Showing posts with label PARANORMAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PARANORMAL. Show all posts

17 December, 2022

Woman shares video of orb of light she believes is her husband

Wow, This is quite an experience,  but how heartbreaking for the woman to lose her  husband and have to raise the children by herself. Life is often very painful and unfair. Rest assured her husband will indeed watch over his family from the spirit world. People in spirit visiting loved ones is more common than people realise. Loved ones in spirit always visit us especially to watch over children. I saw my paternal great grandmother standing over my bed when I was about three years old, she died around 1935. I have posted things on my blog about psychic experiences in my family too with family in spirit visiting family members. 

People are not always attuned to feel or see loved ones in spirit around them. When a family member in spirit is around you, you may feel like someone is watching you and you turn around and no one is there. , in other situations you may feel a tingling buzzing feeling around your body when spirit is present. Some people just get a spooky feeling and start to feel scared because they don’t understand what is happening. . Our loved ones don’t mean to frighten us, they are just wanting to say hello. 

Since we have access to digital media we can easily pick up spirit on camera. Ihave a photo of our late ginger kitty Garfield as a kitten with a spirit orb next to him in my lounge room. The room was brand new as I had my house extended weeks before we got Garfield. Orbs are the most common thing to see and especially near any electrical power lines. I have no idea why they are attracted to electricity apart from being bio-electric themselves. You will see photos on this blog of spirit orbs and on my Instagram page that I have taken at different times. 

It is a very exciting experience to see a spirit orb especially one that is moving and not ball lightning. Spirit orbs can be sparkly like crystal and some can be dark brownish, those orbs are negative energy beings  though and can be removed easily. 

27 January, 2022

Robert Sepeher: Interdimensional beings and unseen realities

You will see my article on these beings and my experiences, under the heading of articles by Alex my blog. This is not to be taken lightly!

23 July, 2021

Meditation Is a Powerful Mental Tool—and For Some People It Goes Terribly Wrong

Please click on the link above and read the article very carefully. Make no mistake meditation has hidden dangers. I personally can only speak from experience within the psychic community meditations; and not from other types of meditation. Your meditation can also be hacked as I have mentioned in other posts of what has happened to me personally.


07 May, 2021

Energetic implants, Etheridge implants, archonic implants, attachments

Interesting reading, use your discernment when reading metaphysics, some advice is good while some is not so good. I personally don’t believe in angels; from what I have read and learned over the past twenty years I am more than wary with anything non physical as much as I am with physical beings. Just because someone in times past put their trust in something, doesn’t make it right or safe. 

29 April, 2021

Lucifer the god of earth

According to Wes Penre, the job is taken in turn by En-ki and Marduk of the Wes Penre papers literature.

Wes back’s everything up with bibliographic evidence. Just leaving this here for those that have any doubts!  The names of Lucifer, En-Ki are actually job titles and are filled by different beings over long periods of time. Should you want to know more I suggest researching yourself. 

I have supplied links to other writers on my blog over the years to start people off in a search should they be so inclined to do so.  My old blog has plenty of reading, but I did not know how to add tags to the articles, so it is best to click the first month and just run through the items. 

18 April, 2021

Kramapolis Interview with John Lamb Lash

This article is from 2014 from my old blog. Please read it and do some of your own research/ homework.

I must warn you when you go down this rabbit hole life is not the same and it is a very timely wake up call at the eleventh hour. I actually thought that I had posted this with the 2014 posts.


Please take the time to read this interview, I feel that it is important in order to understand our world.
For those that are reading the Wes Penre papers this is a must read.

LOL I have this on PDF, but do you think I could get the rotten thing to go on to my blog, Grrr!
I ended up googling, John L Lash.  Well anyhow peeps here it is. I am busy at present with work, and  reading up on stuff.  So it is best if you all just ferret out stuff via Wes's web sites and links. Illuminati news there’s heaps to read and print off or book mark. So off you all go and have a good rummage.

I have much respect for this man and all that he is doing to help all of humanity. All that I can do, in my own humble way, is just point readers, in to what I believe is the right direction. We all learn at different levels and at different times. I would say there is no need to hurry. But the times that we are living in dictates otherwise. We need this now and it can not wait. I just pray that people are more enlightened by this information that I am sharing. I can not take credit of anything here and have no intention of doing so. I am humbly just trying to show the way forward. 

13 March, 2021

PDF Operation Trojan Horse by J A Keel

If the top link doesn't work try this one below

I posted this on the Wes Penre post video 247 on 11 March 2021 as part of something else. I started to read this and felt that it needs to be shared , not so much as for the UFO stuff, but what he says in conjunction to this phenomenon. For those that follow this dark subject; heed my warning as well as Mr Keel's warning. 

If you read this please keep an open mind. But I need to draw your attention to the warnings in this book.

The Trojan Horse comes in many forms as you will discover when reading, BUT, I need to direct you  to The Cosmic Joker, the chapter when he mentions Malcom X and the harbinger of doom that visited him in prison. Look at pages 196/197 onwards. These are very serious warnings; that I have made in posts myself in regards to the Metaphysical world and the dangers, such as spells, magic, trance mediumship etc. DON'T DO IT!

I know of people that have lost all that was dear to them also, such as the family being split by divorce and other unhappy domestic situations and each individual case was due to esoteric stuff but especially channelling and in particular ET's, supposed guides and the usual stuff that I warn against.

How much do you value your life and your mental health? Because that is what you are staring down the barrel of. No if's or butt's. No matter how many people I have told not to do this and they still do. Hell mend you!  as we Scots say, you were warned and cannot say you weren't warned. This boils down to the individuals ego. The damage that could be done is irreparable as is the suffering.

Remember( look at my old blog for this) I was warned at a trance mediumship class to stay away from UFO stuff? Not just that being coerced several times into going on the trance mediumship against my better judgement (I have always disapproved of trans mediumship) and something very bad happened to me, but not the other person. She didn't want to know when I told her what happened to me either she just laughed in my face, but she kept her distance the rest of the weekend, she knew the score. She set me up for this course by badgering me numerous times saying it will be fun! Fun? For whom? It was not for me and it is something that I will never forgive. But hey; Satan looks after his own, her day will come.

Below is the link to my article on ley lines which is valid when looking into the cosmic joker.

Now after reading this chapter on the cosmic joker, can you see what is really going on? These entities play good cop bad cop for entertainment, not for our benefit and sure as hell not to benefit humanity spiritually. It’s all a con job. 

I would never recommend being a professional psychic or clairvoyant, (we are born with our abilities), I honestly wish that I had never chosen this career path. Yes, I see it as a spiritual calling, but it is a poisonous chalice. There is no money in this job unless you sell your soul, something that I would never do. I am a very grounded person that has no interest in fame and fortune, only a normal life. With good people around me, and animals of course; as I love them very much.

Please be wise and mindful when it comes to spiritual or other worldly matters, because nothing is what it seems and that includes religion. Be warned, be empowered, and be safe. Your actions are the emanations of your thoughts, that is why it is very, very important to practice mindfulness and be very carful of what thoughts you hold, they are often inserts by the cosmic jokers, your job is to know the difference between your thoughts and the jokers thoughts. 

A big clue can be a random thought that enters your mind and may be hard to dislodge. It can be something that is out of character with your personality or something that you know is wrong but you keep getting the urge to say or act on that thought. An example being, saying something that you know will hurt someone; and you deliberately go right ahead and say it. Which in turn can open the proverbial can of worms, and often backfires on you.

You then start to wonder why you acted that way and have terrible regrets. So you can see the danger here and need to be aware of your thoughts, your social filter etc, and think of what the outcome can be to others and yourself before you act impulsively or carelessly.

You don't want to have a trojan horse living rent free in your head. Evict it and keep your guard up by being mindful of your thoughts and actions. 


03 March, 2021

British Airman spirit in world war 2

 I woke up early this morning after a very restless night, due to a heavy thunder storm and our fur baby Ruby being distressed all night. She was barking when the thunder was really bad and thus not getting enough sleep. It is not easy for dogs and cats coping with thunder storms and my heart goes out to those that live outdoors. They lack the comfort of a human that cares deeply about their comfort and well being.

Anyhow as I lay in bed I started to remember an event that happened to my mum as a child in war time Scotland. She slept in a room with a few of her sisters, as many people did back then. One particular night though she woke up and as she opened her eyes she froze in terror. In the doorway she saw a man in a British Airman's uniform.

 All around him was a golden glow, he just stood there looking at her. I can't remember if she said his arms were out stretched or am I mixing it up with a similar terrifying thing that happened to my gran in the same house in the 1980's. Anyway my mum was absolutely terrified, she couldn't even scream. She tried everything to waken her sister next to her to no avail though. 

This was often discussed in the house and what caused the spirit of the Airman to be there. My gran thought he might have been a guardian angel. But I am more inclined to think he was a crisis spirit. That is a newly crossed over person that does not know they are dead and or is lost as the cross over to the other side of life. The fact that he stood in the door way tells me that the door way acts as a portal. That is quite common in spiritual matters, doorways are considered as portals. Thankfully my mum never saw anything like that again. I am sure it would have scared the hell out of her.

Many years later however in that same house, my gran was in bed and woke up to see a woman in Victorian styled clothes half manifested and a dog with her, of which she could only see the front half of the dog. The woman stood there dressed in black with her arms outstretched. As my gran looked at her, she noticed there were no legs or bottom half of the woman.  My gran was frozen in fear at this unable to scream or move. Again the woman was standing in the doorway. I wonder if the house number has any bearing on attracting spirits or is my gran's house on a ley line. I have relatives still living in that house, but I have never actually thought of asking them if anything unusual has happened in recent years.  

As a child I often saw my grandpa in the house after he died in 1970, when I was about seven. I never mentioned it to anyone because it was years later that I realised what was happening. I doubt very much if I would have been believed and no doubt I would be dismissed as having a vivid imagination. But I could describe him perfectly. 

As I thought about this I realised my gran's door number adds up to the number 5 in numerology and so does mine, including the previous house that I lived in in Sydney which had an earthbound spirit of an old lady that owned the house before we did. Five is actually the number for humanity as in the image of Vitruvian man.  

I personally have felt that a number  five house is unlucky for me. But fate has had me live in two number five houses in a row. I don't recall all the house numbers growing up as I moved so often. I do remember living in a number ten house in Scotland at the age of six and I was very happy there and an other number ten house just prior to moving to Australia and I was quite happy there. 

Below:  Milton Black's website link to door number 5. I have so much respect for this guy's amazing work. 

Copyright Alex Fulford 23 November 2020

01 March, 2021

Psychic notes


When I was learning my skills as Medium the general rule was, with physical mediumship involving ectoplasm care must be taken to keep the physical medium safe. Such as removing all jewellery and the medium must not be disturbed or touched as they can be very seriously injured or burned and it was said that to disturb the physical medium will result in the death of the medium instantly.
There have allegedly been cases of such things happening such as with the Scottish medium Helen Duncan being supposedly accidentally killed in 1956. It has been said she was actually performing physical mediumship demonstration when the police came in to the house and interrupted her. However the Wikipedia article says otherwise.

Helen Duncan  25/11/1896 to 6/12/1956 this article paints a different story. Many spiritualists though just parrot what they have been told without actually witnessing the real facts. So care must be taken when sorting fact from fiction and fact from deception as the Psychic industry does have a few individuals that are not what they claim to be. That can be said about many occupations though.
I have sat in on spiritualist events when this warning was given and Helen Duncan’s case touted as actual fact. No one in the room had ever met her or anyone that actually knew her. Most were not even born when this supposedly took place.

It has been said  rapidly retracting ectoplasm smells as it retracts back into the body.  It supposedly  smells horrible and similar to burned meat or flesh or rotting compost. I cannot verify this as factual though. Perhaps this is Victorian hearsay, or made up to frighten people. So I honestly cannot say if it is actually true or not, but I can tell you I was taught this many years ago by the spiritual church teachers. Again it is all hearsay.
Concrete evidence and recorded images need to be provided along with verifiable written accounts of such events taking place to have any credibility. Indeed it would be amazing to actually witness such a thing if it is genuine.
I have heard it said that ectoplasm will be destroyed by Ultraviolet light but not infrared light, However I do not know anyone that has witnessed this or know anyone that has witnessed this phenomenon. How is it possible?

As far as I am aware there are no physical mediums around these days. I have heard lectures where it has been stated it is no longer necessary to do physical mediumship in modern times because people are more aware and accepting of mediumship. Hmm, I find this odd to be honest, because mediumship has always existed and physical mediumship is not even necessary as proof of survival after bodily death. I personally am a non-believer in the phenomenon of physical mediumship.

However with mediumship, things must be proven by all reasonable doubt and the medium must allow people to question what the medium says. Information must be verifiable, by the sitter/ client (the person that is seeking the assistance of a medium).

A physical description of what they can see and hear word for word. In the case of a foreign language been given by the spirit being, the medium may need to advise the client, that they cannot understand what is being said. It is usually an odd word or two. The rest of the information will come via the medium’s native language. We have no idea how that works, it just happens. My self-included. I will often say to the sitter, I hear a word in your language it starts with such and such. The client will then tell me the word. Sometimes it turns out to be a person’s name or the name of a place.

Aporting and Asporting: Aport means objects disappearing in the physical world from the spirit world.
Asporting is physical things reappearing into the physical world or being moved by an unseen agent or phenomenon. I have witnessed an item moving only twice in my life. A glass that was foolishly used in a Ouija board experiment with my cousins and I back in the late 1970s. I have never taken part in Since and will never take part in such a foolish venture ever again because it is highly dangerous and irresponsible behaviour.

The second time that I saw an item move, was about a year ago, in a public place, an ashtray moved by my late father in law on a table in front of my husband and myself, I could clearly see my father in law sitting on the chair opposite me when it happened.

I have had rings disappear from where I have left them and they have never been returned. In fact it is almost impossible to have items returned. I only know of one person that it has happened to. The object was icy cold on its return.

An other experience that my husband and I had was during a car accident back in 2015 where we were almost killed. I saw my late father in law’s hands come over my husband’s hands on the steering wheel as the event was happening. Both my husband and I heard him say, “don’t worry I’ve got this” And our car came to rest on the other side of the road badly smashed and inches away from a water catchment, which would have killed us. I had no warning of this from spirit until my father in law stepped in to help us.  Now this I find odd, because in the spiritual community it is taken for granted that free will must not be violated. Hmm, then why are we told we can pray to our spirit guide, god etc? Sometimes I feel the rules are very contradictory just like the bible is.

Forms of mediumship can allegedly include intentional materialisation, either partial or full manifestation. This requires a witness to the event but preferably several witnesses.
Ectoplasmic mediumship such as producing a white substance from the mediums body and is verifiable that it is not cheesecloth or such substance. I personally have not ever seen such a thing and I am very sceptical of the actual phenomenon actually being possible.

Intracentral trance control, this is basically mediumship done via a clairvoyant in trance. This can supposedly involve a pulling sensation in the solar plexus and supposedly ectoplasm. I am a trained but natural trance medium. I am firmly against such things and learned this reluctantly. I have not and will not use it since the workshop I attended. I was horrified by the experience, but I had warned a colleague against such things prior to her insisting that I go with her.  I told her something bad will happen and sure enough it did, to me and not her , she was rather indifferent about what happened to me and laughed it off.
I am what is termed a clairvoyant medium, so I see, hear and feel, smell, taste and experience things on a psychic level.

I have done automatic writing though I am no longer willing to do so, for the reason the clairvoyant or psychic person has no real control of who comes through and what they may say or do. The clairvoyant medium can also end up with an entity or energy attachment. Some of which can be so subtle that they will not even be aware of it happening. However other people will notice a sudden change in the person’s behaviour. The first reaction from the person with the attachment will of course be denial. That would be a normal reaction of course, however if the person is aware of it happening there is absolutely no doubt what so ever.  I strongly advise people to leave this alone it can be and is a dangerous pastime which engages the ego and takes over. Usually with a rather malevolent spirit.

I have experienced an energy attachment only twice in my life time and thankfully was trained in how to clear this. I am not sure if this is actually taught in all spiritual churches, as I learned what I needed and discontinued attending spiritualist events. So I cannon honestly say if it is a mandatory teaching or not. I do know that not many people will willingly take on this role, and I totally understand why. It is a magnet for trouble trust me. Anyone that says they can do this needs to prove that they are trained and competent in the process also.

Classic signs of an entity or energy attachment are usually a sudden feeling of dizziness, feeling off balance suddenly for no reason and a sudden confusion of thoughts and a sudden feeling of anger that just happens for no apparent reason out of the blue. These things happen at once and not separately.  Occasionally there will be a change in the person’s facial expression that is noticeable and sometimes the eyes are different, such as a second pair of eyes being seen or a manic look in the eyes.

This can be cleared easily by a trained professional. However one must not make the mistake of mental illness and energy attachments. Yes it is possible for both to happen to a person, but first and foremost a person must seek medical assistance. Here I must caution readers, because the medical profession do not acknowledge the psychic phenomenon, but seeking professional medical help is a must. It is not negotiable, seek that help and then seek a trained professional in entity removals. Time is vital in both instances because self-harm is most certainly on the cards.

Both Sigmund Freud and Karl Jung were indeed into the psychic phenomenon. That says something right there! Also an American psychiatrist has publicly stated there is a link with mental illness with entity attachments in some cases. Again I insist on seeking proper medical help first and foremost.

I do not think using psychic abilities for “entertainment purposes” is the ethical or moral thing to do for me personally. I do not have the right to say others should not do this though, it is up to the individual and those that wish to participate in these events.

I take what I do seriously, I mean no disrespect to others in my line of work. I am obliged by law, to state that readings and mediumship is for entertainment only, some of my colleagues find it offensive. I must admit that I used to at one time also, now however I totally get where the law is coming from. Gladly my work speaks for itself. I do feel sad though when people do have a bad experience with a psychic, as it casts a dim light on the rest of us honest hard working psychics.

The rule of the thumb is always check the credentials prior to booking an appointment and please be open and relaxed when the reading or mediumship is being conducted or you will block the energy which results in a poor quality reading or it can prevent the loved on in spirit making contact with the medium.  Mediumship requires the medium not be put under any stress to perform or it won’t work. This is about finely tuned energy which you cannot turn on like the flick of a switch.
The medium has to relax and prepare for the mediumship or even a psychic reading. The psychic must not be used to psychically spy on others because that is wrong and unethical. Most psychics will refuse to do this anyway.

A good psychic will not tell you about someone dying, because that is also unethical and irresponsible. There is no need to ever frighten anyone. That is a horrible thing to do and Yes, I have had it done to me and it had a very bad effect on my family. Members of Psychic associations generally will never do such a thing, it is usually the psychics that are not professionals that will do this.

This also can pre programme a person for something that is avoidable, because as they dwell on the issue they can manifest it by thought intention unwittingly.  It is important for people to have a strong sense of self and be self-empowered, because when you submit to another person’s opinion that is when things can happen. Like the hypnotic power of suggestion or NLP Neurolinguistic (invented  by the CIA ) programming, which is downright evil.

As I say a strong sense of the self, and that has nothing to do with having a big ego. It means setting your boundaries and knowing within yourself who you are. A good strong aura and sense of self stops the negativity of others in their tracks.

Stay safe and stay informed!

Copyright Alex Fulford, December 2019

Historic Burnima Homestead

Last Saturday hubby and I went down to Burnima homestead in Bombala NSW. It is about 2 hours south of Canberra and the road down their is a bit hairy I must admit.
 The house is of great historical significance and I would recommend the visit to anyone if they love historical things. It is an old Victorian mansion set on acreage.

I did expect some paranormal activity when I got there and I was not disappointed. The house has some sad history attached to it, but I will leave that for the current owner of the house to impart as part of his guided tour and instead tell you what I saw and felt.

Outside the house itself there are many old sheds, tractors and and other things to see as befitting a house of such standing out in the bush. as I looked around the sheds, I became aware of a little girl in a maroon dress. She looked as if she was from the early 20th century.

I heard her shout to a lady in formal dress, of what appeared to be Edwardian times. She shouted, "What's she doing here?" meaning me. The lady with her told her to be quiet and seemed to understand what was going on. I got the impression that she was telling the girl we can't see them, well except for me.  Young madam was not impressed as this was her garden and property.

We then went indoors to begin the tour. I told Steve Rickets, the owner of the house and our tour guide what I saw. He was most interested as no one had see the child before. I gave here age as around 10 to 12 years old, long light brown hair and blue eyes. Wearing a maroon dress that went down to her mid calf. I didn't pay much attention to her feet, I can only assume she was wearing boots of the time.
The lady was either her mother or a relative, dressed in a light coloured dress which I took to be cream lace. She was a slender lady with light coloured hair. I would put her age as in her early 30's.

I did not have the time or opportunity to further investigate as the tour only lasts an hour in duration.
When we went in to the house I did feel energy hot spots in many rooms, however being in a tour group I could not investigate this further. But that's fine, I was there to view the lovely old house.

The architecture was lovely and very befitting of its time. I had the distinct feeling of time standing still in Edwardian times. Even though it had some modern upgrades in the 1960's including the paintwork. The history lesson was great and I learned a few interesting tips of the era.

We went  all through the servants quarters and work stations and were given a rundown on how life was for them. We were then taken to the men's rooms including billiard room and sitting room, where they all sat to discuss business and talk politics etc. We then went in to the ladies lounge room and observed how they entertained themselves including the art of courtship.

When we went upstairs we looked at the old type bathrooms and bed rooms and the guest bed rooms.
In the main guest bedroom I was astonished to see a woman in labour on the bed. In spirit of course not in the physical world. She was a young dark haired woman, I noticed 3 other women with her and one seemed to be a maid that was assisting. I feel the lady was visiting the house and had gone into labour early. I felt she was married and this was just a thing that can happen to a married woman traveling a long distance in those days without the comfort of modern transport. Perhaps the journey brought on labour, who knows.

This is an example of looking through time lines, where people are going about their lives unaware of other beings occupying the same space as them, but in a different time and dimension. In reality this is just life and we are all separated by the illusion of time and space. I have had many experiences of seeing between time and space and it never ceases to amaze me. Not just from a psychic perspective, but historical  also and seeing people just doing what they are doing in their every day lives.

As a cat lover I had the pleasure of meeting Smudge the cat, who is as it would happen is a Norwegian Forrest cat, and identical to my late Tolstoy. My husband and I were so taken with Smudge and his strong likeness to our Tolly. It was hard to say goodbye to Mr Smudge.

He is definitely a daddies boy, and his dad is very lucky to have him. Weegies as they are fondly known are the most adorable felines that you can meet. Not that I am biased or anything, lol.
I so miss my baby, he is gone 5 years now and I still feel the loss.

 Mr Smudge


I highly recommend a trip to Bombala it makes a great day out and a history lesson too.
Bombala  almost became the capital of Australia, but for some dirty pool as they say.

It would most definitely have been a much cooler climate in summer which I can appreciate.
How ever money talks and all that, and hey presto it is Canberra that became the capital city. Don't get me started on that one, there is plenty that I can say but won't lol.

 Wikipedia post gives the blurb on this little town.

UPDATE March 1, 2021 Sadly the house is up for sale, I am not sure if it was because of the pandemic or what it was, but so sad for this man to sell the house that he dearly loves.  

Freaky Thursday


Alex Fulford International Clairvoyant Medium
Published by Alex Fulford3 hrs
I had a freaky other worldly experience on Thursday night. Hubby and I went to a local club for the first time in months. We sat in the out door area for 5 mins, due to hubby wanting a quick smoke. Hubby placed an ash tray on the table. All was normal for a moment and then suddenly the ash tray glided silently across the table, well it was just floating a few millimetres above the table. We both just sat there staring at it in disbelief.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see my father in law, sitting in the empty chair between hubby and me. He passed away 5 years ago. I could see him smiling and laughing.
I picked up the ash tray to see what made it move. it was dry, no condensation and the table surface was both dry and a rough surface. I slid the ash tray along the table and could feel the resistance of the two surfaces. Basically it made a noise and there was a very slight resistance.
I did this just proved to my husband and myself that it was impossible for the ash tray to glide without a sound, let alone float slightly above the table surface. This was my father in law just letting us know he is there and watching over us.
How is that for freaky shit on the weird shit o meter, lol.
Go to the club they said, it will be  fun they said!😆This is a cut and paste from my Facebook page.

Following on from this, lol. We had a tube of Clearasil go missing in the bathroom. I had just came home from the shops and had a heap of toiletries to put away. I scooped them up and walked from the kitchen bench to the bathroom. I put the items down and my son started putting his stuff in his cupboard. The Clearasil tube as on my bathroom cabinet next to the sink. When we looked back it was gone.

I searched the bathroom, the kitchen and the laundry and it is no where to be seen. I ended up going out to buy a new one the next morning. Go figure, lol.

A Flurry Of Animal Spirits

 Last week was interesting, I had a lady come to me for a reading and on opening the door to let her into my house, I was greeted by a horse and a flurry of other animals. Mostly domestic ones that had passed on and a few wild ones.

It is always a wonderful experience when this happens. As I explained what I was seeing, the lady was able to tell me who each of them was. The love from these lovely fur babies, big and small was amazing. Such loving gentle energy, I often wonder why many humans in spirit don't have this lovely energy about them. Perhaps it is because of the pressures in life that each individual human that affects their energy.

I just love seeing animals come through. But I think this case was a record for the most animals/fur babies in my house at one time and not one spot of poo on the floor, lol.

Calthorpe House

I went to see this lovely old 1920's house today, it is only 15 mins from where I live.
I did in deed see Harry Calthorpe, he made his presence known to me prior to me going there, as I made the booking to go and see the house over the phone, he turned up.

However I don't know why he had a beard, moustache yes, that was part of his distinguished look and  fitting of the times. 
On arrival at the lovely house harry greeted me as I walked down the side of the house to the front door. Spirit always know what's going on, not much gets past them.

If you love old world historic places, it is a must see if you live in Canberra or visit Canberra. At the house I purchased a book by Dawn Calthorpe, called Chortles, Chores and Chilblains.
Something to treasure and remember my visit. I am sure that I will return there again.

Sadly due to people talking, myself included I did not get a chance to communicate with Harry. But I could see him clearly. In the garden I could see two little girls playing. This was a snapshot in time as a surprise, thanks to Harry. This was him sharing a memory with me. He loved his children very much.

One of the girls is still very much alive and living near by.  As I left, I thanked Harry for his company and showing me his home, I thanked the lady tour guide and her off-sider who was very busy taking bookings. it must be a lovely job to do if you love history. I love all things 1920's and 30's.

PS: As a child in Scotland I lived in a house built in 1910. I loved that house and was very sad when my parents sold it. I have always loved old world houses, that have a soul of their own.

Famous Australian Singer In Spirit Visiting Alex

 From Rhonda Lewis  (Cut and Paste from Facebook and messenger)

I received the following message from my friend Alex Fulford (Clairvoyant) sometime ago. I did know the person she is talking about and I do believe there is much more to his death and who was with him at the time.
Alex is world renowned and good at what she does.
Visit her Facebook page here:…
‘Hi Rhonda, I have a odd thing to ask and tell you. I have been getting (famous person, name withheld for now) come through to me in spirit off and on for the past 12 months. I was never a fan, I have no bloody idea why he has come to me. I have just been tuned onto him a short while ago and I still for the life of me don't understand what he wants. Do you know any one that knew him? The feeling is he is trying to get something off his chest. Buggered if I can help him. Spirits will try various people to get a message through. Until they get a result. He obviously needs to get some message through to family. It pisses my husband off because he is a non believer but knows this is part of my job. This isn't something that happens to me normally only face to face clients etc. Not a person in spirit turning up bothering me. I still have a bit of a problem getting to what he wants. I have only just been given snippets of his personality, and death including his mothers passing, which he showed me. I pick up a red haired little girl in his family that was born around the time he passed. I honestly don't know what to make of this or what to do with this. I was going to put it on my blog for family or someone that knows him to find it. which might or might not be a good thing as I feel this is a private family matter that he is upset about.’
‘Ok, this is something that I need to get rid of and the relo's can do what they like with the info. I am very uncomfortable with this and David is getting rather pissed off with me about it, lol. I will contact (him) and see what he wants to do with this... there is also a little girl that I was shown. Born around the time of his passing she has light coloured hair with a red fringe? but don’t think she is his, he is her uncle i think.)

This was originally posted on my old blog on 19 February 2018


 When I am meditating, tuning in to spirit or just lying in bed wide awake, I have been getting this strong pulling on my forehead as if something is being extracted from me. This has gone on for a few years.

I used to think that it was something to do with expanding consciousness. Nope, that is not what happens when you expand your consciousness. I asked other psychics and no one could give me an answer.
The feeling is very overwhelming and is, in my eyes intrusive. It is unwanted and it does not benefit me at all. It feels like something is being taken from me. I decided to tell as a respected clairvoyant that I know, his answer was, “It is your son’s higher self doing this”.

There is no valid reason for doing this, and I think he is mistaken, or just doesn’t know. My son has no interest in my work, in fact he dislikes it.  Any interaction with other souls, higher selves or whatever, is not done in the wake state like I have been experiencing.

Image result for spiritual head band

When all of the ET stuff started to get active a few years back, this was when the sensation started.
I now know who and what is doing it.  One interesting piece of information came from an old woman that I have known for years. She told me about spiritual beings working with humanity to help them evolve.

These supposed spiritual beings use devices that are placed around the head and tightened. Supposedly to help us expand our psychic abilities and raise our consciousness. I did not like what I was hearing form this woman. It was clearly wrong and sinister.

She didn’t elaborate too much. But she clearly had no idea of the beings that she was communicating with. To be honest I am quite worried about her well-being and in the afterlife especially.

With these other beings interacting with me though, they started to manifest, just slightly out of phase. I can now usually see them clearly (well as clear as one can with an out of phase entity or being) and this is either due to them being careless or they just don’t care that I can see that I can see them.

The most stunning incident happened about two weeks ago. I was sitting in my chair that I use for meditation, and starting to tune myself in for work. The next thing I notice is that tight pressure on my forehead and suddenly I could see two beings standing in front of me. Again slightly out of phase.

They placed a gold band around my forehead with bright coloured lights, I noticed an emerald green one and a red colour more like a ruby colour. I told them to stop this immediately, which they did.

I have told these beings to stop doing this to me several time, they do not have my permission to do this or anything else to me. I told them I know who they are and that they are deliberately violating cosmic law and my sovereignty. Of course they know that, they are hoping that I don’t know that.

They did not seem to care, other than me, saying, stop it. My observations of this situation were, there was at least two of them. No emotion from these beings. They felt male and dressed in black.
Their faces were not real clear to me but I was still able to get the relevant information. Humanoid, male, no emotion and very determined, they felt very clinical.

They were not interested in my opinion or my rights, but I let them know the score. I do not rule out the possibility that they are human like us and could be involved with on planet scientific research on humanity.

This again reinforces my opinion of other beings interacting with humanity and having no interest in being benevolent. Most people that research this extra-terrestrial and paranormal events are fully aware of the non-benevolent beings interfering with humanity for thousands of years.

Purely for DNA and other scientific research. Yes there are military and industrial factions here on earth colluding with these beings, which has been commented on publicly by some researchers of note.
Now many new agers and spiritualists are quite aware of the ET/ paranormal activity on the planet too. Sadly most of them think they are our friends. From my experiences and research, I have to firmly say this is not the case.  It is a grave error in judgement that will end badly.

Copyright  Alex Fulford 14 February 2018.

Please read the link here.

Tricked By The Light: Science

I have been a reader of this website for many years, it has interesting information along the lines of what I have been sharing on my blog.

This particular post is quite long, but very important reading. I am no scientist but with my line of work I get the gist of what he is saying, as it does have a real bearing on what I do and have experienced.

Right through this article you will find information on our genes being programmable and the future that humanity is facing right now. Raise your vibrations as best you can and educate yourself as best you can on how to stay out of the game. The odds are stacked against us so that we will be stuck here for ever. It is a choice for the individual and cannot be forced on others due to free will.

You are not responsible for others and you must not feel guilty because your loved ones don't get it. You are not their saviour, you are your own saviour only.

UPDATE: 22 January 2025, this page article has been pulled, click on this link to the main page 

Time keeps on slipping…Fleeting travels through time and space

This is fascinating reading here. I can relate to the khaki trousers. I had a brown trouser moment with an old Vietnam era medic pouch.

Merging timelines and dimensions, which also create the Mandela effect.

Anyhow please book mark this as a great website to read.

Mothmen Sightings In Chicago USA 2017

 This is a real spooky phenomenon that is happening in Chicago in the US at present, starting in August 2017.  I have read about these creatures years ago in native American mythology, and I must admit to being curious wanting to know more about them. Lon Strickler is one of the people investigating this phenomenon  at present.

Tracie Austin is doing a show with Lon Strickler on Mothmen at present, with the intention of showing them for Halloween. So tune in and see what they have to say.

Mothmen are described as being about 7 foot tall and all black, with red eyes and black feathered wings on their backs. The red eyes remind me of the shadow people which I have seen and you do not forget the absolute terror they induce. I have no idea if the Mothmen have souls, shadow people don't. As far as I know they just feed off of your fear and terrorise you.
Some researchers are debating if these creatures are interdimensional beings, Aliens or subterranean beings that have always been on earth like Bigfoot.

Mothmen remind me of the  Batman character for some reason, but in a negative way. They do install terror in the people that see them as reflected in reports of sightings.  These creatures do not take flight like a bird does, they seem to spread their giant wings and lift off like levitation.

Some people feel they are an ill omen and harbingers of death. One thing to note, is the increase of UFO activity in the area where these creatures are sighted, including the infamous men in black.

The supposed home of the Mothmen legend is Point Pleasant in West Virginia. A sighting of a Mothman in 1966 by terrorised teenager Roger Scarberry and his friends was reported to Deputy Millard Halstead  at the Mason county courthouse on 15th November 1966.

You will find many websites commenting on the legend, and this year I feel will be a lot more information coming out to give us a better understanding of these strange creatures.

NOTE: Book mark this website and go through it, there is mention of Mothmen here as in they are reptilian beings.

Half way down this article you will see mention of reptilians called mothmen .I don't think many people have found this out.  None of the ET's mentioned on the website are benevolent beings. I don't care what anyone says, I know what I feel on a Clairvoyant level, from experiences that I have had and the reading that I do etc.

This website is very interesting reading, so do spend time reading through it.

Black Goo and Ley Lines

This is a very good interview . The lady is Veronica Keen, I actually read for her a few years ago. What a small world 😁

Having issues  with ley lines myself, I was sent this video by a contact of Wes Penre's. Much gratitude to you you for sending this to me.

Image result for harald kautz vella
Have a look at this, Black Goo, half way down the science page there is a comment on Black Goo.
Some things should not be messed with.

Lyme disease is a Northern hemisphere illness, so far there is no evidence of it in the Southern hemisphere.

You can see the Ley line effects here and how to deal with Geopathic stress. Book mark this website for future reference.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...