs.
08 July, 2022
Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice
Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...

This year I am doing the predictions in short bursts and writing them down; and then reviewing them before I post them. Not as easy for me a...