Showing posts with label METAPHYSICAL/ESOTERIC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label METAPHYSICAL/ESOTERIC. Show all posts

08 February, 2025

My beloved Box Elder

 I have a beautiful and huge old Box Elder (Acer negundo) tree in my garden which is around 50 years old,  and sadly its at the end of its life. The life span of this type of tree is 50 years. My tree has lost its leaves over the past couple of years and only has a smattering of tiny green leaves left, it can no longer offer any shade like it once did. 

I love this tree very much and I am very sad to lose it. The first time I saw this tree, it struck me as special when my family and I came to view the house we intended to buy. Its presence in the back yard was quite something, with beautiful shady branches which kept the ground under the canopy nice and cool on a hot day. Some branches were almost touching the ground back in the day, and everyone admired this tree for its magnificent canopy and height. 

My children played under the tree in summer, and we had a table and benches underneath to enjoy the cool shade. I always felt this tree was a beautiful protective tree that had a nice energy about it. I always referred to the tree as a protective guardian. Strong, silent and protective are the words that come to mind when I think of this tree, it has been benevolent and loving like a mother caring for her children. 

This coming week the tree has to be cut down and I really dread this loss of  this beautiful friend. Having had the pleasure of this tree for 30 years I just don’t want to see it go. 

 I decided to google the mythological  and spiritual meaning of the tree and it comes as no surprise that the native Americans looked upon this tree as a spiritual messenger of transformation and to  ward of evil. 2025 is a year of spiritual transformation as well as transformation in other ways. 

So with the end of the tree’s life span, a new beginning will take place. I intend to make the ground the tree stood on a spiritual place, and will put plants and shrubs that reflect spiritual growth and protection in this part of the garden. I actually planted a Holly bush next to where the Box Elder stands in the late 90’s so it is East facing and is over 6 foot tall. Holly is important spiritually as it too is protective and wards off evil and bad luck. Holly also represents everlasting life and rebirth. I have another Holly bush planted at the top of the garden too, which acts as spiritual protection too. The wood from a Holly tree was used to make wands for Druids. Did you know it is also planted to act as a lightning conductor? Neither did I, you learn something new everyday. 

 I love my Celtic culture and wanted to grow shrubs or trees that relate to my Celtic heritage. The interesting thing is I didn’t know that I was psychic when I bought the house or the plants that I planted when we moved in. I  didn’t know anything about spiritual protection from trees, that came later. But my intuition must have been guiding me as I bought everything back then. A couple of days ago I was looking up plants and positions for good Feng Shui in the garden including the colours to use and to my surprise I have planted things that tick the right boxes for good Feng Shui. I still need to buy new plants for after this spot has been cleared. 

07 February, 2025

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 6 February 2025

Q1: It’s on the individual to man up and control their own behaviour no excuses like the devil made me do it. No, it’s you that are responsible for your actions, if you do not have the intelligence to control your thoughts and impulses. 

Q2: Feng Shui is about energy and everything in our reality is governed by energy. It can improve your quality of life, your health and prosperity in all aspects of life. I use it myself to keep harmony in my home and garden. It’s been around for thousands of years and evidence that backs it up. 

31 January, 2025

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 5 January 2025

I would not touch the Wingmakers material with a ten foot pol. I read the lot and it has very dark energy as does the Art depicted in the W.M. The artwork has a harmful effect on the human mind and if you are intuitive you must avoid this art because it is designed to get into the subconscious in a very dark way.

I have commented on this on my old blog and on this one already ''Ärt". Let it stand as a warning for your safety and wellbeing.

Rule number one is keep your vibes high, your energy is everything, especially for your emotional and mental health. 

12 January, 2025

Paramedic revived 11 minutes after electrocution details his ‘tranquil’ near-death experience

What a surreal experience, lucky for him he came back. The silver cord wasn’t cut meaning there is no coming back, he was in the transition phase but not into the light. He didn’t have a life review otherwise he would have mentioned that. 

11 January, 2025

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 2 2025

With question 2, the silver cord, which is a spiritual umbilical cord has to  be severed before we can leave this world and move around the multiverse. Once that cord is cut there is no coming back here. The spirit world controls that as it does our births and deaths which are programmed into us prior to incarnation. We do have exit points of possible times when we could die but they are not used very often. That depends on the individual at random times in their lives. Interestingly this is something that astrology can warn us of but, it doesn’t predict death. That is after the fact it is picked up in a person’s natal chart. 

Q # 4 casting pearls before swine! Why should Wes go to all his efforts and turn over his work for free? That is absurd and perhaps sour grapes to expect a person to provide their work for free. He has given enough for free already. People do not respect anything given for free and I speak from experience over many years. Never under value hard work and effort, expecting everything for free. He who knows the price of everything knows the value of nothing. 

Q # 5 What we don’t know is how big the soul group actually is. We can’t verify anything about it 100% either. What I learned via the spiritual church many years ago was, the soul groups are large and have at least two layers to them. 

The inner layer is supposedly those that are our parents, siblings, grandparents, our children, aunts and uncles and cousins etc. The outer layers are said to be friend and acquaintances, those we work with and people that are in our lives briefly, for random reasons. What is also common is, people that we definitely don’t get along with are put into our lives as well. This can be traumatic, stressful or harmful to individuals. There is no benefit to us when we are forced to incarcerate with bad people. To believe that it is to help us grow spiritually is utter nonsense. Example, an abuse victim does not benefit from abuse or violence. They are traumatised and can self harm, not to mention living with the ongoing effects of abuse and trauma. Not everyone is able to heal from this either. Most of the information that comes via so called spiritual books and new age teaching is unfounded nonsense. The CIA are the promulgators of the new age movement, and most people never research this, nor will they accept anything other than what they have been trained to believe, most of which is hearsay. 

06 January, 2025

Vision of a mirror glass pyramid with Prince William and his family

 Last night at 9.30 pm, I had just gotten into bed and closed my eyes, when suddenly; I saw a vision of Prince William, and his wife Kate  on either side of a  glass pyramid with the sunset illuminating the pyramid. Their children were standing at the base of the pyramid. William was standing on the left side and Kate was standing on the right side with the children at the base. It was just a split second vision but enough for me to see everything. 

The actual pyramid was a tall slim one with the tip looking rather sharp or pointed and the sunset was reflected on the mirrored pyramid, giving it a smoky glass look which is rather a symbolic image. To put the vision into a language, the pyramid is a symbol of the sun god Ra. The sun setting could imply the end of the current king’s reign and the dawn of a new king I feel this is a transformation that is about to happen. I can't put a time on this, it is up to the universe though. 

William was standing on the left side, which in spiritual terms means the female spiritual energy, the past and bloodline. Kate standing on the right side is implying male spiritual energy and the future, mirroring that symbol and duplicating the power. The children at the base of the pyramid are the base or the foundation of strength and power rising up. 

Are we witnessing the dawning of a new royal family lineage? A transformation from the past to the future of British royalty; which has its past in ancient Egypt in their bloodline genetically, and historically. 

Pyramids are energy enhancers and symbolic of power, manifestation, transformation, solar power, the afterlife and three sides of a triangle. In the vision I only saw the pyramid front on like a triangle. So this implies unity, spirit, the elements, balance, harmony and unity. The trinity in Christianity and  interconnectedness much like the Celtic Triquetra.  

Mirrors:  Hold and concentrate energy, think Feng Shui, truth; as in reflecting back at you. Mirrors can trap negative energy too. Not really any different than any object that can trap or hold energy. So mirrors do need cleansing energetically from time to time. Mirrors hold light which is also energy. Mirrors are also used for magic and scrying to, think of the wicked queen in Snow White and the seven dwarves.   In the olden days any shiny surface was used for divination, especially water or black obsidian spheres. 

Sunlight: Life force and life giving energy. the Sun has been  used in rituals since the dawn of time. Sunlight is purifying energy too, it represents divinity and royalty The SUn rules the 5th house of the zodiac which is ruled by the royal sign of Leo.   

The sun represents enlightenment, power and illumination. The Tarot card The Sun is the 19th card in the Major arcana. representing life force, vitality, joy, birth and rebirth as does the Sun spiritually. Without the sun no life takes place on earth. Sunset represents the end of something and transition. 2025 is a year of transition and that includes the spiritual aspect of life for everyone. 

Spirit would not give me this vision unless it meant something important. Time will reveal all anyway and we know that king Charles is ill and that William in the heir apparent. But what an interesting vision. Spirit sometimes gives me a vision and leaves it to me to figure it out. But sometimes I have to tell spirit to dumb it down for me, lol. The spirit world can be very cryptic, not something that I like, I am more a straight to the point person that likes clear and concise information, and the spirit world knows that. Messages and visions come through ones higher self but deciphering the message is down to the physical worlds brains and the message is open to interpretation.    

Alex's 19th Anniversary

Wow, today is officially my 19th year  6/1/2006  to 6/1/2025, doing tarot readings. In all these years I have performed mediumship, psychic predictions,  hosted a radio show etc, done scrying with wax drawing readings on a spiritual level, done psychometry (a form of scrying and is the gift of Clairtangence), how time flies when you're having fun, as they say. Conducting readings, and mediumship has been the highlight of my life and putting people's minds at ease in very difficult circumstances. 

I humbly thank everyone that has had a reading, mediumship or spiritual healing from me over the years. Although I no longer do spiritual healing due to my own health issues. I am most grateful for the gifts that I have and the service to humanity that I do. I also thank everyone that takes the time to visit my blog/s. 

I hope to continue this necessary service to humanity for many years to come. I find it interesting from a spiritual and Astrological angle that not just is my birth number a 6 but also the day that I started on this journey in life. ^is an important number in numerology, astrology and spiritually.

Firstly 6 is feminine energy, it is the 6th house of the zodiac which covers work, health and service to others. 6 represents love, femininity, nurturing. The 6th sense is spiritual as in psychic abilities. So, nothing happens by chance in this world or any other reality. Everything vibrates to numbers or mathematics. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs everyone 💖


03 January, 2025

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 1 January 2025

Many people are rightly concerned about Trump being in power again. But I don’t think it makes much difference as to who is in power in the US because they control everything to a degree. I am more concerned about who takes over from Trump if he is assassinated, J D Vance or Musk. 

Pluto is in Aquarius up to 2044 and we are all going to suffer regardless. As for an alien invasion, that is total rubbish and a distraction made up to frighten people. 

29 December, 2024

Neurodiversity and Astrology

I thought that this would be a good article to share with everyone and being  slightly neurodiverse (ADD) myself …oh look a squirrel. I do like to save information of all kinds that is useful until I find a use for it. So I generally have interesting information stored all over the place, just waiting for it to come in handy. Virgo and Mercury and helpful Libra, I like to be useful and share information. 

28 December, 2024

Atlantis awakening

 Yesterday afternoon I was looking at my tarot cards for myself and as I tuned in to the cards, I heard a voice within me saying, “ Atlantis is awakening within you ”. I don’t think the Atlanteans were very moral people and that doesn’t sit well with me. I don’t know what to make of this message, but I definitely do not go in for any new age stuff. I am strictly spiritual in my own way. 

What a weird thing to experience and just so surreal. This coming year for me is about spiritual transcendence on a personal level. Letting go of the past and opening up to a new experience. Where I go with that is unknown. I don’t generally go with the flow because I am a very cautious individual who doesn’t take risks. So for a change I am open to what the new year brings me on a spiritual and personal journey. 

2025 is a year of transformation globally and affects everyone on the planet one way or another, especially those on a spiritual path. 

24 December, 2024

W or upside down M on the Ace of Cups

 The upside down M on the Ace of Cups is a mystery to most people, who usually look to the religious mythology, but what if that M is a W? As in the constellation of  Cassiopeia. It’s a female image upside down in the northern hemisphere sky. That makes a lot of sense when one delves into the esoteric mysteries the RWS Deck are infused with deep symbolism.

There are 5 stars in the constellation of Cassiopeia that form a W or from the Southern Hemisphere it is an M. In mythology she is the queen Cassiopeia  and the mother of Andromeda's%20W%20is%20a%20bright,still%20on%20the%20main%20sequence.,to%20the%20sea%20monster%20Cetus.

A blurb on the myth of Queen Cassiopeia and Andromeda.,is%20unacceptable%20to%20the%20gods.

The Dove in the card can also represent a constellation called  Columba not just the allegorical dove in biblical stories each image within a card is a symbol.  There is much more to the images and mythology that is incorporated into the Tarot deck. Apart from the conventional Christian, Greek Mythology, the Tarot is infused with Astrology, Greek, Roman, ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Persian mythology, Numerology, The Kabbalah, Ancient history and Astronomy. Then there is the language of  colour symbolism. There are multiple layers of wisdom that are only imparted to certain metaphysicians that is carefully guarded.

I do feel there is a strong case for this being a hidden meaning that most Tarot readers have perhaps overlooked. My rule of thumb is always check the skies with myths and if I can't find anything that sounds right then I hold off. But the more I think, and rummage around online I find other things that make me think, oh wait; I need to make notes on such and such. We never stop learning when we step into the realms of the esoteric and metaphysics and you can never know enough no matter how long you have been a reader.     

20 December, 2024

Find your mantra

 Each person needs a good mantra to recite to themselves and to live by. To uplift themselves, restore their spiritual equilibrium and raise their spiritual energy or vibrational frequency. It’s not for others to benefit from, it is for you, because your soul needs nourishing. It is for you to ground yourself when life throws you a curve ball that pulls your heart and soul down. 

We all know suffering, we all know loss, we all know what it is like to be disempowered, lonely, hurt, and alone even when we are living with our family members. We all know what it feels like when someone says hurtful and cruel words. Having a mantra to live by gives us that boost to lift ourselves up and keep going when we feel downtrodden, stressed and discouraged or disregarded.

Living with grace and inner peace, with detachment from negativity is a tonic that we need each day. Give yourself the gift of a mantra that stops the negativity in its tracks and empowers you like medicine. Giving you the power to face the day with detachment and humility. 

It’s not easy by any means but with constant practice we can achieve the best possible results. Be your own spirit physician and uplift your soul. 

Making your own mantra is important because it carries your unique spiritual energy or frequency, it’s meant for your use only. 


Repeating a mantra three times is important and makes it powerful. The number three being significant in spiritual matters. It relates to wisdom, harmony and understanding. Not just that, it relates to the three levels of consciousness. Completeness,  divine wholeness and perfection is another interpretation. The number three also represents spiritual guidance and protection. Rituals are said three times like the expression, third time’s the charm. 

15 December, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 2 December 2024

I will reserve commenting on this other than to say I am not in 100% agreement with past lives and hypnosis. I am very against hypnosis and it can be influenced by suggestion etc. 

11 December, 2024

The Mother Crystal


A few months ago I bought a few crystals and this particular amethyst jumped out at me. The photo doesn’t do it justice though. When I got it home and put it in place, I did a cleansing on it and I heard the word, Mother. I keep hearing this often whenever I look at the crystal, this is a powerful little crystal and I am very fond of it. I get the feeling that it has a strong protective energy for me. Amethyst is a feminine energy and I feel the power of the divine feminine emanates from this beautiful crystal. This is quite interesting because as we move into 2025 feminine energies will be strong all year as we move into a new cycle for humanity. 

I have never felt such a strong connection to a crystal like this before. I do feel the energy of a crystal when I put my hand close to it. This energy feels like a strong tingling sensation similar to when doing spiritual healing. So this is how I intuitively feel the right crystal for me, the energy frequencies are important when buying a crystal. So if you are able to feel the energy emitting from a crystals that is a great sign. 

07 December, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 1 December 2024

I can’t say that I agree with Wes on who the ascended masters really are. Originally he said they were mostly archons and some humans. I sure as hell wouldn’t have anything to do with ascended masters, especially because they are under the control of  beings that are no friends of humanity nor truly spiritual beings. Wes has said in the past, that humans have to adhere to En-Ki’s school of thought to ascend and that it was a sort of  like a draconian system. There may well be some benevolent beings in the ranks, and they may or may not know what is really going on. Also Wes did tell us that these human ascended beings don’t get to stay permanently in the so called spirit realm, they do come back again to reincarnate. We have the right to refuse to reincarnate, it is not in our best interest to be in a physical form, because we are entombed in the flesh and our spirit is very suppressed as are our natural spiritual and psychic abilities. 

Humanity has been deliberately put in to a living hell in the third dimension and this was not to benefit us from the beginning. The purpose being to traumatise us and harvest our loosh. 

There is no way that a benevolent god would do such a terrible thing to humanity. I also feel that a good soul would always be a good soul, it is what is our core essence is after all. 

Life on this earth can be very painful for those that are good because the people that are negative in their moral character sniff out anyone that is good or sensitive or different. They home in on them,  bully and mistreat the innocent victims. Even children in primary schools are capable of sniffing out a vulnerable child and bully them mercilessly. This is because the core essence of the child is not good to begin with. Not all beings incarcerate from the “good” side of the spirit world. There are lower realms that we call the dark side, think about psychopaths and other dangerous people otherwise the world would not be the way it is. This is free will choices being made, to become a bad person is easy enough if the will is there. 

As for psychic people, not all of us want to teach anything nor are we all wise and all knowing on spiritual matters. I don’t consider myself a teacher of anything, may be a sort of way shower or just someone that likes to share what I know. Not everything can or should be shared either. Because some people are not ready for spiritual wisdom. Some people may also use this spiritual knowledge in the wrong way and use it to manipulate and control others. 

26 November, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 3, November 2024

Q 1. One has to check the credulity of some individuals. Not for one minute do I find this credible. I have known of some people who channel “spiritual beings” to make predictions and they turn out to have absolutely no substance whatsoever. I have known individuals that channel ET’s and I have serious doubts and concerns about them.

I am able to channel myself,  but I am very against this activity as you will see on my blog. It is unreliable anyway and it can be very dangerous. This is a classic example of mess around and find out the hard way. 

Q 2. We know at the point of death that we are dead if we know it’s coming, especially if we have been ill or we are old.  The soul prepares us regardless and already is in the stage of disengagement from the body weeks before death. However the conscious self is usually not aware until near the end of life if they are ill and so they are prepared for death. The body starts to power down and a calmness comes over the person. Their breathing also changes to assist the process and other beings in spirit are around the person at that time too. Ready to guide them to the other side. I see them myself when someone that I know is dying. 

A person that dies suddenly also has people in spirit who know that the death is coming too. Any loved ones that have psychic abilities may also be aware of this too. Not in every situation though, but it happens, and I am speaking from experience with family members dying and a couple of friends. One particular person I knew years in advance of their death coming. Not how they died but knowing their time was short. That is something that I would rather not have known too. 

I get precognitive dreams warning me of a death in the family, but not every single person in the family who dies. That may be down to how close I was to the person dying though. 

Death is not something to spend your time dwelling upon, live your life as best you can without worrying. 

Q 3. As Wes says strengthen your boundaries, keep your aura or energy field high by holding firm but positive thoughts. I would also suggest avoiding negative people and energy vampires in your life. 

There are crystals that can assist in protecting your energy from psychic attacks and there are essences and essential oils that also help. Gold light protection can also be used as well as the grounding techniques.

As for psychic protection in your sleep, use the same psychic protection techniques just prior to going to bed. But also put crystals like black tourmaline and selenite on your bed side table. You can also put crystals under your pillow to repel negative thoughts, negative energy and protect your aura. 

Space clearing essences can also be used to cleanse your aura and remove negative energy. Such as Australian Bush Flower Essences like space clearing essence, which is spiritually charged essence. 7 squirts on and around your body are to protect your chakras and your aura from negative energy. This spray can be used on humans and animals safely. It is also used to clear energy in rooms just like white sage. Most importantly, don’t keep dwelling on negative thoughts and fears because you will draw it to you. 

I use psychic protection daily as part of my spiritual practice. I also do a spiritual cleansing in the shower each morning. You should also think about psychic protection around your home, car and workplace. That is if you feel that you are under a psychic attack or black magic. Personally I don’t believe in black magic but many of my clients do believe in it. That negative energy can only work if you believe in it and you can protect yourself by avoiding the sort of individuals that do such things. 

You have power within you to protect yourself, develop a strong sense of self first and foremost. That is not negotiable, you must be responsible for your own welfare. 

Q 4 I think using a pendulum is a much better option, as it is tuned in to your energy field and your higher self. I use my pendulum to help me but I am aware that I am asking my higher self for help. What ever floats your boat peeps and if you are confident with that choice then it is all good 👍 

Yes, everything is inverted in our reality and our reality is dualistic by design. I am glad to see Wes also mentioned the fact of the physical body is  like a tomb. We are dead when in a physical body and even the bible alludes to this as I have mentioned before in other posts. We are not meant to be here and we are not meant to be in a physical body. 

The spiritual game of life

 I had an interesting experience a couple of days ago when doing mediumship on a Skype call. The image I was shown was like a VR game with the gamers looking on from above. This was relatives of my client who are in spirit, showing me from their perspective how our world looks to them. They were looking down into a circular chamber almost like an auditorium and we are the players in the venue going about our lives. Those on the other side of life watching on like spectators. I could see the long drop down from where there spirit beings were standing, down on to what looked like  green grass similar to a football pitch and people just walking around totally unaware that they were being watched from above by these spirits. Kind of like the movie, The Truman Show.

It looked very much like a simulation like when people play console games. As I observed the vision, I noticed the characters, meaning us living in our world were superimposed on top of my tarot cards on the table. Though this is not the first time that I have seen spirit beings  overlayed  on my tarot cards. It did remind me of the Shakespeare statement, all the world is a stage. Which some people correctly take as a hint at the metaphysical reality of the world we inhabit. The expression as above, and so is below is still valid, but it is a multiple meaning expression.    

I wish that I could psychically share what I saw with everyone. Because it was just like 3D and I could look right through the people shown to me like they were just holograms. Not all spirit beings show the exact same type of images to explain what we look like to them. I don’t believe that there is any real set way in which we are perceived by non physical beings either, or even how we psychics and clairvoyants see spirit beings. We all decode with our brains whatever is imparted to us whether by a physical person or a spirit person. So we don’t pick up and interoperate the information the same way. 

I also don’t feel the description above of the spirit beings watching us from above is 100% correct either, it’s just an analogy. The spirit world is all around us just on a different multiple frequencies out of the range that we humans can’t perceive with our physical senses. I see people in spirit often and sometimes it’s just them standing next to me or someone else. Other times it’s seeing the spirit through my third eye clairvoyantly. I generally have a tingling warm sensation around me when a spirit is present, though it's not always the case. 

I believe it is down to individual spirit beings and their own individual knowledge or awareness, beliefs and individual language of communication, to try to inform us of how they perceive us. Just as we in our world perceive them is snot always the same either. It seems more a visual and cognitive language more than a spoken language spirits beings communicate with when trying to contact us, which is the best way that I can describe things being communicated from spirit to us. However spoken language is used too with a range of emotions. 

There are scientists and researchers etc, who are now of the opinion that we  do live in a simulated world too. Scientists have been trying to find a way to explore other worlds for decades in the area of Noetic science, which is an offshoot of physics. I believe that it is more likely that the scientists need to find a frequency key, to answer the question though. 

I  personally, have also seen a different version of incarnations done using a set up like being in black sensory deprivation chamber type of enclosures or pods, which were linked with what looked like big black corrugated  tubes.  All of the pods that I saw were placed in a circle with the heads pointing to the middle of the circle and the black tubes running from the head part of the pods to something in the middle of the circle. The lighting was very dim in the room or laboratory type environment; so I could not see much else. I was aware that someone was standing beside me as I saw this vision. Perhaps it was my spirit guide, but I have no idea to be honest. 

This was long before the movie Avatar came out, but having seen that movie at the cinema. I was stunned to see what I had been shown by spirit, in the actual movie, which is a hint of our reality and how this world functions, including the archonic overlords, although the movie portrays us humans as the evil overlords when in reality we are the victims. This of course leads in to a much deeper metaphysical question of the soul trap and creation by intelligent design and what all this means on a deeper spiritual level. 

Reading the extensive information by researchers  such as Wes Penre and Anton Parks leaves us with a very deep subject to explore on the reality of our world and other realities and the two way relationship between us. How we perceive each other and what actually is reality, which becomes quite subjective the more one investigates the subject. No answers will be forthcoming any time soon, and they will most definitely be highly questionable sources. Verifiable information will not be easy to obtain in our world because human understanding is very limited in the third dimension due to the dark heavy energy that makes up this dimensional frequencies. 

I reserve my own judgement until after I depart this world because we can very easily have our opinions and beliefs clouded by other peoples views and we operate within a reality framework that is quite limiting. Consciousness doesn’t truly expand until we are no longer in the tomb of the physical body. Keep an open mind about reality and do not have a set expectation because what one thinks is what one manifest, whether in the physical reality or the spiritual reality, everything is thought reactive regardless of where we are. We must be free of influence both externally and internally. Most importantly is we must be fluid in our beliefs, what one believes currently on any subject can change quickly and so should our spiritual understanding. 

Copyright: Alex Fulford 

 26 November 2024  

23 November, 2024

Mysterious King Arthur Monument Found to Be Over 5,000 Years Old 

I doubt if we will ever find an answer to this. But is it possible there is not only an astronomical purpose  and an astrological purpose to where this is situated? A one of a kind structure that archaeologists know of so far, no doubt it is also on the ley line that runs through the area, which would mean its location is very important for either of these purposes. Whomever built this would have knowledge of such things to build here if this is on a ley line. Ley lines are the earth’s chakras being a living entity no different to any living  beings. 

Regardless of that ancient history is an amazing subject as is archaeology. I always find the UK an exciting place for both mystical and historical studies. I do miss my homeland when I read anything historical or even of the natural world and wildlife. Similar to Australia with magic in the air at sacred sites.

Here is a lovely article about Cornwall and the mystical history including Bodmin moor where King Arthur’s hall monument is located. I wish I could visit this place and enjoy the mystical atmosphere. Not to mention the beautiful scenery and wildlife. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...