25 September, 2024

Bizarre scene on the side of American road highlights country's 'real problem'


When will people learn to respect wildlife? Kangaroos are wild animals that must be protected, they are also dangerous when upset. Have you ever heard the term unzipped? That is when a kangaroo slashes your body open in a quick swipe with its claws. You will die if you don’t get to a hospital immediately, meanwhile you’re trying to hold your intestines in. Please leave kangaroos alone, take a photo of them from a distance but don’t approach them. No Aussie will just walk up to a kangaroo and try to pat or pet it, we know better than that. 

On a road they can suddenly hop out in front of your car and I have had it happen to me in the middle of town. A kangaroo hitting your car does terrible damage. If the car is going at a decent speed the kangaroo can go through your windscreen too. This actually happened to a lady on her way to work in Canberra a few years ago on the Tuggeranong Parkway, near my house. The kangaroo died on impact and went right through the windscreen as she was driving to work. There are many accidents like this every year in Australia. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...