Showing posts with label EXTRATERRESTRIAL STUFF/EXOPOLITICS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EXTRATERRESTRIAL STUFF/EXOPOLITICS. Show all posts

18 October, 2023

The book of the Damned by Charles Fort The free pdf version of The book of the damned 

I just came across this tonight after clicking on a link in my blog on the pdf book Operation Trojan Horse. 

The link is closed but you may be able to find it on or somewhere else. 

22 February, 2022

Nexus magazine: Enoch’s encounters with extraterrestrials

This subject never gets old. It will always be of interest to people with an enquiring mind. We may never get the truth in our world because there are individuals with a vested interest in keeping this secret.

However secrets never really stay a secret because there are people that feel everyone has the right to know the truth of everything. 

These giants are what we believe to be the Nephilim/Titans/ becoming what we know as archons after they died and stayed within our world in a non physical form, and have plagued humanity ever since. 

05 December, 2021

Wes Penre: VIDEO 283: Q&A SESSION #88

Some important information here, please keep an eye on the comments people post. You will need to revisit the page to read updated comments, as I always point out there is often very important information posted in the comments section. 

Also you can either listen to the video or like me download it and read the text format. As for the consummation of the ages, I don’t think even an astrologer can tell us that, because an astrologer often looks very far into the future including centuries from now.  But I guess they get a ball park idea if something very bad is coming. So far not one astrologer has ever commented on this matter. Instead they are pointing to our future in regards to space travel and possible contact with other star races, and that may be in the lifetime of younger people alive today. That sort f stuff does show up in astrology. 

I also feel that just because you are vaccinated you can still die; and go wherever you want to go. I am now vaccinated, because I don’t want to pass this covid on to my husband if I caught it. I know it would kill him. But I have no fear of not being able to exist this world on physical death. I have a very firm intention of what I will do and where I am going after physical death. I have absolutely no fear only sheer will power. I value my spirit more than anything else. 

I will not be controlled by fear! I am spirit first and foremost and put that out to the universe. You ain’t seen stubborn until you mess with a Scottish woman, lol. I have no time for distractions and neither should anyone else intent on leaving the matrix universe. 

03 June, 2021

Pentagon report revealing classified UFO encounter secrets to be released imminently

Yawn! Don’t hold your breath on this one, most sightings are skunkworks technology, yes some real UFO’s  and some in the mix are allegedly from inner earth; which has been documented for thousands of years in ancient texts world wide. 

If genuine ET’s want public attention; then they will do so in their own way when they are ready. They don’t take orders from our leaders, more like the other way around. But I wouldn’t be getting hopeful of anything, all the public will get to know is basically garbage. 

07 May, 2021

Energetic implants, Etheridge implants, archonic implants, attachments

Interesting reading, use your discernment when reading metaphysics, some advice is good while some is not so good. I personally don’t believe in angels; from what I have read and learned over the past twenty years I am more than wary with anything non physical as much as I am with physical beings. Just because someone in times past put their trust in something, doesn’t make it right or safe. 

01 May, 2021


This is a very interesting article here and it talks about humanity and demons (etheric light  bodies, etheric  attachments including archons), then it brings up posthumanism. That is the elephant in the room. People need to pay attention to this, dangerous agenda. People simply can’t comprehend what this article implies, I have been talking about this for years to anyone that is showing interest. 

This transhumanism / post humanism is in the media these days; as are the evil intentions. Your opinion doesn’t matter to the powers that be. We are a commodity to the powers that be; they make the rules and we jump through the hoops for them like a trained ape.

Read this too. I have already mentioned transhumanism in other blog posts, it is up to the readers to take the steps they feel are appropriate for themselves and loved ones;  to avoid going down this dangerous path of which there is absolutely no return. Wes Penre actually discusses Ray Kurzweil in the Wes Penre Papers (WPP). 

Just as I am reading these two web links, Wes popped into my mind. I had the intention of emailing him the top link. Then Lo and behold Wes coincidentally just posted his latest article, which I have just shared for you to read. 😀 Every time Wes pops into my mind, he is actually posting one of his updates. Now that is just freaky. 

Note: on page 96 it says god binds 90% of the demons, and leaves 10% to tempt humans. Real big of the guy, lol. Why would he leave some here to interfere with humanity? That is not a very loving or decent thing to do. 

29 April, 2021

Lucifer the god of earth

According to Wes Penre, the job is taken in turn by En-ki and Marduk of the Wes Penre papers literature.

Wes back’s everything up with bibliographic evidence. Just leaving this here for those that have any doubts!  The names of Lucifer, En-Ki are actually job titles and are filled by different beings over long periods of time. Should you want to know more I suggest researching yourself. 

I have supplied links to other writers on my blog over the years to start people off in a search should they be so inclined to do so.  My old blog has plenty of reading, but I did not know how to add tags to the articles, so it is best to click the first month and just run through the items. 

13 March, 2021

PDF Operation Trojan Horse by J A Keel

If the top link doesn't work try this one below

I posted this on the Wes Penre post video 247 on 11 March 2021 as part of something else. I started to read this and felt that it needs to be shared , not so much as for the UFO stuff, but what he says in conjunction to this phenomenon. For those that follow this dark subject; heed my warning as well as Mr Keel's warning. 

If you read this please keep an open mind. But I need to draw your attention to the warnings in this book.

The Trojan Horse comes in many forms as you will discover when reading, BUT, I need to direct you  to The Cosmic Joker, the chapter when he mentions Malcom X and the harbinger of doom that visited him in prison. Look at pages 196/197 onwards. These are very serious warnings; that I have made in posts myself in regards to the Metaphysical world and the dangers, such as spells, magic, trance mediumship etc. DON'T DO IT!

I know of people that have lost all that was dear to them also, such as the family being split by divorce and other unhappy domestic situations and each individual case was due to esoteric stuff but especially channelling and in particular ET's, supposed guides and the usual stuff that I warn against.

How much do you value your life and your mental health? Because that is what you are staring down the barrel of. No if's or butt's. No matter how many people I have told not to do this and they still do. Hell mend you!  as we Scots say, you were warned and cannot say you weren't warned. This boils down to the individuals ego. The damage that could be done is irreparable as is the suffering.

Remember( look at my old blog for this) I was warned at a trance mediumship class to stay away from UFO stuff? Not just that being coerced several times into going on the trance mediumship against my better judgement (I have always disapproved of trans mediumship) and something very bad happened to me, but not the other person. She didn't want to know when I told her what happened to me either she just laughed in my face, but she kept her distance the rest of the weekend, she knew the score. She set me up for this course by badgering me numerous times saying it will be fun! Fun? For whom? It was not for me and it is something that I will never forgive. But hey; Satan looks after his own, her day will come.

Below is the link to my article on ley lines which is valid when looking into the cosmic joker.

Now after reading this chapter on the cosmic joker, can you see what is really going on? These entities play good cop bad cop for entertainment, not for our benefit and sure as hell not to benefit humanity spiritually. It’s all a con job. 

I would never recommend being a professional psychic or clairvoyant, (we are born with our abilities), I honestly wish that I had never chosen this career path. Yes, I see it as a spiritual calling, but it is a poisonous chalice. There is no money in this job unless you sell your soul, something that I would never do. I am a very grounded person that has no interest in fame and fortune, only a normal life. With good people around me, and animals of course; as I love them very much.

Please be wise and mindful when it comes to spiritual or other worldly matters, because nothing is what it seems and that includes religion. Be warned, be empowered, and be safe. Your actions are the emanations of your thoughts, that is why it is very, very important to practice mindfulness and be very carful of what thoughts you hold, they are often inserts by the cosmic jokers, your job is to know the difference between your thoughts and the jokers thoughts. 

A big clue can be a random thought that enters your mind and may be hard to dislodge. It can be something that is out of character with your personality or something that you know is wrong but you keep getting the urge to say or act on that thought. An example being, saying something that you know will hurt someone; and you deliberately go right ahead and say it. Which in turn can open the proverbial can of worms, and often backfires on you.

You then start to wonder why you acted that way and have terrible regrets. So you can see the danger here and need to be aware of your thoughts, your social filter etc, and think of what the outcome can be to others and yourself before you act impulsively or carelessly.

You don't want to have a trojan horse living rent free in your head. Evict it and keep your guard up by being mindful of your thoughts and actions. 


27 February, 2021

Black eyed Children


I had to cut and paste this, hence the purple line.

I had accidentally hit delete; ops!

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Black Eyed Children

This is quite an  interesting phenomenon, very frightening, like shadow people.
it is my belief  that these black eyed kids are intent on taking the life force out of a person. Like the shadow people do, energy being a food source  to them. I do agree they need permission, which is also part of the alien abduction scenarios. This goes into the beyond life area with the alien abductions, where the abductee agrees to experience the " abduction" and what ever else that entails. However I  don't know if that is the case with the black eyed children. 

To me they seem inter dimensional, but there is some other  connection here, it could be alien or it could be low vibrational demonic beings using a human disguise. The whole thing is very creepy  and we  (humans) are still learning about the phenomenon so like they say  there is not much to go on yet. I don't  think it is an entirely modern issue, there have been cases of strange beings through out history. 

One other thing  to ponder is many metaphysical researchers discuss is dimensions /time lines merging.  That is quite plausible when people are experiencing all sorts of bizarre things  such as the feeling of time standing still. Seeing into the future in sudden day dream like moment. 

Wes Penre Interviewed by Robert Stanley


You can download the pdf version here too.
This is a quick but very informative interview, it also spells out the time limit that humanity has left.
It must be very obvious to many people world wide now, what is going on and the danger we face.
 This above link was cut by persons unknown. I have put a link in to Wes' videos there may be relevant information here but I highly recommend that you watch all of Wes' videos and also read all his papers, starting from level 1 or you will get lost in what he is saying. It is heavy reading and not for those that just want entertainment. This work is NOT for entertainment!

I for one will always stand in my true spiritual power and never give away my personal power nor my human sovereignty to anyone. No one can make you do this remember that. The buck stops with the individual. What we do and do not allow. By 2045 at the out set this will be done. I wont be alive by that time but I fear for those that are and do not take the steps to protect themselves.

You are your own saviour and your own true spiritual divinity, we were created to be that way and NOT to merge with anything other than our higher-self, not  the God-head (which is En-Ki's spiritual entrapment from which you cannot leave). Anything that teaches other wise is a lie. If you read Wes's papers you will understand that. We all need to know this information but very few will take the time to learn and share this with humanity.

It is all fun to ridicule truth seekers and spiritually awake individuals, but it is no laughing matter when you have to live with the results of such ignorance. When you stop and think, Communism, Religion, New Age teachings, One World government, Singularity, Common Wealth and UN agenda 21 and agenda 30, (giving away your hard worked for money and assets to the entire world's poor etc),or anything that says all under the "ONE" rule/umbrella, it is all part of the Singularity trap.

I have removed several posts over the past two years from my blog because I realized that they were not in line with this new information. I have a duty to find the most truthful and up to date information to share with people so if you saw it on my blog a couple of years ago and it is no longer here you can be sure that I have found out that it was not credible information.

NOTE: Just remember there is NO New Golden age it is fake and all part of En-Ki's agenda. It is very important that people understand that fact. This age does not benefit humanity one iota it benefits those that control this reality.  Read this and ponder what it means to us now


26 February, 2021

Anton Parks, the French Wes Penre

 I was  lying in bed last night reading, as one does, and I suddenly remembered the French Guy called Anton Parks. He is the French answer to Wes Penre. I know that some of his stuff is in English now, but I had forgotten all about him. So I have just added his link here for you to read. I shall get back into his work too and see how he is after an absence of reading his stuff for a couple of years. I just found him on the internet one day just by rummaging looking for things on En ki and Enlil.


Nothing like a good rummage if I do say so myself  LOL. I love the internet. Heck, I can even teach my self to crochet left handed, as long as I can get my head around the YouTube videos which are mostly for right handed people. Lefties crochet slightly different. Teaching me to crochet is like teaching a chimp how to be a rocket scientist lol.

Have a look on the net for any other stuff on him including Y T. Just put his name in to the search string and you will see other things. Happy reading folks xxx

Tell the Lords Of Karma Where To Go

This is quite an important post. If you have read the works of Wes Penre and Anton Parks then you will understand this and how important this is. Make a copy of this.

Discernment Lessons: who's really on this channel?

This is an important article so please read through it. I in no way endorse any comments on Cameron Days web site. I feel the people posting still do not have a firm grasp on the spirit world and the liars and fakes that communicate with humans. Please leave channelling alone. I do not feel people should be doing this, only communicate with your higher self.

Alien Species in Contact with Humanity (read predators)

This is a pile of #### there are no benevolent beings wanting to make contact. If you are reading my blog then you should be well aware of that fact. I take the time to find out the right information as best as I can, to share, if in doubt I do not post. This link was sent to me for a comment today. As soon as I started reading it alarm bells rang.

These beings are part of the Sirian/Annunaki henchmen, there are many star races involved and they are only out to get what they want. We did not make any agreement with these beings, and even if some individuals had done so, they would have been doing so under duress or manipulation. Big no no, and this is where karma kicks in. These contracts can be cancelled by the individual at any time I suggest you read the web sites and blogs of  Wes Penre, John Lamb Lash, Cameron Day and go on to their You Tube videos to learn the truth.

One thing I strongly advise is DO NOT channel these ET's, Angels, Ascended masters, you are making a grave mistake. I know people that have done so and their lives have been turned upside down. Just don’t do it for your mental health and wellbeing. 

Our world leaders know who and what these beings are and as part of signing off on the TTP with other beings, the governments of the world look the other way when ET's abduct humans and other beings. Do your home work it isn't hard folks. You and your loved ones have to live with the result of your actions, remember that. No ifs or buts, that is fact. I do not have time to white wash this information, and nor do I think it should be white washed as that sends the wrong message.

This website is  sending out a very misleading message, no doubt un-intentionally. Don't Go There!

It has been said, benevolent beings will come when we as a species collectively ask them to come, but we must already declare our human and spiritual sovereignty first. One must be aware that other star races may not have our best interests at heart and what do we stand to lose. The sooner humanity understands what human spiritual sovereignty is on a world wide scale and states its ownership of the said human spiritual sovereignty and planet, then we can take the correct action.

From what I observe this is not going to happen any time soon. The reason being, people are in denial and too dumbed down to care, let alone man-up and stop the greedy and corruption in our world, from killing and using the people of this world to fight illegal wars on other nations, violating their human rights. The masses don't even know the truth of why the wars are happening but are dumb and egotistical enough to do the dirty work for these psychopaths.

Ask yourself who is right at the top of the dung heap in all of this and why, then ask what should we do about it? Time is short and failure to take a stand against evil means that many will come back to this earth and live with what was allowed to happen. Simple rule of Karma.

America is starting to live the collective karma as I write this. You want to know why?? Because the masses avoided standing up to the politicians and corruption. Many young men and women would not be dead or be multiple amputees if the masses were not so ill informed. Look at the homelessness too, because the masses do nothing. That is greed and service to self mentality. A price must be paid for that and that price is very painful, I would not wish this on any one. People have brought it on themselves by giving away their personal power as if it is worthless. Until one loses their freedom and everything that they hold dear then they wont understand. This is due to arrogance and ignorance. Stand in your spiritual power and you will have a better world.

What about the parents that do not talk they’re under 21 year olds' out of joining the illegal wars? Not old enough to drink alcohol in the US but hey you can pick up a gun for the government and kill someone in their own homeland. Vietnam was bad and peoples are so quick to forget that horrible  war and the suffering of millions, and let their kids suffer similar in the middle east, that is deplorable.

Like I say America is now starting to reap the collective Karma. I have said 10 years ago or more that the US will be in isolation for many years due to conflict on its soil. I just pray that I am wrong.

Cameron Day: Ascension help

 Anyone familiar with Cameron Day? I think it would be useful for you to know who he is and what he is about. So here is the link, He is similar to John Lamb Lash and Wes Penre.

Take time to read about Archons!

I ask you to scroll through the mini blog posts and read them carefully. As I have said many times the so called friendly ET's are not at all friendly. 

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Skype and Sky People: As in those whom the Hopi Indians talk of 

I keep hearing Sky People/Skype it has been driving me nuts. When you look at the Skype service what comes to mind? The colour is blue just  like the sky is it not? The little squiggles around the word as you log in look similar to clouds. Hmm, I looked at the name again and then it hit me. Sky People!  Ever heard of them? I sure have.

Extra-terrestrials, ET's, little green men, Annunaki, tall blond Nordics, Pleiades.  So this just gets to me. I want to know a bit more. I have been getting the ET's back in my dreams again. I am sick to death of that stuff now to be blunt. So why suddenly is this Sky People cropping up?
Something to do with me using Skype to do readings and the radio show, I don't know but it is under my skin at present so I thought that I would share it with others.

The Hopi Indians knew of the Sky People. They had a similar relationship with them as the ancient Sumerians did and many other cultures did all over the planet. More and more evidence is supporting this fact. The time is getting closer now for them to re-establish open relations with humanity and I have been saying this for years to every one. Our leaders will not come clean and admit that these people are here, but that makes no difference any more, the decision has been taken out of their hands just as I said it would. The Sky people are returning and it will be in a loud an in our face way. Mark my words on this.

I for on want nothing to do with them. They are not the benevolent beings that the Americans and the Vatican would have you believe. Just like the white man setting foot in the US and destroying the first nation people. This pack of charmers will do unto humanity as white man did in the US. But you tell me what race has not acted in such a barbaric evil way! They all have done it.

They were taught by their masters to be like this. Those masters are the Sky People/Et's, and we have not seen the full wrath of what is to come yet, but we will and there is a hellish price to pay for this. They are only after our real estate and a small army of serfs or slaves just like in the days of old.
They have their bloodlines in charge here and always have.

I had the misfortune two nights back of dreaming/out of body experience in which I was showing my husband a spacecraft with a grey cloud around it. Suddenly a male voice boomed out to us, warning that the time is at hand, that they are back. A wave of shock went through me and it is still rather un nerving to think about it now. The voice was rather menacing and dark, not at all benevolent.

This dream had other strange things going on too, as in going into ancient caves and exploring strange places. Not the normal sort of dreams that I have  where I am spending time with loved ones in spirit.
Most nights I am aware that I am with my mother and many other relatives that have passed on years ago. I do lucid dreaming often and the out of the blue I get a curve ball like this, lol. Let me assure you they are not what I want to have anything to do with and some nights, I am afraid to go to sleep because of things that have happened in the past two years connected with ET's and shadow people. If you could just feel the fear that they can generate within you, you would understand. It is as if I remember a previous encounter, for me to have that fear and dread. I will get on to a paranormal researcher friend to ask their advice and knowledge of these things. I have made it clear that I do not want to have this contact and stand firm on this.

Anyone who is knowledgeable on paranormal events and Human Sovereignty would understand where I am coming from. It is important that any abductee or contactee know about their Human Sovereignty and their right to say NO. All off planet and on planet beings of any sort must abide by Cosmic law, no if's or buts. Letting these entities know that you are aware of your Sovereignty  makes them cautious and they will be very evasive.  They should by rights leave you in peace.
One must not be manipulated into any agreement what so ever. it is not negotiable. They have no right to harm us.

I advise people to read the Wes Penre papers and everything that you can that is not pie in the sky garbage. Look at credible websites and self educate on this stuff. But be very careful as there are a lot of disinformation idiots out there, and people that pretend to be experts and clearly are not. If you are unfortunate to have there dreams there are measures you can take to prevent this happening to yourself.

Extra-terrestrials races the good the bad and the ugly 

Being a follower of Wes Penre, I have to say this is quite informative. From what I have experienced on a very personal level, I have to agree with what he says. It is up to each individual to search for their truth and set their soul free.

I do not endorse what the In5d website says. Please to not make the mistake of thinking I follow this.
I do my own thing and try to keep life simple. Like I say, I am a wife and mum and I just happen to be clairvoyant, nothing more nothing less. I try to keep an open mind like most people. That is hard enough in the times that we live in. I do not intend to make my life any harder than it is, LOL.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...