Showing posts with label DREAMS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DREAMS. Show all posts

12 June, 2024

Aunty Flo Dream Interpretations: Furniture

Ah, My go to lady never fails to enlighten me, well most of the time anyway.   I have very lucid dreams every night and I usually turn to Flo and a couple of other websites to help with the very complex dreams that I have. The interpretations are not always possible with my dreams and I often have to figure them out by myself. No doubt many people are in the same boat so to speak, but please give Flo a go for her wise teaching. 

This article strikes a few notes with me, I am going through very serious issues right now. My fear of being widowed is the paramount thing on my mind right now as the time draws closer for  my husband's surgery, which is literally hours away. 

28 November, 2023

Calling number 87 in a dream

This morning I was just waking up from a spiritual dream and in the dream I was issued a white ticket with a number. I was in a school environment, standing outside in the playground area with other new students and I was wearing a bottle green knitted woollen jumper and a grey school skirt. The other students were wearing different types of school uniforms. I  apparently had to pick a school to attend but hadn’t decided which one to choose. I was aware that I was to finish year 12 though that symbolises unfinished work to be completed before moving on to the next chapter in my life. I did feel rather put out by this and wearing a uniform at my age. Green though is a healing colour aligned to the heart chakra. Grey while it can be neutral it is also a spiritual colour too. Grey is often the first colour seen outlining the human aura when a person is new to seeing the aura. 

There were other students who were also assigned numbers to be summoned  to see the teacher assigning them to their classes or school. I heard my number being called which was number 87. The number stuck in my mind when I woke up. This morning I was in a hurry to get up because I was about to drive up to visit my father in his nursing home. He is rapidly declining with advanced dementia and does not have much time left. So I knew this dream was a warning to me. 

I am dreading the next couple of weeks because I know that he will not be able to survive past this time frame. He has also just turned 87 and that just struck me as I write this. I am feeling really sad at present because this is the end of life as I have known it. It’s so final and I will struggle with closure, life is now going to take on a new meaning. Whatever that will be I just have to roll with, so the new beginning aspect of the number makes sense. I do hope my father will work with me a little from spirit when he is ready. But that is up to him really, right now I just want him to be at peace. He is incredibly fragile right now and no longer able to communicate. It breaks my heart to see him in this way and not being able to help him. I was upset at not being able to have any privacy with my father because he was in the day room with other patients for supervision and the nursing home only has a skeleton staff like all the rest of them. But don’t get me started on that!! 

Why is it that some people never seem to suffer at the end of life and others suffer terribly? I have lost two uncles in the past two weeks that were the same age as my father. Just as I am coming to terms with their deaths I am now preparing for my father’s death. It is a horrible thing just waiting for that phone call. But I will know before the phone rings anyway because he will come to me. 

His father has been around me for a few weeks now to prepare me. But that phone call is what I dread, it just finalises everything that I had. Endings and new beginnings are often painful but this is part of life whether we like it or not. I just never thought that my poor father would leave this world the way he is, and I just wish that I could do something to help him. I will pray for him and meditate for him to help him in my own way, it’s the least I can do.

Alex 😭

02 January, 2023

Dream about a robin redbreast

I just woke up from a dream in which I saw a robin redbreast. I loved these birds as a child in Scotland. I remember one flying into our kitchen one morning just before I went off to school. I remember my mum had the kitchen door open and there was snow on the ground outside. 

My mum had her ironing board set up in the kitchen that morning and in flew the bird and it sat on her ironing board for a minute and then flew out the door again. My mum, brother and I stood there in amazement at the little robin redbreast. I must have been about six or seven years old at the time and I have never forgotten that wonderful moment. So here I am, at stupid o’clock  (around 3.20 am) just waking up after seeing a dear little robin redbreast, in my dream. I can’t remember what happened before seeing the little bird but it was surrounded in white and standing in front of me. I was outside in the dream and the robin appeared in front of me. 

I quickly grabbed my iPad and we to to my favourite “go to lady, Flo Saul’s brilliant website, Aunty Flo. It turns out to be a good omen for me. Not just a delightful little bird. Now let’s try and get back to sleep Alex 🤣🤣

15 August, 2022

Dreaming of a memorial service for the victims of the Atomic bomb

 Early this morning I had a rather strange dream. It was supposedly in Canberra but absolutely nothing like this city actually looks like. I saw myself in some sort of church with many people attending a memorial service dedicated to all the people that were killed and wounded in Japan when the atomic bombs were dropped. The weather looked winter and grey and the buildings all looked grey too. 

I have never seen a dream like this before and it had a deep effect on me. I noticed my mother was with me and we were with other women kneeling down on the floor with our heads bowed just like how Muslims men pray. But this was only one select group of us praying this way, everyone else was sitting in pews. I saw a black and white film like a news reel of old, playing on a big screen at the front of this church or public building  and a man in the film talking about commemorating the atomic bomb victims. 

Next we got up and left the building talking about the event. Suddenly there was a need to get to the US embassy in town to pass on a message. A man and lady had given us instructions to pass on. There was something about reporting a spy or agent in danger to the American embassy, they needed help, there was  a bit of confusion as to where the embassy was and who to pass on a message to. The woman agent  was connected to blood for some reason but not in a medical sense she was not a nurse and this did not have a medical feeling to her, it more like danger.  She was a special agent like the man was. I would put their ages as in their 30’s and in clothes of the era. 

We tried to give her name to the embassy because she was in danger, and then I was told that she didn’t work in the main building, she was working with blood so she was in a different building next to where we had been. And  the guard was not interested in helping. I have no idea what this is about; but it felt serious as in biological warfare or prevention of  an act of violence as in warfare. One thing that stood out was this dream was  it was in black and white quiet a bit. My dreams are always in full colour. Funnily enough this weekend doing readings I was seeing people in spirit in black and white too, like looking at old photos. 

This dream though was just so unusual and I am still trying to figure it out and I have gaps in remembering what else happened. Tonight though I happened to see the national news and they mentioned a service for the end of the war in the pacific and Japan signing a peace treaty. That just seemed like only one small aspect of my dream, I would say not just was I praying for all those that died or were injured, but something is afoot. As I was trying to prevent something from happening as in an act of violence or terrorism/war. 

The man in the dream was dressed in a suit of the Second World War era too. But I could not keep an eye on him, he disappeared somewhere and it was left to my mother and me to convey the message to the US embassy quickly. We stopped in a supermarket first, as one does, lol. Then taking a shopping trolley we pushed it up a big hilly street like the ones San Francisco is famous for to get to the US embassy. Then cross a road to a big  office block. Which is absolutely nothing like the real US embassy in Canberra and we do not have huge streets going up hill in Canberra either. 

Anyway after  being told the woman did not work in that particular building we turned around and pushed the shopping trolley back down the hill. Somehow we we’re back where we started looking for the other building. Which was actually a couple of doors down. We didn’t get to go in there but instead we were talking to people outside the church or public building that we had the memorial service in as they were all still there outside the building. 

I sure get some bizarre dreams which usually has me combing the internet for dream interpretation websites. This is just one of those dreams that leaves me absolutely stumped on it’s meaning. 

11 August, 2022

A cats birthday dream

 Last night I had one of those weird dreams. In the dream it was our cat Slinky’s birthday. Slinky actually  passed away a few years ago, but his birthday was around this time of year along with his doggie brother Gromit’s birthday. In this dream I had sprinkled a lot of gold glitter on Slinky’s back to celebrate his birthday and I had given him a big red cat toy which looked like a macramé dream catcher with a red feather on the end for him to play with. 

Suddenly Ruby appeared and frightened poor Slinky and he ran off. I was upset because Ruby had frightened Slinky, eventually he came back to me and I felt so happy to have him back. 

Glitter is a good symbol in dreams as is the colour gold. But I woke up with a mixture of feelings, I ended the dream not really knowing what it was all about, I miss my beloved Slinky and I am puzzled having no clue what it all means. All day I have been thinking of him and the wonderful joy he brought to my family. My son had good taste in picking Slinky to be his cat. Slinky was no ordinary kitty there was something very special about him. He was so loving and gentle with an aura of great wisdom around him. 

I guess he was just visiting me and letting me know he is still around, aware that his birthday is this time of year. As we used to do birthdays for our fur babies by giving them special treats to share on each of their birthdays. 

08 December, 2021

Dream of a cat biting my finger

Early this morning (5/12/21) I had a dream in which there were stray cats. Two homeless mother cats feeding their kittens in an outdoor area near blocks of flats. 

I was with two women looking at the cats and their kittens. We were concerned about their welfare. Suddenly one mother cat bit me on the finger. 

I understood that she was just protecting her babies. Suddenly though a woman appeared and gave me an injection right into my index finger on my right hand. I saw a green liquid being injected into my finger and she told me I will be ok. I actually felt the pain of both the bite and the injection. I have experienced an injection in a dream a few years ago and felt the pain when I was wide awake. So this made me quiet alert to an injection in this dream. The colour green is a healing colour, dark green is negative, but this was almost like a florescent  green. almost like washing up liquid.

Green is the colour of life, renewal, nature, and energy. The colour green has healing power and is the most relaxing colour for the human eye to view. Green helps alleviate anxiety, depression, and nervousness. Green is new growth, rebirth, and harmony

To be attacked by a cat symbolises deception, by others in the same line of work that seek to discredit me. I was actually well aware of this coming as I was informed 7 months ago, by a top psychic; that these individuals whom ever they are are just wasting their time. I am also aware the there are two people involved. ( I will keep their genders to myself) 

So this dream is not at all surprising. As this was the time of year that I had to watch out for. For the record I have had no interaction with others in my industry since 2015. I live a very quiet life and I don’t socialise as I am a full time caregiver. Socialising is not an option for me.

This is nice, but I don't know anyone that would be getting married.

29 May, 2021

Ok, what did I just sign up for here?

 I had one of those spiritual WTF dreams two nights ago, which left me wondering what the hell have I just signed up for. As usual with dreams we don’t remember every single detail of the dream; but the bits that I do remember went as follows.

I was helping my son packing up his bag for a school camp, though we were not in our house but in some big building, like an old hotel full of people. In reality he is an adult; but in the dream he was a small boy. He asked me to carry a heap of toys and other things for him to take with him on his camp. However it was impossible for me to carry so much in my hands and I told him, I can’t carry everything there is way too much. He was quite insistent that I need to carry the stuff. So we started to argue as I tried to point out the reality of the situation and I didn’t have a bag to carry the stuff.

Suddenly a male teacher appeared and he asked my son to get into the line with the other children boarding the bus. This was quite emotional for me in the dream as I really didn’t want to be parted from my son, he was only a little boy of about six in this dream. 

The dream then changed to a rather ominous scene, I was sitting at a small table in a very crowded room with a pale blue pillar directly by my right hand side. The odd thing was, it was as if I was there doing something like a publicity event such as a book signing. I noticed a lot of elderly people, men mostly; they started to come over to my table and shook my hand and some kissed me on the cheek, some also saluted me. It was a very emotional situation and some of the old men had tears in their eyes but smiling. They said;  “thank you for your service and for what you are about to do, you are very brave”. This stunned me, and I suddenly became aware that I was dreaming and watching the event is a state of awareness. 

I did tell these dear old men that I am not brave; and it is me that should be thanking them for their military service in their youth. I did say to them, I don’t tolerate anything that I deem unethical, immoral or harmful to myself or others.  If I see something that I am not happy with; then I will pull the pin on the whole thing and walk away. I am very much like this in real life. I don’t tolerate anything that I feel is wrong morally, ethically or in any way that I feel is bad form. Having a strong moral compass, and value my spiritually most highly above all else. Nothing will make me do anything that is not right for me or other people. Duty of care comes first. 

Now analysing this dream, it looks to me there are blessings and an agreement in place for the near future. Possibly a death connected to this too, which I am quite aware about who that will be. There is a heavy responsibility coming my way. Typical though, something always happen to me. Just when I get a lull in life for a few weeks; then something gets dropped in my lap. I never get a break from anything, other people sail through life with ease but my family and I have all the heavy burdens to carry. 

No, this is not karma for things done in other lives, that is a new age nonsense, that people take as truths without having any real knowledge on the subject. Then in ignorance repeat this garbage to others, which is highly irresponsible. I will say this though, there are souls that are definitely given heavy burdens to try to break them spiritually,  and also the real guilty ones who point blank refuse to accept or agree to what they have done, so the blame is shifted to others who are actually manipulated into accepting this in the beyond life area of the spirit world.

I have done enough reading and researching over the past twenty years to know what I am talking about, not to mention that I know on a claircognisant and clairsentient level. These things are also remembered from before reincarnation is implemented. The veil of amnesia is not 100% fool proof and that is why some of us have past life flashbacks. 

To find out more on these things one needs to be aware of the Gnostic texts and other reliable metaphysical information, as well as an open mind that is willing to listen to the message conveyed by the mass of research and ancient historical information that is available to us today. 

Copyright © Alex Fulford 29 May 2021

05 March, 2021

Flower petal dream

  I had a rather interesting dream last week, and I would like to share what I remember of this dream. It was a nice sunny day in the dream and both my husband and I were on a train with several carriages, there weren’t any roofs on the carriages, which was unusual. We were the only passengers on the train from what I could see. But we were enjoying the journey and I had a nice parasol with me. 

I suddenly became aware of lots of people standing along the railway embankment stretching for miles. They all looked Indian, and they were smiling and waving to us and offering their blessings. We smiled and waved back. I noticed during this train ride, people were showering us with flower petals. Marigold and white rose petals, I think there was some other type of flower petals too. I noticed a small bridge up ahead of us and people were lined up across the bridge and on the other side of the bridge too. Everyone was happy and smiling at us and again, showering us with petals. My husband and I got out of the train at a railway station and we got into an autonomous car. Now that felt weird. My husband lay down to have a sleep in the car and I panicked at first until I realised we were safe. 

The dream felt really nice, and we appreciated the lovely gestures from the people giving us their love and blessings. This seems to be a very positive spiritual message, however I can’t, at this stage, find anything relevant on the internet. So I have to rely on my feelings in the dream and what the individual flowers and colours mean. The parasol is similar to the symbolic meaning of an umbrella, spiritual protection. 

The white rose petals are a positive spiritual meaning too. Orange is a joyous and abundant colour, it also represents strong emotions. I take this dream to be a good omen as over the past couple of months, almost every night I have been having positive spiritual dreams. I have had so much worry in my life of late, and  this is spirit letting me know not to give up. Not that I have a choice. However it is a reminder that positive forces are protecting and guiding me forward. Yeah, and often have to dumb it down for me, 🤣🤣 

I am now more receptive to receiving goodness and abundance in my life, in order to help others. After 58 years of struggling, I am now entering a new phase in my life. Part of this is by going back to basics to something that was accidentally forgotten on my spiritual journey. Now is the time to focus deeply on it, from here on in, and not deviate from this vital and crucial intention for the rest of my life.

03 March, 2021

Dreaming of painting and interrogation

  had the most freaky dream last night. In this dream  I was in some large building with lots of people. The people looked as if they had lost all hope and were just accepting their lot. They looked drab and nondescript as a whole, no individuality. Even their clothing was rather ordinary and drab.  The building looked like an old high school, and I was aware that we were all standing looking from balconies down into an outdoor court yard. The place was very dimly lit and felt cold. The atmosphere was chilling and people were scared to speak to each other. They just kept on doing what ever tasks they were doing.              

It felt like we were in some form of totalitarian controlled system. The strange thing is we were made to do  some art work. But this artwork was symbolic, many of us were using very dark colours  as we painted  our art work. We were painting some weird sort of art like school kids. I started to paint using gold paint, and some shade of deep blue, like what one seen in medieval art. I noticed my art work was embossed with little symbols. I had also divided my paper into 4 sections, by having a cross in the middle of the thing I was painting, which was made by folding the paper into four squares.  I then noticed that I was also painting over the top of what I had just done, as we all were, talk about in a trance. Just repetition over and over again.

 I then mentioned to the man next to me something about the symbolism in the Monas hieroglyphica, by John Dee, as I pointed to what I had painted. I have no idea how that ties in to this weird dream though. Other than symbols, colours and shapes and their meanings. I noticed a guard come up to us at this point to as both the men either side of me started to copy what I was doing in my painting. One man was removed by these guards.   

There was a slight spiritual feeling to what I was painting, and I am in no way artistic, lol. I  then became aware of people being taken one by one into a room to be tortured and interrogated. The guards actually left the door open, so that we could see what was going on. That was very disturbing, being aware that anyone of us could be next.

I noticed a woman being taken in to the room and put on a table. Her long blond curls hanging over the table as they started to torture her. Meanwhile everyone with me just ignored what was happening. It was as if it was normal and they knew they would be next. This scared the hell out of me for two reasons, A) everyone just accepted it. and B) no one put up a fight.

The people doing the interrogation and torture all seemed like cold and unfeeling members of some strange organisation. They were not actually in a uniform  or anything that I could recognise as a uniform.

For some reason they would not touch me though, as if just trying to psych me out by doing the abuse to everyone else but me to make, perhaps to make me comply or because they were not allowed to touch me, I have no idea. Later I walked past one of the interrogators, and said hello. He just ignored me and walked on by. No emotion on his face just like a robot.  

It just reminds me of what society seems to be doing right now, the I'm alright Jack and no one wants to stop the dreadful changes that are being brought into existence at present. Everyone just looks the other way .

I looked up the meaning of dark blue paint and it suggests  well being in family life and work. I can’t see anything on any dream interpretation websites that can explain the rest of this. However I think it speaks for itself, when observing suffering and the feeling of helplessness in a totalitarian state. 

This has been sitting in draft for a few weeks, I had forgotten all about it.....oops 🤣

01 March, 2021

Happy Animal And Plant Dreaming

Over the past couple of nights I have had some symbolic dreams involving a Koala, a Tortoise and an Ivy plant. Looks like some long awaited  happiness  is on its way at last.

I have posted the links to some interpretations of these symbols here and looking at the positive aspects of the dreams it shows this week is a new beginning and  opens new possibilities for me and my family.

This morning I woke up after dreaming not just about the Ivy plant, which was actually one that I own in a pot. There were other plants in pots and a feeling of fertility with the plants I was tending.
In the dream I was in a house that I lived in many years ago, but it had a slight difference as dreams often do. I went around closing the blinds of the house signifying privacy.

I seemed to focus on the plants and needing to care for them and create some oasis of tranquillity around me. Just what the doctor ordered so to speak. A time for reflection , peace and tranquillity.
There is nothing nicer and comforting. I sure could do with this too.

I had a busy but productive day yesterday but today, my arms are agony with fibromyalgia. So a bit of rest is needed to restore my energy.

27 February, 2021

Spirit Dream About America From September 21 2014

 Today I was going through a dream journal looking for something and to my surprise I came across this  item. I have written it word for word from page 36.

I had a dream early this morning about America (USA) being divided into two separate regions. I was
talking to someone in the dream. I can't recall who it was, but definitely a female. She  said tanks were being used in the streets. There seemed to be a TV screen behind her.
The feeling is something big is about to happen, this might lead to the US under martial law.

NOTE: I felt this was due to the Elections and Hillary Clinton being president of the USA. Take it from me this is the worst case scenario, and it is happening right now. I wish I could have better news, but I don't, I gave this warning on radio too last year, and  I have blogged about it to warn people.

It is officially locked in and there is no way out now. The American people in their inability to see through all of the deception are in grave danger, my heart goes out to them in their time of need. Sadly most of them would not see the warnings right in front of them.

What can one do when, those with eyes choose not to see and those with ears choose not to listen.
I know for a fact that Dr Luis Turi, has tried continuously  to get people in the US to heed his warnings too, but to no avail. What would a top rate Astrologer or a Clairvoyant know after all.

I can tell you also that Hillary Clinton when in office will purge the FBI of those that tried to expose her criminal activity too.
I do not see Hillary remaining in office for very long either.

Hold your loved ones close America and pray, that is all the advice I can give you. I hope that I am wrong, I would never wish this on a living soul.

I have added images of my book so that you can see hand written notes and the consecutive order of the pages. This is a very large book which is used normally as a register in offices. I just happened to have an old unused one in my house that came in handy for me to write things in when  I have a vision or a psychic dream. These dreams and visions are very quickly forgotten usually so they need to be documented quickly or they are gone.   

It took me a little while to work that one out lol.  Some visions are just so fleeting I think gee what was that. I never get shown it again. That I find most annoying.          

November 24 2016, Notice they mention tanks!

This is a dream that I had in 2015 published originally on my old blog. This was 8 years ago and look at the current situation in the world now you can see everything is going south fast. 

New update on the Titanic 2 dream

 I was flabbergasted yesterday, to discover my dream about the Titanic 2 has come to pass.

I put the Daily Mail's link on my post from January 27th 2016 on yesterday afternoon. This article was published by them only yesterday morning 11 February 2016.

I do not like the concept of recreating this ship, I find it in very poor taste. But some may argue and say we like the concept. Just ponder the feelings of those souls that lost their lives in such a horrible way, and their loved ones. It opens up old wounds and to make money from such a tragic event. To me it seems morally repugnant and profane. One other point to note is the energetic imprint from the disaster is also imprinted on the new vessel, we are talking energy frequency here. That is a powerful thing and not a wise thing to recreate this fateful tragedy.

 12 February 2016

Titanic 2 launching a cruse OMG

 Now this is  a rather out there dream, I saw a big swanky bus with the words Titanic II plastered on the sides of this long bendy type bus. It was picking up passengers to go on a cruse on the New Titanic II. A huge white bus with tinted windows, white paint work with the words written in bold golden letters that reminded me of flames. Buses are often symbolic of death and moving souls on to the afterlife.

I thought what the heck is this, who in their right mind wants to go on the Titanic II? It seemed a very sick concept to me. Well next thing I am in a departure lounge waiting to board, (get me out of here, lol). The ship had been delayed as some things were not in order and all the passengers had to wait. I got quite annoyed at this and started to rebuke the man that was breaking the news to the passengers.

To me it felt like a death dream and it was not my time to go. I can assure  readers I have no intention of going anywhere any time soon. I intend to live a happy, long and peaceful life and will check out when I feel like it and not when some "entity" tells me.

Back to the dream, I was irritated at the thought of being delayed, catering issues were mentioned. I must admit to being a foodie here lol. Hey a girl needs to have a hobby , right! Food is mine.

But the whole feeling in this dream was confusing, it felt like a warning of something to come, a foreboding feeling. We all know the story of the original Titanic, also bear in mind Celine Dion's husband has just passed to spirit. She did the sound track for the movie Titanic.  I never watched the movie because I am hyper sensitive when it comes to suffering.

To me there is nothing to be gained by using such a horrible event for entertainment either.  It smacks of an energy heist to me, I avoid anything along the lines of making the general public "tune in" to any mass events where suffering is being foisted upon us  (EG: the anniversary of  WW1) It also turned out to be it's sister ship The Olympic that sunk. The name plates were changed for insurance reasons. You can google that one for yourselves, I do not want to influence what you read. But facts are facts and it has been proven beyond all doubts. I will leave it there readers as I have no intention of causing a stir.

I wonder what the next mass event will be, but to be sure it will involve many lives such as the sinking of the Titanic/Olympic. My heart goes out to all victims of tragedy and suffering, it has a massive flow on effect to many, many people.

Copyrighted by Alex Fulford Clairvoyant-Medium 26th January 2016

UPDATE 11 FEB 2016

I think this is in very poor taste.

26 February, 2021

Spirit Dream by Alex


This morning’s dream was very interesting. I was standing next to my late father in law
and his brother, Terry. We were standing at the front of a crowd of people in spirit. Standing at the front of a barrier, watching mass of people walking towards us.  Some came over to greet us because they knew us. There were people calling out our names. We exchanged kisses and hugs.

Two old ladies came over to me to talk to me, they called me Alison. I told them my name isn’t Alison. Alison is my daughter in spirit. Along came an old family friend in spirit called George.

I noticed he wasn’t wearing his white gloves that he wore when in the physical world. I noticed his hands were red and swollen as if they were burned. I found this rather odd, surely when in spirit his hands would look normal just like anyone else when they return to spirit.  I assume that it was so that I would recognise him.

Now going back to the crowd I remember the people that we had come to see were arriving from somewhere on the right hand side. I don’t know where they came from, but the feeling was they were souls that had departed from the physical world. Again there was something odd about this because, many were ww2 soldiers among the elderly. I noticed on the left hand side there was a crowd of people moving “out”. This was souls reincarnating, mostly people from the ww2 era again, many of whom are already incarnated in the physical world at present. The whole went was a huge public event, a celebration like Anzac Day.

The scene changed to a frightening sight. I could see a war taking place in my own timeline. Many dead soldiers lying dead on a highway. There were many cars left abandon on the highway. I saw a little boy about the age of 2 or 3 years old, wandering lost and frightened. This war was raging all around him. I saw tanks with markings to signify the nations that they came from such as Denmark and Poland and a couple of other European nations. The men in uniform were wearing what seemed to be current US army uniforms.

This really upset me to see all of these men dying for nothing. I couldn’t stop crying. Suddenly I was brought back to the ceremony, I pleaded with people not to reincarnate, because they was going to be more war and they have suffered enough. From that point I found myself in an old type waiting room like a WW2 era railway waiting room. There were only a few people waiting there for their instructions as to where they were going as in reincarnating. I pleaded with them not to go.

I told them they can refuse if they wish, but sadly these unaware souls “wanted” to reincarnate.

They did not accept what I was telling them. These are unevolved souls that accept being made to reincarnate only to suffer more war and misery. My heart sunk when I realised what they were going to do.

I saw some elderly people working at some sort of radar and radio device. It looked like some sort of primitive air traffic control tower. Along came some WW1 veterans. I told them that I too was in WW1 and am currently incarnated in the physical world. I told them what was happening in the physical world at present. I noticed a couple of young men started to rethink this, but then an old man rush over to them and ushered them out the door telling them they must go now. Ushering them to their doom in the physical world.  I was very upset at this and did my nut. This was blatant abuse of these souls and I wouldn’t tolerate this.  I told the others in the waiting room about their human sovereignty and it must be respected. Sadly to no avail, they were all sent back to the physical world.  I feel this room is where souls are sent when they refuse to reincarnate. To pressure them in to reincarnating. This angered me as it violates their free will and their human sovereignty.

Intimidation through fear and lies. I became very angry with the beings (for want of a better word),

That forced people to reincarnate. I told them not to expect me to reincarnate again, I know how this works and I will not do it. The beings were most put out by that. This is because I am fully aware of my spiritual rights. I called their bluff. They know that they cannot do anything to force me to reincarnate. They did not want me to educate other beings or souls about their rights or the truth about reincarnation.

Still some of these souls will waken up, when in the physical world and they will get the help they need. But this is not a quick fix. Each soul awakens when they are ready to break the spell. Some souls may take just one more lifetime others may take thousands. We do know the last wake up was back in 2012. The next one million years must pass before the next opportunity comes again according to some metaphysical experts such as Wes Penre and John Lamb Lash.

The sadness and grief that I felt during this lucid dream or OBE (out of body experience) was so overwhelming for me. It was an exercise in futility for me trying to help waken souls that were forced to reincarnating. I could not hold back my tears for all of the men, mostly soldiers. I felt deeply for them and wanted to protect them from more suffering.

Copyright by Alex Fulford Clairvoyant-Medium 17 July 20015


This is my article published in Thrive on News. I am so pleased that they like the article. I hope that it will help people make a safe choice in the after life. It is not my place to tell you what to do, just offer you options that you may not have been aware of. Free will must never be violated. We are all part of the divine and we have our own sovereignty that must be respected. I am only a humble messenger nothing more.

One thing that I forgot to add to this post was in that waiting room, sitting alone on a wooden railway bench was one old lady wearing glasses. She sat  at the left hand side at the back of the waiting room with her arms folded, angry  and defiant she did not want to reincarnate and they could not get her to co-operate. I was glad that she stood her ground and I did tell her it was a trap.

This was on my mind today (21 June 2019) I can still recall this dream because it shook me so much, I am not likely to forget it.

My nightmare: Frightening attack on Australian Civilians. Is this an omen?

 I woke up early this Saturday morning, with my heart pounding. I don't have night mares per say but, I get many vivid and lucid dreams and this one had me quite upset.

In this dream/ out of body experience, I was in Liverpool in the South West of Sydney. This is a place where I lived in my late teens and early 20's. Suddenly I find myself there and walking down a familiar street after leaving  the shopping centre. Suddenly I look up into the sky and see a US military helicopter zooming in close and shooting unarmed civilian in the middle of the street, in broad daylight. Many were small children. Liverpool is a very multicultural city and has a large teaching hospital right next to the street that I was in (just to give you an idea of its size). I quickly realised that I needed to take cover, and tried to hide from the helicopter. I knew that I had very little time and limited options. I tell some small children to come with me and I will protect them. The children were of various ethnic groups and around the age of 5 to 10 years old. They were terrified and crying. I knocked on a door of a ground floor apartment and an old blind man told us to come in side.

When I got in side with the children, I saw many people hiding in there too. The flat seemed to change like a Tardis, except it looked like a shanty town of shacks, lean to's and junk. There were people frightened out of their wits, and hiding from this helicopter myself included. Then I suddenly just felt intuitively that psychic people were their primary target and children. I felt sick with fear at the thought. The children were getting more distressed at this point and crying. One little boy in particular was so terrified, I was trying to keep him close to me to keep him safe and comfort him. Then it struck me most of the little children were boys. They were trying to kill off  the next generation.

The helicopter kept hovering over the building, and I could see this telescopic eye like video camera, that was long and narrow, to get in to small locations to see what is in there hiding. The next thing was a red  warm and buzzing light or ray covering us as the pilot locked on to us and started shooting. We had to keep moving to avoid the gun fire. It was a sick cat and mouse hunt with humans as the prey.We had no where to hide or be safe. The feeling was the pilot was getting pleasure out of killing us.

Why on earth would an American military helicopter be in Sydney and killing off civilians and especially children and psychic people? Perhaps to change the course of events and to stop humanity taking back their rightful spiritual sovereignty?  Something is clearly wrong in our world, the powers the be are not interested in peace, that much is most obvious today as it was when the US went into Iraq under false pretexts. Everyone knows that these days, it is well acknowledged.

Remember G W Bush telling us about the new American Century, and to be prepared for rolling non stop war? That is a terrifying thought. War is big business and is in the governments best interest. Now we are entering a new high tech age too. Men are not needed as much in the battle field, drones are the order of the day. There is new technology to be rolled out very soon that will change the face of war for ever. So what happens to all the surplus men? Ponder that if you will.

I am having a few strange dreams like this and alternate technology of late. I am left with a big question mark over the lot of it. The common thread is technology and military, with off planet technology assistance. Those that follow the works of Wes Penre will get what I am saying. I did
not choose to have these dreams and being able to see events that have still to unfold. I do not like this and I do not want to know this stuff. But it just seems to be forced on to me.

I am a nature lover, my pass times are gardening and being with my fur babies, I have no interest in
war and violence, it is not the way that I live. I choose a simple and spiritual life that does not harm anyone and does not violate other peoples free will. Do no harm, is my rule. However humanity has the right to defend and protect itself.

                            This is something like what I saw 

Copyright Alex Fulford 5 July 2015 2023 almost a full year of the war in Ukraine and drones are a common sight. 

New Laser development from the UK 2024

Artificial Intelligence (A I) dream with mobile phones transplanted in the ears

 Last Monday night I had one of those weird ass dreams, again. No cheese involved either. I was looking at 3 people with very swollen looking right ears. They were all stitched up and looking painful.

I wondered what had been done to them, I was told by an invincible being these 3 people just had a mobile phone implanted in their ears and is voice activated.
Talk about things that make you say, hmmmmm!

The night before that though was real interesting. Now I can not draw to save myself. A stick figure is about as much as I can do. I do have artists in my fathers side of the family and many musicians. I missed out on that talent though.

Well as I said 2 nights ago was real interesting. I was given art paper and pencils including the water colour pencils by my husband about 2 months ago. I had said to him I really would love to draw botanical pictures, just for my own pleasure. I love gardening, and I have plenty flowers and plants to use as my working models. So I decided to sit up in bed late on Sunday night, with a big sketch pad and pencils. Not much good at the start just odd shaped things that I tried to pass of as flowers or leaves. Next thing I know there is a strange feeling came over me, I just said, ok spirit, lets draw then.

Bad move....I started drawing weird pictures of strange beings.  The style of the drawings was kind of shadowy, for want of a better term. There was also a picture with a space ship that I have seen many times in dreams, flying over my house in day light. There are 4 skinny little figures near the space ship, each is slightly taller than the other. The sky is dark, as in night time and then sparks in the sky falling to earth. There are a few other things in the picture, and I am being told a story of what is taking place.

There is much more info but I won't share it here, as I need to still work on this and what it all means.
At the end of this "art lesson" there was a sinister twist. This being was just messing with me just because he could. There was a dark menacing look in a couple of the pictures and what he wrote too.

I have sent copies off to a UFO researcher that I know to have them studied.  Now this feels like the follow on from what took place at the trance Mediumship classes that I went to in June this year.
I intend to walk away from all of the ET stuff, it is not good stuff let me tell you. I do feel that there are dark days ahead for humanity with our off planet neighbours. Time will bear me out on this. From what I see, feel and have read up on. This little brown duck just does not want to go there thank you very much.

Take my advice folks, if any of you are interested in the UFO/Paranormal stuff, please don't mess with it. Leave it to those that know what they are doing. It is a deep subject and I feel it is not in our best interests. I do also state do not show fear to these beings, they feed from it. Give all that stuff a miss please.

Like I say I can't draw, but I was not in control of this. Enlarge the image and you can see more. The foot of the page is sand with plants that grow on the coast where ever this is supposed to be. I felt it was the middle east a very long time ago.

Article and image copyright by Alex Fulford January 2015

Alien abduction dream



I had this dream a few days ago, but only just getting the time to blog about it. It was one of those dreams that I knew was profound as it was happening.

In this dream I was in my car with my husband driving the car. We took a wrong turn on a country road, as one does. Suddenly we felt something was wrong, really wrong. it wasn't just that we had gotten lost somewhere. This was eerie, kind of hard to pin point in what way it was though.

I don't recall us being abducted, but I clearly recall 2 implants being implanted into our left hands. The first implant was at the base of the middle finger and the second one was in the palm of the hand.

Next thing was, we were put back in our car with a warm blanket over us.
I thought that we naked, but as I looked again, we were clothed.  The funny thing is watching this all as a third person. That always happens in my dreams.

I had a feeling of having an OMG moment. As in I was suddenly aware that we had just been abducted by aliens and had implants fitted. I knew that something was very wrong. I also was aware that we were taken against our will's. When we regained our faculties, we drove off, up to the New South Wales north coast. We seemed to be trying to avoid someone or something. We did didn't want to be caught.

At one stage I was out side of the car walking along a country road. I hid in a ditch to avoid being seen by whomever it was that was looking for us.
The environment seemed calm and sleepy, just like the countryside is.

Next I was back in the car again, and driving to a quiet country property.
The area was lush and green, very fertile. I could see miles and miles of lush green fields. It felt so nice and I wanted to stay there.

We came across a house with a young family living there. We told the people what had happened, and didn't want to put them in danger. We told them that it might be safer for them to go into hiding.

Suddenly I noticed an aircraft landing nearby. It looked like a normal aeroplane, with a white body and green and yellow at the tail. I knew that it was masking the real aircraft, (which they confirmed with me to avoid detection) under the image that I could see. Fear was surging through me and I felt frightened, of what was to come. I shouted to my husband and the young family to watch out there were aliens coming after us.

Within seconds they had smashed the door down, they stood for a few seconds in the doorway. I could see that there were 5 of them, one was a woman with light short hair. They all wore some sort of black overalls.
Next thing one of the men was removing the implants from my hand.
He told me not to worry, it turned out these people were following hot on the tail of the aliens that abducted us.

They seemed to be some sort of alien freedom fighters. After making sure we were ok they left. When they were leaving, I ran after them and asked if they were Annunakai. They said no, but they might bring them next time.

Note: The Annunakai are not friendly ET's, no matter what you might hear or read about these creeps, they are evil. Their original home planet was Sirius. From that they moved on to Nibiru (planet X to us).

Copyright Alex Fulford June 2013


Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...