12 September, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session #2 September 2024


Karma is an artificial construct designed to entrap humanity and as for free will, no,  we don’t have much free will, because everything is programmed into our experiences in each incarnation for a reason. It is not to our benefit. That includes our astrological makeup too, it is all part of this complex system. But we definitely can use astrology to our benefit by taking the time to understand this concept. Knowing how to make it work in a positive manner is the key. 

You don’t need talking heads that pass themselves off as authority in spiritual matters or anything else for that matter. You know what is right for you; and yes, you will change your mind on many things throughout your life, which is normal and shows one is growing in wisdom. There is also your intuition that is there for you to use throughout your life to guide you through life’s challenges. 

The more one uses their intuition the stronger it becomes. Your guide is your higher self, not external beings unless they are from your actual soul group. These are your loved ones in spirit and whom you have reincarnated with over thousands of lifetimes. 

The best advice comes from yourself, so learn to listen to yourself, your intuition and gut feeling. When you’re in doubt about something, just wait a little longer and the answer will come to you. Never just jump into something without knowing what you are doing. It’s more prudent to sit back and watch how something unfolds when you are hesitant, because then you have clarity. Sometimes it’s our higher self that holds us back from making mistakes as in; should you buy that car. When you have to think about it and are still uncertain. This is where you must listen to your higher self and not the ego. It takes practice, patience and courage to accept and listen to one’s higher self. I too have times when I am not in tune with my higher self and; I admit that at times it can be as clear as mud when facing making a serious decision.

But when I hold off making a decision then I start to see clarity. Spiritually speaking this can be very difficult when one is new to metaphysical matters. There are no experts in metaphysics in this world, we are all learning but at different stages of learning and our experiences are not all the same. I would never claim to be an expert on anything including spirituality and the psychic phenomena. I know what I know from experience and my intuition. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs 🤗 

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