Showing posts with label eBooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eBooks. Show all posts

04 September, 2022

FREE PDF BOOK: The Unseen Hand by Ralph Epperson

Here is an interesting book that I am reading at present regarding the history of conspiracy theories , communism, the occult as in Freemasonry and similar Luciferin outfits; and the world we live in. Nothing is ever what we think it is, even when people think they are winning against the government it is only an illusion.

For those that are unaware, communism has been around for thousands of years and always will be. Even Plato warned of this danger, but there are more versions than you can shake a stick at. The western world is its point of origin in modern centuries. What began in the west will end in the west, as quoted by a secret society member known as Nostradamus. Even he is not what people think he is. Now on page 77 the author thinks the communist plot started in New York, but I would be inclined to add London to this equation too. That is the real seat of power, money and evil, the city of London incorporated. 

This book will hopefully change the individual’s perception (note: our perception shapes our individual reality in the physical world and by altering your perception a new reality emerges) of what is in the media in current times and rightly so. It is thought provoking and hopefully will make people think about current strategies employed during lockdown, post lockdown,  Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine. It should make one think carefully about what is being presented to the public worldwide, as news including all financial (manufacturing a financial crisis) issues and climate change. Everything is carefully scripted and enacted to achieve a particular reaction from the public. The New World Order has already kicked off, little changes here and there and eventually people will wonder how it all came about. Inattention is how it comes about, people get distracted by something bright and shiny. 

 There is a startling section at the start of the book that mentions people in communist Russia that were unproductive due to illness, old age etc; who were encouraged to commit suicide. Because they were non productive,  useless eaters to use modern terminology. This reminds me of  the current elite mentality and carefully scripted manipulation of the masses on a global scale. 

Page 44 starts off the concept of unproductive humans and how they are a burden to the system. This book shows just how unhinged these individuals really are. Even George Bernard Shaw was a believer in disposing of people that were non productive. He was a member of the Fabian Society and a eugenicist, like most of these individuals though, they don’t contribute to society themselves, they see themselves as above ordinary people but in reality they are non producers themselves. Just look into world leaders today and you will see the vast majority of them are Freemasons and Fabians and so are journalists and reporters, so it’s no coincidence. 

 They don’t perform any tasks that keep food production going, manufacturing, building, repairing or providing health care like a doctor or nurse.  But many through the privilege of birth and money see themselves are superior to the rest of humanity. 

The former Australian prime minister Julia Gillard is a Fabian yet the voters had no problems accepting her. Most people just don’t seem to care about the lies and control over our lives as long as their lifestyles are not affected. 

Keep in mind the powerful leaders do not give up their properties, money, assets or power. No, that is us nobodies that have to give up our property and possessions. Stalin, a psychotic communist was known for his fleet of luxury cars, yet drove others into poverty and death, how does that work? We may find out if UN agenda 30 is implemented. 

Food for thought, if China is a communist country, why are there many rich people in China and tiered a society?  Why are western governments and businesses doing trade with China? It’s all about money and power, everyone looks the other way at the horrendous human rights abuse and killing innocent people. That’s communism 101. The UN is full of criminals and human rights abusers too, but that’s ok. Even the media doesn’t hassle them for their corruption or lack of care on human suffering. Suffering is cherry picked by the media for us to focus on but not by their buddies. 

By the time you read right through this pdf book you will have your world illusions shattered. This author is not the only one that has published books with similar information. But please read this and look for similar information to keep informed and self empowered. Knowledge is power and our world is transforming right in front of our eyes by deliberate intent and design, not for the betterment of humanity but for the betterment of the unseen architects of this ever evolving world, add the Bilderberger meetings and the World Economic Forum into this too for destroying our standard of living and destroying the world economy. 

Note: 1st May being important to communism, it is also Beltane ( as in Bal worship) the Celtic spring worship, but as usual there are hidden meanings to that, that only initiates know and myths are presented to the masses, it is still a blood ritual that is celebrated. These secret societies have their own secret ways of doing things, but also as one progresses up the ranks the rules and meanings change. It is all Lucifer worship from any angle and spiritual energy harvesting at the end of the day. Our world is set up for loosh harvesting.  In short nothing is new on this earth, it has all been done before and that is the way this reality or unreality is made to work. Most humans are just not privy to the real knowledge. 

Update: I am almost finished reading this on 10/9/22,  I can’t help but notice typos in this book, books are always edited and proofread. So I can’t understand why these irritating typos are not corrected, unless they are deliberately left in for some reason. Such things are usually  corrected before going to print. 🤔

In this link below, I highly doubt these dates are accurate but you get the picture anyway. It's all in the numbers really. Energy, positive and negative. The universe being made up from mathematics and frequency, sacred geometry. And then there is astrology from the gods/ dark ET's they taught this to humanity, its vital understanding energy and numbers frequencies because we are all energetic beings vibrating on a certain frequency. Think of the earth as a giant faraday cage too and all of this is a hell of a shock, but no accident. As I keep saying we are energetic beings and we should not even be here in this living hell. But here we are until we individually break the encryption within our energy field that keeps us here, then it's game over and one needs to learn where our true home is and not what is presented as our true home. because this reality is fake and an enormous lie against spiritual beings. Once you know this you are free.

Page 368
18 May 1972 frameworks put down for one world government. Many other important documents were signed that year including the Lima declaration. 

Please look at the end of the book for the list of books and a little interesting blurb on each book. This is very useful to pinpoint things and also to get hold of books that you may want to read for further knowledge. Including the truth about pearl Harbor, it is sickening when you see the reality of these events.



If this isn't communism I don't know what is. But watch the western nations fall into line. Poverty in the west. Lefty voters must be so pleased to vote for giving away their money to crooks. 

14 July, 2022

PDF eBook: When Scotland was Jewish by Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman and Donald L Yeats

Ancient history find for those that love reading history. This started in the year 1100 according to the authors. However reading the books by Ralph Ellis, he believes that Jesus and his entourage were in southern England after he survived the crucifixion. He was held in a fort which had a mosaic astrology wheel. Which was used by Jesus and the priest class from Heliopolis and a copy was built in England in the prison fortress which archaeologists discovered. His sister- wife Mary Magdalene went to France for a period of time and was spreading the gospel of their royal family. Vastly different to other royals of their time and they were not very well regarded by other royals due to their inbreeding and beliefs. 

Jesus was a direct relative of Cleopatra VII. The Cleopatra that we know from history was his grandmother. This was an Egyptian Jewish and Parthian royal bloodline. Also related to Akhenaten and Tuthmoses (Moses of the bible that is).

The declaration of Arbroath signed 6 April 1320. 

06 June, 2022

eBook: The book of the taking of Ireland

I was given this link to the book by an Irish friend and thought it may be of interest to people that read my little blog. So here it is, I have just started to read it myself. 

25 April, 2022

Etidorpha pdf (Aphrodite)

This 1895 publication is a fascinating book for those that are interested in metaphysical teachings. It’s 418 pages long, and hopefully full of exciting and inspirational information for readers. I am about to read it myself now with thanks to Robert Sepehr for mentioning it on his YouTube channel. Yes, the name is Aphrodite spelled backwards. 

22 February, 2022

Wes Penre: Glossary for the Wes Penre Papers

 Note: This came in via email today, it has been on the website from the beginning; but some people are still asking what these terms mean. People are obviously not reading them if they keep asking what these mean. 

GLOSSARY  The home page with site map reference.

By Wes Penre, February 21, 2022

“Better late than never,” here is a glossary of common terms used in the videos and articles on this blog. The terms will be continuously updated and are in alphabetical order.

AEONS: The first emanations of Source/All That Is/Monad. A Gnostic term of twelve main spiritual attributes of the Monad. The Monad separated Itself into these twelve units, so It could experience Itself from a perspective outside Itself. Sophia/the Orion Queen, is an Aeon.

AIF (Alien Invader Force): The term I used in the Wes Penre Papers (WPP) for the extra-terrestrial species, such as the Sirians and Alpha Draconians, who are interfering with our human evolution. See also, ANUNNAKI, KHAN KINGS.



ARCHONS: A Gnostic term. There are 7 (12 according to some sources, which I find more correct) main Archons, and Yaldabaoth is the original Archon. The other 7 or 12 Archons (with a capital A) are “offspring” of Yaldabaoth, each one representing some of his traits, respectively. It’s an imitation of the Monad (All That Is/Source) and “His” creation of the 12 Aeons/Spiritual creators in the Pleroma/Spiritual Realm. Subsequently, we have the archons (with a small a), who are sub creations in Yaldabaoth’s Kenoma, having smaller roles.

ARY: An “Orion” term used by those outside the Kenoma/Matrix, being closer to the original term for Orion, which is merely a word homo sapiens sapiens use for ARY. From here, ARYAN (see this term) derives. The real original term for Orion/ARY is MARY, which is a name for the Mother Goddess Sophia, aka the Orion Queen (see this term).

ARYANS: The more accurate term for the Namlu’u (the original humans discussed in the Wes Penre Papers (WPP). I, Wes, will start using the term Aryans more and more to get closer to the source terms. Aryan derives from the Aryan noun, ARY, which in its turn derives from MARY (another name for Sophia/the Orion Queen. Think Virgin Mary in the Bible). ARYAN is basically two words in Aryan language, ARY.AN, where AN stands for “Heaven” (see also ARY and MARY). Thus, ARY.AN means “Mary’s Heaven,” i.e., Sophia’s Heaven (her being the Creatrix).

DOME (The): Mentioned in Genesis 1 of the Bible, but also in older texts, from which the Bible is derived. It’s most likely a plasma field surrounding Earth, keeping intruders out and isolated beings, like we humans, inside and under the Dome, unable to get outside in our 3D physical body form.

EARTH: Earth is just a very small part of Gaia (see this term). The Kenoma/Matrix (see these terms) is also only 4% of the entire Universe outside the Kenoma, and possibly 4% of the Gaia landmass (see this term).

GAIA: A term we use here on the forum for the greater landmass, where the Namlu’u/Aryans and other races live. The Earth is just a very small, isolated part of Gaia, separated from the rest of Gaia by having been placed under a cupola, a DOME (see this term).

GRID (The): The energetic network that keeps the human soul group connected to each other. This network/web/grid is surrounding the Kenoma (see this term) and held together with Orion technology, stolen from the Mother Goddess, Zoe Sophia.

KENOMA: The Gnostic term for the Matrix, comprising Earth and the solar system, surrounded by the Grid.

KHAN KINGS: A better and more original term for the AIF, Anunnaki, and the Sirians, Alpha Draconians, and other interfering extraterrestrial species in the Kenoma.

MARY: A name used outside the Kenoma/Matrix for the Mother Goddess Sophia, aka the Orion Queen. From here, we get the terms ARY and ARYANS (see these terms).

MATRIX (The): See Kenoma.

MONAD: The Gnostic term for Source/All That Is/The All Encompassing, etc. It is, according to the Gnostics, undefinable and unfathomable–even for the Aeons (see this term).

NAMLU’U: The term I used in the Wes Penre Papers (WPP) for the Original Spirited Humans, which are also us, being a part of the original soul group outside the Kenoma (see this term). A more accurate term for the Original Humans is ARYANS (See this term). The term ARYANS will be used more frequently on this blog from now on and replace NAMLU’U.

ORION: Derived from the original word n. ARY (see this term), which is the term for Orion outside the Kenoma/Matrix, even further back derived from MARY, which is a term for the Mother Goddess Sophia. From this, the term ARYANS originates (see this term). Orion/ARY is so much more than a constellation–it’s the original name of our entire Universe. We are the Aryans living in (M)ARY, i.e., Sophia’s Universe.


PLEROMA: Gnostic term for the Spiritual Universe from where Creation starts.


SOPHIA: The Gnostic name for MARY and the ORION QUEEN (see these terms).

09 February, 2022

eBook: Ragnarok by Ignatius Donnelly pdf

This 1883 book is out of print since 2011,  and I think the copyright has expired. It is heavy reading and the first few chapters are more geological. Things start to pick up when you get to page 130. That is the book page number not the number that shows on the left hand side as you scroll down.

I have read many articles saying the same thing as Ignatius Donnelly says in this book. Donnelly was a US politician and writer that is enjoying a revival over the past couple of decades. I hope people will find the book interesting and share it as food for thought. 

07 January, 2022

Becoming borealis: The Esoteric structure of the alphabet by Alvin Boyd Kuhn

I came across this website on one of my rummages on the net. As I was looking for this book by Alvin Boyd Kuhn. I am very grateful that the owner of the website has been so kind as to share this for free.

Just sharing the wisdom for others, to help them on their spiritual path 😊to which I say a humble thank you. 

The book is only 88 pages long so it won't take very long to read. You will see that as often stated in metaphysics; everything is inverted. There are many lights go on in my mind as I am reading this myself.

One thing that I immediately thought of was; the Ace of Cups in the Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck. I was at a conference many years ago in which Mary Greer was a guest speaker and we were discussing the Ace of Cups and the Meaning of the upside down M. Apart from Mary Magdalen as a suggestion for the meaning of the M, Mithras etc. I am now looking at the M as in Mother. The Sophia, (Zoe Sophia).

Arthur Waite sure left us in the dark with this one; and again in the dark, feminine energy as depicted in polarities, Ying and Yang is black. Male energy is white. Isn't it funny; how a little expression like "in the dark" can spark a thought (energy).

Please enjoy reading this PDF book that Becoming Borealis has lovingly shared. Once again thank you Becoming Borealis. 💖 

Quote: from the book by Alvin Boyd Kuhn

And as St. Paul's Epistles (mainly Romans 7) so pointedly reveal, earth was that mount on which the divine soul, sinless in its celestial habitation, came under the dominion of sin. "Know ye not, my brethren," asks the Apostle, "how that a man is under the law (of sin and death) only as long as he liveth?"--that is, while he is here on earth. He implies that there is no sin in heaven, for he clearly states that "sin sprang to life" when the soul obeys the "command" to incarnate. Sin can touch the soul only from the side of body, and, he says, the soul goes "dead" under its power while here on earth until its resurrection "from the dead" in the course of evolution of spirit back to its divine condition. So that the earth is that "Mount of Sin," that "Mount Sin-ai" of the Scriptures.

Interesting quote here; When trapped in the physical body we are dead, and if you read right through my blog and my old blog you will see that I have always said this too. We are in a low and heavy vibrational frequency which is a very negative energy. The only thing we can do is try to raise our frequency and break the encryption that keeps us locked into this negative vibration.

Spiritual awakening is what one must do, but there is much more to this; that the average person won’t be capable of believing because they are heavily conditioned or programmed not to awaken spiritually.

13 March, 2021

PDF Operation Trojan Horse by J A Keel

If the top link doesn't work try this one below

I posted this on the Wes Penre post video 247 on 11 March 2021 as part of something else. I started to read this and felt that it needs to be shared , not so much as for the UFO stuff, but what he says in conjunction to this phenomenon. For those that follow this dark subject; heed my warning as well as Mr Keel's warning. 

If you read this please keep an open mind. But I need to draw your attention to the warnings in this book.

The Trojan Horse comes in many forms as you will discover when reading, BUT, I need to direct you  to The Cosmic Joker, the chapter when he mentions Malcom X and the harbinger of doom that visited him in prison. Look at pages 196/197 onwards. These are very serious warnings; that I have made in posts myself in regards to the Metaphysical world and the dangers, such as spells, magic, trance mediumship etc. DON'T DO IT!

I know of people that have lost all that was dear to them also, such as the family being split by divorce and other unhappy domestic situations and each individual case was due to esoteric stuff but especially channelling and in particular ET's, supposed guides and the usual stuff that I warn against.

How much do you value your life and your mental health? Because that is what you are staring down the barrel of. No if's or butt's. No matter how many people I have told not to do this and they still do. Hell mend you!  as we Scots say, you were warned and cannot say you weren't warned. This boils down to the individuals ego. The damage that could be done is irreparable as is the suffering.

Remember( look at my old blog for this) I was warned at a trance mediumship class to stay away from UFO stuff? Not just that being coerced several times into going on the trance mediumship against my better judgement (I have always disapproved of trans mediumship) and something very bad happened to me, but not the other person. She didn't want to know when I told her what happened to me either she just laughed in my face, but she kept her distance the rest of the weekend, she knew the score. She set me up for this course by badgering me numerous times saying it will be fun! Fun? For whom? It was not for me and it is something that I will never forgive. But hey; Satan looks after his own, her day will come.

Below is the link to my article on ley lines which is valid when looking into the cosmic joker.

Now after reading this chapter on the cosmic joker, can you see what is really going on? These entities play good cop bad cop for entertainment, not for our benefit and sure as hell not to benefit humanity spiritually. It’s all a con job. 

I would never recommend being a professional psychic or clairvoyant, (we are born with our abilities), I honestly wish that I had never chosen this career path. Yes, I see it as a spiritual calling, but it is a poisonous chalice. There is no money in this job unless you sell your soul, something that I would never do. I am a very grounded person that has no interest in fame and fortune, only a normal life. With good people around me, and animals of course; as I love them very much.

Please be wise and mindful when it comes to spiritual or other worldly matters, because nothing is what it seems and that includes religion. Be warned, be empowered, and be safe. Your actions are the emanations of your thoughts, that is why it is very, very important to practice mindfulness and be very carful of what thoughts you hold, they are often inserts by the cosmic jokers, your job is to know the difference between your thoughts and the jokers thoughts. 

A big clue can be a random thought that enters your mind and may be hard to dislodge. It can be something that is out of character with your personality or something that you know is wrong but you keep getting the urge to say or act on that thought. An example being, saying something that you know will hurt someone; and you deliberately go right ahead and say it. Which in turn can open the proverbial can of worms, and often backfires on you.

You then start to wonder why you acted that way and have terrible regrets. So you can see the danger here and need to be aware of your thoughts, your social filter etc, and think of what the outcome can be to others and yourself before you act impulsively or carelessly.

You don't want to have a trojan horse living rent free in your head. Evict it and keep your guard up by being mindful of your thoughts and actions. 


03 March, 2021


This is absolute gold. I printed this off with every other level of learning and pdf file Wes has published.
I highly recommend that people read this and share it. But hey I don't expect miracles. Looking at my stats people just ain't really bothering with the real wisdom.

Wes and other well informed researchers have put out a wealth of invaluable information to assist those that are awakened spirits seeking answers. Unfortunately the vast majority of people are only wanting the shallow Unicorns and Rainbow garbage. 

01 March, 2021

Saga America by Barry Fell pdf

Above is the expansion of the original book.

As I am busy at present I have not had the time to read this yet either, however I want people to be able to help themselves to the stuff that I come across and share with my readers.
I will get my head in to it myself as time permits 😀

 UPDATE  August 2020

Well I finally read this and what a waste of time. The article was written in 1980 and has now become defunct. Arrogance from so called educated experts, pffft ! There is ample proof now that even the ancient Celts from Ireland were in America long before Columbus  and the Vikings and the ancient Egyptians. The Vatican knew this but suppressed the knowledge. 

We know now of the large scale cover ups by the Smithsonian, the Vatican and other institutions. Much more physical proof has come to light since 1980 and some of it was suppressed. The Vatican and others have had a vested interest in keeping a lid on much of human history because it shows the truth. 

What about the bones found of the Tall Nordic humanoids in the US and various parts of the world, including New Zealand?  Then the red haired Celts that are found from Egypt, to China, to the US that are thousands of years old? Oh right they don't exist. Makes me wonder where all the  news reports come from with the photographs, lol. 

If people want to know more then research and read books on the hidden history. Anna Wilkes; back in the late 19th Century even mentioned the similar language between ancient Irish and the American Indian tribes and shows a comparison of their language in her book Ur of the Chaldea's (Irish). Not just that some tribes taught this language as the first language to their children.

Australia is also victim to this cover up, we do have archaeological evidence of ancient Egyptians  in the East coast of Australia up near Newcastle. The site is now off limits to the public, due to it being sacred aboriginal ground with cave art which depicts the ancient Egyptians.   

 Our dream time history also mentions Gods that came to the aboriginal people to educate them. This was well before the time of Jesus.

Geoffrey Keating free PDF and Wikipedia link

A free pdf to read on the history of Ireland.

More interesting reading to save to your reading list :D

The British Edda pdf

I have been rummaging again, lol. I have not had time to read this yet myself, but just putting it up here for people to help themselves.

Atlantis from a geographic perspective by Ulf Erlingson's_Atlantis_and_Ireland_as_a_test_of_the_megalithic_culture_hypothesis

An interesting read for those that are interested in Ireland and Atlantis.
Ulf is not the first person to come to this conclusion,  lets not forget an other interesting book, Urr of the Chaldees by Anna Wilkes in the 19th century. Again pointing to the Irish people being the Chaldeans. There is so much of our history that has been deliberately hidden from us, but has been discovered by individuals that were put on this earth to uncover the truth, sadly some of them had their good names trashed by the powers that be.

That just tells you that something is being deliberately hidden from us. Now we live in a time where secrets are being exposed and held up to the light of day due to mounting evidence.

And like I said in other posts, as a child I had a deep knowing that Ireland was a sacred land and so to the British Isles. Now this from a very young primary school child, that was never exposed to books on the subject until I was much older. It was intuitive and felt very deep within me. I just accepted what my intuition told me and had no reason to doubt it. Only as an adult and doing a lot of reading on the subject did I have my intuition confirmed.

Now this below is an other example of hidden information. Of course the Vatican knew of Australia's existence centuries before 1788 and even before this bird was given as a gift. The ancient Egyptians were in  Newcastle region New South Wales (NSW) at least 2000 years ago, of which cave paintings depicting the ancient Egyptians with the Aboriginal elders are still clearly visible in rock art.

Which are now closed to the public by the government. This is on sacred spiritual grounds of our Aboriginal elders. The Vikings and Ancient Celts and Egyptians all were in the US at various times, and there were indigenous Americans that spoke Irish Gaelic hundreds of years ago. You will find much information in books as well as on the internet to back up what I am saying. (The amazing Ellie Crystal has good information on her blog backing up the involvement of ancient Egyptians in Australia with some good photos.)

We are living in enlightened times where information is there should one want to look. Sadly the average person is not privy to much information, due to us not having the right contacts in the establishment to have access to the real serious information. We have to rely on those writers with a gold back stage pass so to speak. But there is still plenty to read up on.

PDF The Celestial Ship Of The North by Emma Valentia Straiton

Just thought about sharing this with everyone,  this book was published in 1927.
It is a popular book in the spiritual community. I have put off reading it until the past week, lol.

I have read so many books that it does my head in. I  like to keep a little book handy when I read books to make note of the comments and page number, so that if I am talking to someone , I can give them my point of reference. That must be the Virgo side of me, nit picky and like to know the ins and outs of things.

Anyway, I hope you find the book interesting and useful. You will find this authors other books on Amazon and some as PDF's.

Originally posted 15 June 2018

PDF Worlds Beyond The Poles (Physical Continuity Of The Universe) by F Armadeo Giannini

 his very interesting book was published in 1959.

Those of you that read this will of course be familiar with Admiral Byrd getting his ass handed to him on his trip to the Antarctic. The ultimate rabbit hole mystery of our planet and life on "other worlds and dimensions"  The spirit world is not what people think it is and it is very much aligned to this mystery. Our souls do not leave this planet, they are held prisoner in a sort of Faraday cage until  forced or manipulated into reincarnation.

I have never bought in to the flat earth stuff that is popular at present. I am open minded, but I wait, watch and learn first and foremost.  This book however is quite something.

Free PDF book: Ireland Land Of The Pharaohs, by Andrew Power

I had heard of this book a few times from researchers that I know. The book is out of print now but it is a modern book, published in 2005, go figure, lol. But any way here is the free pdf version. I need to make some time to read this. It is only 300 pages long including diagrams and appendix.

Let's hope it is a good read, and worth sharing.

Originally posted 9 November 2017

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...