It’s still bloody obvious that people are not taking the time to read everything that Wes has written. It needs to be read over and over again to sink in. If you have to keep asking questions you either aren’t that interested or not paying attention. That said, you should perhaps sit on the fence about the information if you are unsure.
When it comes to all these so called experts, I don’t waste my time with them or the BS that is allegedly channeled. It is definitely not something that I would trust or have anything to do with. I have no time for any of the individuals that Wes mentions be they supposedly spiritual or otherwise. I don’t read spiritual books either because they are a money spinner. I don’t need someone telling me what to believe and there way is the right way. That’s total BS.
I have my own very strong spiritual beliefs and very strong intuition that I can see right through these individuals. Elon Musk especially from the time he first became famous, I had a strong dislike and mistrust of him. He feels evil and I can tell you right now that he is pro Singularity. I have mentioned this in blog posts numerous times, including my old blog.
Firm intentions and a strong sense of self are vital, spiritually, it’s not negotiable. You will only get one chance at exiting the matrix. Don’t waste your time on supposedly spiritual experts, you are your own expert, nobody else, not even me. Listen to yourself and your heart for guidance.