06 September, 2022

Interesting use of the chakra colours

 I must be slow to catch on or perhaps it is just that I have much more going on in my mind and my life. But today I saw a picture of the gay pride flag on clothing and it suddenly hit me, D'oh! that is the colours of the human Chakras upside down. Gee I am slow or what, lol. It is not something that I take much notice of as it is around everywhere after all, like all symbols in our busy world.

The rainbow colours are also of deep esoteric importance, nothing in this world is new. Just scratch below the surface. Don't get me wrong I have no problem with the gay pride flag but to reverse or invert the colours of the Chakra system is not good. It is turning things upside down (inverting) energy wise and spiritually. Most gay people that I know are very spiritual, so why must they have the Chakra system inverted? To me that looks disempowering towards these people. Unacceptable, and especially spiritually. Social engineers, hands off human beings, we are all spiritual beings, all equal and all care for each other that is why we are all humanity. Don't split us, divide us and manipulate us because we (Humanity) will all bite back one day collectively.

Inverted Chakras below
Base Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Solar Chakra
Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra
Head Chakra

The crown Chakra is missing because that goes into the ultra violet spectrum
Which is a much higher spiritual frequency.  Also the darker the colour the darker the energy.
Every colour along with every Chakra vibrates to it's own frequency. Frequency being the important key here.                       
                                                You will see there is also a link to Luciferanism  with rainbows too. Coincidence? No, just more confusion for the masses that accept everything that they are told.      

This link is from my old blog and written back in May, 2014. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...