05 March, 2021

A dreamy garden


Simplifying my garden again, but it is laboriously slow because I don’t like gardening in the hot weather. I am looking at planting  more Amaryllis as I only have a few. My neighbour has a massive display of mixed Amaryllis with Agapanthus in the front yard under shady trees. It looks fantastic, and as a I am trying not to be a slave to gardening I am looking at options for a simple easy care garden that doesn’t require much water and labour. 

Due to getting older and health issues, I need to be ruthless with the garden yet again. Gardening is always a work in progress anyway. I have ordered a heap of Amaryllis to plonk in a patch in my back yard, in an area that gets a lot of sun, but has shady tree branches in the middle of summer. It’s a huge pain in the bum at present. I just wish winter was here already so that I can get set about my tasks. It’s not hard work, just time consuming. I just want to be able to sit in the garden and enjoy it. But a couple of more tasks and hopefully it will be a big weight off my shoulders. 

My ideal garden is a dreamy, whimsical and lush old world looking garden, where I don’t have to do anything, lol. A pipe dream, except I have to prune carpet roses. Carpet roses can really take over if you ignore them. I have been avoiding mine all through summer because I don’t like the heat. I had trimmed my front yard carpet roses last spring, but they have shot up thanks to all the rain this summer. We are in an La Ninia weather cycle, so that means plenty rain after the drought broke this year. 

The garden has gone wild with the rain and humidity, growth is everywhere I look, and so are the chores to do, lol. But I need to be practical and ruthless in keeping the work down in the garden. If I could only get a week of cold weather I would be happy. I would be out there, getting the work done. 

My mass planting of scabiosa, turned into a disaster as it became long and straggly, so I ripped that out a couple of days ago. This is usually a drought hardy flower, but I think the overhanging tree branches made the flowers stretch up for sunlight. So scratch that flower from the list of easy care flowers and plants. I have tones of seed scattered in the garden from the dried heads of the scabiosa flowers. That will be a pain to clear out for sure.

I think it is going to be, agapanthus, roses, seaside daisies and amaryllis, with seasonal daffodils and scented violets in the cooler weather. I still have some bald patches in the backyard to infill too  but it must be tough, no care required and not invasive. 

I still have to get roses out of big stone pots, that I thought would have been done last winter, but time was not on my side, due to numerous other things happening. I might decide to get rid of some completely as I don’t think I have enough garden spots that will be suitable. Still I have had the roses for years, it is not a bad thing if some are gotten rid of. Gone are the days of propagating plants for fun. Downsizing is the thing now. Having said that, I saw some lovely Abutalon plants at a street market a few days ago. I just adore Abutalons. I have two in my back yard and love to see the nectar eating birds hovering around them.

Ain’t nature grand. Just in an average suburban garden, there can be a world of pleasure, observing nature at its finest. Just by planting bird and insect attracting flowers and shrubs; a world of vibrant colour and joy awaits you. Sure it is trial and effort but it is so worth it. To be able to sit with a cup of tea and just watch nature unfold before you. I get so much joy and pleasure in my garden or just looking at it from a chair by the window. 

Knowing contentment comes from my garden and feeling nature around me gives me a sense of joy. I don’t need big fancy holidays overseas. I need nature, I feel grounded and very content with nature.

Vibrant green leaves and flowers make the soul sing, seeing birds and insects like butterflies, bees, ladybugs and dragonflies make it even better. There is harmony and joy in the simple nature of a well planted garden. A garden that makes you feel joyful and wanting to linger that bit longer and lose track of time. That is a good garden, to be savoured as it nourishes the soul. 

Copyright © Alex Fulford 21 February 2021

Saturday evening humour just keeps on coming

  Especially when you are dealing with a psychic 🤣🤣🤣