Showing posts with label PET ADVISORY WARNING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PET ADVISORY WARNING. Show all posts

07 January, 2024

Aussies surrendering pet dogs as cost of living bites: 'It's very tough'

This is truly heartbreaking, these poor dogs 😭😭 such trusting souls and they don’t understand why they are surrendered. It must feel horrible to have to give up your fur babies. It’s only going on get worse from here on in. Maybe the irresponsible people that breed for money should beheld accountable for a start. Innocent lives that will be destroyed because of human greed. 

12 May, 2022

ACT pet crisis support

 I came across this organisation a couple of nights ago but had forgotten their name. I have just spent several hours combing through Facebook to find them via local groups. This wonderful organisation helps people pay medical bills for their fur babies. 

So I am trying to do my bit to let people know of them when they have a vet bill to pay. There is a vet pay system that vet clinics have as well. But for people on a pension etc this might be beyond their financial situation. So thankfully the ACT pet crisis support people may be an option. Follow them on Facebook too. 

30 March, 2022

14 January, 2022

Tips for finding your missing moggy

I thought that I should share this with people that come across my blog. Many people are cat owners and from time to time our darling moggies go missing; even the house cats like mine were. My late Tolstoy was missing in action for three weeks, and it was a horrible nightmare for my family and his dear little kitty wife Daisy. When we found him he was so stressed that he scratched me. Tolstoy was a very loving kitty boy and never scratched me. This was a stress reaction to being away from his home for three weeks.

Surprisingly he was only a few meters away from home, he accidentally got locked under a vacant house; I assume by someone that had not noticed he was there, and accidentally locked him under the house. 

Cats should be kept indoors and have the use of a cat run if possible; and cat grass needs to be available to them for intestinal health. It is too risky to let them just wander the neighbourhood. I am glad that the ACT government in Canberra have brought in laws now to keep cats contained, already in new suburbs it is compulsory to keep cats indoors permanently. From 1 July 2022 the law states, all cats must be contained or on a leash through out the ACT.

As for walking cats on a leash; I think it is dangerous, because some people just let their dogs wander and cats do get attacked by roaming dogs; so how on earth are you going to protect your cat and yourself from a dog attack. What about a child walking a cat on a leas; there is no way a child can protect themselves let alone a cat from dogs that are determined to attack the cat. I have heard some horrible things about cats being killed by dogs that are left to roam. I am a dog lover and dog owner and there is no way on earth that I would allow my dog out to roam the streets or harm anything. I am very protective of my fur children; I would naturally assume that any pet owners/ fur parents are similar in their beliefs about keeping their fur children safe and secure.

28 May, 2021

All Canberra suburbs to contain new cats from 1 July 2021

This should be seen as a positive thing. Cats will live longer and be safe from accidents or people that harm animals, whilst saving wildlife.

My cats were always indoor kitties with a huge cat run after one cat was badly injured in a fight with a neighbourhood cat. After that we built a three metre cat run. My cats were healthy into old age but succumbed to cancer. But they all made it to 16 or 17. 

03 March, 2021

Pet friendly plants and not pet friendly plants list

 I just saw this on line and thought it may be useful for others with fur babies. I have a Holly bush in my garden and geranium, however my dog is not interested in them, nor the bulbs. I do keep my eye on her though.

01 March, 2021

Husky ‘left in car’ on 35C day as owners ‘stroll’ Yallingup beach

Get this through your thick heads DO NOT LEAVE DOGS OR CHILDREN in hot cars.
It is a criminal act and is abuse.

What is the problem with people today that they think it is ok to leave a child or an animal in the hot car while they go off to shop or go to the pub etc? People are definitely dumbed down so much that they put lives in danger. They get bent out of shape when confronted about the crime too.

No, leaving a window down a little does not help. Here is an idea, why don't you use your brain and leave your dogs at home where they are safe with water to stay hydrated and out of the hot sun. Take your child with you or get a babysitter. If you are this thick then you are not fit to breed or own pets.

Even in a 25C heat it is much hotter inside the car. people know this, but still leave children or pets in the car.

ACT Police: Safety And Security' Animal Safety


Rules about dogs locked in hot cars in the ACT.

Please read this but also factor in the time, from the moment that you see the distressed dog. Note the time, follow these instructions but remember, it only takes a very short time for a dog to expire in a hot car.

How long will it actually take for the authorities to arrive? Is it going to be too late? What happens if you make that judgment call and break the car window? What will happen if you don't?

There is an epidemic of idiots leaving dogs and children in cars in Australia at present. This has to be addressed properly and fines issued to the people responsible.

You do not get a second chance with this. This week alone I have seen three dogs in three separate cars, with the windows open a mere crack in one car, and completely closed in an other.

There seems to be a lack of thinking going on, common-sense is nowhere to be seen these days.
Keep vigilant for children and or dogs locked in cars, and note the time, it is crucial.

26 February, 2021



Walking dogs in hot weather!!




I just got back from shopping, it is 31 degrees Celsius and humid outside.
As I drove along the main road outside of the shops, I saw a man jogging, and alongside him was his dog. A long-coated dog of medium size. Neither of them had any water with them.

It is shocking to see dogs out in the middle of the day in this heat. This is just wrong. Humans have the choice of when to go out and in whatever weather conditions they choose, but dogs and cats don't have that choice.

Some Humans don't seem to be capable of thinking about the animal’s rights, and expect the animal to just get on with it.  Animals have a slightly higher body temp than us. They have a fur coat that does not come off. Please take the time to stop and think about what it must feel like for these poor little creatures in hot weather. How would you like to wear a coat in hot weather and no water to drink and no shade from the hot sun?

In hot weather our fury children need plenty water to drink in the outdoors, and plenty of shade.  Whether that be shade from trees, a kennel or some other covering that they can go under to keep cool and dry.

Please walk dogs before 9.30am and after 7pm in hot weather. Even temps like 23 degrees in the middle of the day can be a bit much for some dogs.
Check your dog for signs of heat stress regularly. To cool them off quickly you can hose them off. If you have a small clam shell wading pool in the yard, place it in a shady area with plenty water each day, to allow your doggie to wade in the pool and drink the water too. Do Not, tie your dog up in the yard, especially in the full sun. That is animal abuse.

When walking your dog take a small bottle of water for him/her and a fold up water bowl, (the ones that are like a little hat) you can pick them up in a pet shop, Petbarn or on line. Remember your fury child can’t tell you when he/she is hot, feeling unwell etc. It is up to you to keep an eye on them and regular monitoring of them in hot weather.

I have seen so many sad little dogs and cats suffering because of thoughtless
owners/parents. It is very distressing to see them suffering. I am by no way a wealthy person, but I keep my 4 cats, 1 dog/puppy and other small creatures in good comfort. They are well watered, kept cool in the heat and warm in winter. They have a shady yard because I took the time to grow shady trees and shrubs. Installed shade cloth over their outdoor areas and adequate housing in the yard as well as indoors.

There is no excuse for people not to provide the basic rights for their fury and or feathered companions. If you can't do that then you should not have them in the first place. Pets are not a right, they are a privilege.

Please also stop and think about dogs in parked cars, they can suffer heat stress within 10 to 15 minutes. Please don't take them out in the car in a hot day, they are better off in the house with plenty water.

If you must take them with you, they must wear a doggie seat belt. They must have the windows open enough to get plenty fresh air but not be able to get their head out of the window. Keep a bottle of water in the car and a bowl to drink from. The folding nylon bowl for dogs is ideal, they can fold up and fit in your back pocket or a bag. One window open is not allowing more fresh air to get into the car, open 2 or 3 a couple of inches.

You might be interested in knowing that there are window guards that you can fit into the window also, so that the dog gets fresh air and the window can stay open. Have a look on eBay or pet shops for these window guards for dogs travelling in cars. Our fury children deserve the best after all, they give us unconditional love.


Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Walking dogs in hot weather!!


the date in the purple strip is the original date of publishing on my old blog.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...