Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts

20 February, 2025

What your mouth has to do with your risk of dementia

This is an interesting article not just for us older people, we all need to learn about this terrible disease. Please take the time to read this article. One thing that I am curious about is people my parents age and older having a full set of dentures at a young age, yet still have dementia. 

Young women in the old days had all their teeth removed around the time they were having babies, so did this cause infection to get into the bloodstream in their late teens or early 20's? That is decades before the disease takes hold. For instance  many of my aunts that dies in their 90's  did not develop this disease in their 60's or 70's and only one or two ever smoked I have no idea about alcohol consumption, other than at New Year family gatherings. Most of my mum's side lived to ages 88 to 96 and only be in a nursing home in their 90's it is puzzling as to why it takes decades for the disease to manifest. 

Yes, some succumb  to dementia in their 70's or 80's but some later in old age. Genetics obviously plays it's part too, I just hope that we find a cure soon, as there are young people that are now diagnosed in their 20's with dementia, yet we don't know what triggers it in young people.  

The Mediterranean diet has been touted as one of the ideal diets since the 1980's, yet look at the junk food  in English language countries  as well as a high dependance on processed foods. I personally try to avoid processed foods as much as possible. And almost never eat take away foods, the cost of living crisis is a major problem in food affordability in Australia and Britain meaning many people have to feed their families unhealthy foods just to survive.  Add to the problem; the cost of visiting a dentist, many people just cannot afford to see a dentist and that is getting worse in the past 5 years. 

28 January, 2025

Growing anger as women's health crisis threatens to leave thousands unmedicated

Living in a first world country and this happens, unbelievable. This shortage has been allowed to happen if there are problems internationally, how long has it been happening for? I question the use of the word surge, there isn’t a sudden increase of women hitting menopause, it’s a constant cycle in the human population. And given the world population has increased shouldn’t the pharmaceutical industry adjust accordingly? 

Australia needs to be manufacturing more medicine on shore, we can’t depend on overseas for medicine especially in current times as shipping goods is problematic due to world politics and conflicts. That  should be rectified by building more facilities for producing drug ingredients on shore to supply our medication supplies. 

20 January, 2025

Doctor declared cancer free one year after receiving treatment inspired by his own treatment

Very brave man, that takes courage to be a Guinea pig for new medicine. I hope he stays cancer free from here on in. The scientific breakthroughs are part of Uranus’s power so it is no surprise that he made such an amazing discovery. 

When I was reading the article I saw blue healing lights in a cluster above his head. That is a positive sign spiritually, blue is a healing colour, but in the future light therapy will be common treatment. The blue spectrum is very important in this technology. 

08 January, 2025

The Genetic Impact of Forever Chemicals on Brain Function

Dated 6 January 2025

It’s not just the brain that we need to worry about, it’s our entire bodies. We are full of all sorts of chemicals from our foods and the environment. 

27 December, 2024

A Common Sleeping Pill May Reduce The Buildup of Alzheimer's Proteins, Study Finds

As someone who suffers from insomnia this interests me. I do believe that we will have a significant breakthrough in this treatment in my lifetime. It may start by stripping something from the drug and using a combination treatment. I am only going from intuition here as I know absolutely nothing of medicine. 

Long term medication does harm the liver, but it’s quality of life that matters. 

10 December, 2024

Home fragrances impact indoor air quality, and the health risks are alarming

A better option for fragrance is using an oil burner with essential oils and not a fragrant oil which is chemicals. I have used an oil burner since the 1990’s and the fragrance wafts through my house. I have one in my office and one in my kitchen and family room. Never leave an oil burner unattended for safety reasons especially if you have children or fur babies. 

I do have some scented candles too though which I don’t use too often. I did invest in air purifiers 4years ago to help with health issues and they are running constantly. I highly recommend investing in good quality air purifiers if possible. 

You can buy Frankincense and myrrh essential oils easily, these also help with spiritual cleansing. Cedar wood is a great essential oil to use at Christmas time it’s one of my most used oils. I use my oils for spiritual reasons mostly but I also use them for relaxing and promoting a calming environment. Please be very careful with using essential oils around pets because some are toxic to animals. 

I only burn incense outside after a lady told me about how harmful it is to use indoors. So I am very careful with that. I like to burn incense at my back door and my front door creating a cleansing and spiritually uplifting environment. 

I buy my essential oils from Essentials of Australia the prices are fantastic and Max has good quality oils. I used to buy his oils when he lived in Canberra years ago. I recently reconnected with him thanks to John from Bonvale Connections when he retired as John had recommended him to his customers. Check out the prices of the oils and you will be delightfully surprised.

25 November, 2024

Hospital reveals the 10 Most common objects that kids stick up their noses

It’s not just up the hooter, they also shove things in their ears too. I remember sticking beads in my ears when I was around 3 years old. I wanted to wear earrings like my mum. 

Luckily my mum put some oil into my ear to massage the ear and out popped the bead. Two minutes later, I did it again and I put it deeper into the ear, lol. She was not impressed with me obviously and she went to find where my beads came from and put them in the garbage to prevent me trying to do it again. It was a necklace that had broken and me being a rather active child, thought that  I could put the beads in my ears. 

22 November, 2024

Probiotic Delivers Anticancer Drug To Gut

This looks promising, but the body needs to be alkaline to stop disease too, when the body builds up acid it becomes sick. Life is pretty hectic for the average person as it is, and trying to afford a healthy nutritious diet is getting more difficult for people especially if they have a family to feed. Probiotics are expensive for many families too, and you need top quality probiotics that are kept refrigerated. Anything else is not worth buying, so do your research before buying anything. Natural yoghurt is a good start as are fermented foods, though not everyone can eat these for health reasons such as allergies to these things or an intolerance. Talk to your pharmacist about probiotics for people who are lactose intolerant as there are alternatives. 

This is where those that can afford to, need to use a naturopath as well as their family doctor. Learning what is nutritional and what is immune system enhancing. With the changes in our world these days we owe it to ourselves to learn nutrition and preventative natural medicine to work together for optimal health. 

25 October, 2024

Scan exposes how bad sleep affects our brain, study finds

I have never had a full nights sleep in almost 36 years. My husband having health issues most of his life means we are both never getting a full nights sleep uninterrupted. I have chronic sleep apnea too and as we get older there is insomnia sometimes. I have always been fully aware of the importance of a full nights sleep, because my father always instilled this in me. I always went to bed early but my parents would be awake until 11.00 pm every night watching TV, and up at 5.30 am to get ready for work because the traffic in Sydney is terrible. 

Going to bed between 9.30 pm and 10.00 pm is probably the ideal time and reading a book to relax before going to sleep. Not heavy reading, it should be something that doesn’t overwhelm you or require heavy concentration. When you feel sleepy it’s time to put the light out. Do not have blue light in the room either because it affects your sleep as do lights in cold white spectrum. 

20 October, 2024

Brain doctor reveals 1 thing you need to avoid if you’re depressed

It’s about time this issue was openly discussed, what you eat affects your health, physically and mentally. Modern food is garbage and the high quantity of take-away food in society is unacceptable. Without proper nutrition of course you will become depressed and obese with various health issues. Not to mention dental issues. 

Most of what is on supermarket shelves is garbage and unfortunately with the cost it living so high most people are struggling to keep a roof over their heads, feed their families and hoping they will have a job next week. Add the expense of seeing a doctor, or dentist on top of that,  and there is no way the average person can afford to eat healthy food every day and keep their optimal health. Don’t forget we also need sunlight for vitamin D to prevent disease and depression. 

 Natural unprocessed foods are expensive right now depending on your income level, as are good quality refrigerated probiotics needed to restore gut health. For a start if you have to take antibiotics, you must replenish the good gut bacteria at the same time as you take your antibiotics. But it should be a three month course of taking probiotics to restore your gut bacteria. Now just picture a family needing medicine, the cost on top of normal weekly household bills pushes the bank account balance down in current times. So the nutrition needed may be impossible for many families right now, and that leads to health problems. 

Children are especially vulnerable if there is insufficient nutrition needed for healthy body and brain development. The government needs to take action to ensure that people are able to have access to healthy nutritional food at a reasonable price. Without good quality food we will have children growing up with vitamin and mineral deficiencies which will affect their ability to develop physically and mentally, and to prevent depression and other mental health disorders. That in turn affects their employment choices and wage potential in adulthood. Better education on nutrition should be provided at every level of schooling, explaining what happens to their bodies when they don’t have the right nutrition. 

01 October, 2024

Helicobacter pylori: One in three Aussies infected, and most don’t have a clue

I had never heard of this until about 10 years ago when a friend found out that she had it. Thankfully she got it treated. I went to get tested for this twice but my tests came back inconclusive, but taking antibiotics in the week prior to the breath test stopped an accurate diagnosis. 

Hygiene is the vital factor in preventing infection of any type of infection or disease and common sense. The problem is people become lazy with their hygiene habits and we saw this during COVID, people pretty much went back to the same old habits very quickly. 

Washing your hands immediately after going to the toilet and even after being out shopping, at work or school is important for keeping any germs away from you. People forget what they have touched or come in contact with as they are shopping and especially handling a shopping trolley or cart. Just think of how many people have touched that trolley before you have touched it. Coughing and sneezing spreading saliva unwittingly, handling money etc. 

Simple soap and water and washing in between your fingers for two minutes makes sure that any bacteria is removed. Just like a surgical team does prior to operating on a patient. Having said that there are doctors and nurses that have been found not washing their hands in hospitals through laziness. They should know better, and it would be a good idea if they were tested regularly for any bacterial infections that could be transmitted to patients. Think of the MRSI’s living in hospitals that are hard to eradicate. Then you have to ask yourself how many doctors and nurses have Heliobacter, of course they may not even know they have it; which is all the more reason to test them frequently and reduce the risk of spreading the infection. Read about the  full medical impact of Heliobacter and the risks if untreated. Australian doctors discovered  the relationship with gastric ulcers in 1983.  Awarded the Noble Prize in 2005. 

28 September, 2024

Multiple surgeries could lead to cognitive decline, study finds

A very interesting article, anesthetics always have an element of risk involved and it is pointed out to patients prior to agreeing to surgery. Dementia is on the rise regardless and that includes people that have never had surgery in their lives. A diet heavy in processed foods is a bigger threat to our health than surgery. My paternal grandmother had dementia and never had surgery in her entire life. Genetics will also play a factoring role in getting dementia.

Interestingly, there are also the astrological aspects from the time we are born and these factors contribute along with all surgical procedures. 

Astrologers have always known the time of a person's birth along with the placement of planets and asteroids in a natal chart affects the individual. Astrology also tell us when surgery can be detrimental due to the astrological influences on particular days of the month and why despite successful surgery a patient dies for no apparent reason.

A Google search will show the dates of when to avoid surgery including retrograde planets. This was something that I checked out before my husband went into hospital a few months ago especially because his surgery was very risky. His natal chart shows good recuperative abilities as does my natal chart. Unfortunately I have  a risk of dying under a general anesthetic or in my sleep because I have Neptune in my 8th house which is a house of  surgery and endings. 

19 September, 2024

What’s the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath? Less than you might think 

There is quite a fixation about this subject in recent times and it is understandable given that society is in the crash and burn phase cycle again. Psychopathy is not any different to other hereditary illness, disorder or disease in respect to being in the DNA and soul group. So therefore it may not be able to be eradicated from the genetic makeup of a particular family. 


14 September, 2024

Doctors issue health warning over excessive intake of common vitamin that can cause weakness, numbness and pain

The sensible thing to do is have a full blood count done before taking over the counter vitamins and minerals. There is also any medication that one is taking that must be factored in to the equation. Even some herbal medicines can harm you if used incorrectly and some actually affects the medication that you are taking. Always consult your doctor and your pharmacist. 

31 August, 2024

‘Profoundly positive influence’: Study reveals brain hack to instantly lift your mood

This is basically common sense; and humanity has always known we need nature around us to be grounded and nature is needed for our mental health and for our general wellbeing. We are part of nature and not separate, just the same as we are a body- mind- spirit composite. Take one of these things away and we become ill and we create disharmony within ourselves. To be disconnected from nature is humanities downfall, we were not designed to live in a concrete jungle and lived cheek by jowl as this creates tension or disharmony and dis-ease of body, mind and spirit. 

Also the movement or flow of energy is harmonious without sharp edges as observed in Feng Shui. The elements play a large part in our lives whether we realise or not. But the experts in Feng Shui have been able to demonstrate this for centuries. The west has lost much of its ancient wisdom to its detriment and especially its spirituality. 

Why are they not also mentioning in this article the fact that most houses are not designed for harmony and harmonious energy to flow freely? A square house or building is like a box, it’s closed in and restrictive. The sharp edges of the building should be smooth. Small windows don’t allow the sunlight and thus affects the chi or energy flow. 

My house has large windows front and back, my gardens are green with shrubs and trees and inviting to wild birds and insects. I have a seat next to a window so that I can sit and relax when I need to. This is bringing the outdoors, indoors. So that I can feel immersed in nature no matter what the weather is doing.

Your house also needs to have things in each room that are not just attractive to the eye but must be placed in the correct location for the energy to be harmonious. That includes certain types of plants and again working with the elements in Feng Shui. You will definitely notice the difference when done correctly.

Clutter is bad for us mentally too, so things need to be stored in cupboards and drawers. Hoarding is also something that affects our mental health and this becomes a huge burden on the individual. 

Colour also plays an important role to lift the mind. There are plenty psychologists that will attest to the correct use of colours to create a harmonious environment. Colour does stimulate the brain just like shape and nature does. You will notice that hospitals use pale calming colours and this is to stimulate healing and ease the mind.

I often have clients that need to be near water often to feel grounded. These people come from various walks of life. Others prefer forests to feel grounded, I must admit that I love being near forests, however I do like rivers and little streams to enhance my sense of calm. 

Unfortunately many people are not in the position to introduce these harmonious elements into their work environment and even their home environment. Due to the nature of their work and also living conditions.

This makes the ability to relax difficult but not impossible. Meditation and mindfulness are an option, as is listening to calming music, switching off the tv and read uplifting books or novels. Avoiding distractions that are stressful is vital as is taking time out to unwind from the daily routine and pressure. Use magnesium cream on your body to relax and at night to get a peaceful sleep put the magnesium cream on the lower back, behind your knees and on the top of your feet before getting into bed. Do this every night to build up the magnesium levels in your body as 50% of the population are deficient in magnesium which leads to depression and other health problems. 

Please read the information about magnesium here scroll down to where it says “required reading “ then click on each page. This is valuable information for anyone, I use magnesium all the time. I started off with this brand at my local health food shop, but they stopped stocking it for some reason and started stocking Amazing oils magnesium which is just as good, they add chamomile and lavender for the night time cream and I love that stuff. Below is the link to Amazing Oils magnesium.

I find soft classical music is very therapeutic as is meditation music which you can find on YouTube. My favourite meditation music at present is Thai meditation music This is the YouTube link to the 3 hour meditation video I love. I haven’t put the video on here because some YouTube channels don’t like others uploading videos to their blogs. If you choose not to click on the link but would like to hear the music. Then type in 3 hour relaxing music, evening meditation. 🧘 You will see a picture of candles, a rolled up towel and a pile of stones on the left side of the picture. 

I hope that you get so much pleasure from the music as I do. 

I would like to caution people, that certain music on some individuals can open up the chakras unintentionally. So please be mindful of this. Ground and attune your body before and after listening to any music designed to work on the mind. If you feel a strange sensation like floating or a feeling of leaving your body, stop immediately because that should not be done. Refocus and ground yourself immediately. Then perhaps have a cup of tea. The goal is to de stress yourself only.

So whatever floats your boat and is enjoyable is perfectly fine for the individual. Create what you feel is harmonious in your home or bedroom if you live in a shared house. But do look into the Feng Shui position for your bedroom as that is a place of rest. The position of the bed is important. Often using mirrors can improve the energy flow and a sense of calm. 

29 August, 2024

‘I wish I was listened to’: NSW to respond to landmark birth trauma inquiry

Here we are again, medical professionals arrogance on steroids. The gestation period is 40 weeks, and normally if your baby is late it is not allowed to go past 42 weeks because it is dangerous for your baby. Twins usually arrive early anything from 36 weeks, but 38 weeks was the ball park week back when I was young. 

This poor woman put through this awful treatment and her baby suffering dangerous medical conditions. This is absolutely horrific and a classic example of negligence by health professionals. How dare they tell her to hold on and calm down. No effort made to check the baby’s vitals or the mother’s by the sound of the news article. Surely these would have been done especially given the heart conditions running in the family. 

If you feel that you are not being listened to or you believe your baby is in danger then stand your ground and ask for the medical advocate or what ever name they are known as in your state or Territory. That is your right and don’t forget that please. 

Do not let anyone intimidate you or insult your intelligence when you are obviously concerned. You have every right to be concerned. Medical professionals can make mistakes and I am speaking from experience. If you read my blog you will see what my husband has gone through over the past few years and especially this year prior to life saving surgery. The treatment of women has never changed since I was young in the 1980’s. In fact it has gotten worse over time and now people are fearful of hospitals with the stuff that is in the public domain and on top of that the changes that have transpired since COVID. 

It is up to the public to demand the change happens and not leave it to politicians to use as an election platform tool and then buck-pass  when elected. 

I can tell you when I had my children there were horror stories about the hospitals in western Sydney, and the treatment of women when the AIDS epidemic started through sheer ignorance women were traumatised. When I fell pregnant I was somewhat nervous about what sort of treatment I would receive as the two local public hospitals had a reputation for the way they treated women in the maternity ward. I made enquiries about what was the best place to go and was told to try the country hospital near where I lived. I am so glad that I did because the staff there treated women much better and were very supportive of women’s rights. Not so with the partnering hospital  nearby. 

 I discovered that I couldn’t go into labour at all, my body just didn’t work. So both of my children were induced and instrument delivery. My first baby was born at 41.5 weeks and was still sitting too high up. I had a fantastic doctor, but my baby did have foetal distress at birth and pooped everywhere. He was 8 lbs, red and puffy or cooked (what they called a post term baby at the time) looking but very bright eyed. 

The second baby was a different story, as I was ill all the way through and under weight because I couldn’t stop vomiting until the day before my baby was born. But what angered me was when I asked for an epidural the arrogant misogynist told me, I shouldn’t be having a baby if I can’t handle the pain. My husband and I just looked at each other in shock. This from a supposedly educated man, he  is lucky that I was not in a physical condition to bitch slap him. I was almost 30 and having some misogynistic pig speaking to me like that left me flabbergasted. My baby was born one day short of the EDC, which I had calculated as it was part of my day job anyway. The doctors kept saying that I was wrong. Bull shit, if you know the exact date of the LMP then count 40 weeks that gives you the exact EDC. That is a fact that I have always known and always kept a diary on from the age of 15.

 My second child did have problems and wasn’t moving at the end of the pregnancy. The doctor told me that is normal because there isn’t a lot of room for him to move, which is true. Now this was a female doctor that I did my antenatal care with,  and she kept saying that I was further along than I thought. She wouldn’t listen when I told her I have big babies, my husband’s side of the family are big solid people. She was otherwise a good doctor, but she also didn’t listen when I told her my EDC was correct. Arrogance must be included in the medical degree! I ended up having to go on maternity leave earlier because my health was suffering as was the baby, there was already a threatened miscarriage at the start of my pregnancy too which required bed rest, and the same at the end of my pregnancy. The birth was an induction yet again and another 8lb baby. 

Geez what would a stupid woman know about having big babies and knowing how to calculate the EDC. I already had experience in babies by the second birth and surrounded by 10 other women in my office who were pregnant and experienced parents. 

On the day of the birth I was apprehensive about the outcome, the baby’s face was blue at birth and not breathing so he had to be put on oxygen. The misogynistic doctor admitted that the boy’s EDC was right as I had said. I replied, yes I know I am right. 

So ladies stand your ground be empowered but be polite too. Manners cost nothing and you will look competent and confident in your actions and decisions. First up is learning your rights as a patient and a woman. Never let anyone undermine you or disrespect you, remember respect is a two way street.

Best of luck to all the parents that have been through this trauma I hope you heal and have beautiful children and boundless happiness and joy in your lives. 

Thank you to all of the good medical professionals out there who know how tough it is in the medical profession, it is no walk in the park but with the public and the medical community surely we can band together and make the changes that we all need. 

29 July, 2024

‘Impossible’: Blood test accurately diagnosed Alzheimer’s in 90 per cent of cases

 Looks like they are getting closer to a result. I just hope a cure is not far away, it’s such a terrible disease to suffer from. Alzheimers and dementia are the biggest threats to life as we age, and we need to be eating much healthier foods than what we are. A pre World War Two diet is much healthier than the current foods, especially with takeaway foods being consumed way too often. The damage is done when we are younger by getting into unhealthy habits which are hard to resist. 


14 July, 2024

My heart rate has gone crazy this morning

 Early this morning I woke up around 4.30am with  minor chest pains and my heart was pounding in overdrive. I thought I was having a heart attack as I was going hot and cold, yet it was a freezing cold night of minus 3. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my heart though; as I have seen a cardiologist a few months ago and did the stress test. Angina runs in my family my father and his mother and my great grandmother all had it. I do know that my grandmother had a heart attack at my age, and her mother died suddenly of a heart attack just weeks before my gran get married. 

I am still not feeling good late this afternoon and luckily I have an appointment tomorrow morning with my doctor. There is poor oxygen levels in my blood all day and dizziness, as I have been monitoring my blood pressure with a BP cuff and monitor. I have no idea what is happening or why, this is not like the usual chest pain that I get  occasionally. This rapid heart rate was ongoing as if I had been running and feeling breathless. My finger BP/Oxygen monitor was constantly beeping as my oxygen levels were dropping under 93 as well as my pulse rate dropping. I have had to just sit in a chair or lie down in bed because if I tried to do something I didn’t feel good. 

It couldn’t happen at a worse time because we are getting the house prepared for new flooring next week and it’s only been 4 weeks since my husband had surgery. I just don’t need this on top of everything else that’s happening. Without a proper medical diagnosis though, I automatically think; is this a viral infection in my heart or something like myocarditis. Even drinking tea can cause your heart rate to increase rapidly. I have to be very careful about how much tea I drink because I have suddenly become very sensitive to tea and having to drink more herbal tea without caffeine and I didn’t drink much regular tea yesterday though but it still could be the cause. I am a busy little possum at present with house stuff that can’t wait too although my husband is helping out with everything. 

Let’s hope that it’s all back to normal in a couple of days. I hate being out of action and tend to feel guilty if I’m not feeling well, besides there is so much to enjoy like sitting in the garden with a cup of tea or sitting at the windows watching the birds. That is something that brings me a lot of happiness nature is my passion and I need to see my garden daily 🍄🌺🌳🐦‍⬛🐞

Warm and fuzzy hugs everyone 


12 July, 2024

‘Frantic and desperate’: Full-time carer mother faces homelessness

Where is the humanity guys?   This mother and child are unnecessary put through hell thanks to the South Australian government incompetence beyond belief. This should have been escalated immediately, my heart goes out to this poor little boy and his mother who is trying desperately to get a safe place to live and have the  correct care that the little boy needs to survive. This is not bloody good enough Australia, look after the vulnerable and the sick as a priority and human right. How many more people are in this situation  with medical conditions and homeless in Australia? 

30 June, 2024

Human body healthy frequency rate

Higher frequency in the body, results in better health. It has been shown that a normal healthy body has a frequency of 62–72 mhz. When the body drops below this frequency, we begin to get into illness and disease states. For example, if our frequency drops to 58 mhz, then we are likely to get a cold or flu. If our frequency drops to 42 mhz, we become susceptible to cancer within the body. The lower the frequency, the closer we are to death. Death starts at 25 mhz. The human body should be alkaline to be healthy also, when it turns acidic that is when illness happens. 

Actually this article states that Blue Idaho Spruce essential oil has a frequency of only 428 mhz, yet I have seen it mentioned as 580 mhz, which seems to be the more common number online. Spiritual work needs to have a high frequency, I use Rose essential oil (320 mhz), Frankincense (147 mhz) and Spikenard and was used by Jesus  (I know this has a very high frequency but I can't find my notes on this, so I am googling it).

 Surprisingly some of the oils used for spiritual protection are not that high , but in biblical times I would say the oils used were also as an antiseptic. 

963 mhz is known as the god frequency which activates the pineal gland. Now despite the megahertz of these oils, they have been used in spiritual practices for centuries and obviously do the job Ancient shamans and spiritual practitioners have always known what herbs and oils for their cultures to use for spiritual protection and assisting in their practices. Lets not forget the Catholic church always used incense in resin during certain religious ceremonies. These incenses are to ward off negative energy as well as purification. 

I found this in draft from 2021 😕

Not sure what I did, but the white behind the text is a nuisance, not the first time this has happened on my blog, lol. I think I must have started in WP originally and did a cut and paste. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...