Showing posts with label EPOCH TIMES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EPOCH TIMES. Show all posts

27 December, 2022

Epoch Times: Popular Food Dye Linked to Intestinal Inflammation, Colitis: Study

This is a must read article if you value your health. Red 40/ Allura Red (AR). Read the comments at the side too. Artificial colours and flavours always have been unsafe. When I was younger we often joked about red or green cordial making kids hypo, because we knew it was the case back in the 1970’s. It’s all about the money and not human lives after all. 

23 December, 2022

EpochTimes: Federal government department funded childrens activity book about mediclly assisted suicide

This is beyond an outrage and it won't just stop in Canada, that is the testing ground. I am aware that ongoing discussions are taking place around Australia on this issue. But nothing happens unless the order is given to make is happen by the "unseen hands" at the top of the dung pile. Just sit back and watch, one acceptable reason will be the lack of doctors and nurses as a good excuse. But many people are totally aware of the population cull as it has been in the public domain for a few decades and the likes of Bill Gates are openly discussing this wicked abomination.

Below is a child's activity book for euthanasia published by the Canadian department of health. What rational parent will find this acceptable for their child?  This book is "best suited for children ages 6 to 12 years old".

06 December, 2022

Home Schooling on the Rise in Australia, Parents Concerned About Content Schools Teach Children

Gee say it ain’t so! Education has been dumbed down since I left school. Bullying has increased to very dangerous levels that children have died or taken their own lives. Feminists dominate the public schools and boys are treated badly by the feminists and no one will stand up to these bullies that are causing emotional  and psychological trauma on young boys. 

Schools could always be a breeding ground for bullies from the start of public education world wide. However in the past the curriculum was much better and children were definitely more knowledgeable. My grand parents and parents generations' especially had a well rounded education and everyone had good writing skills with what today is called cursive writing.  Teachers were strict in the classroom and the children knew not to cross the line or there was a physical punishment. While it was not ideal to have physical punishment  as there were individuals that were unfit to be teaching because they were bullies themselves and took their delight in inflicting trauma on children also as many older people know from experience.

These days school has become a political indoctrination center with little real education, and  can be a very violent place for children being bullied and assaulted by other students and even teachers being assaulted. It can be so bad that some children are afraid to go to school and not every parent will stand up for the rights of their children. Public schools are also notorious for covering up abuse, however there are parents that successfully sue public schools for failing to protect their children. Clearly something has to be done to restore balance and common sense in the public education system or it will come crashing down.


23 November, 2022

Cardiologists Come to the Same Conclusion Regarding COVID Jab Side Effects

Say it ain’t so! Christ on a bike, it’s so bloody obvious I would call it the second crime of the century. The first one was the evil creation of the bioweapon itself. I said originally two nations were involved in making this and I stand by that. How many deaths are acceptable before the masses wake up to themselves? 

November 29. I still say yeah, Nah! 

21 November, 2022

Epoch Times: FDA Says Telling People Not to Take Ivermectin for COVID-19 Was Just a Recommendation

QUOTE: The government engaged in a singularly effective campaign here to malign a common drug that has been used for a very long time and has been dispensed in billions of doses. It’s one of the most famously safe drugs in the history of human medicine. And when people did exactly what the FDA said to ‘Stop it. Stop it with the ivermectin,’ I don’t understand how that would not be traceable back to the FDA,” Kelson said.

Well would ya look at that! Who would have thunk that a horse wormer treatment that the masses laughed at actually saves lives. Bet the masses feel stupid now, oh wait they already are. What about the people that lost loved ones and those that were publicly ridiculed. Follow the damn money trail to the usual criminals! Wait until all the real amount of spicy flu injection deaths hit mainstream news. How are you going to feel then? All those children and young adults deaths, but hey never mind, shit just happens. Just keep on being in denial until it happens to you. Yes, I had the three vaxes but was very against taking it. I was persuaded against my better judgment after all what would a stupid clairvoyant and housewife really know? Remember my warning in my psychic predictions, huh? There is no way in hell that I will have the fourth toxin.  

The authorities in the UK are audaciously asking for forgiveness as we live and breathe, ptttf too easy. Bet most people have no idea that forgiveness is a load of salvationist garbage; to absolve evil doers; so that you wear the cosmic punishment. Fine then let the ignorant pay the ultimate price of taking the punishment of others. After all it has worked for two thousand years at least on the masses.  Spiritual ignorance is as spiritual ignorance does.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...