Showing posts with label Michael Tsarion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Tsarion. Show all posts

26 April, 2022

Aunty Flo: Dreams; Spider meaning

This is a fantastic website for dream interpretation I use it quite a lot as I get some very out there dreams every night. Check my dream is another good website also for dream interpretation. I hope you get as much out of these two websites as I do. 

What’s your sign is also full of amazing stuff

03 March, 2021

Esoteric symbolism of the confederate flag

Very interesting reading 

Communism’s internal meltdown, by Michael Tsarion

Bear in mind Michael Tsarion’s father was a communist. As he said he grew up around it. 

Interesting times ahead alright, let’s see the government get the idiots in Seattle back under control.

I feel they let this Seattle situation get out of hand, now look at the state the US is in, what an embarrassment. 

Time the media and all the leftist morons were shut down and put out with the trash. If not this is going to spread outside the US.

People are sick to death with all this crap going on. We want proper leaders without links to cults, crime and filth. There aren’t any men or women of true substance to lead any nation. They are all owned by evil cults and big businesses. They don’t have morals or ethics, so is it any wonder the masses are acting like animals For the record I did mention in a post a few years ago that the former Australian  prime minister Julia Gillard is a Fabian.

Hmm looks like Michael has upset someone, his video has been pulled. Oh, the times we live in lol. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...