16 March, 2021

Second reading on Julia Gillard July 2010



This  reading was also done in July 2010. Both of these readings are what is called absent readings.

The sitter or client is not there. I just think or focus on the person as I shuffle the cards.

Ace of Swords                          The Empress                       9 of Wands
Queen of Cups                           2 of Swords
The World                                The Magician
Queen of Swords                       6 of Swords
8 of Wands                                2 of pentacles
4 of Pentacles                            4 of cups

This lay out signifies a Victory by Julia Gillard, with strong ramifications. She knows how to get what she wants and will use all her skills and abilities to achieve this. Timing was to her advantage to take power from Mr Rudd. Julia uses cool intellect to handle people. She is out to win come what may.

There is a look in her eyes that gives her away. Her opponents need to read her eyes to figure out what is going on within her.  She is not the sort of woman to flinch in dangerous situations.
I feel she is learning how to show warmth. This is not a natural trait in her. She is a very strong woman. A match for her male colleagues. Julia plays her cards close to her chest. Not even Wayne Swan truly knows her thoughts. However she can be manipulated by him.
Julia needs to be on her guard at all times. She is only Prime Minister because Wayne Swan wants her to be. I feel when the time is right Mr Swan will push her out of the hot seat.

Julia won't take this lying down, the gloves will come off. I f eel Tony Abbott is also scheming with some Labor MP's  to bring her down. Dirty tricks are being played on her. She must not take her eye off the ball for one minute. I feel the top Labor men don't like her and are plotting her down fall at present.

I see her split with her partner within 2 years of leaving Parliament. She will buy a property up north of New South Wales where she will write a tell all book. A much older man will enter her life later on.
This man is a very spiritual man. He is a very loving man and the best thing that could happen to her.
He will help her open her heart and she will blossom.

I wish her all the best that life has to offer. Please bear in mind we are all on this Earth to learn lessons. Julia is no different and like many of us alive now is here to heal and to  give and receive love. The best of her life is yet to come.

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