20 October, 2024

Brain doctor reveals 1 thing you need to avoid if you’re depressed


It’s about time this issue was openly discussed, what you eat affects your health, physically and mentally. Modern food is garbage and the high quantity of take-away food in society is unacceptable. Without proper nutrition of course you will become depressed and obese with various health issues. Not to mention dental issues. 

Most of what is on supermarket shelves is garbage and unfortunately with the cost it living so high most people are struggling to keep a roof over their heads, feed their families and hoping they will have a job next week. Add the expense of seeing a doctor, or dentist on top of that,  and there is no way the average person can afford to eat healthy food every day and keep their optimal health. Don’t forget we also need sunlight for vitamin D to prevent disease and depression. 

 Natural unprocessed foods are expensive right now depending on your income level, as are good quality refrigerated probiotics needed to restore gut health. For a start if you have to take antibiotics, you must replenish the good gut bacteria at the same time as you take your antibiotics. But it should be a three month course of taking probiotics to restore your gut bacteria. Now just picture a family needing medicine, the cost on top of normal weekly household bills pushes the bank account balance down in current times. So the nutrition needed may be impossible for many families right now, and that leads to health problems. 

Children are especially vulnerable if there is insufficient nutrition needed for healthy body and brain development. The government needs to take action to ensure that people are able to have access to healthy nutritional food at a reasonable price. Without good quality food we will have children growing up with vitamin and mineral deficiencies which will affect their ability to develop physically and mentally, and to prevent depression and other mental health disorders. That in turn affects their employment choices and wage potential in adulthood. Better education on nutrition should be provided at every level of schooling, explaining what happens to their bodies when they don’t have the right nutrition. 


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