Showing posts with label WES PENRE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WES PENRE. Show all posts

27 February, 2025

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 8, 2025

The first question made me sit up, due to a vision that I had many years ago involving black pods like this, which were set up in a darkened room. This was way before Avatar came out too. It’s a very frightening scenario when you think about it. Dreams and visions like this tend to be very quick for me but they leave a vivid impression 

I have read the Urantia book years ago, when a friend loaned it to me, and I thought it wasn’t worth the paper it was written on. It was written by a group of doctors with a ‘new agey’ type of outlook. I would not waste my time reading it ever again. I have already commented about Wingmakers on other posts so, you can read that elsewhere. Ut when you are new to all of this, I guess you need to learn about what is available to read and draw your own conclusions from experience and hindsight when you have enough experience in this area of metaphysics. 

Just always err on the side of caution and never put your trust into anything 100%. You must learn to trust your intuition first and foremost. If it doesn’t sit right with you then that’s fine that is your higher self telling you not to accept this information. First impressions are usually correct, though we may not understand or know why at first. It will come clear as time goes by. 

07 February, 2025

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 6 February 2025

Q1: It’s on the individual to man up and control their own behaviour no excuses like the devil made me do it. No, it’s you that are responsible for your actions, if you do not have the intelligence to control your thoughts and impulses. 

Q2: Feng Shui is about energy and everything in our reality is governed by energy. It can improve your quality of life, your health and prosperity in all aspects of life. I use it myself to keep harmony in my home and garden. It’s been around for thousands of years and evidence that backs it up. 

31 January, 2025

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 5 January 2025

I would not touch the Wingmakers material with a ten foot pol. I read the lot and it has very dark energy as does the Art depicted in the W.M. The artwork has a harmful effect on the human mind and if you are intuitive you must avoid this art because it is designed to get into the subconscious in a very dark way.

I have commented on this on my old blog and on this one already ''Ärt". Let it stand as a warning for your safety and wellbeing.

Rule number one is keep your vibes high, your energy is everything, especially for your emotional and mental health. 

11 January, 2025

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 2 2025

With question 2, the silver cord, which is a spiritual umbilical cord has to  be severed before we can leave this world and move around the multiverse. Once that cord is cut there is no coming back here. The spirit world controls that as it does our births and deaths which are programmed into us prior to incarnation. We do have exit points of possible times when we could die but they are not used very often. That depends on the individual at random times in their lives. Interestingly this is something that astrology can warn us of but, it doesn’t predict death. That is after the fact it is picked up in a person’s natal chart. 

Q # 4 casting pearls before swine! Why should Wes go to all his efforts and turn over his work for free? That is absurd and perhaps sour grapes to expect a person to provide their work for free. He has given enough for free already. People do not respect anything given for free and I speak from experience over many years. Never under value hard work and effort, expecting everything for free. He who knows the price of everything knows the value of nothing. 

Q # 5 What we don’t know is how big the soul group actually is. We can’t verify anything about it 100% either. What I learned via the spiritual church many years ago was, the soul groups are large and have at least two layers to them. 

The inner layer is supposedly those that are our parents, siblings, grandparents, our children, aunts and uncles and cousins etc. The outer layers are said to be friend and acquaintances, those we work with and people that are in our lives briefly, for random reasons. What is also common is, people that we definitely don’t get along with are put into our lives as well. This can be traumatic, stressful or harmful to individuals. There is no benefit to us when we are forced to incarcerate with bad people. To believe that it is to help us grow spiritually is utter nonsense. Example, an abuse victim does not benefit from abuse or violence. They are traumatised and can self harm, not to mention living with the ongoing effects of abuse and trauma. Not everyone is able to heal from this either. Most of the information that comes via so called spiritual books and new age teaching is unfounded nonsense. The CIA are the promulgators of the new age movement, and most people never research this, nor will they accept anything other than what they have been trained to believe, most of which is hearsay. 

03 January, 2025

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 1 January 2025

Many people are rightly concerned about Trump being in power again. But I don’t think it makes much difference as to who is in power in the US because they control everything to a degree. I am more concerned about who takes over from Trump if he is assassinated, J D Vance or Musk. 

Pluto is in Aquarius up to 2044 and we are all going to suffer regardless. As for an alien invasion, that is total rubbish and a distraction made up to frighten people. 

15 December, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 2 December 2024

I will reserve commenting on this other than to say I am not in 100% agreement with past lives and hypnosis. I am very against hypnosis and it can be influenced by suggestion etc. 

07 December, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 1 December 2024

I can’t say that I agree with Wes on who the ascended masters really are. Originally he said they were mostly archons and some humans. I sure as hell wouldn’t have anything to do with ascended masters, especially because they are under the control of  beings that are no friends of humanity nor truly spiritual beings. Wes has said in the past, that humans have to adhere to En-Ki’s school of thought to ascend and that it was a sort of  like a draconian system. There may well be some benevolent beings in the ranks, and they may or may not know what is really going on. Also Wes did tell us that these human ascended beings don’t get to stay permanently in the so called spirit realm, they do come back again to reincarnate. We have the right to refuse to reincarnate, it is not in our best interest to be in a physical form, because we are entombed in the flesh and our spirit is very suppressed as are our natural spiritual and psychic abilities. 

Humanity has been deliberately put in to a living hell in the third dimension and this was not to benefit us from the beginning. The purpose being to traumatise us and harvest our loosh. 

There is no way that a benevolent god would do such a terrible thing to humanity. I also feel that a good soul would always be a good soul, it is what is our core essence is after all. 

Life on this earth can be very painful for those that are good because the people that are negative in their moral character sniff out anyone that is good or sensitive or different. They home in on them,  bully and mistreat the innocent victims. Even children in primary schools are capable of sniffing out a vulnerable child and bully them mercilessly. This is because the core essence of the child is not good to begin with. Not all beings incarcerate from the “good” side of the spirit world. There are lower realms that we call the dark side, think about psychopaths and other dangerous people otherwise the world would not be the way it is. This is free will choices being made, to become a bad person is easy enough if the will is there. 

As for psychic people, not all of us want to teach anything nor are we all wise and all knowing on spiritual matters. I don’t consider myself a teacher of anything, may be a sort of way shower or just someone that likes to share what I know. Not everything can or should be shared either. Because some people are not ready for spiritual wisdom. Some people may also use this spiritual knowledge in the wrong way and use it to manipulate and control others. 

26 November, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 3, November 2024

Q 1. One has to check the credulity of some individuals. Not for one minute do I find this credible. I have known of some people who channel “spiritual beings” to make predictions and they turn out to have absolutely no substance whatsoever. I have known individuals that channel ET’s and I have serious doubts and concerns about them.

I am able to channel myself,  but I am very against this activity as you will see on my blog. It is unreliable anyway and it can be very dangerous. This is a classic example of mess around and find out the hard way. 

Q 2. We know at the point of death that we are dead if we know it’s coming, especially if we have been ill or we are old.  The soul prepares us regardless and already is in the stage of disengagement from the body weeks before death. However the conscious self is usually not aware until near the end of life if they are ill and so they are prepared for death. The body starts to power down and a calmness comes over the person. Their breathing also changes to assist the process and other beings in spirit are around the person at that time too. Ready to guide them to the other side. I see them myself when someone that I know is dying. 

A person that dies suddenly also has people in spirit who know that the death is coming too. Any loved ones that have psychic abilities may also be aware of this too. Not in every situation though, but it happens, and I am speaking from experience with family members dying and a couple of friends. One particular person I knew years in advance of their death coming. Not how they died but knowing their time was short. That is something that I would rather not have known too. 

I get precognitive dreams warning me of a death in the family, but not every single person in the family who dies. That may be down to how close I was to the person dying though. 

Death is not something to spend your time dwelling upon, live your life as best you can without worrying. 

Q 3. As Wes says strengthen your boundaries, keep your aura or energy field high by holding firm but positive thoughts. I would also suggest avoiding negative people and energy vampires in your life. 

There are crystals that can assist in protecting your energy from psychic attacks and there are essences and essential oils that also help. Gold light protection can also be used as well as the grounding techniques.

As for psychic protection in your sleep, use the same psychic protection techniques just prior to going to bed. But also put crystals like black tourmaline and selenite on your bed side table. You can also put crystals under your pillow to repel negative thoughts, negative energy and protect your aura. 

Space clearing essences can also be used to cleanse your aura and remove negative energy. Such as Australian Bush Flower Essences like space clearing essence, which is spiritually charged essence. 7 squirts on and around your body are to protect your chakras and your aura from negative energy. This spray can be used on humans and animals safely. It is also used to clear energy in rooms just like white sage. Most importantly, don’t keep dwelling on negative thoughts and fears because you will draw it to you. 

I use psychic protection daily as part of my spiritual practice. I also do a spiritual cleansing in the shower each morning. You should also think about psychic protection around your home, car and workplace. That is if you feel that you are under a psychic attack or black magic. Personally I don’t believe in black magic but many of my clients do believe in it. That negative energy can only work if you believe in it and you can protect yourself by avoiding the sort of individuals that do such things. 

You have power within you to protect yourself, develop a strong sense of self first and foremost. That is not negotiable, you must be responsible for your own welfare. 

Q 4 I think using a pendulum is a much better option, as it is tuned in to your energy field and your higher self. I use my pendulum to help me but I am aware that I am asking my higher self for help. What ever floats your boat peeps and if you are confident with that choice then it is all good 👍 

Yes, everything is inverted in our reality and our reality is dualistic by design. I am glad to see Wes also mentioned the fact of the physical body is  like a tomb. We are dead when in a physical body and even the bible alludes to this as I have mentioned before in other posts. We are not meant to be here and we are not meant to be in a physical body. 

17 November, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 2 November 2024

In the physical world humans don’t have much freewill, not just that, our scope for responding can be very limited. Leaving the individual to a small or limited way to respond to often unfair circumstances and burdensome loads in their lives from a karmic standpoint. That is due to the archons or overlords interfering with humans in order to keep us trapped in this world for perpetual reincarnation which is beneficial to them and not humanity. Remember the third dimension is a heavy and low vibrational energy or frequency. Trying to bring any true spiritual energy into this world is very difficult and true spirituality cannot reach most people. 

The new age spirituality is comes from the matrix creation and the man made world and is part of the Piscean age of religion and  ruled by the deceptive Neptune energy. True spirituality is born within us, it doesn’t preach anything, it is not about worshipping anything, it’s about living in harmony with spirit and one’s journey to higher spiritual understanding of the multiverse and our place within it. 

08 November, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 1, November 2024

When Wes mentioned reincarnation, I can tell you that is not 100% accurate nor do I have all the answers,  however it’s an estimate only. I  know for a fact that I was a man in my past life; and I know what I looked like, my eye colour, my hair colour and how I died in 1915 during WW1. I have always been very emotional about anything related to WW1, which got stronger as I grew older. Then flashbacks happened seeing what happens to me in little visions that only lasted seconds. However a lot can happen in those seconds. What I could see and feel, including the reaction of my parents getting the dreaded telegram to inform them of my death. That I saw through a meditation a few years ago. Not to mention the cool reaction by my father at the time. I don’t think we had a very good relationship. It’s very interesting what can be picked up in a meditation like that. 

Neither of my grandfather’s or great grandfather’s died in that war or WW2. My maternal grandfather fought in WW1, but my paternal grandfather wasn’t born until 1915. His father was not in the war either, I assume that was because he was in a job the was an essential service, I have no idea though.1915  was the year that I died in battle having my legs blown off. A funny coincidence here is that was the Chinese year of the rabbit, both my grandpa and I were born in the year of the rabbit. The cause of death, it is said, affects the person when they reincarnate. Most my life this time around I have painful legs and very bad circulation in my legs and feet. Of course it all stems from my spine and poor blood flow.  I strongly relate to my paternal side of my family but that doesn’t mean that those relatives have lost a loved one back in my last lifetime (me). I could very easily been from a different part of the family. I did have an uncle on the paternal side who lost his legs in WW2, but he survived and eventually married. 

Nothing is 100% when it comes to how we reincarnate, it’s more of a general observation than a hard fact we don’t necessarily incarnate in linear time frame either. Gender, it is said, sometimes is heavily on one gender in particular, but I don’t know why. I could only put that down to genetics and perhaps if it has been decided that a soul has spent too much life times as one gender and so has to change to the opposite gender. Again there isn’t any verification of this. 

There is an old European saying that when we have too many baby boys born in a generation, that  it is a sign of a future war. I have never looked into that belief though, and I would rather not know if there is anything to this. But looking at the world since the 1980’s, I see the energy imbalance. But as I always say, the third dimension is set up for war and violence because it is a dark and heavy energy in this reality. It will always be this way. 

Humanity cannot evolve spiritually in this world without assistance from external forces , and if that was going to happen, then it would have been done long ago. We individually must make the effort to raise our spiritual energies and awaken. Religion will never allow a spiritual awakening because that is not its purpose. A soul when it incarnates is already programmed to awaken from within and it is able to be detected astrologically to a degree. That awakening takes thousands of years for an individual soul to reach that level of awareness. The soul sets its agenda and, if the will of spirit is strong enough then that soul will stop at nothing to evolve and exit this reality in a gentle peaceful process. 

I spend this part of my life now preparing myself for this exit process by educating myself from within. By simply connecting to my higher self to guide me. It takes as long as it takes, but as long as I focus my intentions on the goal, it will be done. 

Your intentions are very powerful, it doesn’t matter what others think or what others tell you what will happen to you. That is their ego inserting their will or ego on your experience and that is wrong. They may well have your best interests at heart but they are not you. 

Never settle for what others try to insist is right for you. Only you know you, only you know what is going through your mind at any moment, it is private and personal. Do not discuss your spiritual journey with others because they can definitely affect your spiritual journey through negative or false beliefs and opinions not to mention their religious beliefs or new age beliefs which will definitely throw you off your path. 

You must be assertive when it comes to your individual spirituality, it is a singular and unique experience. No two souls or people have the same experience nor is their energy frequency the same. You are unique as a spiritual being for a reason. Only rely on your higher self and nothing else, only your higher self is your gps beacon. There is nothing more pure than your higher self and only you have the unique key to your higher self. Unlock the lock with your spiritual powers from within you. You have the time on this earth to learn how to do this. So just relax and keep it simple, by connecting to your higher self via meditation and in your thoughts. Put the firm intentions in your mind and focus on alignment with your higher self. 

Let other unimportant things fall by the wayside and focus on what you need to accomplish individually on your inner journey. You won’t get this information from a book, you go into your inner wisdom. Don’t worry about are you doing it right, it will happen slowly and gradually. Then one day you will have that epiphany and it will make sense. Just go with your inner flow. I think that is the only advice that I can offer, and it is what I am doing myself. Just keeping it simple and uncomplicated, you may find that you want to spend a time in nature as you do this. Be it in your backyard or elsewhere, it is the peaceful feeling that you get that you are seeking  which brings a still inner peace. 

15 October, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 2, October 2024

This is quite a head spin the more one reads, but it is up to the individual how much they want to learn and absorb. We never stop learning in the field of metaphysics and at times it’s a hell of a lot to comprehend. 

Reading and rereading is part of the process though and I often have to reread and take notes to help me understand what he says. 

27 September, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 4 September 2024

I am not convinced of the whole Moon thing. It really makes no difference to me anyway. I focus on where I want to go after this life. No, I do not trust what has been said about the Orion’s being good guys. Why would Hollywood be using the Orion name for their movies when we already know the evil within Hollywood? To me it’s just good cop, bad cop with Orion and The negative oriented controllers of this reality. I just try not to put my focus on this and try to have some quality of life and know my options when this incarnation is over. Holding onto a firm intention is very important when it comes to leaving this world and having an intention for going somewhere that we can rest and heal unaffected by any negative influences. We need clarity of thought and intention in the afterlife, just as we also need an understanding of how things function in the non physical world. 

19 September, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 3 September 2024 

I am not into the flat earth beliefs, but when Wes mentioned the egg shape, it made me think of when I am grounding and doing my psychic protection. I do notice the shape is egg shaped and not a round ball of light around me. 

12 September, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session #2 September 2024

Karma is an artificial construct designed to entrap humanity and as for free will, no,  we don’t have much free will, because everything is programmed into our experiences in each incarnation for a reason. It is not to our benefit. That includes our astrological makeup too, it is all part of this complex system. But we definitely can use astrology to our benefit by taking the time to understand this concept. Knowing how to make it work in a positive manner is the key. 

You don’t need talking heads that pass themselves off as authority in spiritual matters or anything else for that matter. You know what is right for you; and yes, you will change your mind on many things throughout your life, which is normal and shows one is growing in wisdom. There is also your intuition that is there for you to use throughout your life to guide you through life’s challenges. 

The more one uses their intuition the stronger it becomes. Your guide is your higher self, not external beings unless they are from your actual soul group. These are your loved ones in spirit and whom you have reincarnated with over thousands of lifetimes. 

The best advice comes from yourself, so learn to listen to yourself, your intuition and gut feeling. When you’re in doubt about something, just wait a little longer and the answer will come to you. Never just jump into something without knowing what you are doing. It’s more prudent to sit back and watch how something unfolds when you are hesitant, because then you have clarity. Sometimes it’s our higher self that holds us back from making mistakes as in; should you buy that car. When you have to think about it and are still uncertain. This is where you must listen to your higher self and not the ego. It takes practice, patience and courage to accept and listen to one’s higher self. I too have times when I am not in tune with my higher self and; I admit that at times it can be as clear as mud when facing making a serious decision.

But when I hold off making a decision then I start to see clarity. Spiritually speaking this can be very difficult when one is new to metaphysical matters. There are no experts in metaphysics in this world, we are all learning but at different stages of learning and our experiences are not all the same. I would never claim to be an expert on anything including spirituality and the psychic phenomena. I know what I know from experience and my intuition. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs 🤗 

22 August, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session #2 August 2024

Unless you have read the majority of Wes's work this will not be understood. 

As for the question about Mary Magdalene, you will see a few books that I have mentioned in this blog and on my old blog about reading books that shed much light on her as the sister wife of Jesus both whom are of royal Egyptian bloodlines. Ralph Ellis, John Lamb Lash and Lynn Picknett to name just three authors. There is plenty information out there, however people have very strong opinions as to what they choose to believe. Fair enough, as we are all entitled to what we believe in any subject. We should not though keep shoving our beliefs on others, let them find their own way in life to what they are comfortable with.  

10 August, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 1, August 2024

You are your  own guide and saviour, there should never be anyone or anything else, ever! 

The new age talking heads have a lot to answer to for pushing  harmful disinformation and lies, that is then parroted by everyone as being true. Then there is the millions of dollars in books and other merchandise for everyone involved. That's mainly the publishing houses that benefit here.

I would be inclined to say that this new age stuff goes back to the beginning of the spiritual movement of the late 1890's, paganism being manufactured to modern society, and perhaps the Thule Society.  Many Asian /Eastern spiritual practices and such like which would also be blended and revamped to become what we know as the new age of  Aquarius, which was social engineering  to bring in the Hippie movement in the 1960's which most people know was a CIA front (whom also created and controlled the drug scene back then that was flourishing at the same time).

I would hazard a guess and say that the Hippie movement and new age social engineering would have been prepared back in the 1950's to be launched in the 1960's as it takes time to build this movement. 

Hearts, minds and souls is what all of this is about. The same applies to the current spiritual garbage all over the internet. Not just that but the internet is heavily controlled  and sculpted by the same people that control the narrative globally. Spirituality cannot be learned, it comes from within you, it cannot be taught by anyone because it is within all human beings and  is demonstrated by the way we live. One doesn't go bragging about how spiritual one is either, more like the opposite. It's a quiet stillness deep within, not an ego strutting about to be noticed. 

I do not believe in gurus or masters, they are not any better informed on the other side of life than you or me, and they do not live with the exact same life experiences that you and I have and they sure as hell don't do hard manual work like real men. So how on earth can they know what is good for you; the individual? Some definitely have agendas to push, but stop and think about how you are  giving away your free will and spiritual power to others when you put your faith in many these individuals.

 Learn to stand in your own true and rightful true personal and spiritual power. By giving your power away to others nullifies you as a human being and an individual not to forget your personal spiritual sovereignty and spiritual authority. 

Not just that; if you are paying for the "privilege" then you are just dealing with a business person, so think about that. People have forgotten how to think and need others to think for them. If that isn't disempowerment then I don't know what is.

Not all gurus and the like are what they purport to be, and as a quick check online shows some being arrested for illegal practices such  John of God. Why do people not listen to their own intuition?

 I can tell you right now that I will first and foremost tell my clients, "you are the ruler of your own destiny", and "Listen to your heart because that is your personal GPS system". Only you know what is good for you. Yes, we do often make poor choices in life and is because we don't truly  listen to our hearts.

People are too quick to give away their freedom, and the precious little free will that humans actually have including their spiritual freedom and often to an unseen force in prayers. I value my spirituality and spiritual sovereignty above all else, because that is the true you. We are spirit beings in a physical world, where we truly do not belong. Awakening spiritually and raising our spiritual energy or frequencies is the only way to avoid returning to this evil 3rd dimension. Stop listening to rubbish and listen to yourself. 

There is no friendly Galactic Federation of Light, Ashtar Command and all the other rubbish, as you will see my comments on this in other blog posts. If you think that you are channelling such beings then you are in big danger. Chennelling is not a good thing to be doing either, because it is fraught with danger and humans have no real idea of who they are really communicating with and putting their trust in, including the military industrial complex in the US who have been involved in this for decades. 

Just think about online chatting to a stranger, someone that can convince you of anything yet you cannot see them nor know who they really are. Just think deeply about that, you can see the similarity right there.

Not all the "beings" or "entities" are spirits and not all the beings of other worlds are what humans believe. These beings are definitely not on our side. If you think otherwise then you are gullible and naive. I would advise people to read up on what archons are too. I mention them in this blog and my old blog, I put angels in the same category as they are not the benevolent  fairy tail beings that we were taught to believe in. Yes, I admit that I used to believe in them but I no longer do. 

NOTE: I use lower case letters for gurus, new age, etc because they do not in my eyes belong in an elevated position above the rest of humanity. Stop putting others on a pedestal to worship them,  there is not one single human being that is not flawed in this world or the next. Turn your love inwards to yourself and your divine spirituality within you. You are spirit with soul fires within you, honour your own soul fires. 

I would be inclined to say the US military industrial complex and other terrestrial evil people are masquerading as these beings. 
Think of the money involved to keep people controlled and divided for an agenda of any sort and the money raked in by products such as book, dvd's training courses etc. 

The link of the Reality controllers from September 2018

The white light guides, I see often but more in a blue colour, I tell them to get away from me as soon as they show up. They are not benevolent, so do not be fooled. They only want  one thing from humans, that being our spiritual soul fires  and DNA because we are unique. 

31 July, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 5, July 2024

Regarding question 5, Rhogam is the drug that is used to counter the problem of a woman who is rh negative and her unborn baby is rh positive. This drug didn’t come into use until 1968 and there are legal issues around its use in recent times due to its safety. There are side effects in some cases.

24 July, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 4 July 2024

There are some good comments in this Q and A. St George and the dragon is a thing that interests me. As the dragon bloodline in Scotland is very much alive today, that is both the Hamilton and Stuart royal bloodlines and another one that I don’t remember their name. They are an ancient royal line and obviously are connected to the French nobility which is also connected to the family bloodlines of Jesus and his sister wife Mary Magdalene who was living in Normandy, France. 

These bloodline are connected to the current British royal family and European royal families. 

Astronomy wise there is also the constellation of Draco to be added to the equation. It is blended into mythology as are many astronomical objects.

Major nation’s postal service to stop delivering letters