Showing posts with label PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS. Show all posts

13 September, 2024

US Federal Election 2025 and J D Vance

 I don’t know if other psychics are getting the same vibe from JD Vance, but that guy doesn’t just creep me out, he scares me too. I get the feeling that he will take over from Donald Trump at some stage and that worries me. Trump is a business man and is often saying inappropriate things, but J D Vance is a different kettle of fish altogether. Being a Leo star sign he will not be happy unless he is in charge of anything. Leo’s are leaders and never followers, they need attention, to be noticed and adoration from everyone. They don’t do second fiddle. So keep this in mind as you go to the polls America. 

I have not done an actual reading on JD Vance yet though I do intend to do that tomorrow. I don’t think he is going away. As I have said for the past few years there will be a Republican president for 2025, and he is a young dark haired man. I do believe that Trump at some point will hand over power to Vance or else Vance does the main work on the global stage. 

This guy is not shy and when push comes to shove he will not back down. He is patriotic all the way, on his own terms. I will update this post asap with more information in the meantime please check out this link below on the new US Republican Party president. I have been seeing this man since 2021.

Sunday 15/9/24

As a Leo, JD Vance is a leader Leo being a fire sign it is a star sign that puts the person in the heart of things to demonstrate their skills, abilities etc. Here We see J D Vance come across as a stable and well balanced individual with a legal and military background. In this layout, the knight of cups shows him protected and perhaps defensive. The knight can be seen as a messenger bringing a message of peace or hope to the team. He is prepared for the work to be done and is no shrinking violet in conflict but he must keep his temper under control.

He will try to uphold the law as he sees it, however he is only human and must guard against greed and all the other temptations. Currently Mr Vance has an emotional sea to navigate both in the US and globally. 

He must think very carefully over every action or inaction in his role from here on in. Because the eyes of the world are on him. He can get hot under the collar and needs to keep this in check. Vance has his eye on the ball and will not play second fiddle to anyone, that is a Leo or any fire sign for you. They need action and are need constant stimulation. Mr Vance is very firm on his decision making and he will defend them to the end; perhaps through stubbornness. Timing is the key, he needs to learn to bide his time before responding or reacting. I feel he enjoys the finer things in life that hard work and money brings. We know that he has military discipline behind him and has leadership skills from his time in the military to advance his career. He hasn't done too badly to date, and I see that he is a hard talking deal maker.

 It may be what the Republican party needs as a person out front showing strength and leadership with world leaders. He must not jump in without sound knowledge of subject matter unlike Trump. He seems to study the game board first them moves his players. I do think that he would make a more stable president than Donald Trump. Mr Vance does show signs of being fair, yet at times he can be closed off. Heaven help those that upset him because he will have them on toast. He does have a lot of clout behind him; this worries me though because it may not be good for the US as a nation nor for the international standing. This is due to the powerful backers behind the scenes, it is not about lives, or doing what is right. It is about power and money. I do not see this as a unifying of the US. 

I have already said I do not like the energy from JD Vance and I do feel that the public must exercise caution, as both sides of the political spectrum spell bad news for ordinary Americans and the world. We need transparent  unity and diplomacy to move forward and I do not see this happening. 

22 August, 2024

Tarot Card of the Month: September 2024, The 9 of Cups


                              Element: Water, Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces 

                       Planet: Jupiter, Season: Autumn/Fall Cardinal direction: West

                     Gender: Female 

                         Spiritual, Wish fulfillment, Satisfaction, Sensual Pleasures

First I just want to jump in to the colours and symbols before doing the actual card.

Yellow, covers intellect, joy, happiness, confidence brightness and light in is positive symbolism,

negatively it is jealousy and cowardice. 

Blue, The heart chakra, healing, cool intellect, calmness, spirituality, peace, fidelity, truth, 

Grey, Spirituality, neutrality

The number 9 meanings some of which are limitation, strength, prudence, culmination, completion, idealism, temporary stability,  astral, consciousness. 

Emotionally 9's are calm, melancholy, satisfied or lonely

Reversed 9's are lacking in discipline, and self awareness , dependency, hostility, inner wisdom, humane, compassionate, non physical gain.  

The man sits front and center of the card feeling rather pleased with himself and his results. A labour of love perhaps. Behind him are 9 cups in a row symbolising his attainments. They sit on a blue cloth, but one must enquire what is the blue cloth concealing? Is something to be unveiled to the public in September? It could be but the man is waiting until the time is right (October?).

September is the 9th month of the year and marks the end of summer in the Northern hemisphere and the end of winter in the Southern hemisphere. The 22 September is the Equinox  to be precise for the Southern hemisphere. Virgo rules the first half of the month and is ruled by Venus, then we glide into Libra which is ruled by Mercury. Mercury goes direct from the 28th August after being in retrograde.

May I point out that Virgo rules the 6th house of the Zodiac and  health and work and is very organized and industrious, where Libra rules the 7th house of relationships and partnerships, the ruling  planet is Mercury.  

So expect health related issues to be in the news in September. As I look at the card, I see its a bright and cheerful card and cups are generally about love and happiness. The man on the card sure looks pleased as punch does he not. His red hat tells us he is very intelligent, passional about his work  and of his deeds.  This man is ambitious and has the drive to succeed. 

I notice the yellow and blue symbolise Ukraine again, as we saw them cross the border and into Russia in August. Who would have expected that in August? The same colours also represent the EU. The Ukrainian troops feel confident with their results and perhaps we are seeing a closer end to this terrible war. Putin is now in panic mode as he did not expect this to happen. I do not see the politicians and the heads of the Russian military being in a good mood because Putin will be in a rage over this and will do something stupid. 

Ukraine has the support of the West/NATO and armed to the teeth to do the job, there is no backing down yet. Russia will have to fight on to save face. This is seen as a major embarrassment on a global scale. I do feel that we are closer to seeing an end to this war than we are with the Israel-Palestine war.  I think that war will go in for a few years. That being because Iran is behind the scenes funding terrorists to attack US and Western interests. That ain't going to end well for anyone. 

Looking back at the blue cloth beneath the 9 cups, I am again wondering what is hidden, what is it that we need to know? That smug little man in the foreground has a secret.  Implying that something is happening in September. However it may not come to light until October. This is a political thing, and it could be connected to the US elections in November and Ukraine. 

There is an air of authority and superiority here and some truth will be revealed in September, I feel the second half of the month. So it is wise to pay attention to the news this month, as this is something big and very important involving the military and big business

France will pick a new leader, but not everyone will be impressed, this feels like another left leaning individual. 

Looking at the 9 cups lined up, keep your eyes on the middle one, above the man's head. Something shifts to center stage for an event, but not for long. A wild card situation will unfold  as a surprise, which I feel is taking place within America. Someone least expected comes to the front, I hear the words "shades of grey" with this. This is a very high profile man and some will laugh at this situation but not for long. 

I saw Robert Kennedy Jr's face, but he is out of the running and would not be suitable in world politics.

Now looking elsewhere, contracts are being made with the military and big corporations as I already pointed out. Which seems to be taking place in a hurry, the feeling is that many countries are trying to build up their militaries' in a hurry.

There will be more ongoing problems with immigration and refugees in the news, that of course will last for many years. There are travel changes at short notice in September, especially for international and overseas travel.  

Freight and haulage is also involved, rail transportation is connected to getting goods delivered on time.

Notice the little white blob above the cup third from the end; on the right hand side? This is a deliberate mark not a printing error. To me it reminds me of a communion wafer above the cup as if it is some sort of ritual or offering. Perhaps a sacrifice of something to come as it does have a religious feeling to it.

Actually the mans clothes look like robes, and not something worn by a manual worker or a peasant. One would expect such clothes on a member of the clergy or some sort of spiritual celebration. The man on the card is not a manual laborer, he is an educated man. His hat and its colour indicate this too.

The plumes on his hat also reflect this as a quick mind like Mercury, the winged messenger. This card also  signifies the element of water, so it is emotional energy too. Jupiter rules this card which also sub rules Pisces and Cancer, so it's all nicely tied in together.

The key word for Jupiter is expansion, so it's go big or go home. Jupiter rules wealth, leisure time, big business, growth and prosperity. It also covers long distance travel (9th house of the Zodiac). Jupiter is the judge and the lawmaker (9th house) but it is also a helper. The planets actions are orderly and beneficial to health and healing. We may expect some good news in  health matters  in September and perhaps that includes mental health. Though Jupiter is not the planet for mental health. 

Do expect good news with finances and perhaps a lucky streak winning some money. 

I wish everyone well for September and please stay positive no matter what is happening.

Warm and Fuzzy hugs

28 April, 2022

The Australian Federal Elections 21 May 2022

 I didn't know if I was going to take a stab at the elections until today. This is the hardest one that I have ever done. Harder to pick than a broken nose as they say.

This year people are quite anxious about what the elections will bring. Some people are angry with ScoMo (Scott Morrison) Some think that Albo or A've been sleazy ( Anthony Albanese ) doesn't have what it takes to lead the nation. One thing to keep in mind on the day is, the winner will bring with them a different set of problems. This is just what we don't need!

Looking at the layout someone is aiming high and their luck is in. The promises made at the election campaign cannot be kept as usual. Both for practical reasons as well as the BS. Money needs to be invested in Australia fast to protect Australia. I see small drops of money given here and there to keep people sweet, but big money must be in defence and border security immediately. Time will move fast when this election is over and the new party takes up office . Whom ever is in office will leave their mark and not in a good way either. There will be losses or stuff ups of great importance because the ALP took their eye off the ball, and the people that were swept off their feet with elation in the election results will feel let down. 

Dirty tricks are being played out at present and some people will be swayed at the poling booths due to deception and dirty tricks. Anthony Albanese I feel is naive and needs to smarten up fast, should he win this election. He must keep looking over his shoulder for the enemies within the party trying to sabotage him. He will be hounded by the usual thugs in the party unless he can lay the smackdown hard on them.

I do not think he has it in him to be able to slay this demon group of thugs. None of them mind you will be prime minister, no they are the ratbags that make a career of destroying people and Australia. 

From the public image that Mr Albanese puts out he comes across as self effacing, this could be a ploy for sympathy though and is unattractive for a leader of a political party. I would say he is sneaky more than self effacing though because to survive in politics one must be tenacious and as hard as nails. Nice guys do not fit the bill.  Now as I look over the cards and doing a few layouts this is what the cards reveal. 

I feel Scott Morrison does not have fate on his side for winning an election this year. He seems to be losing appeal and appears to be scrambling to keep control. The following cards, The World, 5 of Wands and The Tower seem to shows an ending, a fateful situation, as Scott Morrison forges on with the campaign trail. I feel he will be swept aside in the battle. This could also point to a new leader being elected to head the coalition. I feel Morrison's time is up and it is time to move on, perhaps to an overseas position.

The NLP don't seem to do too badly in the election  per say but the time for a new leader is evident. As the dawn breaks after the election day is over, it s time for a new leader and a new direction for the NLP. Too many mistakes and delays have been made over the past two and a half years and this has cost the NLP.

I do not see Barnaby Joyce ( National Party) in that position either as he is rather reckless. He would not be good for the party nor the nation. I would hazard a guess at Josh Frydenberg or Dutton, It will be a dark haired man that will take over the leadership. ( Allow for hair  graying). (update:  22/5/22 Dutton:a strong possibility) Note: Peter Dutton is dark haired but going bald as is Josh Frydenberg. 

Anthony Albanese  has been again offered a golden opportunity just like the last election. He must be prepared to step up to the plate again, this is his second chance at this. As I look at the cards I see he has an important benefactor behind him, supporting him for this position. This is an older man that has schooled him behind the scenes. Someone like Paul Keating comes to mind.

Anthony Albanese must take a stand for Australia and democracy. Something has always held him back I see. This I feel is his own fears of the future as well as dirty tricks in the party. He has this one last chance and his benefactors tell him this is it. There are no other chances to come up with the goods. The path has been paved for him so to speak.

He has to stop playing the poor little me game and get on with it. I feel he has been warned not to blow it this time. Like he did at the last election, losing the unlosable election stuff up. Talk about Frank Spencer!

Mr Albanese must put all that behind him and show leadership. The Empress card shows leadership and abundance around him, so the time is ripe for him to win, time will tell of course. I do feel that the ALP will win this election.

As I look at the cards, Penny Wong keeps showing up, She is a very disruptive individual in the party and has been linked to overthrowing the leaders of the party, Abbott, Rudd, Gillard, Shorten.  Mr Albanese needs to watch out for this little minx.   

One thing that I will keep in mind on election day is, Labor  will not increase welfare payments. The ALP have a penchant for supporting China and over many decades have done a lot of damage to our industry and the economy. Politics is an ugly and dark business, not something that I like to deal with, as I do not trust any of them period!

 On a side note, My wedding anniversary falls on the 13th of May, Scott Morrisons birthday is the same date. Anthony Albanese was born the same year as me too. How is that for a koinkydink 😅😆

UPDATE:  Albanese and ALP win

UPDATE: Peter Dutton is the new leader of the Liberal party.

Springtime joy with Jack Frost visiting

 We had a freezing cold start to the morning today, it was -5.1 degrees in sunny southern Canberra. Yikes, I don't remember having such ...