With cyclone Alfred to be touching down on the Eastern seaboard of Queensland and Northern NSW some time tomorrow. It was originally scheduled to hit land this morning, it is now expected tomorrow. It has been on my mind for the past few days, as I have a few friends up in the region, from Brisbane to Coffs harbour. Some friends have already been impacted with storm damage as the weather turned nasty yesterday and again today. It is a nerve wracking wait now until the storm passes.
I am stunned at the individuals that take no heed of the warnings and continue to surf and take crazy risks. Giving absolutely no though to possible harm to themselves or those that may have to risk their lives to save theirs. That is utterly selfish and shows the lengths that some people are prepared to go to for their egos. Please stay safe and don't take risks.
Thank you to all the amazing volunteers, emergency service and military personnel that are doing their wonderful roles in helping those in need, I pray that their families and homes are safe as they give their assistance to others.
Something to read about keeping your house safe during a cyclone (This was published on 7/3/25, I only just got this on my Google newsfeed today). Please read this article because it may be useful in the future.