Showing posts with label PSYCHIC EXPERIENCES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PSYCHIC EXPERIENCES. Show all posts

26 November, 2024

The spiritual game of life

 I had an interesting experience a couple of days ago when doing mediumship on a Skype call. The image I was shown was like a VR game with the gamers looking on from above. This was relatives of my client who are in spirit, showing me from their perspective how our world looks to them. They were looking down into a circular chamber almost like an auditorium and we are the players in the venue going about our lives. Those on the other side of life watching on like spectators. I could see the long drop down from where there spirit beings were standing, down on to what looked like  green grass similar to a football pitch and people just walking around totally unaware that they were being watched from above by these spirits. Kind of like the movie, The Truman Show.

It looked very much like a simulation like when people play console games. As I observed the vision, I noticed the characters, meaning us living in our world were superimposed on top of my tarot cards on the table. Though this is not the first time that I have seen spirit beings  overlayed  on my tarot cards. It did remind me of the Shakespeare statement, all the world is a stage. Which some people correctly take as a hint at the metaphysical reality of the world we inhabit. The expression as above, and so is below is still valid, but it is a multiple meaning expression.    

I wish that I could psychically share what I saw with everyone. Because it was just like 3D and I could look right through the people shown to me like they were just holograms. Not all spirit beings show the exact same type of images to explain what we look like to them. I don’t believe that there is any real set way in which we are perceived by non physical beings either, or even how we psychics and clairvoyants see spirit beings. We all decode with our brains whatever is imparted to us whether by a physical person or a spirit person. So we don’t pick up and interoperate the information the same way. 

I also don’t feel the description above of the spirit beings watching us from above is 100% correct either, it’s just an analogy. The spirit world is all around us just on a different multiple frequencies out of the range that we humans can’t perceive with our physical senses. I see people in spirit often and sometimes it’s just them standing next to me or someone else. Other times it’s seeing the spirit through my third eye clairvoyantly. I generally have a tingling warm sensation around me when a spirit is present, though it's not always the case. 

I believe it is down to individual spirit beings and their own individual knowledge or awareness, beliefs and individual language of communication, to try to inform us of how they perceive us. Just as we in our world perceive them is snot always the same either. It seems more a visual and cognitive language more than a spoken language spirits beings communicate with when trying to contact us, which is the best way that I can describe things being communicated from spirit to us. However spoken language is used too with a range of emotions. 

There are scientists and researchers etc, who are now of the opinion that we  do live in a simulated world too. Scientists have been trying to find a way to explore other worlds for decades in the area of Noetic science, which is an offshoot of physics. I believe that it is more likely that the scientists need to find a frequency key, to answer the question though. 

I  personally, have also seen a different version of incarnations done using a set up like being in black sensory deprivation chamber type of enclosures or pods, which were linked with what looked like big black corrugated  tubes.  All of the pods that I saw were placed in a circle with the heads pointing to the middle of the circle and the black tubes running from the head part of the pods to something in the middle of the circle. The lighting was very dim in the room or laboratory type environment; so I could not see much else. I was aware that someone was standing beside me as I saw this vision. Perhaps it was my spirit guide, but I have no idea to be honest. 

This was long before the movie Avatar came out, but having seen that movie at the cinema. I was stunned to see what I had been shown by spirit, in the actual movie, which is a hint of our reality and how this world functions, including the archonic overlords, although the movie portrays us humans as the evil overlords when in reality we are the victims. This of course leads in to a much deeper metaphysical question of the soul trap and creation by intelligent design and what all this means on a deeper spiritual level. 

Reading the extensive information by researchers  such as Wes Penre and Anton Parks leaves us with a very deep subject to explore on the reality of our world and other realities and the two way relationship between us. How we perceive each other and what actually is reality, which becomes quite subjective the more one investigates the subject. No answers will be forthcoming any time soon, and they will most definitely be highly questionable sources. Verifiable information will not be easy to obtain in our world because human understanding is very limited in the third dimension due to the dark heavy energy that makes up this dimensional frequencies. 

I reserve my own judgement until after I depart this world because we can very easily have our opinions and beliefs clouded by other peoples views and we operate within a reality framework that is quite limiting. Consciousness doesn’t truly expand until we are no longer in the tomb of the physical body. Keep an open mind about reality and do not have a set expectation because what one thinks is what one manifest, whether in the physical reality or the spiritual reality, everything is thought reactive regardless of where we are. We must be free of influence both externally and internally. Most importantly is we must be fluid in our beliefs, what one believes currently on any subject can change quickly and so should our spiritual understanding. 

Copyright: Alex Fulford 

 26 November 2024  

12 June, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 1 June 2024

Project Blue beam has been in the mainstream for years I personally am over that rubbish, I just don’t have time for it anymore. Whether it’s real or not I don’t care about it anymore. 

With Q 3 I definitely don’t agree with the astrological view and I am currently studying astrology as well as you know I am a Clairvoyant so I see and know from that perspective very strongly what is happening. 

When doing astrological predictions there are various influences and interpretations to work from and the individual picks from this wealth of data what they feel is the most relevant to the astrological calculations at that point in time. 

In regards to Q 5 comment by Wes, I can tell you from my personal experience also that humans unfortunately do need to eat meat for optimal health as not all the required nutrients are produced by other foods. Also a vegan diet is definitely harmful neurologically as I asked a neurologist about this when I was having my fibromyalgia diagnosed and he said it was harmful. I already knew it was but wanted to hear it from someone that is a neurologist. Yet here we are seeing mainstream media pushing this nonsense and universities are indoctrinating kids into believing that they should become vegan. 

 I was a very strict vegetarian for 10 years until lockdown in March 2020. I was a vegetarian for purely spiritual reasons and I love animals. I still struggle with eating meat and the suffering of any animals deeply distresses me. I have always donated to local animal charities and have adopted cats from animal shelters and will definitely do so again. The narrative in some areas of the spiritual community believe that being a vegetarian gives one a better connection to spirit communication. This was actually stated by someone teaching  psychic development in a group that I was learning with can and I can tell that it is absolutely unfounded. As  a clairvoyant and medium it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever if you eat meat or not, you are born with these abilities and the more you use them the stronger they become. The same goes with being a spiritual healer, I am a natural born spiritual healer and this runs in my family. Both of my parents were healers too as are relatives overseas. 

Learn to trust your instincts and don’t rely on hearsay for your beliefs, again I am speaking from experience here. As I attended a spiritual church to learn about my own personal psychic abilities and how to use spiritual protection. It was during that time I discovered that I was a spiritual healer like my parents, my father was the main healer and the spiritual healers in my family are on my father’s side of the family. My mother was learning to be a reiki master with my father at the time I was starting my spiritual practices. After my mother passed she worked with my father from spirit. 

I must point out though that my father ditched reiki for spiritual healing because it is the pure healing energy that you are born with. Reiki uses an intermediary to channel the healing energy. With spiritual healing it comes directly to you and no intermediary is involved. So basically when my parents decided to learn healing this was just the catalyst for my father to use his own spiritual healing abilities. 

 After spending hundreds of dollars on learning reiki to eventually drop it. It would have been better to just learn how to use his healing abilities through the spiritual church which is much cheaper and less time consuming for a  bit of paper to say that you could do healing rather than using your own power. 

You don’t learn to be a healer you are born with the ability, you do need to learn how to use your powers though and how to ground and attune yourself before and after each healing session. You must always use spiritual protection too. There are many ways to do all three grounding, attuning and spiritual protection, and stick with what you feel is right for you. 

15 October, 2023

Morning grounding and an image of Poland

 Well this is strange, I had another one of those moments. As I was grounding and attuning myself I suddenly saw a picture of a big grey apparentment block in Poland. There was a big electricity pylon near the appartments to the rear of the building. I only had a very quick glance but I noticed what was either bright yellow lights in windows to the right side of the building or it was flames that were yellow.

I have no idea what it means but I thought I aught to post this on my blog just in case it is actually something important.  My 2024 predictions I say keep an eye on Poland and surrounding nations.

New in  Poland buys Howitzers

Poland troops to man the border on Finland border

The Kremlin warns of tension if Poland sends troops to the Finnish-Russian border 

12 August, 2023

Visions as I was grounding and attuning myself

A rather weid thing happened to me today as I was grounding and tuning in. While doing my grounding and going through each chakra, I started to see significant places around the world. Starting with the Dome of the Rock with a bright blue sky above. This became noticeable as I got to my throat chakra and it really startled me because I don't usually see things like this when tuning in. It is normally shapes, sacred geometry and occasionally colours when I tune in.

I then saw another place  of significance in the northern hemispheir, yet I am struggling to remember what it was, a building of some sort but that is all. After this being shown to me, I saw the Australian Parliament House building and many people rushing towards it. The people were in a state of pannic  and in need of protection from an unseen danger. The sky was bright blue above  Parliament House too. I then saw what looked like a volacano or Mt Fuji in Japan capped with snow.  There was also another volcano seen at another chakra and everything just happened so fast that they all blended into one. I saw shown the NATO symbol which depicts the four cardinal points of direction, I then saw a little boy standing on an observation deck in a big complex, he was looking through a big gallery length window. He turned to look at me and then went back to looking through the window. He was watching an experiment and I had a strong feeling that it was neuclear energy. The boy was very focussed on what he was watching with a serious look on his face. To put an age to the boy I would say perhaps 9 or 10. With a grey woollen jumper and medium brown short hair style of his era and he was wearing shorts. Boys in the old days wore shorts until they were 14 and then into long trousers. I got the feeling that this boy was not a boy in our time, he was in the past, decades ago. To me the time line could have been the 1940's or 50's. I would probably say more the 1950's though. 

As I got to the end of my attuning and grounding I had a feeling of everything shaking and suddenly I saw people runing again to the Australian Parliament building. I then saw what appeared to be a volcanic tremor at the same time though the volcanic activity was triggered by what could have been nuclear energy. This to me implies a massive energy shift happening globally, it did not feel good at all. After that  I was shown a big body of water as in the pacific ocean and a submarine preparing to attack Australia (Western Australia). I felt this was deliberatley targeting Australia and we need to be prepaired for an event in the near future. This does not necessarily mean that we will be physically attacked in Australia but there is a definite shift mentally and emotionally happening on a global level. 

I do feel though that Australia needs to up its coastal defences immediatley as there will be a naval battle whether we like it or not. Air and sea warfare is going to impact Australia in the future. I would say that all four corners of the globe will be affected by war; and the effects will be felt before and after which goes without saying with any war.    

I get a feeling of energy or lay lines connected here and how everything affects humanity emotionally, mentally and physically. It is our chakras that ground us to the earth and this reality. Our emotions are directly linked to the ley lines. All religious buildings are built on ley lines including ancient pagan places of worship going back to the very beginning of human spirituality. 

I will say again,  all war is a failure of humanity!

Copyright, Alex Fulford , 12 August 2023 

UPDATE: 30/6/24 Looking for something in my blog I came across this. The thing that jumped out at me was the Dome of the Rock. We know now what happened last year on 7th October and that sure was a seismic shift becoming a nightmare. 

The actions of Uranus, the asshole planet, it is a breaker of traditions, governs utopian mindsets, it rules earthquakes, its actions can be sudden and unexpected and often violent. Then Pluto the herpes of planets. It is highly destructive and goes through each zodiac sign for 12 to 13 years in a 248 year cycle and as one of the three transcendental planets it is an upper octave of Mars. Pluto rules the masses,  it is an underworld planet of subversion, nuclear power, kidnapping to name a few things. Pluto along with Uranus will be causing chaos up to 2043 as it will reside in Aquarius. You will see me commenting on this in my 2024 world predictions done last October. 

Mars the planet for war was in Libra from the 3rd of October, and this is the Israeli prime minister’s birth sign. 

We have also seen empty threats by Putin of nuclear exchanges and the nuclear power plant in Ukraine in the news. That doesn’t mean that a nuclear war will happen, it is only just put into the media. Any time someone or something is discussed it actually activates the astrological aspects of the subject matter or person. Such as a famous person in history, the natal chart doesn’t die with the person’s death. It lives permanently as the person name comes up in public conversation such as in education or even a news article about the person. 

12 July, 2023

How bizarre is this?

 I am just lying in bed scrolling through my blog stats and Alice Cooper’s face suddenly appears in my head. I don’t even listen to his music. But I jumped on to google news and this article was just posted, (the top article). 

No idea why he popped into my head, music is definitely not my primary focus. I don’t listen to modern music very often either, and it is certainly not my first choice and definitely not metal or hard rock. 

Look up on the black header and see the time (24 minutes ago), I read the article and then thought I might as well post it here, lol. 

15 December, 2022

Missing Flight MH 370: My view on this mystery (18 March 2014 post)

Just a reminder this is my original psychic impression of missing flight MH 370. I stand by this today and I will be proved correct one day. Perhaps not in my life time, but spirit gave me this information and I firmly believe this to be the truth. The pilot is an innocent man.

All the news papers articles are pure fabrication and blacken the name of an innocent man.

Read the link in my post too. 

10 September, 2022

Surprise spiritual download this morning

 So there I am waking up early this morning just starting to open my eyes and still remembering the dream that I just had. Then I start feeling very tired and seeing colours and numbers, the numbers were in red from memory. It’s been a while since I had a download like this. I am sure that I am not the only person getting this at present. 

I was still very tired as I picked up my iPad from the side of my bed to check emails and the news, so I kept nodding off again. As I closed my eyes I was seeing colours and numbers every time I closed my eyes. The whole download thing was making me tired too. A violet and magenta colours kept popping up and then a golden yellow and red were visible as they blurred into other colours. Then I noticed a red outline around random objects, I have not experienced that before.

This experience was not like others that I have had in the past, it didn’t have that warm buzzing and tingling feeling, just fatigue. What does make me experience weird stuff like this too is the scared geometry pattern on my shower tiles at present. I will be glad to be rid of them as we are finally getting our bathroom fully renovated as there is asbestos in the bathroom. The shower is the only part with any tiles at present. Just waiting for the big day arriving very soon. It’s only taken 28 years, lol.

Anyway back to this colour show with numbers thing. Once it seems to be over I get the feeling that I have just been infused with energy to do readings or spiritual activities. Thankfully I am having time off from reading just now due to feeling exhausted with fibromyalgia and I have family issues to tend to. I have still to see what the results of this download will be. But one thing that comes across my mind is, this is like a digital download. That makes me rather uncomfortable to be honest because we actually are in a sort of simulation away from the rest of the true spiritual multiverse. The universe is constructed from mathematics, sacred geometry and pure energy of course and everything works on frequencies including we humans, being bio-electrical and spiritual beings. 

I have tried to find an image on Google images to show you what I saw, but I can’t find anything, what is shown is absolutely nothing like the real thing either. Basically it was long vertical blocks of continuous colour which had a warm glow, the colours changed like in an LED light fading from one colour to another. The numbers were superimposed on top of the colours. Th numbers were not always in a formation like a binary code some were flowing down like water from a waterfall but others just appeared randomly. Red numbers with a background of golden yellow to orange to red. Then patches of  magenta and violet, then other random colours. I know these colours are beneficial spiritually for me to heighten my awareness. I vividly remember the number five. Five being the number for humanity, as in Vitruvian man, a head and four extremities.

Interestingly I live in a house that's number adds up to five as did my previous house. Spiritual awakening occurred in both of these houses. My psychic awareness grew stronger and hearing spirit in the first house when relatives died. That number five I just can't shake off, lol. It definitely affects me, there is no two ways about that. Here are interesting fun facts about the number 5

Mercury for communication.....tell-a-woman it's the fastest form of communication😂 The mind as in clairvoyance and psychic abilities.

Interesting what this page mentions about the number for a door number. I have had terrible things happen in my life living in a number 5 house. But some good things too. I can tell you the bad stuff has done major harm, life altering in fact that I will never recover from. The first number five house had the previous deceased person still present and the vibe in that house was terrible. Visitors felt as though they were being watched constantly by something unseen. I knew that lady was earthbound because the first moment that I stepped in the front door with my husband and the real-estate agent I felt her, yet the agent said she died in hospital. May be she did but she would not leave the house. I saw that she had mobility issues and had bandages on both of her legs and I could see her walking stick. We only stayed there two years and had to sell up it was so bad.,be%20viewed%20as%20bad%20luck.  Number 5 can be unlucky.

 Back then I did not know how to clear the house and protect my space. One Chinese man came to seen the house and saw the door number and refused to come in. We saw him get quite distressed as he spoke to the real-estate agent. They left quickly after that, I think he made a very wise decision. My current house does not have such energy as I look after the house energetically. People enjoy coming into my house. That's due to my mummy cat vibes, lol.  

Channel number 5, mmm I love this and have one currently. I always have at least one bottle of Channel perfume on my dressing table. Old fashioned girl me, lol. My favorite numbers are 6 and 3, born under a 6 birth number  3, 6, 9 are always around me and that pesky 5 😆Yup changes are going on in my life at present. The ball started rolling this year for me, about damn time too. This is a number 5 year for me and next year turning 60. Woo Hoo! 6 with the force of the universe. Better bring me more cats! 

01 April, 2022

YOUTUBE: Alex talking about early psychic experiences


I will do a few little videos in a row now; and then you can get the feel of my work in a down to earth manner. 

17 March, 2022

Childhood in a historical town

 My Early Childhood in Scotland was rather interesting. My family moved quite a bit, and I got to live in interesting places. Scotland is full of interesting and colourful history, like most countries.

I lived for a while in the industrial town of Motherwell. Nothing to jump up and down about unless you like history. We have a haunted house by the name of Dalzeil House (pronounced Dee L), it is also known as Gresham House too. These days it is beautifully converted into apartments.

It is more like a small castle than a house. Dalzeil house played a vital part in history over the centuries, including the times of Mary, Queen of Scots. This place has hidden panels in the walls like most castles do and underground tunnels to escape from enemies. I would give my eye teeth for a tour of this place.

My grandfather on my mother's side knew the then Lord Gavin Hamilton, that lived there during my mothers childhood. My Mother passed down many stories of the old house to me. It is also well documented in history books. I spent a lot of time with my friends playing in the grounds of this old house. I have lovely old photos of the place from my child hood.

I remember the stables there being used for the local riding school. I used to go down to visit the horses quite often. During the Autumn months, my friends and I would pick Chestnuts to play conkers with. In the summer I loved to pick Rhododendron's for my mum. Living near the old house was an idyllic childhood. There was plenty to explore and hours of fun. The house was surrounded by a lovely big woods. Great for playing games in those days. The gardens were beautiful. I wanted to stay there for hours on end but alas, when the other kids were leaving I had to go too. I envy the gardeners getting to work there. What a joy that would be.

There is also the famous Covenanter's Graveyard in Cambusnethan a few miles up the road next to some land  owned by my grandparents. We played and explored there too. As a child I used to see some of these men watching us in spirit. I saw them with their women folk walking in a long group, and they looked ragged and battle weary. I would say starving too.  Some of them had violent deaths. They fought for their religious freedom against the King. They came off second best unfortunately.

I have been reading an old book about the Covenanters this week, The Scottish Covenanters written by Rev James Barr. Memories of oral history come back to me and of  the feelings of the Scottish people.   The there are many of these types of grave yards all over Scotland.

The one where I lived was vandalised by the 1970's by hooligans. It is rather disgusting to vandalise a grave, but what would these young thugs and drunks care about what these men fought for, whether it is right or wrong. These were brave men that gave their lives for what they believed in.  
The Tomb at the Covenanter's Graveyard in Cambusnethan.

The next place on my "play ground" was Cambusnethan Priory House. Now this is a very dark and evil place. I was talking to an old friend on Facebook about this place last week. He  was there last week and said that he got a horrible feeling come over him as he  walked around the ruin. He had no desire to go in there.

This old Priory house has a long and dark history.  The house was built in 1819/20 for the Lockhart family designed by architect   James Gillespie Graham.   By the way the house that was on the sight prior to this one was burned down in 1810. Which was replaced by the current one, that is now in ruins.

John Gibson Lockhart the biographer and son in law, of Sir Walter Scott was born in this house.  There are stories of murder done in this house by the minister  Rev Lockhart who lived there. There are stories in the town of him having fathered children with his servants. The children of the servants were said to have been murdered by him.

All I know is that there have been satanic goings on in the old house over the years. This is an area of Scotland famous for this kind of stuff. The suburb of Gowkthrapple just up the road from there had stories of weird goings on and ghost sightings back in the early 1970's.  The land that the houses are built on is old farm property which may have belonged to the owners of the Cambusnethan Priory House.

I think the Strathclyde area in Scotland is one of the most interesting places historically speaking there is so much over there to see. I love getting my teeth into the old history, which for us Scots, is still living history. Hamilton, near Motherwell has many houses and monuments to see, not forgetting Bothwell Castle and Bothwell  Brig (bridge). My parents took both  my brother and I to see these places in our historical tours too. There was the famous battle of Bothwell Brig in 1679. 

I shall have to rack my brains to think of all the places that I went to to as a child. My parents took my brother and I on regular visits around Scotland when the weather was good. It was such a magical time for me living over there. The Campsie Hills and the Lead Hills were not far by car and we had day trips there in the summer to get out and climb the hills and run ourselves ragged, lol.

I was always champing at the bit to get out doors and explore anything in the countryside or historical places. To this day I love this kind of stuff. I have a nice collection of  Scottish and British history books that I treasure dearly. I like to reflect on them from time to time.

There is an old Roman foot bridge or brig as we call it, in one of the local parks. It's a funny little thing with no sides to it. Unless you knew the area you might not even notice it. When I saw it back around 1982, I would have been about 19 at the time. I remember being annoyed that kids had vandalised the old brig.  

It seemed that every Summer my parents took us to Stirling Castle too. Wow, what a fantastic place to visit. I enjoyed this place so much. I would dearly love to see it again.  This place is massive, with so much to see. It would take a whole day to go through it. I highly recommend this place. Wallace's Monument is just near by and is a must see.  Hell, why not just go visit Scotland itself and do a historical tour.

The tourist season starts in  March right through to the end of September. It is a sad but riveting history full of mystery and intrigue. Forget the famous 5 mysteries, lol. This stuff is real. 
Another area that I was taken to see is Banockburn, where the famous battle took place with Robert the Bruce in 1314. From there we would then head for the highlands. Fantastic countryside all the way.

I remember going to Glenncoe, where the massacre took place between the MacDonald Clan and the Campbell Clan. This place makes the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. The atmosphere there is so eerie. It is very picturesque scenery but the overwhelming feeling of grief  is nauseating and distressing to those that are highly sensitive to the vibes there.

I was  about 15 years old the last time I was there. But I will never forget that awful feeling of death and sadness there.  That was one of my earliest psychic experience's with the suffering of others. There is a lone piper there playing for the dead. It is a very moving experience.

UPDATE 23 December 2018


Above is the memorial stone of Robert Paterson, ( Old Mortality in the Sir Walter Scott novel of the same name) 1715 -1801, a stonemason and  Presbyterian who spent 40 years of his life traveling    around Scotland to all the covenanter's graves to carve a memorial to the people that lost their lives fighting for their cause.

His memorial stone in in Balmaclellan down in Dumfries and Galloway in the Scottish borders. This information came from the Scottish Covenanter's Facebook page. If any one is interested in Scottish history then you will find this page very interesting.

Update: This article is taken from my original blog.
Originally published on 25 April 2011

29 May, 2021

Ok, what did I just sign up for here?

 I had one of those spiritual WTF dreams two nights ago, which left me wondering what the hell have I just signed up for. As usual with dreams we don’t remember every single detail of the dream; but the bits that I do remember went as follows.

I was helping my son packing up his bag for a school camp, though we were not in our house but in some big building, like an old hotel full of people. In reality he is an adult; but in the dream he was a small boy. He asked me to carry a heap of toys and other things for him to take with him on his camp. However it was impossible for me to carry so much in my hands and I told him, I can’t carry everything there is way too much. He was quite insistent that I need to carry the stuff. So we started to argue as I tried to point out the reality of the situation and I didn’t have a bag to carry the stuff.

Suddenly a male teacher appeared and he asked my son to get into the line with the other children boarding the bus. This was quite emotional for me in the dream as I really didn’t want to be parted from my son, he was only a little boy of about six in this dream. 

The dream then changed to a rather ominous scene, I was sitting at a small table in a very crowded room with a pale blue pillar directly by my right hand side. The odd thing was, it was as if I was there doing something like a publicity event such as a book signing. I noticed a lot of elderly people, men mostly; they started to come over to my table and shook my hand and some kissed me on the cheek, some also saluted me. It was a very emotional situation and some of the old men had tears in their eyes but smiling. They said;  “thank you for your service and for what you are about to do, you are very brave”. This stunned me, and I suddenly became aware that I was dreaming and watching the event is a state of awareness. 

I did tell these dear old men that I am not brave; and it is me that should be thanking them for their military service in their youth. I did say to them, I don’t tolerate anything that I deem unethical, immoral or harmful to myself or others.  If I see something that I am not happy with; then I will pull the pin on the whole thing and walk away. I am very much like this in real life. I don’t tolerate anything that I feel is wrong morally, ethically or in any way that I feel is bad form. Having a strong moral compass, and value my spiritually most highly above all else. Nothing will make me do anything that is not right for me or other people. Duty of care comes first. 

Now analysing this dream, it looks to me there are blessings and an agreement in place for the near future. Possibly a death connected to this too, which I am quite aware about who that will be. There is a heavy responsibility coming my way. Typical though, something always happen to me. Just when I get a lull in life for a few weeks; then something gets dropped in my lap. I never get a break from anything, other people sail through life with ease but my family and I have all the heavy burdens to carry. 

No, this is not karma for things done in other lives, that is a new age nonsense, that people take as truths without having any real knowledge on the subject. Then in ignorance repeat this garbage to others, which is highly irresponsible. I will say this though, there are souls that are definitely given heavy burdens to try to break them spiritually,  and also the real guilty ones who point blank refuse to accept or agree to what they have done, so the blame is shifted to others who are actually manipulated into accepting this in the beyond life area of the spirit world.

I have done enough reading and researching over the past twenty years to know what I am talking about, not to mention that I know on a claircognisant and clairsentient level. These things are also remembered from before reincarnation is implemented. The veil of amnesia is not 100% fool proof and that is why some of us have past life flashbacks. 

To find out more on these things one needs to be aware of the Gnostic texts and other reliable metaphysical information, as well as an open mind that is willing to listen to the message conveyed by the mass of research and ancient historical information that is available to us today. 

Copyright © Alex Fulford 29 May 2021

14 May, 2021

Past life flashback,from a new chest rig!!

 Well This is an interesting one. Back on the 5th April I went into a local military shop with my son. He is a regular visitor to this shop, as he is a collector of military memorabilia. he was in his element rummaging around, me on the other hand I was bored,( I am a gardener and bookworm) . That was until he set his eyes on this new chest rig that is in current service. He called out to me to look at it, and can he buy it.

As I walked over to it, I had a sudden shudder come over me. I could see a world war 1 image in my head. A man in full uniform and in the background I could see murky looking countryside and what seemed to be a battle. It was only in the blink of and eye. It upset me quite a bit. I moved away from it very quickly. How on Earth could a brand new piece of equipment make me feel like that, and see that image. It had nothing at all to do with world war 1.  My son did lay by this item by the way.

Today I went into that shop to pick up his lay by. I drove straight home with it in the back of the car, no problem. I carried it into the house, but as soon as I closed our front door, I got a very depressing feeling come over me. I became very teary. I could see this man again. I thought there must be something about that chest rig that is similar  to the styles of WW 1. It  really took me by surprise.

I do know that my last life was in that war and my legs were blown off. I have had many flashes back to that time over the past year or two. I get very emotional with anything to do with world war 1.

In this lifetime, I do have problems with both of my legs and feet. I have had problems all of my life with them.  Mostly to do with poor circulation in my legs and feet. In cool weather below 18 degrees centigrade, my toes are agony. Doctors don't know what causes it. Been checked out by chiropractors and doctors, lol.

This is not unusual for a person to have a health issue related to the cause of death from the past life. It is a well documented fact. But back to this story. I told my son to keep it in his room, I don't want to see it. I did tell him what happened, so he understands.

 Current digital multicam chest rig, used in Afghanistan 2012.

I feel very strongly about war and special events like Anzac Day (25th April) and Remembrance Day (11th November). Many spirits are around on these days and on the lead up to them. We also have our current wars going on. Now this all does have an effect on the human psyche, including those on the other side of life. Spirit beings are always around us, but at these special times of the year they try even harder too make contact with the living. Some of them just want to say hello to loved ones, others are not at rest for various reasons. The image that I keep seeing, however, is myself, my higher self is sending a signal to my conscious self. Looks like I need to address something within myself in relation to war/conflict.
 World War 1 webbing.

Copyright by Alex Fulford,20th April 2012.

NOTE: I only just realised that this had not been transferred to this new blog today, D'oh! May 14th 2021. 

13 March, 2021

PDF Operation Trojan Horse by J A Keel

If the top link doesn't work try this one below

I posted this on the Wes Penre post video 247 on 11 March 2021 as part of something else. I started to read this and felt that it needs to be shared , not so much as for the UFO stuff, but what he says in conjunction to this phenomenon. For those that follow this dark subject; heed my warning as well as Mr Keel's warning. 

If you read this please keep an open mind. But I need to draw your attention to the warnings in this book.

The Trojan Horse comes in many forms as you will discover when reading, BUT, I need to direct you  to The Cosmic Joker, the chapter when he mentions Malcom X and the harbinger of doom that visited him in prison. Look at pages 196/197 onwards. These are very serious warnings; that I have made in posts myself in regards to the Metaphysical world and the dangers, such as spells, magic, trance mediumship etc. DON'T DO IT!

I know of people that have lost all that was dear to them also, such as the family being split by divorce and other unhappy domestic situations and each individual case was due to esoteric stuff but especially channelling and in particular ET's, supposed guides and the usual stuff that I warn against.

How much do you value your life and your mental health? Because that is what you are staring down the barrel of. No if's or butt's. No matter how many people I have told not to do this and they still do. Hell mend you!  as we Scots say, you were warned and cannot say you weren't warned. This boils down to the individuals ego. The damage that could be done is irreparable as is the suffering.

Remember( look at my old blog for this) I was warned at a trance mediumship class to stay away from UFO stuff? Not just that being coerced several times into going on the trance mediumship against my better judgement (I have always disapproved of trans mediumship) and something very bad happened to me, but not the other person. She didn't want to know when I told her what happened to me either she just laughed in my face, but she kept her distance the rest of the weekend, she knew the score. She set me up for this course by badgering me numerous times saying it will be fun! Fun? For whom? It was not for me and it is something that I will never forgive. But hey; Satan looks after his own, her day will come.

Below is the link to my article on ley lines which is valid when looking into the cosmic joker.

Now after reading this chapter on the cosmic joker, can you see what is really going on? These entities play good cop bad cop for entertainment, not for our benefit and sure as hell not to benefit humanity spiritually. It’s all a con job. 

I would never recommend being a professional psychic or clairvoyant, (we are born with our abilities), I honestly wish that I had never chosen this career path. Yes, I see it as a spiritual calling, but it is a poisonous chalice. There is no money in this job unless you sell your soul, something that I would never do. I am a very grounded person that has no interest in fame and fortune, only a normal life. With good people around me, and animals of course; as I love them very much.

Please be wise and mindful when it comes to spiritual or other worldly matters, because nothing is what it seems and that includes religion. Be warned, be empowered, and be safe. Your actions are the emanations of your thoughts, that is why it is very, very important to practice mindfulness and be very carful of what thoughts you hold, they are often inserts by the cosmic jokers, your job is to know the difference between your thoughts and the jokers thoughts. 

A big clue can be a random thought that enters your mind and may be hard to dislodge. It can be something that is out of character with your personality or something that you know is wrong but you keep getting the urge to say or act on that thought. An example being, saying something that you know will hurt someone; and you deliberately go right ahead and say it. Which in turn can open the proverbial can of worms, and often backfires on you.

You then start to wonder why you acted that way and have terrible regrets. So you can see the danger here and need to be aware of your thoughts, your social filter etc, and think of what the outcome can be to others and yourself before you act impulsively or carelessly.

You don't want to have a trojan horse living rent free in your head. Evict it and keep your guard up by being mindful of your thoughts and actions. 


03 March, 2021

Dreaming of painting and interrogation

  had the most freaky dream last night. In this dream  I was in some large building with lots of people. The people looked as if they had lost all hope and were just accepting their lot. They looked drab and nondescript as a whole, no individuality. Even their clothing was rather ordinary and drab.  The building looked like an old high school, and I was aware that we were all standing looking from balconies down into an outdoor court yard. The place was very dimly lit and felt cold. The atmosphere was chilling and people were scared to speak to each other. They just kept on doing what ever tasks they were doing.              

It felt like we were in some form of totalitarian controlled system. The strange thing is we were made to do  some art work. But this artwork was symbolic, many of us were using very dark colours  as we painted  our art work. We were painting some weird sort of art like school kids. I started to paint using gold paint, and some shade of deep blue, like what one seen in medieval art. I noticed my art work was embossed with little symbols. I had also divided my paper into 4 sections, by having a cross in the middle of the thing I was painting, which was made by folding the paper into four squares.  I then noticed that I was also painting over the top of what I had just done, as we all were, talk about in a trance. Just repetition over and over again.

 I then mentioned to the man next to me something about the symbolism in the Monas hieroglyphica, by John Dee, as I pointed to what I had painted. I have no idea how that ties in to this weird dream though. Other than symbols, colours and shapes and their meanings. I noticed a guard come up to us at this point to as both the men either side of me started to copy what I was doing in my painting. One man was removed by these guards.   

There was a slight spiritual feeling to what I was painting, and I am in no way artistic, lol. I  then became aware of people being taken one by one into a room to be tortured and interrogated. The guards actually left the door open, so that we could see what was going on. That was very disturbing, being aware that anyone of us could be next.

I noticed a woman being taken in to the room and put on a table. Her long blond curls hanging over the table as they started to torture her. Meanwhile everyone with me just ignored what was happening. It was as if it was normal and they knew they would be next. This scared the hell out of me for two reasons, A) everyone just accepted it. and B) no one put up a fight.

The people doing the interrogation and torture all seemed like cold and unfeeling members of some strange organisation. They were not actually in a uniform  or anything that I could recognise as a uniform.

For some reason they would not touch me though, as if just trying to psych me out by doing the abuse to everyone else but me to make, perhaps to make me comply or because they were not allowed to touch me, I have no idea. Later I walked past one of the interrogators, and said hello. He just ignored me and walked on by. No emotion on his face just like a robot.  

It just reminds me of what society seems to be doing right now, the I'm alright Jack and no one wants to stop the dreadful changes that are being brought into existence at present. Everyone just looks the other way .

I looked up the meaning of dark blue paint and it suggests  well being in family life and work. I can’t see anything on any dream interpretation websites that can explain the rest of this. However I think it speaks for itself, when observing suffering and the feeling of helplessness in a totalitarian state. 

This has been sitting in draft for a few weeks, I had forgotten all about it.....oops 🤣

Konspiracy constipation, I haven't given a crap for a while

 I am just so over the whole K on s pir acy thing. I have had all that I can take of the crap. Yes, some of it is very real. But I just do not want to be bothered by it anymore.  I am "k on s pi racy constipated", I do not given a shit about it. I am well and truly over caring anymore. 

I am getting this stuff sent to me by well meaning people, but hey, I have been reading up on this since the 1990's it is not new to me. What you know, I already know.  OK!  Don't preach to me when you didn't want to know in the past when I told you all of this.

I also am much more aware on a psychic level, with visions, predictions etc. If you had actually bothered to ask me questions via Facebook or even read the stuff on my blog, you wouldn't be pissing me off right now. You would know that I am fully aware of "everything" and I mean everything.

To dwell on this is not healthy, I am not investing my energy in this a moment longer. Everyone is feeding each others fears and anxieties. Stop and think about that if you will. Who's interest does this serve? It sure isn't ours.

Living in a state of anxiety is not good for us and affects us mentally and physically. But not just that it also affects us on an energetic or psychic level, scattering our energy, thus dropping  our vibrational frequency. The powers that be are all too aware of this, from the beginning of the theosophy movement at least. These leaders are quite au fait with this energy manipulation through their own  secret societies, such as Fr ee    ma  son ry etc.

Those that originally promoted K on sp ir aci es in the first place, benefit from this of course. It is a game for Christ sake! Can't you see we are being played with, by both sides? DIVIDE AND CONQUER, just like a game of chess. This is a world of polarities/ duality. Look at a chess board, is it not dualistic? A wee clue right there from a damn fine game.

More precisely these people are feeding off our  energy or loosh, energy vampires or energy harvesting on a spiritual level. There are also entities that feed from this loosh, and that is what keeps them alive. They need stress, fear etc to live on. But I really don't care anymore. It is not my problem, it's yours humanity! 

News flash, yes, The world heading into  a     n   e    w     w   o  r   l d    o   r  d er.  We were told so many times by the media which is in line with cosmic law, so the spiritual guru's tell us. The masses chose to accept this by doing nothing other than attack the messenger as per instructions by M   S M. The masses have accepted the programming.  Most have not even noticed the trial run exercises world wide.

But, I am just too over this and the whole drama. I do not want this in my life at all. I want peace and quite in my life. This is not conducive to peace and harmony in my life. 

I am fed up with people bombarding me with all the crap about C  D  1 9. I know all about it. I now have had such a gut full and no longer care. Wear a mask or don't wear a mask. I don't give a damn. I know the world economy is collapsing.

Christ, I have predicted the economic collapse and saw this way back in 2005, but as I have said in other posts, when my first child was born in 1989, I had a knowing and vision of the world heading back to suffering like back in WW1 ( economically, lack of food, poverty and war), that feeling is something one cannot forget once experienced. So I have known what has to come since 1989, I was 26 years old then.

I am trying to get through my life without all of this crap.  I don't care anymore, it's information overload. I choose to focus on my spiritual well being as well as caring for my family.

 I choose no  part of what is going on with humanity. I choose my spiritual welfare.

The gaps between words is for a reason I am sure you know why

Nap and a vision

I had a rather interesting experience this afternoon, I lay on my bed for a nap as I didn’t sleep well last night due to Ruby, our dog being sick through the night.

So after my last reading I thought I would try and get a little nap. Not something I can normally do, as my mind is way to active during the day.

But as I closed my eyes, I saw myself lying on a bed with a bright magenta coloured ethereal  cover over me. The funny thing is it reminded me of the tarot card the 4 of swords. Which is about resting, contemplating, recovery and choosing the right time to act. Also being in a fair and balanced mindset.

The magenta colour is very spiritual and is about body, mind and spirit. Also letting me know there is some protection around me. I need that at present too.

It took me by surprise as it has felt like the spirit world has not been there for me for a long time. When I ask for help there has often been silence especially when very serious things have happened in my family. When ever I have prayed for others though, boom the help is given. 

I have never been a selfish person, it is not in my nature, but my family have gone through a living hell over the past seven to ten years. That protection that I prayed for was not there.

I have no idea why, but we have survived, just. So today experiencing this vision has given me some hope and faith that had left me years ago, but I just had to keep going. There was no other choice.

At present my husband is ill and waiting for surgery, and thanks to this rotten virus, it is going to be an even longer wait. It is very hard seeing you spouse in chronic pain and can’t do anything to help.

I just want the universe to cut him some slack for once, after 33 years of serious health issues, it becomes soul destroying and one just loses all hope. So hopefully this vision is the long awaited answer to our prayers. We are not the sort of people that ask for anything in life other that to just have a normal life.

So I hope something good comes our way. Healing would be great.

Originally posted 13 August 2020

Dream of civil unrest in the US from 2014

I was just in the kitchen washing up and this popped into my mind. I remember also warning the audience on A1R psychic radio back in  May 2015 that something bad was coming to America. Sad to say this could be it or at least the beginning. 

I was wrong about Hillary, but just take a look at how America has turned since that election that Trump was not supposed to win. Very sad times indeed.

I feel the  US government will lose control and this will get really ugly. But it does not have to be this way. This is the result of the limited amount of free will that humans have and a lack of true spirituality in this world. There never will be real true spirituality in  the third dimension, that is impossible. This place is geared for evil and always will be, we must lift ourselves, one by one out of this reality and not return. 

Human consciousness can only go so far in the third dimension and then it crashes and burns, and a reset has to happen. All through our history there is evidence of this.  We are in crash and burn mode now.

How that pans out and over however many years does not really matter, it is astrologically pre-programmed in the matrix/ false spirit world, we have to ride it out.  I sure as hell would keep a low profile and avoid large populated areas as much as possible.  Humans are unpredictable and when they lose it, they really lose it.

Please read this article too because it serves as a warning of what is to come. This is taken from my original blog.  The world is a very different place than it was 8 years ago and world war draws closer. 

This is the original post from my old blog posted on 17 July 2015.

UPDATE: July 2024, Things take time to manifest, it is not an overnight scenario this is a gradual build up of tensions and poor leadership long term with both parties. We look now at was has happened in the US since 2015, from Trump being president, to the January 6 event etc, and it is not a good place to live and will descend further in 2025.

Trump survived  an assassination attempt, but this has kicked over the hornets nest showing how the public reaction and mood has changed. 

He that fails to learn the lessons is doomed to repeat the same mistakes. Left wing or right wing makes no difference because both wings belong to the same creature. That creature is not on humanities side.  

01 March, 2021

Historic Burnima Homestead

Last Saturday hubby and I went down to Burnima homestead in Bombala NSW. It is about 2 hours south of Canberra and the road down their is a bit hairy I must admit.
 The house is of great historical significance and I would recommend the visit to anyone if they love historical things. It is an old Victorian mansion set on acreage.

I did expect some paranormal activity when I got there and I was not disappointed. The house has some sad history attached to it, but I will leave that for the current owner of the house to impart as part of his guided tour and instead tell you what I saw and felt.

Outside the house itself there are many old sheds, tractors and and other things to see as befitting a house of such standing out in the bush. as I looked around the sheds, I became aware of a little girl in a maroon dress. She looked as if she was from the early 20th century.

I heard her shout to a lady in formal dress, of what appeared to be Edwardian times. She shouted, "What's she doing here?" meaning me. The lady with her told her to be quiet and seemed to understand what was going on. I got the impression that she was telling the girl we can't see them, well except for me.  Young madam was not impressed as this was her garden and property.

We then went indoors to begin the tour. I told Steve Rickets, the owner of the house and our tour guide what I saw. He was most interested as no one had see the child before. I gave here age as around 10 to 12 years old, long light brown hair and blue eyes. Wearing a maroon dress that went down to her mid calf. I didn't pay much attention to her feet, I can only assume she was wearing boots of the time.
The lady was either her mother or a relative, dressed in a light coloured dress which I took to be cream lace. She was a slender lady with light coloured hair. I would put her age as in her early 30's.

I did not have the time or opportunity to further investigate as the tour only lasts an hour in duration.
When we went in to the house I did feel energy hot spots in many rooms, however being in a tour group I could not investigate this further. But that's fine, I was there to view the lovely old house.

The architecture was lovely and very befitting of its time. I had the distinct feeling of time standing still in Edwardian times. Even though it had some modern upgrades in the 1960's including the paintwork. The history lesson was great and I learned a few interesting tips of the era.

We went  all through the servants quarters and work stations and were given a rundown on how life was for them. We were then taken to the men's rooms including billiard room and sitting room, where they all sat to discuss business and talk politics etc. We then went in to the ladies lounge room and observed how they entertained themselves including the art of courtship.

When we went upstairs we looked at the old type bathrooms and bed rooms and the guest bed rooms.
In the main guest bedroom I was astonished to see a woman in labour on the bed. In spirit of course not in the physical world. She was a young dark haired woman, I noticed 3 other women with her and one seemed to be a maid that was assisting. I feel the lady was visiting the house and had gone into labour early. I felt she was married and this was just a thing that can happen to a married woman traveling a long distance in those days without the comfort of modern transport. Perhaps the journey brought on labour, who knows.

This is an example of looking through time lines, where people are going about their lives unaware of other beings occupying the same space as them, but in a different time and dimension. In reality this is just life and we are all separated by the illusion of time and space. I have had many experiences of seeing between time and space and it never ceases to amaze me. Not just from a psychic perspective, but historical  also and seeing people just doing what they are doing in their every day lives.

As a cat lover I had the pleasure of meeting Smudge the cat, who is as it would happen is a Norwegian Forrest cat, and identical to my late Tolstoy. My husband and I were so taken with Smudge and his strong likeness to our Tolly. It was hard to say goodbye to Mr Smudge.

He is definitely a daddies boy, and his dad is very lucky to have him. Weegies as they are fondly known are the most adorable felines that you can meet. Not that I am biased or anything, lol.
I so miss my baby, he is gone 5 years now and I still feel the loss.

 Mr Smudge


I highly recommend a trip to Bombala it makes a great day out and a history lesson too.
Bombala  almost became the capital of Australia, but for some dirty pool as they say.

It would most definitely have been a much cooler climate in summer which I can appreciate.
How ever money talks and all that, and hey presto it is Canberra that became the capital city. Don't get me started on that one, there is plenty that I can say but won't lol.

 Wikipedia post gives the blurb on this little town.

UPDATE March 1, 2021 Sadly the house is up for sale, I am not sure if it was because of the pandemic or what it was, but so sad for this man to sell the house that he dearly loves.  

Freaky Thursday


Alex Fulford International Clairvoyant Medium
Published by Alex Fulford3 hrs
I had a freaky other worldly experience on Thursday night. Hubby and I went to a local club for the first time in months. We sat in the out door area for 5 mins, due to hubby wanting a quick smoke. Hubby placed an ash tray on the table. All was normal for a moment and then suddenly the ash tray glided silently across the table, well it was just floating a few millimetres above the table. We both just sat there staring at it in disbelief.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see my father in law, sitting in the empty chair between hubby and me. He passed away 5 years ago. I could see him smiling and laughing.
I picked up the ash tray to see what made it move. it was dry, no condensation and the table surface was both dry and a rough surface. I slid the ash tray along the table and could feel the resistance of the two surfaces. Basically it made a noise and there was a very slight resistance.
I did this just proved to my husband and myself that it was impossible for the ash tray to glide without a sound, let alone float slightly above the table surface. This was my father in law just letting us know he is there and watching over us.
How is that for freaky shit on the weird shit o meter, lol.
Go to the club they said, it will be  fun they said!😆This is a cut and paste from my Facebook page.

Following on from this, lol. We had a tube of Clearasil go missing in the bathroom. I had just came home from the shops and had a heap of toiletries to put away. I scooped them up and walked from the kitchen bench to the bathroom. I put the items down and my son started putting his stuff in his cupboard. The Clearasil tube as on my bathroom cabinet next to the sink. When we looked back it was gone.

I searched the bathroom, the kitchen and the laundry and it is no where to be seen. I ended up going out to buy a new one the next morning. Go figure, lol.

A Flurry Of Animal Spirits

 Last week was interesting, I had a lady come to me for a reading and on opening the door to let her into my house, I was greeted by a horse and a flurry of other animals. Mostly domestic ones that had passed on and a few wild ones.

It is always a wonderful experience when this happens. As I explained what I was seeing, the lady was able to tell me who each of them was. The love from these lovely fur babies, big and small was amazing. Such loving gentle energy, I often wonder why many humans in spirit don't have this lovely energy about them. Perhaps it is because of the pressures in life that each individual human that affects their energy.

I just love seeing animals come through. But I think this case was a record for the most animals/fur babies in my house at one time and not one spot of poo on the floor, lol.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...