Showing posts with label ARTICLES BY ALEX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ARTICLES BY ALEX. Show all posts

06 January, 2025

Alex's 19th Anniversary

Wow, today is officially my 19th year  6/1/2006  to 6/1/2025, doing tarot readings. In all these years I have performed mediumship, psychic predictions,  hosted a radio show etc, done scrying with wax drawing readings on a spiritual level, done psychometry (a form of scrying and is the gift of Clairtangence), how time flies when you're having fun, as they say. Conducting readings, and mediumship has been the highlight of my life and putting people's minds at ease in very difficult circumstances. 

I humbly thank everyone that has had a reading, mediumship or spiritual healing from me over the years. Although I no longer do spiritual healing due to my own health issues. I am most grateful for the gifts that I have and the service to humanity that I do. I also thank everyone that takes the time to visit my blog/s. 

I hope to continue this necessary service to humanity for many years to come. I find it interesting from a spiritual and Astrological angle that not just is my birth number a 6 but also the day that I started on this journey in life. ^is an important number in numerology, astrology and spiritually.

Firstly 6 is feminine energy, it is the 6th house of the zodiac which covers work, health and service to others. 6 represents love, femininity, nurturing. The 6th sense is spiritual as in psychic abilities. So, nothing happens by chance in this world or any other reality. Everything vibrates to numbers or mathematics. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs everyone 💖


24 December, 2024

50th Anniversary of Cyclone Tracy hitting Darwin

Tomorrow morning at approximately 5.30am Australian EST, it will be 50 years since the terrible cyclone Tracy hit Darwin. I had just turned 11 years old at the time and new to Australia. I had no idea what a cyclone at first, and I had only been in the country for 13 months, so everything was new to me. 

On Christmas morning my brother and I woke up and went to open our Christmas presents around 5.30 am, as kids do. We had our little transistor radios with us and were listening to the news when the cyclone was reported. 

I remember the shock when hearing of the destruction and deaths. I felt so guilty because I was safe in my home opening up my Christmas presents, and other children and adults had lost everything. How could I get my head around this? It most certainly put an end to any happy Christmas for me when I knew what had happened, Darwin was flattened.  I ran through to my parent’s bedroom and woke them up, to tell them what had happened. I don’t remember their response other than just being woken up after a few hours of sleep. I remember the song, Santa never made it to Darwin, which came out after the tragedy. It gave me the chills and I couldn’t listen to it without being very distressed.

I will never forget this terrible day as long as I live, and all this week cyclone Tracy has been on my mind, not actually realising it’s now 50 years ago. But just a feeling of foreboding and worrying about a disaster happening on Christmas morning again was bothering me. Let’s hope that is not the case, it’s more likelihood that the energy of the event that is being picked up on and I being very sensitive to the energy. 

26 November, 2024

The spiritual game of life

 I had an interesting experience a couple of days ago when doing mediumship on a Skype call. The image I was shown was like a VR game with the gamers looking on from above. This was relatives of my client who are in spirit, showing me from their perspective how our world looks to them. They were looking down into a circular chamber almost like an auditorium and we are the players in the venue going about our lives. Those on the other side of life watching on like spectators. I could see the long drop down from where there spirit beings were standing, down on to what looked like  green grass similar to a football pitch and people just walking around totally unaware that they were being watched from above by these spirits. Kind of like the movie, The Truman Show.

It looked very much like a simulation like when people play console games. As I observed the vision, I noticed the characters, meaning us living in our world were superimposed on top of my tarot cards on the table. Though this is not the first time that I have seen spirit beings  overlayed  on my tarot cards. It did remind me of the Shakespeare statement, all the world is a stage. Which some people correctly take as a hint at the metaphysical reality of the world we inhabit. The expression as above, and so is below is still valid, but it is a multiple meaning expression.    

I wish that I could psychically share what I saw with everyone. Because it was just like 3D and I could look right through the people shown to me like they were just holograms. Not all spirit beings show the exact same type of images to explain what we look like to them. I don’t believe that there is any real set way in which we are perceived by non physical beings either, or even how we psychics and clairvoyants see spirit beings. We all decode with our brains whatever is imparted to us whether by a physical person or a spirit person. So we don’t pick up and interoperate the information the same way. 

I also don’t feel the description above of the spirit beings watching us from above is 100% correct either, it’s just an analogy. The spirit world is all around us just on a different multiple frequencies out of the range that we humans can’t perceive with our physical senses. I see people in spirit often and sometimes it’s just them standing next to me or someone else. Other times it’s seeing the spirit through my third eye clairvoyantly. I generally have a tingling warm sensation around me when a spirit is present, though it's not always the case. 

I believe it is down to individual spirit beings and their own individual knowledge or awareness, beliefs and individual language of communication, to try to inform us of how they perceive us. Just as we in our world perceive them is snot always the same either. It seems more a visual and cognitive language more than a spoken language spirits beings communicate with when trying to contact us, which is the best way that I can describe things being communicated from spirit to us. However spoken language is used too with a range of emotions. 

There are scientists and researchers etc, who are now of the opinion that we  do live in a simulated world too. Scientists have been trying to find a way to explore other worlds for decades in the area of Noetic science, which is an offshoot of physics. I believe that it is more likely that the scientists need to find a frequency key, to answer the question though. 

I  personally, have also seen a different version of incarnations done using a set up like being in black sensory deprivation chamber type of enclosures or pods, which were linked with what looked like big black corrugated  tubes.  All of the pods that I saw were placed in a circle with the heads pointing to the middle of the circle and the black tubes running from the head part of the pods to something in the middle of the circle. The lighting was very dim in the room or laboratory type environment; so I could not see much else. I was aware that someone was standing beside me as I saw this vision. Perhaps it was my spirit guide, but I have no idea to be honest. 

This was long before the movie Avatar came out, but having seen that movie at the cinema. I was stunned to see what I had been shown by spirit, in the actual movie, which is a hint of our reality and how this world functions, including the archonic overlords, although the movie portrays us humans as the evil overlords when in reality we are the victims. This of course leads in to a much deeper metaphysical question of the soul trap and creation by intelligent design and what all this means on a deeper spiritual level. 

Reading the extensive information by researchers  such as Wes Penre and Anton Parks leaves us with a very deep subject to explore on the reality of our world and other realities and the two way relationship between us. How we perceive each other and what actually is reality, which becomes quite subjective the more one investigates the subject. No answers will be forthcoming any time soon, and they will most definitely be highly questionable sources. Verifiable information will not be easy to obtain in our world because human understanding is very limited in the third dimension due to the dark heavy energy that makes up this dimensional frequencies. 

I reserve my own judgement until after I depart this world because we can very easily have our opinions and beliefs clouded by other peoples views and we operate within a reality framework that is quite limiting. Consciousness doesn’t truly expand until we are no longer in the tomb of the physical body. Keep an open mind about reality and do not have a set expectation because what one thinks is what one manifest, whether in the physical reality or the spiritual reality, everything is thought reactive regardless of where we are. We must be free of influence both externally and internally. Most importantly is we must be fluid in our beliefs, what one believes currently on any subject can change quickly and so should our spiritual understanding. 

Copyright: Alex Fulford 

 26 November 2024  

03 October, 2024

Count your blessings

 With all the sadness in the world right now it’s a time to count ones blessings and be grateful for the life you have. The suffering and the loss to many families is truly overwhelming and we know not where or when someone will be stuck by the hands of fate. 

Never take life for granted because one never knows when life will take a turn for the unexpected. This is a rule that I have lived by since I was very young and have myself been through many heartbreaks and loss. I have had my life hang in the balance of fate more than once through no fault of my own and my husband has had the grim reaper shadow him most of his life. This makes us more aware and sensitive to the suffering of others. The saying, there go I but for the grace of god, is something that one must bear in mind with all the suffering in our world right now. 

Keep it simple, keep it honest and true as you make your way through life and try not to leave pain in your path as you negate your earthly journey. We are all accountable for our actions in the end, but to leave the world knowing that one has done good deeds lightens the soul and eases the conscience at the end of the journey. Now more than ever we must be responsible for our own actions and not contribute to the current evil pervading our world. We are witnessing only the beginning of what is to come, but the effects will last more than a lifetime. 

Go gently and live from your heart and count your blessings that you are not one of the unfortunate souls to suffer the horrors of war, homelessness and poverty. One never knows when fate reins down an unjust blow upon the innocent. 

Blessings, Warm and fuzzy hugs 


13 September, 2024

US Federal Election 2025 and J D Vance

 I don’t know if other psychics are getting the same vibe from JD Vance, but that guy doesn’t just creep me out, he scares me too. I get the feeling that he will take over from Donald Trump at some stage and that worries me. Trump is a business man and is often saying inappropriate things, but J D Vance is a different kettle of fish altogether. Being a Leo star sign he will not be happy unless he is in charge of anything. Leo’s are leaders and never followers, they need attention, to be noticed and adoration from everyone. They don’t do second fiddle. So keep this in mind as you go to the polls America. 

I have not done an actual reading on JD Vance yet though I do intend to do that tomorrow. I don’t think he is going away. As I have said for the past few years there will be a Republican president for 2025, and he is a young dark haired man. I do believe that Trump at some point will hand over power to Vance or else Vance does the main work on the global stage. 

This guy is not shy and when push comes to shove he will not back down. He is patriotic all the way, on his own terms. I will update this post asap with more information in the meantime please check out this link below on the new US Republican Party president. I have been seeing this man since 2021.

Sunday 15/9/24

As a Leo, JD Vance is a leader Leo being a fire sign it is a star sign that puts the person in the heart of things to demonstrate their skills, abilities etc. Here We see J D Vance come across as a stable and well balanced individual with a legal and military background. In this layout, the knight of cups shows him protected and perhaps defensive. The knight can be seen as a messenger bringing a message of peace or hope to the team. He is prepared for the work to be done and is no shrinking violet in conflict but he must keep his temper under control.

He will try to uphold the law as he sees it, however he is only human and must guard against greed and all the other temptations. Currently Mr Vance has an emotional sea to navigate both in the US and globally. 

He must think very carefully over every action or inaction in his role from here on in. Because the eyes of the world are on him. He can get hot under the collar and needs to keep this in check. Vance has his eye on the ball and will not play second fiddle to anyone, that is a Leo or any fire sign for you. They need action and are need constant stimulation. Mr Vance is very firm on his decision making and he will defend them to the end; perhaps through stubbornness. Timing is the key, he needs to learn to bide his time before responding or reacting. I feel he enjoys the finer things in life that hard work and money brings. We know that he has military discipline behind him and has leadership skills from his time in the military to advance his career. He hasn't done too badly to date, and I see that he is a hard talking deal maker.

 It may be what the Republican party needs as a person out front showing strength and leadership with world leaders. He must not jump in without sound knowledge of subject matter unlike Trump. He seems to study the game board first them moves his players. I do think that he would make a more stable president than Donald Trump. Mr Vance does show signs of being fair, yet at times he can be closed off. Heaven help those that upset him because he will have them on toast. He does have a lot of clout behind him; this worries me though because it may not be good for the US as a nation nor for the international standing. This is due to the powerful backers behind the scenes, it is not about lives, or doing what is right. It is about power and money. I do not see this as a unifying of the US. 

I have already said I do not like the energy from JD Vance and I do feel that the public must exercise caution, as both sides of the political spectrum spell bad news for ordinary Americans and the world. We need transparent  unity and diplomacy to move forward and I do not see this happening. 

06 April, 2024

Granny‘s Kitchen

 Oh remember granny’s kitchen, when the sunlight came streaming through the window. The early morning baking and the aroma wafting through the house. A child’s excitement and delight because she’s making you something nice. Is it cakes or biscuits or an apple pie for after dinner? You’ll have to wait and see. 

Today is her baking day, and the day is in full swing, she smiles at you lovingly as she works the dough to bake some bread. Granny loves to bake wholesome treats and shares them lovingly with her family. A blessing that’s for sure, after all what is childhood without a granny’s love and care. Her warmth and tender kindness that children hold so dear. It’s not like mum or dad’s love, no it’s a special kind of magic that nothing can compare. It’s like a super power or a secret magic spell that only a granny can possess. That warmth and tingling feeling that soothes us off to sleep, that special loving warmth that takes away our fears. Safe in bed and loving thoughts that takes us off to sleep,  excited for tomorrow and the fun of being with granny;  building memories that we will hold onto forever. 

Oh how we love dear granny who makes us feel so special, oh how we love dear granny, we want to stay at her house for ever and always be her treasure. Oh how we love dear granny that knows our favourite things. 

Even in the cold and rainy weather granny’s kitchen is full of warmth and comfort. It may be gloomy outside but it’s always sunny in her kitchen. Pull up a chair and make yourself comfy while granny tells you stories of her childhood. See that little tear in her eye as she fondly remembers her own childhood, a time so long ago. To her it was only yesterday but to you it’s an eternity not something you can fathom. 

You sit there enthralled by her memories and stories, you ask her awkward questions and she replies with a laugh, oh, I am not that old. One day you shall remember the special moments of your childhood and share them with your children. You will fondly remember the kitchen with the baking and the love. The cooking and the meals shared with the family. The nights you slept at granny’s house, and the tender loving care. 

The summer evenings and delicious meringues and special treats kept for such enchanting nights. The house is full of guests and granny has a special treat for you to play with while the adults enjoy their conversations. Knowing children get so bored with adults conversations, granny knows full well. Let me check the cupboard, I believe that I have something that you’ll like. 

Oh, granny it’s just what I wanted; you reply with sparkling eyes and a great big smile. Now run outside and play in the garden before it gets too dark. Remember to say thank you granny, you tell her that you love her, it warms her heart to hear. She’s the best granny that you ever had, nothing else compares to granny with her tender loving care, she will always be your granny the one you hold most dear.

Copyright, Alex Fulford, April 2024

29 March, 2024

Binging on lovely romantic movies over Easter

 Happy Easter everyone, 

I do enjoy the vibe of Easter from a seasonal perspective, the atmosphere and the weather at this time of year is sentimental to me, remembering childhood in Scotland. Spring in the northern hemisphere is lush and green with beautiful spring bulbs in bloom, especially daffodils, hyacinths and crocuses. I fondly recall visiting my grandparents at Easter and giving both of my grandmothers bunches of daffodils and chocolates every year. I love the fragrance of daffodils and hyacinths to this day and grow them in my garden as a wonderful memory of spring in Scotland. 

In Australia these flowers don’t bloom until August, September and October; so when it comes to Easter in Australia it’s still pretty hot in the mid to high 20’s Celsius, although if you live in the southern regions, the mornings are cooler. So I like to have a day to reminisce about childhood memories and watch old romantic movies while enjoying goodies.

Enchanted April is one of these feel good movies, about a small group of women that want to have a nice Easter holiday in Italy away from the rain and gloom of post WW1 England. It’s a warm and feel good movie where a beautiful romantic transformation takes place in otherwise dull and uneventful lives of these women. 

If you have never seen this 1991 movie, I highly recommend it as a must have in your DVD collection, to watch on a day when you feel flat and need a pick me up movie to bring back the warm and fuzzy vibe. 

Above is the cover of the DVD that I have, there are a few other covers, but the cast is the same. Joan Plowright, Miranda Richardson, Josie Lawrence, Polly Walker, Alfred Molina, Jim Broadbent and Michael Kitchens.

Another great favourite is Chocolate with Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche. A different world away in  a simpler time and place with a message of acceptance. There is nothing nicer on a relaxing day to enjoy these quality movies and sipping tea from your favourite fancy tea cups while eating hot cross buns, or enjoying a bottle of sparkling wine in the afternoon. 

 Make it a day of fun doing what makes you happy. I hope Easter Bunny stops by on Sunday with plenty Easter eggs for you. 🐇🐰🐰🐣🐥🐤

Warm and fuzzy hugs everyone 

24 March, 2024

Savour the sunlight

Tis the end of summer yet the days are still warm. The nights quickly draw in and the feelings of the day start to fade. I yearn for an extra hour of sunshine to bask in the golden sun. Too much to do and so little time, as a mother’s work has to continue. Indoors and hurriedly preparing for dinner; and wishing I was in  the garden doing nothing but sitting watching the sun go down. Please take your time sunlight, I want to savour this precious time, why hurry and miss the feeling of peace and perfection of nature’s wonders. 

 Savouring the sunlight as long as I can, the singing of birds and the humming of traffic in the distance blend into the experience as my mind wanders in a flight of fancy. How I wish I was a child in an ever lasting sunshine, not a care in the world. Why can’t I have the fun and adventure like the famous five? Endless summer days with picnics and fun, not toil and endurance. Just a chance for an adventure that fills one with joy. Not I though, reality bites as there’s chores to be done, I have no time to sit in the sunshine and dream. Something is always calling me to attention no matter what, a mother’s heart is pulled this way and that. Battered and crinkled with endless routines and restless sleep. 

Still tomorrow’s a new day, I shall try again, to grab some late afternoon sunshine and enjoy the sun going down. My silence is golden please don’t disturb me, I am recharging my batteries for the evening meal and the final round of chores before I can rest. A well deserved break and a hot cup of tea; I seek silence and respite in my tea for a moment. I want that moment to linger a while before reality comes again and the reminder that tomorrow it all begins again. I will attempt savouring the sunlight tomorrow with the hope that I may get a chance to bask in your presence. I bid the sunset adieu for the evening and longing for sunlight as the sun comes up in the morning. 

© Alex Fulford 

09 March, 2024

Pre Raphaelite Art Appreciation

 Any fans of Pre-Raphaelite art out there? I really love this old art of the Victorian and early Edwardian era, The colours and subject matter are so romantic and speak to my soul. I have pictures hanging up in my home office and Tarot bags on the theme too. Modern art doesn't speak to me the same way as this art. I visualise an artist studio with plenty sunlight streaming through the windows and a leafy green garden with lush green trees near the window for inspiration. Leadlight glass panes on the windows and a leadlight lamp in the room somewhere. To me these things go together with the era, and I love leadlight windows and lighting.  

I would prefer botanical art in modern paintings or something nature based. But this Pre-Raphaelite art has such a strong pull for me. I do feel a strong pull towards the mythical and whimsical elements of the art of this genre as it moved into the early 20th century. This style of painting is evocative in its beauty, elegance and the mystical  all wrapped in one package. 

 Midsummer's Eve by Robert Hughes and John William Waterhouse's famous Lady of Shallot painting,  are sitting above my computer as I type this. So feminine and a sense of a magical time in art where romance meets esoteric mysticism in a big way. Modern art cannot possibly evoke the same wonder in me like the Pre Raphaelite art does, no disrespect intended here, it’s just my personal preference in art. 

                                                                     Midsummer's Eve by Robert Hughes

                                                            The Lady of Shalott by John William Waterhouse

                                               The Accolade by Edmund Blair Leighton 
Ophelia by J W Waterhouse

The vibrant colours of the John Everett Millais version of Ophelia  

The Ophelia paintings come in various versions by different artists.

All of the Pre-Raphaelite paintings are  beautiful, deeply evocative and esoteric, though loved by many for their sheer beauty alone. To me it is a visual mystical poetry of times gone by, by both the artists and the era. The times they depict and  how they make me feel from a modern times standpoint is hard to put in words. These artists were most definitely very privileged individuals not just in talent but from backgrounds that could afford to provide the artists with the means to create these wonders. 
The esoteric wisdom that each artist possesses is not unlike those on a metaphysical path that are immersed in the symbolism of the Tarot. But the sheer beauty that an artist creates on canvas is unsurpassed for beauty, wisdom and human experience that most of humanity never gets a chance to experience on a deep personal level. However, they can get a brief glimpse into this amazing transcendental world  by studying the beautiful artworks in a gallery, a book, poster or just on good old Google. 
The more one looks at the images the deeper they speak to the subconscious mind in subtle ways which I feel are beneficial to humans on a spiritual level, not just beautiful art for the sake of it. 
I hope these pictures may spark an interest in someone that is seeing them for the first time. 

There are hundreds of images on Google images if you just type in " Pre Raphaelite art". From there click on the images and read about the individual artists. I do hope that there is someone with a curiosity for this beautiful art that becomes passionate about this genre and benefits from this simple little post. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs,


24 February, 2024

I Love Parasols

I have always had a love affair with parasols and came across a website years ago called A Bit Shady. and I started collecting these beautiful parasols. 

I do use them and have just ordered the lace parasol in Ivory to match the fan. These are made in Queensland and of high quality. I can't wait to receive my new baby in the mail this week. It is identical to the little black lace one with the shorter  stem.  

Parasols are making a big comeback in recent times; as I often see ladies of various ages using them. They are good if you want to avoid hat hair in a hot day.  Now there are umbrellas with a silver UV coating on the inside to repel the hot sun too, which is a great idea as they have a double function. I have a little collapsable one that I bought and keep in the car just incase it rains or its really hot. That is just an emergency stand by though. 

The chinese parasol in the photos is waterproof. It is treated with a wax coating so it will always look great. I will probably buy another one of these too. Perhaps the pink or the red , they are both beautiful and it's hard to make up one's mind . I did buy the pink one for a friend a few years ago for her birthday and she loved it.  

I got plenty use out of my umbrellas this year with the constant rain too and I love fancy umbrellas too. My red one  which is similar to the Empress parasol and my Monet one’s especially, very girly-girl stuff, lol. That's a Libra for you 😁

This black and purple was a special one off that the company did. I have no idea how many they made. I hope they revive it because it is very nice. 

See the wooden spokes inside the parasol, amazing craftsmanship 

I hope you like these parasols, and maybe you may decide to use one too this summer. 

My new parasol arrived today, yippee. I can’t wait to try it out. 

26 January, 2024

Happy Australia Day

 I  care not if you are White Australian, Indigenous Australian or New Australian; whatever we are,  we all are Australian. We love our homeland and its culture, we are free to decide, we are proud and we are privileged to live in this wonderful country abound. We love our native animals and we love our way of life, we will honour our heritage and defend our heritage with pride. With love and peace in our hearts a fair go for all that call Australia home. We will always defend Australia and our way of life no matter our origins or religious beliefs we all are Australian.

Be honest, be proud, be respectful and true, we are, you are Australian. Defend what is ours, take not which is not yours, stand and be proud to be an Australian true blue. Uphold the rightful and speak your truth no matter how unpopular or controversial it may seem. Be humble and honest and stand true blue to our country, be proud of your values; and uphold them with pride as an Aussie that the world knows is true. Our word is our bond and our honour true blue, Advance Australia, we are always true blue. 

Happy Australia Day ❤️

Peter Alan always brings a tear to my eyes when I hear his voice ❤️ Bless you Peter ❤️🤗🤗

The widow of Mandawuy Yunupingyu, Mrs Yalmay  Yunupingu was awarded the Senior Australian of the year 

Credit to the people that posted the music on YouTube, Bonza mates ❤️🇦🇺

10 January, 2024

Blue crystals and blue clothes

Lately I have had the urge to wear a lot of blue including blue crystals, Angelite, Sodalite and Lapis Lazuli in particular. I have worn shades purples and pinks with either white or black for years. But over the past few months I am really drawn to blue. This is a very strong pull I might add, you know like when you just can’t stop being attracted to a certain colour. 

Isn’t it funny how we get strong pulls to wear particular colours suddenly. I recall my mother being told by a psychic, that I would wear a lot of blue 40 odd years ago. I was in my early 20’s then, wow such a long time ago. I did have a light sky blue mohair jumper that I wore to death back then but always loved purple shades and pink. So here I am filling my wardrobe with blue, but it has to be particular shades of blue,  I can’t stand turquoise, it has to be proper cold colours. The occasional pastels will do in summer though. 

These colours in the crystals below are more of the blues that I resonate with. Blue on a spiritual level is related to spirituality, calmness, peace, serenity, communication, integrity, intuition, healing, truth, confidence, power and wisdom. Blue is also related to the elements water and air, the star sign Libra (that’s me 🤣) Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces. 

The colour blue is aligned to both healing, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, and the third eye or crown chakra.the shades of blue are different thought the darker blue of sodalite is correlated to the throat chakra and the head chakra is 

                                               Pretty Angelite bracelet 

Angelite is a peaceful energy attuned to spiritual energy and relates to the throat, third eye and crown chakra. It assists in communication, calmness and dispelling fear, anger and anxiety. Don’t get this wet. 

I checked in my Crystal Bible volume 1 by Judy Hall, and this stone assists with learning Astrology and mathematics. Isn't that interesting?  This stone is not in the original, Crystal hand book by Ken Sullivan  which is an excellent book to have in your collection. I always use that book for a quick reference.

Angelite is connected to Aquarius.

Read the instructions in the link.,the%20astrological%20sign%20of%20Aquarius.


                                          Sodalite chip necklace courtesy of

Sodalite, used for logic, rational thinking and aligned to the throat chakra, enlightenment and broaden knowledge.  Beneficial in helping people be more objective and less critical. It is said to be useful in combatting the effects of both natural and artificial radiation for those who work around x ray equipment or radioactive material. Very beneficial for acupuncturists.

Sodalite is connected to Sagittarius 

                     (compliments to Natures Magik, I really love this crystal)

Blue Lace Agate

This beautiful shade of Blue Agate is lovely and soft, just the sort of soft blue tones that I love; which haronises with my Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite necklaces. Celestine is another on that looks similar to Angelite.

Blue Lace Agate is a healing stone with soft energy, its calming and cooling and works with the throat chakra. Assisting in self expression, dispeling anger. Dispelling old patterns of repression. A lovely crystal to use spiritually to bring about peace within you. 

Astrologically this stone has an afinity with Gemini and Pisces, as the blue colour relates to both air and water.

I just love the soft femanine feel of this crystal and to wear it with something to show off its beauty is a must. 


Lapis Lazuli used for the third eye, mind, body and spirit connection and purity. It is a cleansing stone for the respiratory system, throat, lungs and the nervous system. It also assists with blood purification and boosts the immune system. Its main function is for the mind and mental function. Lapis Lazuli is also a powerful thought amplifier. Know to increase psychic abilities and opening the third eye. 

Care is important in where to wear this stone, such as near the throat as possible, it must be used with great caution and care. It should be placed above the diaphragm and brings forth the individual’s inherent abilities and enhances their abilities. 

Lapis Lazuli is connected to Taurus, Aquarius and Sagittarius star signs. 

                                                                   Kyanite in light blue

Kyanite comes in a few colours this is the light blue version which has a lovely shimmer to it.
This crystal holds similar properties to the other blue crystals mentioned here, this one is my own which sits in my office or is worn in a little pouch. While this crystal has calming abilities, it is a healing crystal said to lower blood pressure, relieve pain, assisting with trauma, aids dream recall. it is a communication stone or crystal like all these blue crystals it assists communication and therefore good in the office or in communicating with others clearly. Again it is aligned to the throat chakra.

Kyanite is associated with Aries, Taurus and Libra.

Colours are a wonderful way of showing your personality and bring happiness to the person wearing the chosen colour and also may attract other people who are like minded or on the same frequency that you are resonating with. Colour is there to enjoy and enhance our lives as we interact with others. 

02 January, 2024

Happy New Year 2024; A Number 8 Year


Well here we are at the start of the year and it is a number 8 year or vibration. This is a year where all sorts of things will happen. Some of it will be good, some of it just ordinary, and some of it will be very distressing. It is important that we as Human beings really start to think about what it means to be Human and what is acceptable in our lives as we strive to be more spiritual and peaceful beings. Our Human rights and how we go about or daily lives in particular as well as our spiritual rights are not negotioable under any circumstances what so ever, and neither is our right to exist and exist and live in peace and freedom in our homelands. Our rights to earn a reasonable living that is actually sustainable to carry each of us in good health physically, mentally and emotionally throughout the entirity of our lives are also not negotiable under any circumstances. We must not ever lose our hard won rights, they must never be reduced in any way whatsoever.  

Now as I said this is a number 8 year, these are the meaings of the number 8 which also includes the astological meaning covering the 8th House of the Zodiac which is ruled by Scorpio and the planet Pluto. These factors will have an effect on everyone globally one way or another. And this is not taking into account other planets, asteroids etc that are present throughout the year ahead.

Pluto is what we must also be very wary of this year too because this planet is about destroying and rebuilding and fusion. This planet goes in cycles of 248 years and it rules crime, the underworld, even hidden worlds within ourselves (subconscious and submergedself),

It covers bacteris, viruses, it exposes that which was developed secretley or undercover. Kidnapping, isolation, coercion, dictatorships, unpopular causes, the exclusive, plumbing, waste, the masses,atomic/nuclear power, replication, think cloning and mass production alsofor replicating and of course printing/ publishing. And it also includes conception, whether its having a baby, an idea or a new business etc.

Starting with the basic meaings of the 8th House, sex,taxes, death, partner's resources,inheritance and regeneration.

In the Tarot the number 8 meanings are the following, but all of these apply to the number regardless of numerology, Astrology or the Tarot.

Resurection,regeneration, extension, distribution,complexity, adjustment,acknowledgement, error,direction control,restraint,efficiency,results of victory and changes, movement, reality,progress,prudence, redistribution. Poor judgement,spiritual progress,generosity, expansiveness.

Emotionally number 8 tends to be determined, entheusiastic, inspired.

So you see each number has positive and negatives because we live in a dualistice reality. This year is no exception yet we are now on a war footing as most people realise, how that plays out really depends on world leaders egos and what is acceptable behaviour of each of them.I can tell you that from 2025 to 2027 is the critical timeline for war starting, I would say that would be in the South China Seas and then build up to global.I have stated this in myy psychic predictions in recent years which can be viewed on my main blog and on this website's links to my predictions.  

 Both the Tarot and Astrology can give us the possibilities of any outcome in any situation, but nothing is truley written in stone because Human beings are unpredictable at the best of times and time is fluid. We live in cycles in this world there are multiple events within cycles and cycles withing cycles. Numbers and mathematics are also very powerful influences on the Human race too. Numbers and Mathematics make up the universe and all realities/dimensions.  So in a nut shell a number has so much happening that we dont normally think about. 

I hope you find this interesting and it may actually inspire some people to study numerology, Astrology and or the tarot. It is an exciting area to study even from  a psychology standpoint as some psychologists do indeed study these subjects to better understand the human mind and the human condition in many aspects.

Please live from your heart and live in peace because the results of not living in peace have massive ramifications on everyone around us.As the laws of cause and effect are incredibley powerful and often have unintended consequences that we don't seem to think about

Warm and Fuzzy hugs to everyone where ever you are

This is a cut and paste from my new website blog, which sits right down the bottom of the website.  

24 September, 2023

Alex turns the big 6 0

 I officially turned 60 today what a hoot. Lol, it’s more like the big 6 oh or D’oh! I am now one of the Golden Girls.🤣🤣🤣 I am somewhere between Rose and the granny, Estelle Getty’s character in the Golden Girls on the Richter scale. I had a great day today but I take the age thing as no biggie. It’s just a number to tick off on our to do list as we stumble through life after all. So on with a new chapter of life, with  plenty of spark in me to keep everyone amused for another couple of decades easily. 

I don’t celebrate my birthday in the normal manner I prefer to celebrate nature and the spring season, and I feel lucky to be born in September to enjoy the seasonal change. What is one day compared to a season to celebrate after all? The flowers are beautiful and the birds are singing and there are fresh green leaves on the trees as they awaken from their hibernation. A fresh new world awaits us as every season and invigorates the soul. ❤️

My simple philosophy is just live and enjoy the splendour of nature in its glory, by getting outdoors and breathing in the air. Grounding yourself by standing or sitting in the garden with your bare feet on the ground and feel the earth energy coming up through you. This is what I did first thing this morning and the weather has been perfect. Thank you nature for making this day special. 

I am wondering what lies in store for the next ten years and praying that the years will be kind. After all the truly hard yards have been done. I will do my best to make life as peaceful as possible as I evolve into a wiser person growing older gracefully. Ok, well maybe not that gracefully 🤣🤣 because that just wouldn’t be me. I am more of a politically incorrect individual but with a good heart and a wicked sense of humour. So I think that I am more likely to lean towards being like the granny on the Golden Girls. So let’s see what happens eh? 

12 August, 2023

Visions as I was grounding and attuning myself

A rather weid thing happened to me today as I was grounding and tuning in. While doing my grounding and going through each chakra, I started to see significant places around the world. Starting with the Dome of the Rock with a bright blue sky above. This became noticeable as I got to my throat chakra and it really startled me because I don't usually see things like this when tuning in. It is normally shapes, sacred geometry and occasionally colours when I tune in.

I then saw another place  of significance in the northern hemispheir, yet I am struggling to remember what it was, a building of some sort but that is all. After this being shown to me, I saw the Australian Parliament House building and many people rushing towards it. The people were in a state of pannic  and in need of protection from an unseen danger. The sky was bright blue above  Parliament House too. I then saw what looked like a volacano or Mt Fuji in Japan capped with snow.  There was also another volcano seen at another chakra and everything just happened so fast that they all blended into one. I saw shown the NATO symbol which depicts the four cardinal points of direction, I then saw a little boy standing on an observation deck in a big complex, he was looking through a big gallery length window. He turned to look at me and then went back to looking through the window. He was watching an experiment and I had a strong feeling that it was neuclear energy. The boy was very focussed on what he was watching with a serious look on his face. To put an age to the boy I would say perhaps 9 or 10. With a grey woollen jumper and medium brown short hair style of his era and he was wearing shorts. Boys in the old days wore shorts until they were 14 and then into long trousers. I got the feeling that this boy was not a boy in our time, he was in the past, decades ago. To me the time line could have been the 1940's or 50's. I would probably say more the 1950's though. 

As I got to the end of my attuning and grounding I had a feeling of everything shaking and suddenly I saw people runing again to the Australian Parliament building. I then saw what appeared to be a volcanic tremor at the same time though the volcanic activity was triggered by what could have been nuclear energy. This to me implies a massive energy shift happening globally, it did not feel good at all. After that  I was shown a big body of water as in the pacific ocean and a submarine preparing to attack Australia (Western Australia). I felt this was deliberatley targeting Australia and we need to be prepaired for an event in the near future. This does not necessarily mean that we will be physically attacked in Australia but there is a definite shift mentally and emotionally happening on a global level. 

I do feel though that Australia needs to up its coastal defences immediatley as there will be a naval battle whether we like it or not. Air and sea warfare is going to impact Australia in the future. I would say that all four corners of the globe will be affected by war; and the effects will be felt before and after which goes without saying with any war.    

I get a feeling of energy or lay lines connected here and how everything affects humanity emotionally, mentally and physically. It is our chakras that ground us to the earth and this reality. Our emotions are directly linked to the ley lines. All religious buildings are built on ley lines including ancient pagan places of worship going back to the very beginning of human spirituality. 

I will say again,  all war is a failure of humanity!

Copyright, Alex Fulford , 12 August 2023 

UPDATE: 30/6/24 Looking for something in my blog I came across this. The thing that jumped out at me was the Dome of the Rock. We know now what happened last year on 7th October and that sure was a seismic shift becoming a nightmare. 

The actions of Uranus, the asshole planet, it is a breaker of traditions, governs utopian mindsets, it rules earthquakes, its actions can be sudden and unexpected and often violent. Then Pluto the herpes of planets. It is highly destructive and goes through each zodiac sign for 12 to 13 years in a 248 year cycle and as one of the three transcendental planets it is an upper octave of Mars. Pluto rules the masses,  it is an underworld planet of subversion, nuclear power, kidnapping to name a few things. Pluto along with Uranus will be causing chaos up to 2043 as it will reside in Aquarius. You will see me commenting on this in my 2024 world predictions done last October. 

Mars the planet for war was in Libra from the 3rd of October, and this is the Israeli prime minister’s birth sign. 

We have also seen empty threats by Putin of nuclear exchanges and the nuclear power plant in Ukraine in the news. That doesn’t mean that a nuclear war will happen, it is only just put into the media. Any time someone or something is discussed it actually activates the astrological aspects of the subject matter or person. Such as a famous person in history, the natal chart doesn’t die with the person’s death. It lives permanently as the person name comes up in public conversation such as in education or even a news article about the person. 

27 July, 2023

Baby birds expeced on my veranda again

 Yesterday afternoon I was delighted to see a mother bird, a Silvereye to be precise, making a nest in one of the plants on my back veranda. This is the second time my veranda has been sought after by a mother bird. I absolutley adore little Silvereyes. They are so tiny and chirpy little dears. Yesterday afternoon this little bird was fluttering around preparing her nest with feathers and what looked like dried twigs or dried grass. I have had a sneeky peak in the plant to see what she has brought in to her temporary nest. But I know to keep right away while she is prearing for her babies arrival. 

The problem is trying to water the plants without frightening her away. Especially once the eggs hatch as she might abandon the nest. I also need to keep an eye on miss Ruby just in case she discovers the bird as her barking  may frighten the mother bird away. 

I really enjoyed the last birds on the veranda, however it was quite hot and I was worried about the chicks not surviving the heat due to the lazerlite holding in heat and it was a very hot summer. However they all survived and flew off shortly before Christmas 2018.

The last photo was on 23 December 2018. For some reason I kept thinking it was Blackbirds, D'oh! they were Thrushes.

I will try to get some photos from afar and zoom in as the mother bird sits on her eggs and then see if I can get a phot of the chicks, being careful not to upset the mummy bird.

 Below is the blurb and photo from Wikipedia.


UPDATE: The little bird has relocated she must have felt the nest is not in a safe place because of people constantly passing by and checking the plant. Good luck little mother to be ❤️


26 July, 2023

Spiritual message given in 22 July 2023


Spiritual message given in 22 July 2023

As I started to do the tarot card of the month for August this started to come through.

[Sic] Now getting down to the serious part, we, humanity are in spiritual crisis and needing help with world events. This is a critical time in human history and existence. One step the wrong way and we plunge into the abyss. This is not to the way to go, humanity needs a “correction” in order to function and exist before catastrophe strikes.

Yet few are willing to make the correction. Life is about to change yet again very soon;  if we head in this direction. There are factions of government around the world that are aware of this and are trying hard to avert war and the impending damage to humanity and the planet.

This has nothing to do with the “Green” agenda whatsoever, it is about evolution of the species and averting war at all costs. Money is crumbling as we speak and even though some financial crisis will be averted it is not enough for what we need. Time is drawing clear where the spirit world is watching (drawing closer) afraid of the harshness that will be unleashed soon, yet world leaders cannot agree on anything especially if there is a price tag.

But how do you put a price tag on life, human or other lifeforms? This needs a mother’s touch and a mother’s love. The rays of feminine energy need to reach earth to make a difference, yet the rays of love are too weak to penetrate this world.

Tears in heaven cannot prevent the bloodshed that is to come yet again to this world. Not enough love survives withing humanity due to greed and preoccupation with wealth and preoccupation with the self. Admiration is like a disease that ignores the plight of the soul. This pushes the human spirit to the side where greed, obsession and perversion takes hold.

The US is a classic example of spiritual decline with warfare, fame and focus on the self. Focus should be on helping others, focus should be on forgiveness of debt (spiritual or financial?) and power. Humanity will not survive unless urgent correction of the soul, spirit and mind are made.

This year alone death has taken over as the topic of news in this world. Not the focus of the rich and powerful damaging this world through greed, domination, and strife. This balance is way out of control. I doubt is can ever be corrected. Time is too short as it is yet nobody is interested that has the power to correct anything.

We pay a huge price in blood for the deeds of the few. This is the way of this world, but it was never to be the intention. Only when consciousness fell did this occur. Now the price of salvation is neigh impossible. This is not the message we want to hear or see played out, but it is played out globally for all.

I am sorry the vessel has been chosen to give the message to the world, but it is. This was in the contract when she incarnated, we love her dearly and forgive her sins.

Wow, we never thought this message would need to be given, forgive us all for what you receive. This is not our doing but the lords of time have had enough!

Don’t print this Alex, this is doom. Report carefully we will assist you, Alison (my daughter in spirit).

The card of the month is sweet and lovely, but do not show the world the gloom.Show them this instead. France will kick it up a notch with rioting uncontrolled, Macron has no idea how to deal with this. His time is almost over to serve, elections will be called sooner. He will step down.

The world is in turmoil yes, but it will recover. War is inevitable yet not final, we know survival will come, but you must go through with war and build a new world. This is the rules of this planet, war will come and war will go. What is left begins anew in cycles from the smallest ant to the biggest bridge. But that bridge must have support, you see this all through history. We do survive in spirit and soul and body, but not in hate and anger!

You must strive to protect what life you have because soon there won’t be a choice. So, act now and preserve all that flesh has to offer the soul. Money or gold does not help the soul nor does food, but you need food to survive in a world of greed.

We leave you now to your own devices, this message has been delivered.


NOTE: What am I to make of this? 

UPDATE: 21 October 2023. I found the original paper of this today, and I can't help wondering if this was a trickster spirit or entity. When I get messages while doing predictions, tarot card of the month etc. I sometimes just automatically zone out so to speak and the message comes through, I don't think the words that I write, it just happens. Now I usually assume that it comes via my higher self but there are times like this that I truly wonder what is really controlling psychic people.  I am aware that relatives work with me because I can see them but then things come through and it leaves me wondering who or what else is communicating with me.

I also find this disturbingly hypocritical because humanity doe not really have free will we are programmed prior to incarnating. Reincarnation is not to humanities benefit and never was. To understand this read article by John Lamb Lash, Cameron Day, Anton Parks and Wes Penre. That is just some of the researchers that are writting on what is really controlling human consciousness and this reality. These people provide a bibliography of their research that is verifiable.

12 July, 2023

How bizarre is this?

 I am just lying in bed scrolling through my blog stats and Alice Cooper’s face suddenly appears in my head. I don’t even listen to his music. But I jumped on to google news and this article was just posted, (the top article). 

No idea why he popped into my head, music is definitely not my primary focus. I don’t listen to modern music very often either, and it is certainly not my first choice and definitely not metal or hard rock. 

Look up on the black header and see the time (24 minutes ago), I read the article and then thought I might as well post it here, lol. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...