02 September, 2022

‘Bad look’: Homeless move in to Kirribilli and Milsons Point


 A tricky situation; you say?? Suck it up, how dare you play this card. You should be bloody ashamed of yourselves whining about homeless people. You don't want your privileged lives and precious sensibilities upset by the sight of poverty and homelessness, get over yourselves. This is a classic example of a lack of empathy, compassion and being truly spiritually bankrupt. 

Too bloody bad if you rich people are uncomfortable seeing homeless people like the rest of us  have seen for many years and try to help them. How about you get off your privileged arses and do something for the homeless? These unfortunate people are ok when you want them to spend money in your businesses or pay rent to you, until they can no longer afford the rent,  but suddenly these innocent human beings are offensive to you when times are tough.

I have had homeless people sleep in my street  and they bother no one; and they frequent the local shops often, because they feel safe there and no one will hurt them. They try not to be seen, because they are embarrassed by the cruel  hand of fate that has been dealt to them. Many homeless people have serious health problems which have been exacerbated by lockdown.

Do you think these poor people like being there? Thank your lucky stars that it is not you in this dire situation. Imagine being a family or elderly with chronic health problems and you can't even get to see a doctor. Never mind the problem of Centerlink recipients needing a postal address or they get their payment cut until they can provide a residential address. Currently this is happening around the country and across the globe because governments will not look after the poor nor provide housing in the amounts needed to accommodate the amount of homeless people. The fact is some homeless people are actually employed too. But with rent being so expensive they can't get a house on top of the fact that there are not enough rental properties around. But hey many refugees can come right in and find a home. What's wrong with this picture?  

What will it take to shame our state, territory and federal governments into looking after Australian citizens and tax payers? The Australian government has had decades to build more public housing but didn't, many of these officials live in privileged areas similar to the north shore of Sydney. They don't want to wander into where the real people live and see the firsthand human catastrophe that has been happening for decades. 

Instead they keep passing the buck along each time an election comes along and it is someone else's problem and keep giving out condescending lip service to the homeless and needy. A bad look you say, I will tell you what is a bad look, a first world nation that sells out its own citizens and refuses to build adequate housing, but is totally fine with developers taking over more and more government land and  leaves nothing affordable for ordinary citizens on a low income. 

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-02/housing-property-australias-one-million-empty-homes/101396656  That's a lot of houses, but empty office blocks can be used as a temporary  accommodation. There are many big office blocks sitting vacant at present.


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