Showing posts with label WILDLIFE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WILDLIFE. Show all posts

18 November, 2024

Police track down unlikely shoe thief from Japanese kindergarten

LOL, I just had to share this one. What a cute little stinker, lol.  I love the expression used at the end of the article. My late cat Tolstoy had a thing for shoes, he would steal them and sniff them, sometimes we found them under the bed. He was a funny little guy. 

What's the difference between a weasel and a stoat? A weasel is weasely recognised and a stoat is stoataly different

30 October, 2024

Warning over 'harmful' garden trend as Aussies partake in Halloween celebrations

Unfortunately people don’t stop to think about the dangers of using fake spiderwebs or other decorative items that are harmful or potentially deadly to wildlife. We need an education campaign as well as laws that protect wildlife from being killed or injured by banning dangerous items outdoors in peoples gardens. 

Orange led lights would be a better choice on shrubs and trees if you want to decorate them. It’s better to hang the fake spiderwebs up at windows inside the house and highlight them with a string of lights. Get creative with window displays instead of hanging dangerous fake spiderwebs in your garden. That way people can look at your window displays at night time without worrying about harm to wildlife. It’s a win-win for wildlife and people celebrating Halloween 🎃 

08 October, 2024

Curious koala survives close call at Sydney train station

Never mind the shaggy dog stories, we have Koala stories in Australia 🤣❤️❤️🐨🐨

I used to live near Casual which is part of the city of Liverpool in south western Sydney. However I have never seen a single koala in the area back in the day. Canberra though we have native wildlife around us and we love them very much. 

25 September, 2024

Bizarre scene on the side of American road highlights country's 'real problem'

When will people learn to respect wildlife? Kangaroos are wild animals that must be protected, they are also dangerous when upset. Have you ever heard the term unzipped? That is when a kangaroo slashes your body open in a quick swipe with its claws. You will die if you don’t get to a hospital immediately, meanwhile you’re trying to hold your intestines in. Please leave kangaroos alone, take a photo of them from a distance but don’t approach them. No Aussie will just walk up to a kangaroo and try to pat or pet it, we know better than that. 

On a road they can suddenly hop out in front of your car and I have had it happen to me in the middle of town. A kangaroo hitting your car does terrible damage. If the car is going at a decent speed the kangaroo can go through your windscreen too. This actually happened to a lady on her way to work in Canberra a few years ago on the Tuggeranong Parkway, near my house. The kangaroo died on impact and went right through the windscreen as she was driving to work. There are many accidents like this every year in Australia. 

30 August, 2024

Peacocks in Dunfermline Scotland given the freedom of the city

I had no idea that there were free roaming peacocks in Scotland. We have free roaming Peacocks in Canberra too, in the suburb of Narabundah and out in Pialigo near Canberra airport. They are magnificent birds to see, and seeing them flying is surreal. However there are tragedies in the management of these birds as they are not easy to contain and will often escape into the busy streets and get hit by cars. Even at our local zoo and aquarium, peacocks are wandering around the grounds because they just fly over the enclosure the live in and go for a walk around to interact with visitors. 

They are such beautiful birds like something out of a fairy tale or from mythology that bring joy to everyone just by their presence. 

13 April, 2024

‘Shocked’: Disbelief as native Aussie animal spotted in the UK

It’s not every day that a Kookaburra wakes up the locals in Scotland, they are lucky it’s not galahs or cockatoos squawking, because they are loud and make a real racket, lol. I often hear a Kookaburra early in the morning where I live. 

I recall my first morning waking up in Australia as a 10 year old child and hearing their call. I rushed into my parents bedroom to tell them that I just heard a Kookaburra, because I had been learning about them at school in Scotland before coming to Australia and discovering the fantastic new environment with gum trees and eucalyptus trees. However I didn’t get to see kangaroos, wombats or koalas until I moved to Canberra. In Sydney I lived in a built up suburb so there wasn’t any chance of seeing the real wildlife. 

It would be interesting to see how this kookaburra has adapted to the environment in Scotland. There are botanical gardens in Scotland that have Australian shrubs and trees so perhaps the bird could be relocated to a botanical garden or else returned to Australia which would be better for the bird. 

On a funny note, kids in Australia have a little alternative rhyme to the original version that they say, Kookaburra sitting on the electric wire, jumping up and down with his arse on fire. I remember hearing kids in primary school saying this around 1973 and by the time I had children, it was still popular. I don’t think there is a single Aussie that doesn’t know that rhyme. 🤣🤣🤣

28 March, 2024

Queensland premier backs Molly the magpie's reunion with pal

Poor Molly, being separated from her adopted family and doggy sister Peggy. I do hope this has a happy ever after ending. It’s not unusual for birds or wild animals to invite themselves into our lives and homes. Even if they just turn up in the morning and spend the whole day with us. Some decide to stay and charm their way into our homes. 

Towards the end of my cat Tolstoy’s life he had a magpie friend. Tolly was an indoor cat most of his life, and was an amputee, having lost a hind leg to bone cancer at 10 years old. He was in the final stages of cancer when an elderly magpie started coming to our back door every day. We were letting Tolly outside for a little while to have peace and quiet from the rest of the fur babies. He would just sit on the veranda and eat his food while just shooting the breeze. This magpie just came up to him and sat with him every day until he died. We believe that both Tolstoy and the magpie were communicating and each other and were both at the end of their lives. 

This went on for a couple of weeks, but the morning after Tolly had died Mr magpie was tapping on our door to ask where was  Tolly. It was so sad trying to tell him Tolstoy had died. The bird seemed to understand though, but just after this two younger magpies came along and chased the old magpie and attacked him. He flew over the fence with them and I never saw him again, though I could hear them fighting and it was so upsetting for me that poor Mr magpie had such a terrible ending.  

I really hope that this little Molly magpie gets to return to her adopted family and her doggie sister Peggy.

UPDATE: Molly has been reunited with his family 

08 January, 2024

Wildlife carers overwhelmed as grey-headed flying foxes experience mass starvation down Australia's east coast

This is heartbreaking, lovely flying teddy bears ❤️🥰🥰 After the terrible 2019 bushfires and flooding, tragedy and death just never seem to stop. A shortage of vets and not enough helpers makes things extremely difficult not to mention stressful. 

I can barely bring myself to read these news articles of suffering animals. It’s bad enough when it’s human suffering but poor helpless animals takes it to a higher level. 

                                                        Adorable flying teddy ❤️

18 August, 2023

Gold Coast driver's shock as snake appears while on highway

That’s a code brown folks 🤣🤣🤣🐍🐍🐍 No one wants to have an experience like this on the road but hey, weird stuff happens in Australia and at least the snake was on the outside of his car. He really should have phoned an  animal welfare agency to come to rescue the snake not just leave it in the car engine. I wonder if he was game to check the engine after work  😳 Spiders are another visitor and hitchhiker that we get in our cars over here, I have had spiders in my car but I  just belt them , lol.

 Snakes often get into a car in rural areas or out bush though. I recall a  teacher that I had when I first came to Australia in the early 1970’s,  telling the class about when he was driving way out bush and a snake managed to get into his car via the front wheel on the drivers side. This is not a regular occurrence but it does happen occasionally and just part of life in Australia. 

I will just leave these snake pics for you to shudder at now 🤣🤣🤣🐍🐍

30 November, 2022

Cockatoo caught on video dropping pot plants from Melbourne apartment, council warns residents

Cockatoos are natures assholes 🤣🤣 they destroy things because they can. They pull big branches off of my box elder in the backyard and chase other birds away from food and make a deafening noise squawking  every afternoon, especially in summer. They are well known for taking the rubber seals out of street lights and opening garbage bing and strewing the garbage all over the street. 

They are iconic and very intelligent birds they even teach other cockatoos to talk and they are good escape artists from cages. I used to watch my old neighbours cockatoos escape from their Avery as soon as my neighbours left for work each morning right on cue, lol. But they would be back every afternoon for food.


17 August, 2022

Norway's Prime Minister says killing of celebrity walrus Freya was 'the right decision''

Oh great, find any excuse to euthanasia the poor walrus. There is no need for this wilful destruction of an animal, suitable alternatives can always be found. Does this mean that any animal that is deemed a “safety problem or risk” will be killed? 

I though Norway was progressive and looked after wildlife. Apparently not when it comes to too much power in the hands of barbaric knuckle draggers in positions of power. What about the rest of the walrus? This is their environment being encroached upon by humans. There are many animals going extinct because of human interference and hunting. Humans are the cause of nature being imbalanced, whatever happened to peaceful coexistence? It makes me ashamed to be a human being, seeing the rich and powerful  destroying the world. All animals have rights, they are sentient souls and they have feelings. 

Normal people love animals and love to peacefully coexist with them. Yes we should be careful when interacting with them,for both our well-being, but we need to let them have the right to their natural environment without humans demanding to invade their habitats just for fun. 

22 July, 2022

Russian polar bear rescued after getting condensed milk can stuck in its mouth 

Caused by a thoughtless and careless human. Thank heavens for good humans that are able to come to the rescue of the poor bear. The countryside belongs to the animals and must be protected from humans that don’t respect nature or life. I am just glad that someone actually noticed this vulnerable young bear. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...