18 September, 2022

The excitement of spring in Canberra

If the wind and rain will only pipe down a bit, to enjoy the flowers. It's spring time and the flower season kicks off with Floriade and Tulip Tops Garden, Spring flower shows. Floriade started on 17th September and runs to 16th October 2022.  https://floriadeaustralia.com/

Tulip Tops Garden opened last week and will close the same time as Floriade

https://www.tuliptopgardens.com.au/ Tulip Tops  is dog friendly and is a safe environment for dogs as it is all enclosed. We will take miss Ruby for her annual visit, she loves to do the meet and greet with people. She will have her sausage sandwich, hold the onions though and enjoy a stroll around the bulbs and flowers, a gem amongst the flowers, that’s our Ruby 😻

With rain free days the sun is brilliant and the flowers are in their prime, it puts a smile in ones heart and a spring in ones step when the warmer weather arrives. My mind goes off into thinking about mass planted flowers in a gentle breeze and the warm sun in a bright blue sky. Lazy days in the garden and not wanting to bother with the outside world, just being in the moment at one with nature.

Fellow gardeners rejoice in the delights of springtime and the warming of the soil. We look forward to the gentle colours of nature’s  splendour, even if we can only capture this sight for a very brief time. We long for a never ending springtime of eternal blooms and a gentle afternoon sun that makes one hark back to childhood spent in the garden catching bees, butterflies and ladybugs. The endless simple joy in our hearts. 

Endless flights of fancy inspired by delightful springtime blooms and the sound of laughter. They are but fleeting moments of time eternal. Of the innocent springtime of our youth, fanciful dreams for many of us at best. We must appreciate life’s special moments for what they are and keep them in our hearts for days when we need them. Hold on to and treasure those precious moments and memories for they are the key to our happiness. We the creators beings of our own joy. 

Plant some flowers and watch them grow, that which  you created in love and joy. The seed that you gave life; rewards you in it’s very being. A splendid sight to behold a cherished memory for ever in your heart. Go gently; plant that seed so that you may to grow in wisdom and in peace. Plant ye now a memory to share with others; who share the dream of joy in all its simplicity and its joy.

Copyright Alex Fulford, September 2022

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