04 September, 2022

FREE PDF BOOK: The Unseen Hand by Ralph Epperson


Here is an interesting book that I am reading at present regarding the history of conspiracy theories , communism, the occult as in Freemasonry and similar Luciferin outfits; and the world we live in. Nothing is ever what we think it is, even when people think they are winning against the government it is only an illusion.

For those that are unaware, communism has been around for thousands of years and always will be. Even Plato warned of this danger, but there are more versions than you can shake a stick at. The western world is its point of origin in modern centuries. What began in the west will end in the west, as quoted by a secret society member known as Nostradamus. Even he is not what people think he is. Now on page 77 the author thinks the communist plot started in New York, but I would be inclined to add London to this equation too. That is the real seat of power, money and evil, the city of London incorporated. 

This book will hopefully change the individual’s perception (note: our perception shapes our individual reality in the physical world and by altering your perception a new reality emerges) of what is in the media in current times and rightly so. It is thought provoking and hopefully will make people think about current strategies employed during lockdown, post lockdown,  Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine. It should make one think carefully about what is being presented to the public worldwide, as news including all financial (manufacturing a financial crisis) issues and climate change. Everything is carefully scripted and enacted to achieve a particular reaction from the public. The New World Order has already kicked off, little changes here and there and eventually people will wonder how it all came about. Inattention is how it comes about, people get distracted by something bright and shiny. 

 There is a startling section at the start of the book that mentions people in communist Russia that were unproductive due to illness, old age etc; who were encouraged to commit suicide. Because they were non productive,  useless eaters to use modern terminology. This reminds me of  the current elite mentality and carefully scripted manipulation of the masses on a global scale. 

Page 44 starts off the concept of unproductive humans and how they are a burden to the system. This book shows just how unhinged these individuals really are. Even George Bernard Shaw was a believer in disposing of people that were non productive. He was a member of the Fabian Society and a eugenicist, like most of these individuals though, they don’t contribute to society themselves, they see themselves as above ordinary people but in reality they are non producers themselves. Just look into world leaders today and you will see the vast majority of them are Freemasons and Fabians and so are journalists and reporters, so it’s no coincidence. 

 They don’t perform any tasks that keep food production going, manufacturing, building, repairing or providing health care like a doctor or nurse.  But many through the privilege of birth and money see themselves are superior to the rest of humanity. 

The former Australian prime minister Julia Gillard is a Fabian yet the voters had no problems accepting her. Most people just don’t seem to care about the lies and control over our lives as long as their lifestyles are not affected. 

Keep in mind the powerful leaders do not give up their properties, money, assets or power. No, that is us nobodies that have to give up our property and possessions. Stalin, a psychotic communist was known for his fleet of luxury cars, yet drove others into poverty and death, how does that work? We may find out if UN agenda 30 is implemented. 

Food for thought, if China is a communist country, why are there many rich people in China and tiered a society?  Why are western governments and businesses doing trade with China? It’s all about money and power, everyone looks the other way at the horrendous human rights abuse and killing innocent people. That’s communism 101. The UN is full of criminals and human rights abusers too, but that’s ok. Even the media doesn’t hassle them for their corruption or lack of care on human suffering. Suffering is cherry picked by the media for us to focus on but not by their buddies. 

By the time you read right through this pdf book you will have your world illusions shattered. This author is not the only one that has published books with similar information. But please read this and look for similar information to keep informed and self empowered. Knowledge is power and our world is transforming right in front of our eyes by deliberate intent and design, not for the betterment of humanity but for the betterment of the unseen architects of this ever evolving world, add the Bilderberger meetings and the World Economic Forum into this too for destroying our standard of living and destroying the world economy. 

Note: 1st May being important to communism, it is also Beltane ( as in Bal worship) the Celtic spring worship, but as usual there are hidden meanings to that, that only initiates know and myths are presented to the masses, it is still a blood ritual that is celebrated. These secret societies have their own secret ways of doing things, but also as one progresses up the ranks the rules and meanings change. It is all Lucifer worship from any angle and spiritual energy harvesting at the end of the day. Our world is set up for loosh harvesting.  In short nothing is new on this earth, it has all been done before and that is the way this reality or unreality is made to work. Most humans are just not privy to the real knowledge. 

Update: I am almost finished reading this on 10/9/22,  I can’t help but notice typos in this book, books are always edited and proofread. So I can’t understand why these irritating typos are not corrected, unless they are deliberately left in for some reason. Such things are usually  corrected before going to print. 🤔

In this link below, I highly doubt these dates are accurate but you get the picture anyway. It's all in the numbers really. Energy, positive and negative. The universe being made up from mathematics and frequency, sacred geometry. And then there is astrology from the gods/ dark ET's they taught this to humanity, its vital understanding energy and numbers frequencies because we are all energetic beings vibrating on a certain frequency. Think of the earth as a giant faraday cage too and all of this is a hell of a shock, but no accident. As I keep saying we are energetic beings and we should not even be here in this living hell. But here we are until we individually break the encryption within our energy field that keeps us here, then it's game over and one needs to learn where our true home is and not what is presented as our true home. because this reality is fake and an enormous lie against spiritual beings. Once you know this you are free.  


Page 368
18 May 1972 frameworks put down for one world government. Many other important documents were signed that year including the Lima declaration. 

Please look at the end of the book for the list of books and a little interesting blurb on each book. This is very useful to pinpoint things and also to get hold of books that you may want to read for further knowledge. Including the truth about pearl Harbor, it is sickening when you see the reality of these events.


CANADA HAS TOO MUCH MONEY! https://pm.gc.ca/en/news/news-releases/2022/09/21/prime-minister-delivers-action-united-nations-general-assembly

If this isn't communism I don't know what is. But watch the western nations fall into line. Poverty in the west. Lefty voters must be so pleased to vote for giving away their money to crooks. 

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