03 March, 2021

Konspiracy constipation, I haven't given a crap for a while

 I am just so over the whole K on s pir acy thing. I have had all that I can take of the crap. Yes, some of it is very real. But I just do not want to be bothered by it anymore.  I am "k on s pi racy constipated", I do not given a shit about it. I am well and truly over caring anymore. 

I am getting this stuff sent to me by well meaning people, but hey, I have been reading up on this since the 1990's it is not new to me. What you know, I already know.  OK!  Don't preach to me when you didn't want to know in the past when I told you all of this.

I also am much more aware on a psychic level, with visions, predictions etc. If you had actually bothered to ask me questions via Facebook or even read the stuff on my blog, you wouldn't be pissing me off right now. You would know that I am fully aware of "everything" and I mean everything.

To dwell on this is not healthy, I am not investing my energy in this a moment longer. Everyone is feeding each others fears and anxieties. Stop and think about that if you will. Who's interest does this serve? It sure isn't ours.

Living in a state of anxiety is not good for us and affects us mentally and physically. But not just that it also affects us on an energetic or psychic level, scattering our energy, thus dropping  our vibrational frequency. The powers that be are all too aware of this, from the beginning of the theosophy movement at least. These leaders are quite au fait with this energy manipulation through their own  secret societies, such as Fr ee    ma  son ry etc.

Those that originally promoted K on sp ir aci es in the first place, benefit from this of course. It is a game for Christ sake! Can't you see we are being played with, by both sides? DIVIDE AND CONQUER, just like a game of chess. This is a world of polarities/ duality. Look at a chess board, is it not dualistic? A wee clue right there from a damn fine game.

More precisely these people are feeding off our  energy or loosh, energy vampires or energy harvesting on a spiritual level. There are also entities that feed from this loosh, and that is what keeps them alive. They need stress, fear etc to live on. But I really don't care anymore. It is not my problem, it's yours humanity! 

News flash, yes, The world heading into  a     n   e    w     w   o  r   l d    o   r  d er.  We were told so many times by the media which is in line with cosmic law, so the spiritual guru's tell us. The masses chose to accept this by doing nothing other than attack the messenger as per instructions by M   S M. The masses have accepted the programming.  Most have not even noticed the trial run exercises world wide.

But, I am just too over this and the whole drama. I do not want this in my life at all. I want peace and quite in my life. This is not conducive to peace and harmony in my life. 

I am fed up with people bombarding me with all the crap about C  D  1 9. I know all about it. I now have had such a gut full and no longer care. Wear a mask or don't wear a mask. I don't give a damn. I know the world economy is collapsing.

Christ, I have predicted the economic collapse and saw this way back in 2005, but as I have said in other posts, when my first child was born in 1989, I had a knowing and vision of the world heading back to suffering like back in WW1 ( economically, lack of food, poverty and war), that feeling is something one cannot forget once experienced. So I have known what has to come since 1989, I was 26 years old then.

I am trying to get through my life without all of this crap.  I don't care anymore, it's information overload. I choose to focus on my spiritual well being as well as caring for my family.

 I choose no  part of what is going on with humanity. I choose my spiritual welfare.

The gaps between words is for a reason I am sure you know why 


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