Loss, Regret, Bereavement, Goodbyes, Denial
Sign: Scorpio Element: Water Planet: Mars
A lonely figure stands in the foreground with his head down cast, feeling hurt, grief-stricken and alone. He wears a black cloak as his protection, the cloak also alludes to secrecy and mystery. Before the figure are three cups that have been knocked over spilling their content signifying his loss. The red liquid can be red wine or blood meaning life force being spilled. The green liquid colour meaning can be related to the heart chakra as in healing or on an emotional level green is associated with jealousy, greed and money, also associated with the colour green is the greenback.
We see a river flowing between two lands which separates the figure from the castle or fortress on the other side which is safety and protection. There is a bridge off to the right hand side of the card that acts as a portal to take him over to the other side of the river. Or is it the other side of life? Now remember the river is indicative of human emotions and consciousness, and so the bridge can be seen as a portal between worlds or realities or moving from one place to another physically. From the angle we see the bridge, it shows the two arches in which the water flows as uneven. More water seems (perception) to go through the further one and restricting the flow closer to us. So this implies an uneven distribution of energy or thought. Before the bridge there is a hill which means an obstacle to overcome before reaching the bridge.
Notice the two cups upright behind the figure, he has not noticed they are there, if only he would look around him, he would see there is hope, love and support. He is too distressed to think clearly at this stage though. This loss has overwhelmed him and affects his logical thinking process. One must ask the question, did he kick the cups over because that is a possibility. Did he regret the action afterwards?
The pain felt is very real and raw, being both emotional and psychological in nature. The figure is a tall and imposing character in the middle of the card. This is a person that is larger than life and perhaps feels life revolves around them. What is his pain? What is his secret? Is he to blame? His home looks safe and protected away from the turmoil though not to far away to reach for safety.
Above we see a grey sky void of any luminary, no sun or moon. Grey is a neutral colour but it is also a spiritual colour which makes it important in regards to current world events. So, this card shows us there is a spiritual component to the card. The 5 of cups also reminds us to stay hopeful in times of loss; and tomorrow is another day. There will be recovery and transformation or changes so have faith.
Notice the colour of the ground, it's not a vibrant green grass, more of a murky colour but grounded in earthly reality. Perhaps this represents stagnant emotions. This man may be down but not out, he has his cloak of secrecy and protection and he has survived. All he has to do is make his way to the bridge and safety.
The bridge is a metaphor for transformation, spiritually or physically moving you from on place to another. One world or reality or another, like a portal. The world is currently rebirthing or transforming before us this year and choices must be made very carefully by everyone. February-March is important as we face transformations spiritually, morally and our choices, which can also be politically motivated, though some people may prefer neutrality. This is very emotional energy which can be very painful and may include losses as in deaths. Whether it is bereavement, financial, material etc, it is painful. We must try to remain strong and hopeful nevertheless.
Many people will feel lonely and without hope for the future, but must look around them for inspiration and hope. In February we will see the uncovering of a new leadership and victim blaming in the US.
There is also secrecy around Donald Trump as he has something hidden from the public view as he tries to "transform" America in his image. Will this divide America? It is very strong possibility. I do feel the media will be on their soap boxes over Trump. This will show where the media loyalties really are, keep an eye on Fox news, and an eye out for news involving the Air Force, whether it’s the US or another nation. I see a military aircraft in flight which looks like it is turning on an arc. This seems connecting with a political situation and feels important.
I do feel Donald Trump has a big stripe down his back like a skunk, not a popular person with some of his actions in February. Although he will attract like minded people to his cause. Interestingly, the Skunk uses its scent to repel enemies but attract a mate with the same scent. Hence Trump attracts like minded people to himself.
With Trump, you never know what he is really thinking, yet he always has something to say. That's Mercury the ruler of Gemini in action. February is a month of shadows, as there aren't any luminaries in the card, so it's a month of illusion and mind games. Death, and loss are highlighted in world events especially, the guilt game will be played out along with denial by politicians and public figures. As this card is ruled by Scorpio keep in mind the deceptive power of Pluto the ruler of Scorpio, it is a deadly power with a sting.
Be very careful of what you say, read, and especially in your actions because you may have misunderstood what is really happening around you and you could be betrayed. In Canada, I feel Trudeau’s hands are tied and he seems friendless all by his own actions.
The number 5 can signify the 5th house of the zodiac, which is ruled by Leo which is a fire sign and this is about a leader with the influence of powerful Leo energy(this doesn’t mean that the person is a Leo, it’s the energy that is Leo). An attention seeking leader that likes to be seen. There is more than one that fits the bill currently.
In the tarot the number 5 can symbolize destabilization, crisis, upset, adaptation, challenges and opportunities, to name a few. It also covers nemesis, revolt, being an outsider, altercation.
Please take care of each other and be mindful of your thoughts and actions.
Warm and fuzzy hugs everyone
UPDATE: Death and loss, Gene Hackman and his wife dead. RIP 🙏🏽😭
Update: Deaths in DR Congo