Showing posts with label ANCIENT HISTORY AND HISTORICAL STUFF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ANCIENT HISTORY AND HISTORICAL STUFF. Show all posts

20 February, 2025

Tomb of missing pharaoh found in biggest discovery since 1922

What a stunning find after so long, it will be good to see what else is in the tomb. I don’t think there is the same level of excitement in the public these days like when Howard Carter made his great find.  But it is still something of interest nonetheless. 

16 February, 2025

The Empires of Atlantis

A very interesting article that I came across rummaging around in the internet. This makes a lot of sense with the continent sinking gradually and not like the titanic over one day or night. The gradual movement of the people also is more probable and not how it is perceived by ancient scholars, there is no way that a population can just disappear from history or all perish in one day. 

30 January, 2025

Archaeologists Find Lost Home of England’s Last Anglo-Saxon King

This follows on from the previous post. There wouldn’t be many indoor toilets in those days. Shear luxury, no treading through snow or rain to get to the toilet. 

29 January, 2025

Bayeux Tapestry: A 1,000-year-old embroidery depicting William the Conqueror's victory and King Harold's grisly death

What painstakingly work to create this beautiful tapestry. It’s hard to believe this is over 1000 years old, I remember being a small child at school learning about the Bayeux tapestry in Scotland. I must have been around 9 years old and found history fascinating, having a life long love of history. 

16 January, 2025

Monte Cristo House: House Ghost tour operator vows to continue legacy after famous Junee ‘haunted house’ closes to public

Monte Cristo Homestead was a big tourist attraction for the paranormal community, alas times are changing and it faces a new future. The facebook page is still available to look at for the time being where you can see photos of the grand house, or if you google the name you will find ghost stories on different websites in regards to the ghosts said to haunt the house. There are photos of the house interior on google images if you would like to see them too. Wikipedia page 

01 January, 2025

Sixth-Century Silver and Gold Sword Discovered in Kent, England

To be honest, I think it’s not right to go digging up ancient graves no matter what country they are in. It’s still desecration and robbing the graves. Archeology is just an excuse to destroy and desecrate graves. Much as I love history and archaeology, gravesites should be left alone. 

24 December, 2024

50th Anniversary of Cyclone Tracy hitting Darwin

Tomorrow morning at approximately 5.30am Australian EST, it will be 50 years since the terrible cyclone Tracy hit Darwin. I had just turned 11 years old at the time and new to Australia. I had no idea what a cyclone at first, and I had only been in the country for 13 months, so everything was new to me. 

On Christmas morning my brother and I woke up and went to open our Christmas presents around 5.30 am, as kids do. We had our little transistor radios with us and were listening to the news when the cyclone was reported. 

I remember the shock when hearing of the destruction and deaths. I felt so guilty because I was safe in my home opening up my Christmas presents, and other children and adults had lost everything. How could I get my head around this? It most certainly put an end to any happy Christmas for me when I knew what had happened, Darwin was flattened.  I ran through to my parent’s bedroom and woke them up, to tell them what had happened. I don’t remember their response other than just being woken up after a few hours of sleep. I remember the song, Santa never made it to Darwin, which came out after the tragedy. It gave me the chills and I couldn’t listen to it without being very distressed.

I will never forget this terrible day as long as I live, and all this week cyclone Tracy has been on my mind, not actually realising it’s now 50 years ago. But just a feeling of foreboding and worrying about a disaster happening on Christmas morning again was bothering me. Let’s hope that is not the case, it’s more likelihood that the energy of the event that is being picked up on and I being very sensitive to the energy. 

Five Christmas story elements that don’t appear in the Bible, from the little donkey to the inn keeper

Start looking for the answers in the night sky, it’s astrology pure and simple. The manger, the donkey, the cradle are all astronomical and astrological. It’s all mapped out and predates Jesus by thousands of years. The birth of Jesus is no different to other mythological and historical figures, and the narrative is repeated all around the world in many cultures. 

The Beehive is also another name for the Manger which is connected to ancient Egypt is also in the night sky, it’s also the name for the New Zealand parliament building. 

The donkey in the biblical stories is also astrological, sitting in the constellation of Cancer. It’s called Asellus Borealis which is next to Asellus Australis, both are known as the donkeys.  

Previous posts about astrology in the jesus story, originally posted in 2019.

Asellus Borealis (donkey)


A guide to constellations, you will see a few things from the bible in this but not all of them, though it doesn't mention the crown of thorns by name it is actually the Corona Borealis

The constellation of Cancer,1922%2C%20is%20%22Cnc%22.

The three wise men or the belt of Orion, the one on the left is called Cavalry

A little bit more information about the Corona Borealis. ⬇️*.html

You will notice the mention of three Mary's in the Wikipedia page about the Belt of Orion The bible also mentions three Mary's. Jesus’s mother was a Mary as was one of his sisters, however that sister is the Mary Magdalene, and there is either a double up of her or a deliberate obfuscation of her role and identity. Not all researchers agree on this though. Jesus was an actual king historically speaking and Mary Magdalen ( Mary of the Towers more interesting connections with her in Europe including being alluded to in the fairy tale Rapunzel )  was his sister wife.  The Jesus family had connections to ancient Iran, Parthea according to the writer Ralph Ellis, who has written extensively on the history of Jesus and his family bloodline. The books are available on Amazon. Raplh Ellis also informs us about Jesus being an Astrologer as well as a high ranking Freemason. 

I am finding myself drawn to  study this along with my astrology studies. It's a lot of fun when you delve into this and it's great to learn new things and it is so much better than sitting in front of the tv for me.

I am the sort of person that could happily divide my time between nature and a library and I just love to share information with likeminded people.  As I come across more information I will update this and perhaps you may be curious about the amazing information. The power of the age of Aquarius is unfolding as we live and breathe and this is written in the stars. 


20 December, 2024

Ancient Civilization Of Halflings In The Dungeons Of Kabardino-Balkaria

Clearing space on my iPad and came across this from 2022. Rather thought provoking and it reminds me of the ant people the native Americans people spoke of after the cataclysm. Our planet is full of underground tunnels that go right across the world from the Middle East to Europe for example.

23 November, 2024

Mysterious King Arthur Monument Found to Be Over 5,000 Years Old 

I doubt if we will ever find an answer to this. But is it possible there is not only an astronomical purpose  and an astrological purpose to where this is situated? A one of a kind structure that archaeologists know of so far, no doubt it is also on the ley line that runs through the area, which would mean its location is very important for either of these purposes. Whomever built this would have knowledge of such things to build here if this is on a ley line. Ley lines are the earth’s chakras being a living entity no different to any living  beings. 

Regardless of that ancient history is an amazing subject as is archaeology. I always find the UK an exciting place for both mystical and historical studies. I do miss my homeland when I read anything historical or even of the natural world and wildlife. Similar to Australia with magic in the air at sacred sites.

Here is a lovely article about Cornwall and the mystical history including Bodmin moor where King Arthur’s hall monument is located. I wish I could visit this place and enjoy the mystical atmosphere. Not to mention the beautiful scenery and wildlife. 

11 November, 2024

09 November, 2024

Pompeii victims aren't who we thought they were, DNA analysis reveals

Interesting new update on Pompeii, modern technology is now able to test fragmented remains of the victims. I always find Pompeii very distressing reading because I think about the absolute terror of the poor people and animals that died in this horrible disaster. It’s definitely a museum that I would never want to visit. 

03 November, 2024

Volunteer Archaeologists Find Lost Medieval Castle in Scottish Forest

What a great find, this is near where I come from and part of my local history. 

The Castle at the top of the news article Craignethan castle is also known as Tilletudlem castle from the Sir Walter Scott novel Old Mortality. I remember visiting this castle as a child and my parents telling me about this. I have the novel among my collection of Sir Walter Scott’s books. 

The Lanarkshire region is steeped in history and a must see for history lovers, you can feel the energy of the past as you explore the famous castles and battle grounds. We Scott’s are very much living history as the stories are often passed down the generations. If you love Scottish history, I highly recommend reading books by Neil Oliver, Magnus Magnusson  in particular Scotland; the story of a nation, and other authors on Scottish history and castles. As a side note Sir Walter Scott was not historically accurate in his novels but they are excellent reading all the same. 

26 October, 2024

Under the Sydney Opera House is another unique structure — a 'doughnut-shaped' double helix car park

I was reading a post on Facebook about the Sydney Opera House and I did a google search to see what the real story is. It turns out to be a highly unusual and one of a kind design. There is absolutely nothing like this in the world. Please read the 2018 news article which goes into detail, it’s well worth reading and rather educational. It is built within a man made sandstone cavern 42 metres deep. 

The government of NSW kept this secret from the public while under construction as the Sydney harbour tunnel was also under the at the same time. Millions of dollars were invested in both construction works at the same time.

Bennelong point is named after an aboriginal gentleman Woollarawarre Bennelong

Pells consulting company 

Who was Bennelong? The early settlers had no concept of cultural sensitivity which understandably we find offensive today. Life could have been so much better had the white peoples put more effort into understanding the aboriginal people’s culture and spiritual values. 

                                                   The real image of the Sydney Opera House 

The fake image

04 September, 2024

Chilling photos show 10,000 year old ‘saltmen’ mummies found in Iran

Just imagine what hard lives these men had and the working condition’s would have been horrendous and detrimental to their health , before a cave in. They may have been slaves and therefore they were expendable. Salt is a good preservative and to see remains of people from thousands and years ago that can be scientifically examined with modern technology will yield amazing information of their lives. 

04 July, 2024

French ‘Excalibur’ vanishes after 1300 years

There must have been a few people involved to pull this off, perhaps they abseiled down to the sword. No doubt it is a political stunt to provoke a national outrage with the French elections at present. A sword embedded in rock for hundreds of years would not last the ravages of time due to rusting unless it was made using a technique to prevent corrosion. 

All that aside who doesn't love a bit of mythology and hopefully the sword will be returned soon and not into the hands of a collector. 




                                          Swords of the era in Western and Northern Europe. 

30 June, 2024

Ancient Egyptian 'office workers' had terrible posture just like us, disfigured skeletons reveal

No remedial massages and physiotherapy for these guys. That would be a constant long-term pain to live with. Just spare a thought for ordinary workers back then and their life expectancy though.  

Today’s world of technology means we are often hunched over using a computer, phone, iPad and that pressure on the neck leads to pinched nerves damaged vertebrae, bulging discs and osteoarthritis. Bearing in mind the weight of the human head, which weighs between 2.3 kg to 5kg.The entire body posture is affected and often our skeletal system is out of alignment which causes other health problems. The neck, shoulders, wrists and hands and various levels down the spine are affected. Moving down into the hips and knees. That's lifestyle only and not occupations, of which there are countless that will result in similar injuries. 

18 June, 2024

Archaeologists in Crete mystified by 4000-year-old discovery

The past couple of weeks there has been a few discoveries in the news. This one surprised me that it remained hidden for so long. How often do aircraft’s fly over the area I wonder? 

11 June, 2024

The Goddess Nike on your hot cross buns and clothing

Think of the sports brand Nike when you see that famous tick that we use to mark something as correct, mythology and symbology are very much  strong influences in our world and always will play a role as do the colours used in symbolism and advertising.  Having a powerful effect on our psyche with its own form of branding,  as does religion and astrology influence us on often subtle hidden ways. Nike was the goddess of victory in Greek Mythology . The Nike tick is symbolic of the wings of Nike as in swift victory. She represents victory in music, athletics and military competitions. So this is suggesting a bit of competition for the old Hot Cross Bun in the news article below. 

Basically it's just swapping one myth for another in this news article. The change over from the age of Aries to the age of Pisces symbolically known as a Fish for Christianity, and the cross also represents the earth if you have a circle around it. The cross also represents the four cardinal points; but it also represents spirit becoming physical in mass and matter  metaphysically. As in when a human being comes into being in our world.  The Lamb of Christ /Ram is Aries, the lords are the zodiac houses and the procession of the zodiac which runs anti clockwise in approximately 2000 year cycles. If you go back before the age of the Ram/Lamb it was the worshiping of the Bull as in Taurus.  

We are now leaving the age of Pisces (the 12th house  ruled by Neptune and the sign of Pisces). The 12 house which rules, spirituality, psychic abilities, illusion, deception, seclusion or what is hidden. healing, the subconscious mind, hidden enemies and hidden agendas. It is the last of three houses of endings and is ruled by the element of water. 

The ruling planet Neptune governs All maritime matters, liquids of all kinds, music, movies, the stage, television, glamour, dreams, illusion, delusions, spirituality, ideals, mystical and mysterious, hunches, all things that we take for granted in life without questioning, Neptune also governs fog (water which  comes in three forms, liquid, vapour and ice. Then there is anaesthetics, flattery, the intangible, fragrances, second sight, the love of poetry, colour, and dancing/movement. Drugs, alcohol, addiction, hypochondria, sleep walking, hypnosis, the immaterial and abnormalities. Neptune’s actions are subtle, gradual and sometimes insidious. It is the higher octave of Venus, and the second of the three transcendental planets.

Where you find Neptune is where you deceive yourself and others, it is also where you seek the ideal.

Note: this information comes from the book, The only way to learn astrology (vol 1) by Joan McEvers and Marion March. 

We then move into the age of Aquarius, which is a contested area because most people either don’t agree or actually know when the age of Aquarius actually starts. According to some scholars the new age begins around the 2050’s or else much later in 2100’s.  Studying Astrology, which pointed to it being underway since the 20th century and covers 2100AD to 2800 AD. That's quite a tricky thing but in reading the article it may be something to take into consideration. Nobody can fully predict the  beginning and ending of the age of Aquarius, however the energy can be felt in subtle ways with human behaviour.  

The 11th house of the zodiac is ruled by the cardinal sign of Aquarius and the planet Uranus. Breaking this into what it governs is as follows. The 11th house itself governs, the love you receive from others, goals, hopes and dreams, circumstances beyond your control, friends. Money obtained via your occupation, 

The glyph for Aquarius is two wavy lines like water waves or electrical waves. Aquarius rules science, technology, inventions, it’s humanitarian, progressive, logical and futuristic. It is egotistical and utopian, bohemian  eccentric, intellectual, humanitarian. 

Uranus its ruling planet represents the freedom urge also known as the great discontent. and its key word is the awakener. Uranus rules, inventions, originality, science, magic, the occult, light, law, astrology, psychology, insight into nature's laws, sudden change, revolution, dictators, individualism, ingenuity, rebellion and autonomy. Uranus is a breaker of tradition, its gender neutral and sexless.

Uranus is also renowned for its connection to earthquakes and natural disasters.

Where you find Uranus is where you tend to do the unusual. So this as we can see will usher in a totally different world from what we know. We are already in a totally different world to our grandparents and great-grandparents. So that little tick is a nod that things will change whether people like it or not. Testing the public reaction like an experiment to see the reaction. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...