Showing posts with label PSYCHIC PROTECTION AND GROUNDING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PSYCHIC PROTECTION AND GROUNDING. Show all posts

15 August, 2022

Spiritual cleansing in the shower

 This is what I do every day when I have a shower, it is something that anyone can do to stop any negative energy building up in the etheric field. 

I am cleansing my entire body and my entire aura, removing all dis-ease, evil and negativity from my entire body and entire aura. Cleansing my entire body and entire aura and removing all dis-ease evil and negativity. Washing it away down the drain to be transmuted and returned to mother earth. By my will so may it be, and it is so.

I say this three times as this is important when dealing with spiritual energy, as in third time 's the charm, the trinity and three levels of consciousness. Water carries very powerful energy as does our intent. Most metaphysical and spiritual  practitioner's are able to tune in to spirit in the shower or near water because humans are 70% water. Not just does water carry an energy signature and it is a spiritual energy amplifier. This is why some people need to be at the beach or around water to feel energised and grounded.

 It is common for mediums to hear spirit when we are having a shower many psychic people tune themselves in to spirit in the shower each day. But this can cause a problem for other family members and really you should not do this if other people in the house have to share the same shower because it can make the other people dizzy and have unpleasant effects. 

Best to just stick to cleansing your aura in the shower and then ground and tune in to spirit in a different room.  When doing any spiritual meditation and energy work it is very important to gold light the room before and after. People that may be new to the spiritual world need to learn about spiritual and psychic protection and cleansing. These are vital for your well-being and safety. As is closing down the room after you are doing anything of a spiritual one psychic/metaphysical nature. You do not want to leave an energy portal open as this is very dangerous.  Please look at my psychic protection and grounding posts for some methods.

I also have warnings about creating entities and the unintended consequences of things such as Tulpas. Be wise and be safe and stay right away from things that are dangerous such as spells and rituals, because you are dealing with forces much more cunning than you can possibly imagine and they can and will turn on you at any time. Too many people get into danger with meddling with things that they don’t fully understand and are way out of their league. So please stay safe and within safe boundaries. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs 🤗 

27 February, 2021

How to Ground and Attune Yourself


First sit quietly in a chair, with your back straight.

Close your eyes & empty your mind of all the goings on of the day.

Rest your hands on your lap, palms facing up the way.

This is the standard position to receive Spirit.

Now the next step is take 3 deep breaths in & out.

Next , visualize a little mini version of yourself sitting in the Lotus

Position inside your head & facing the front.

Say the following words in your mind.

Little mini –me sitting in the Central position inside my head & sitting in the

Lotus position facing the front. I am now moving my mini- me down the glass straw

(meridian core) inside my head down into the Head Chakra, from the Head Chakra,

I am moving my mini-me further down the glass straw down into the Throat Chakra.

From the Throat Chakra I am moving my mini-me down the glass straw to the Heart Chakra.

From the Heart Chakra I am moving my mini-me further down the glass straw, down into the

Solar Chakra, from the Solar Chakra I am now moving my mini-me down the glass straw to

The Sacral Chakra. From the Sacral Chakra I am moving my mini-me further down the glass

Straw to the Bass Chakra. From the Base Chakra I am moving my mini-me all the way down

The glass straw between my legs down to the Star Chakra, between my ankles. From the Star Chakra

I am now moving my mini-me down the glass straw deep into the Earth Chakra 30cm beneath my feet.

I am now drawing up into my mini-me, rainbow coloured, sparkly, Earth energy. Lots of Earth energy

Drawn up into my mini-me. I am now bringing my little mini-me back up the glass straw. All the way

Up into the Star Chakra between my ankles, & pausing for a moment. I am now moving my mini-me

All the way up the glass straw between my legs up to the Base Chakra, pausing for a moment.

I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw to the Sacral Chakra, pausing for a moment.

I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw again up to the Solar Chakra, pausing for a moment.

I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw up to the Heart Chakra, pausing for a moment.

I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw to the Throat Chakra, pausing for a moment.

I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw to the head Chakra, pausing for a moment.

From the head Chakra I am moving my mini-me up through the central position & out through

The top of my head, cascading this rainbow coloured, sparkly Earth energy down and around my entire

Body & Aura. From head to toe, & in full circumference of my entire body & Aura.

(pause here a moment)

I am now drawing my mini-me back inside my head to the central position, & dissolving it. I am

Now grounded & attuned.

So may it be, Amen.


The more you do this grounding the better you will get at remembering it. Please remember it is
The intention behind what you are saying & doing that makes this powerful.

Have you ever wondered about Religious pictures, with the person holding their hands out

& their palms facing up. This is how you receive spirit. The left hand works like

an antenna to receive, the right hand is to give. We are all connected to each other & to spirit.

This cannot be broken ever. As we are all part of the Devine Spirit.

The power of prayer is very strong & should never be under estimated. Please remember

The Law of Cause & Effect also. It is very powerful also, with a 3 fold effect. Three is an important

number spiritually, as in the Trinity but it goes much deeper than that.

Do some work on the internet, keep an open mind & don’t accept everything at face value.

If not sure about something check out other sources until satisfied.

How to Gold Light a room or a house

 NOTE: This can be done for the entire house, just name each room or the particular room you want to gold light.

Say the following in your mind.

I am drawing down pure golden light from the Universe/Cosmos, down into this room.

I am flooding this room with pure golden light, from floor to ceiling, wall to wall.

I am now removing all dis-ease and negativity from this room. I am sending it with love

out into the Universe to be turned into pure golden light.

I am now drawing down more pure golden light from the Universe to replace all the

dis-ease and negativity that was in this room.

I am now placing a big protective bubble around this room . This bubble will hold in all

the pure golden light. This bubble will also allow more pure golden light from the universe to entre

this room. This bubble will repel all dis-ease and negativity lovingly back out into the

Universe to be turned into pure golden light.

Any dis-ease or negativity that is still in the room can now leave the room, guided by love

out into the Universe to be turned into pure golden light.

This room is now sealed and protected by the light.

By my will so may it be may it be.

Peace and Love



This is very simple to do, but your intention must be firm or you are wasting your time.
You can buy white sage in a health food shop, new age shop or online. I also sell white sage in a couple of sizes at a cheap price.

Keep this simple ok, no need to open all drawers’ cupboard doors etc. That is silly and makes not one bit of difference. People are often told this stuff word of mouth and believe it without having a proper knowledge of the subject.

First, open the windows in the room you are working in, because this will get quite smoky.
Start in one corner and work your way around the room, making the symbol which resonates with you. Be it a cross, a pentagram or whatever you feel is correct for your faith. 

Then use words similar to this, “I cleanse this corner/space in the name of all that is and all that ever will be” or words that you prefer.
Do smudge over windows, doors, mirrors and TV or computer screens as they can and do act like a portal for negative entities. 

This should be done in every room in the house, hallways, back and front door.
The windows and doors of a house are like the eyes and ears of the house. Doorways are like a portal. So please make sure that you smudge these too.

For most cleansing's this is enough, however heavy infestations of negative energy may require the burning of Frankincense, Myrrh and Dragons Blood resin, which you can buy on line or in a new age
shop, such as the Hierophant at Griffith shops. This should fix most problems.

There are very odd occasions when a nasty entity is present and won’t leave. Don’t try to do this yourself. Please get in touch with someone that knows how to do this, as it can be quite harmful.
Under no circumstances speak to an entity, you have no idea what or who it really is. Nasty entities will try to convince you they are good loving beings until they have won you over, then they start to cause harm. I must point out this sort of thing is very rare indeed.

When moving into a rental property it is nice to clear the energy and gold lighting  and or smudging is a good start. Plenty sunshine through the windows to lift the vibrations of the house too. People tend to leave emotional energy where ever they live so when you walk in to the house it can feel a bit flat or uncomfortable. Hence doing a cleansing or smudging.

Did you know that by law real estate agents must tell you if a violent crime or a death happened in the house? Some people are very sensitive to the energy in such a house and would not be happy living in a house where tragedy has occurred.

How to Gold Light Someone

 This is putting gold light protection around  someone, other than yourself, such as your children.  It is the intention behind this that makes it powerful.

First step is to visualize pure gold light from the universe/ or Multiverse coming in through the top of the persons head, (you can use the person's name) and drawing lots of pure golden light in a continuous stream in through the top of the head. Filling the entire head and neck with pure golden light. Now draw this pure gold light down on to both shoulders, simultaneously.
Now draw this pure golden light down in to the body. (say  either out aloud or in your mind) I am now  drawing down more pure golden light from the universe/Multiverse down through the top of (person's head) and flowing down into the full length of their torso. I am now drawing this pure golden light down both legs simultaneously, all the way down to the knees on both legs.

I am now drawing this pure golden light right down the full length of both legs simultaneously,
and now drawing this pure golden light into both feet simultaneously, all the way to the tips of the toes.
I am now drawing lots of extra pure golden light from the universe/or Multiverse straight down through the top of (name of person's) head and flowing all the way down to the shoulders. Now I am drawing this pure golden light all the way down both arms simultaneously. I am now drawing this pure golden light down into both hands simultaneously, all the way to the finger tips.

Pausing for a moment, and then starting at the feet. Bringing some of the pure golden light all the way up from the feet and up both legs simultaneously, while leaving some of the pure golden light in place for protection. I am drawing all dis-ease, evil and negativity up out of the body along with some of this pure golden light.

Drawing the pure golden light, and all dis-ease, evil and negativity all the way up both legs, up into the torso. pausing for a moment. I am now drawing all dis-ease, evil and negativity along with some of the pure golden light all the way up the full length of the torso and up on to the shoulders.
I am now drawing all dis-ease, evil and negativity  and some of the pure golden light up from both hands simultaneously and up both arms simultaneously. But leaving some pure golden light in place for protection. I am now drawing all this dis-ease, evil and negativity and some of the pure golden light all the way up on to the shoulders and joining with the rest of the dis-ease, evil and negativity and  pure golden light.

Now I am sending all this dis-ease, evil and negativity along with some of this pure golden light straight up through the neck, and up through the head, and going out through the top of (name of person) head and sending all of this dis-ease, evil and negativity out into the universe/Multiverse to be transmuted or destroyed. While the pure golden light cascades down and around (name of person) entire body and aura.

I am now placing a ball of pure golden light around (name of person) to hold in all this pure golden light to protect them.

This ball of pure golden light around (name of person) comes from the on true source in the Multiverse, the all that is and all that ever will be (the divine feminine ), and as such this ball of pure golden light will repel all dis-ease , evil and negativity. Instead all dis-ease, evil and negativity will be carried deep into the Multiverse to be transmuted or else destroyed.

(person's name) is now sealed and protected by the all that is and all that ever will be, (the divine feminine /or what ever you feel appropriate )   by my will so may it be, and it is so.

By the way Dragons blood is a good resin or incense to burn to keep evil away, it is used for purifying as is white sage. But dragons blood is the most powerful followed by Frankincense and then white sage


 This exercise should be done daily, either when you go to bed or when get up, or as part of your daily psychic exercises.

Put yourself into a comfortable position and begin by releasing all tension and anxiety.

Visualize a ball of pure golden light floating above you. Focus on the energy of the ball -know that it is full of love and strength and peace. Try hard to FEEL these qualities in the energy of the ball.
Say in your mind, the following, this ball of pure golden light comes from the one true source in the Universe, the all that is and all that ever will be, the divine feminine.

Now bring this ball of pure golden light down over your head, neck and shoulders, and the aura around your head, neck and shoulders. Now bring the ball of light down the full length of your entire torso, and the aura around your entire torso. Say in your mind, I now also bring this ball of pure golden light down both of my arms simultaneously, all the way down to my finger tips. And, including, the aura around both of my arms too. Leaving, no holes, or gaps in or around my entire aura, and my entire body. I now draw this ball of pure golden light straight down past my torso and down both of my legs simultaneously all the way down to my ankles, and including the aura around my legs.  I now draw this ball of pure golden light down to my feet. Starting at both of my heels, simultaneously and going the full length of both of my feet to the tip of my toes. Including, the aura around my feet. Now tucking the ball of light, under my feet. I am sealed within this ball of pure golden light, leaving no holes or gaps in and around my entire body and entire aura. Safe within this ball of pure golden light, nothing negative can harm me, nor approach me, including negativity from myself. For I am protected, by the all that is and all that ever will be, the divine feminine.

By my will so may it be, and it is so.



Golden Grounding Cord And Protection

Visualise a golden grounding  cord coming from your heart chakra or true heart centre, and descending down the through your entire body and entire aura with a diamond on the end of the cord to act as an anchor. Now it's going straight down between your legs and down through the floor or ground (if you are indoors or outdoors) visualise the golden grounding cord going straight down into the centre of the earth.  Visualise drawing lots and lots and lots (3 times) of pure earth energy all the way up your golden grounding cord from the earth and going up your golden grounding cord like a reverse zip line and going lightening fast straight up through the earth and up through the floor  or ground. Continuing straight up the golden grounding cord between your legs and straight up into your entire body and entire aura to ground, attune and protect you.  Do this three times as you draw up the earth energy. 

Create golden aura or ball of pure golden light around your entire body and entire aura to hold in your pure golden light within your body and aura.  Remember you are also demonstrating to non-physical beings as well, that you are serious, and that you are a strong person who knows what it is all about. You are claiming your personal spiritual sovereignty; telling everybody that no one is allowed to mess with you, as that violates cosmic law,  these beings know exactly what they are doing and are fully aware of cosmic law, but just don't care about it.
Now this golden grounding cord and ball of pure golden light should be enough to keep you protected. There should be no holes gaps or cracks within the ball of pure golden light or in and around your entire body and entire aura So that your whole body is covered. Make this ball of golden light 5 inches outside of your visible body and aura. This is you protecting your personal space. Before you finish the protection you must also say mentally , if there is any dis-ease or negativity still present within my entire body and entire aura, it will now be pushed out through the ball of pure golden light and sent out into the universe to be transmuted or else destroyed.  At the end you must declare that you are now sealed and protected by the; "All that is"  and all that ever will be, by my will so may it be.
NOTE:  Use what ever ending you feel comfortable with, because it is your personal choice. You may say so mote it be, Amen, Peace etc.  Stick to what you feel you like best. You can of course change at any time to whatever you feel right for you.

Please remember that it is important to do this also before you go to sleep if you are experiencing energy attacks or psychic attacks. Do it first thing when you awaken and throughout the day if possible. This will keep entities away, if you feel that you are under psychic attack. Most of the time you don't need to do this, only when you feel like someone is deliberately psychically attacking you or draining you energetically. Strong boundaries and a strong sense of self is very important for everyone. 

You can also use a smudge stick to clear your energy and clear your house for negative energy. One other thing you can do if you don't like the smokey smell of a smudge stick is us Space clearing energy spray by the Australian Bush Flower Essence company. These are highly spiritually charged powerful essences.  You can spray your body and the room to remove negative energy. 
Under "Spiritual" essences. If you don't live in Australia look online for the website for your country as they are sold globally. 
I also use essential oils in an oil burner for energy clearing. Pick the ones that resonate with you at the particular moment, but you need the grounding Patchouli oil and Peppermint for clarity when using essential oils in an oil burner. I use this company for my oils now that my last supplier has retired. The products and prices are very good. 

There are many ways to do spiritual protection and grounding, pick which ones resonate with you, bearing mind that you may change to a different mode at some stage. But whatever works for you is worth doing.  The golden rule is the power of intention. If you mean it it will work, it will not work if you are haphazard in your attempt to use psychic or spiritual protection. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...