22 October, 2024


I have been unsure if I was going to be doing predictions this year because my husband has been gravely ill and was in and out of hospital over 6 months and then finally having major surgery. Many other things have been going on also , it has been a very stressful year for my family. 2024 has been a horrible year for many people globally too. I will be glad to see the end of 2024 approaching for multiple reasons. What the next year will bring is what I am about to reveal. Please bear in mind that I am not a fan of politics and I know nothing of politics, I simply read the cards, listen to my spirit guides and observe the visions given to me. 

Law and order is the theme for 2025 as well as finance. 2025 is a very transformative year and we will see global changes in law and order, taking place. 2025 is also the Chinese year of the Wood Snake.

This is a number 9 year also and some of the meaning of the number 9 are, male energy, pregnancylimits, strength, completion, temporary stability, humanitarianism, philanthropy, solitude, security, wisdom, the unconscious/ consciousness mind, attainment, and accomplishment

Astrologically the number 9 relates to the 9th house of the zodiac, of which the ruling sign is Sagittarius (understanding) Which covers religion, freedom, philosophy, scholarship, justice and generosity. However the negative effects are hot headedness, argumentativeness, bluntness, impatience, procrastination and exaggeration. The ruling planet is Jupiter (expansion,  good luck). This tells us the year is about law and order, and finances, which I picked up as I opened the tarot deck to start my predictions. 

So let me explain a little bit of information first. There are 3 houses of life in the zodiac, 1, 5 and 9.  As a house of life the 9th house rules the mind and spirit, hence it also rules religion, the super conscious and spirituality. The 9th house covers philosophy, the higher mind, higher learning, distant travel, law and also in-laws. 

The ruling planet is Jupiter, the great benefic, which has a 12 year cycle. It is benevolent and demonstrates the protective urge.

Interestingly among the body parts Jupiter rules is the right ear. This is the ear that I have activated when working with spirit. I get a strong energy in my right ear as I tune in every day.This lets me know that I am tuned in to spirit. Jupiter also rules fatty tissues, the pancreas and upper forehead. 

 Jupiter rules big business, wealth, prosperity, the higher mind, higher education and reasoning, It also promotes health and growth and is a symbol of good luck and wealth. Jupiter is the law maker, the judge and helper. This sets the theme for 2025.

What I heard opening the tarot deck was, The "wrathful King ", This relates to the Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel and it does not bode well for anyone. We will have a harsh start to the new year, with ego's and high emotional energy and violence as expected.

The cards show open deception, avoidance and someone in politics walking away from a grave situation rather than facing the consequences. This is a very cunning individual, and I feel this relates to the war in Ukraine. I feel this is Mr Zelensky and he is aware that to end this horrible war there must be a deal struck. The timing of the war ending is early spring time. Remember that I mentioned a war or event happening and it would last three years? This was back before the Russians invaded Ukraine. 

I do feel Mr Zelensky will choose the terms on his terms only. He has his eyes on the prize so to speak and will offer his people platitudes. Team Ukraine have good news, but small consolations really, for ordinary people. 

I do not feel the new era will be what the Ukrainian citizens expected. There isn't a winner per se either in this war, as they say death is the great leveller. I also see the massive drain of taxpayers money from various nations will be ongoing to aid in the rebuild and the tax payers will not be happy losing their taxes that are needed at home. Especially in the US and the UK. Expect people to point out the unfairness in this. 

Hold ups to agreements or deals with governments are indicate, a imbalance needs corrected. This is to do with free trade agreements and embargoes. The UN and NATO may be connected to this and there could be membership suspensions. It seems there are one sided agreements involved. Some nations may be getting more entitlement than other nations and this will lead to a feeling of preferential treatment. 

Nature and climate issues are being pushed again. I also feel a strong feminine spiritual energy in 2025. This feels like a struggle between good and evil, as the energy of this world is way out of balance and nature and spirit fight back. Most people are seeking a peaceful world and turn to what they see as strong leadership. Expect the world to look to the US and the Republicans to restore some semblance of balance and leadership. Are we really getting this stability though? I feel JD Vance is pushing this more than Donald Trump. There will be a strong pushing back with ongoing conflicts, but we will see some clarity  of thought and action as diplomacy is upped with world leaders trying to de-escalate tensions and there will be settling of some conflicts through firm control in western nations, who are desperately trying to keep peace on track.   

2025 is a change in direction, and their is a distinct air of uncertainty. Expect major announcements and changes from the US especially. We will see changes to transport, law and order and finance globally, as a restructure takes place. This is a slow moving transformation that requires patience. Money will still be tight for some people though. 

There is an upswing for industry on the way and I feel New Jersey in the US will benefit with the creation of new jobs and a lift in the finances of ordinary people. Defence spending will be up again in key western nations as they realise that they must build up their defences. 

Hospitals in major western nations are spotlighted for upgrades and new hospitals to be built to cope with the population increase. 

I do feel patience is wearing thin and a world leader is going to take matters into his own hands. He will go it alone and act swiftly, this feels like Benjamin Netanyahu. The rest of the world cringes and is afraid of what the outcome will be. Western leaders feel at a loss as to what they should say or do and loyalties are being tested. I do feel the US will be supportive of Israel. A peaceful outcome with Neptunian influence is unlikely and a reality check is required first and then work out where to go from here. This is a very complex situation which will need complex resolutions, so expect this to be on going all year.    

2025, as I have said is all about transformation, not all change happens quickly though. Slow and effective is the way to go from here, which allows for correction and adjustments along the way. Positive change is in the air for business though.

We will see changes to crime and violence in many countries in Europe, the UK and the US. Gang violence will be in the news as the police don't seem to be able to keep it under control. 

We will see the hot issue of the gap between the rich and poor highlighted again, as people are justifiably angry and voicing their displeasure with their respective governments. Patience is required as it takes time for governments to implement changes. But how long is reasonable, because this has been dragging on for years regardless of which political party is in office.

I do feel a small amount of relief but not enough to make much difference. I see governments are only prepared to offer small measured relief, meanwhile money is being deliberately siphoned off to the EU, UN and the WHO instead of helping citizens in their own homeland. The money is sucked into a black hole by greedy NGO's and there doesn't seem to be any genuine interest in helping ordinary people. Pushing many into depression and despair. Expect a backlash from the public as people demand help.

They will demand their voices heard in Europe, the UK and the USA, however there is a stalemate as politicians don't seem to be listening. Emotions are running high as is the deception from  greedy politicians. Expect outrage as taxpayers money is also siphoned of overseas to rebuild Ukraine. The public will not tolerate this insult  as they struggle to keep a roof over their heads and feed their families.  

A message of peace  and decisions to be made by a Middle Eastern nation that is looking to be recognised for its good deeds. Yet they do not do any good deeds. This country has a very violent history, and when there is the slightest offence they smite anyone who disagrees with their policies.

I feel it will take at least 20 years for issues in the Middle East to simmer down. There will always be a mistrust between East and West  for years to come, business  deals aside. Ordinary people are in no mood to tolerate each other due to current long term circumstances, we can thank political manipulation for that. Ordinary people are not the problem we are the victims of the greedy rich and powerful, yet we are manipulated for financial gain and pay with our lives. 

Caution is a key word for 2025 because when people are threatened with the loss of everything,  feel they have nothing to lose they no longer care and become unpredictable. How can the human race stoop so low and their true spirituality mean absolutely nothing to them?  It's a very sad and tragic world we inhabit. 

Defense partnerships between Japan and their allies is a hot topic to start 2025. There is an urgency in creating this alliance. Taiwan is very jittery and seeks help form allies, this requires great care and skillful diplomacy  because the great dragon, China is awake and angry. 

More ongoing Naval issues with the South China seas dragging on and thus more ship building is indicated for the US as  defence production steps up a notch. Unfortunately there will be military transport issues due to poor planning and poor funding. 

Big business contracts are up for grabs in general manufacturing, however more retailers have to cut back products to survive. There is so much waste in the fashion industry with a huge over supply of cheap and nasty clothing which ends up as landfill. maybe if these corporations were made to be accountable and actually produce quality goods we would not have this problem. It is all about money though,  knocking out goods as quickly as possible and pressure sales in womens fashions especially. 

The clothes don't last a season either, this is planned obsolescence in garment making. So that the consumer has to buy more clothes as well as look fashionable. Economic agreements need to be scrutinised as some are straight out takeovers disguised as benevolent partnerships. 

I see big brand names going broke in the UK. Poor financial management and greed is to blame. Global retailers are pushing household names out of  the market. 

Hidden secrets will come to light revealing government corruption including religious institutions involvement. Innocent people will have their names cleared of any alleged  wrongdoing. 

I  see  poverty in the spotlight and people are fighting back. There is a lot of anger here and justice will be swift to come down on the public.

Germany will be vocal on peace efforts yet try to please its own citizens who are worried about immigration issues. Mind games are being played on the public to keep them being wound up over social issues though.

Sir Keir Starmer's days are numbered and the public clearly do not like him and he is not on the same page as his party. I would not be surprised if he resigns or is replaces some time next year. 

I do feel a burst of energy next year in the UK around spring to early summer as people cast of the gloom. Something is being offered to the public who are in a state of apathy and in need of some happiness.   Meanwhile there is explosive anger in the US with hard control focused on bringing back power and authority. Expect some shocking news and endings.With endings though there are always new beginnings and this will launch America in a new direction. Which will shape the country for the next 10 years. 

There is a big push taking place, which feels like an aggressive male energy, the turmoil will settle down  perhaps March to mid April and allow the necessary changes to take place. There will be a calming energy sweep over this turmoil due to diplomacy at home and overseas and common sense will prevail. 

The world transformations may uncover more corruption in high places, so expect powerful people to be singled out, I  mainly feel drawn to Europe and the Eu with this. 

India has more political upheaval with their prime minister Mr Modi, this will settle down though. The eyes of the world are watching and the Indian government will make sure that any issues are sorted.  Diplomacy is a must to keep everything harmonious. 

Love is in the air in 2025, romance and pregnancy. we can do with something nice to change the air. SO get out there and find some happiness folks. 💝😍 This is one of the positive influences of a number 9 year. So please take the time to stop and smell the flowers and get outdoors to enjoy the sunshine. 

The energy feels like a universal blessing. Good luck to all the love birds out there. 

2025 has a very sensitive energy, so when you speak from the heart chose your words very carefully, to resolve any issues or upsets. You will find the path much smoother if you can remain calm  and focused. Unity and harmony are more powerful and this energy has a  long lasting effect. 

I do feel there will be more positive results globally as a transition is taking place. Not just with world leaders and politicians, but with ordinary people too. People want to be heard, acknowledged and their worries addressed which is not unreasonable. 

I also see social housing, immigration and health highlighted to varying degrees. This is in no way a golden fix but rather more a spot fix.here and there. A Band-Aid job basically, however these things all take time to fall into place, so don't expect too much or too soon. 

Romania is in the news with its government pursuing justice and may not get on with Eu nations. romania is also looking into corruption in financial matters with politicians and officials. And greedy politicians will be exposed, yet everything will end up swept under the carpet quickly. 

Neptune energy is prominent next year which means confusion, illusion, and misunderstanding of realities at high government levels and with NGOs' such as the UN, the WHO are delusional in their outlook.  The effect of the planet Neptune means not just deceiving others, you also deceive yourself.

Neptune rules the sign of Pisces and the 12 house of the zodiac. The 12th house is a house of endings, which includes prison.

Where is all that money really going? The social divide would be a lot narrower if it wasn't for pure greed and corruption at high levels, as individuals line their own pockets with public money.  Closer inspection and tighter laws need to be employed and all monies heavily scrutinised as to how much, where it comes from and where every cent is going. With a permanent record of every single cent accounted for. Money is often filtered into projects that never even happen. Water is one of the big factors in bogus money grabs, Neptune also rules water!

Immigration and the movement of people will be a main topic next year with new solutions being implemented. Expect the public to get antsy about that in the UK, Europe and the US. This is about border control and keeping things real. No more shenanigans will be tolerated  and people traffickers are on notice. 

Religious conflicts will continue without any resolution, and I do not see any major shift. However there will be scope for readjustment within reach if individuals are willing to cooperate. Unfortunately I do not feel Israel is in the mood to negotiate yet until they feel the threat is neutralized. 

Beware please because there is mischevious energy afoot for 2025 so  be wise and do not get into any confrontations or conflict if you can avoid it. Focus on good things and on things that you want to benefit you positively. Hopefully you will attract the happiness you need. As I already mentioned this years energy is sensitive but it is also intuitive  energy mixed with emotional energy. This can either be very volatile which can lead to violence and martyrdom mentality or it can be positive happy energy depending on your thoughts and actions. It is all energy in motion and at times raw. Spiritually speaking it is creative energy here, so we should be using our creative energies responsibly and respectfully ( creative abilities are governed by our thought process for good and  positive purposes).

For Donald Trump, there is a sudden shock coming, a line in the sand is drawn and I do not see his marriage in good shape and a possible separation or divorce is indicated. I feel Mrs Trump is over the whole marriage thing.  Joe Biden will not be a happy camper and inclined to be somewhat grumpy after the elections in November 2024.  There are ramifications from his time in office coming home to roost and missing money to be accounted for in the US government, whether it is from the Trump era or the Biden era. 

In England I see a supermarket crisis with police being called in to handle rioting or theft from supermarkets. I feel this is in London, due to poverty and opportune crime. The UK is in a far worse situation than Europe is with poverty and appalling healthcare and public housing in decline. I feel there is more depression and withdrawal from society as many people just can't cope with the current state of affairs and virtually living in horrific poverty. Where is the government in such times? This is like something from a Charles Dickens novel. I actually had a vision of this back in 1990 as a new mother. Which I have mentioned in my blog posts previously, and here we are I am sorry to say. 

Finally the African Union will be in the news as agreements with business and nations power sharing is highlighted. However I do not see peace with warlords making things very difficult and no one seems to be able to bring them under control. Which drives up poverty, famine and violence resulting in more people being displaced. Borders will be again flooded with more people fleeing violence, only to be stopped at borders due to the strain on resources and citizens objecting. There is no easy solution to this misery unfortunately highlighting the uselessness of the UN to be an effective power yet again. 

People power used correctly and the power of positive and realistic thinking can achieve anything. Sadly those in powerful positions do not want equality and they will never stop their insatiable greed for money, power, control and asset hoarding. That does not sound like the actions of very spiritually advanced human beings. 

Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones, including all fur babies and wildlife. I wish everyone the best that life can offer in 2025

Blessings for peace and warm and fuzzy hugs




I have been unsure if I was going to be doing predictions this year because my husband has been gravely ill and was in and out of hospital o...