Showing posts with label CLIMATE LIES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CLIMATE LIES. Show all posts

04 February, 2024

Greenhouse emissions

This has sat in draft since 2021, but I decided to post it today with an article that was in the news yesterday added in an update. People have a lot more to be worried about right now than this BS. Like the looming world war, don’t be naive and think what is happening in Ukraine or the Middle East won’t happen in your country or town. That will make this climate crap insignificant. Do you think you can protest like idiots when you are being bombed and shot at by the enemy? Good luck with that one.

People get what they deserve when this climate BS is tolerated. There is no way ordinary people could produce the amount of pollution that factories generate, and it has nothing to do with the climate really. The universe goes through cycles of temperature and weather patterns sometimes lasting hundreds of years or longer. Ask Greta to explain that to the masses, she is not a scientist and she has no right to spout propaganda to anyone and  most importantly, who is really feeding her the rubbish she goes on about? 

This climate change garbage is a construction of spin doctors to create an agenda, it comes from the top, down. To put the masses under harsh control and of course divided. There isn’t any climate emergency and never has been; only universal weather cycles. Pollution is a different matter and again it is not the fault of the people, it is the fault of big business. China is the largest producer of pollution in the world as a Google search will show. None of these idiots point the finger at China because they are too stupid to think about that and too gutless. 

The masses are expected to go cold in winter and use less electricity; and in summertime go without a cooling fan or aircon. Try living in 40 degree heat in summer without aircon.  Children, old people and animals can and do die in that heat.  Try to stay alive in cold weather in the northern hemisphere in a freezing cold winter, again many freeze to death due to not being able to heat their home or are homeless. Meanwhile the rich still consume vast amounts of energy unchecked and travel in private jets. What’s wrong with this picture? 

For example the queen living in Buckingham palace owns vast tracts of land world wide, real-estate around the world and so much wealth that she can’t spend in a lifetime; ditto prince Charles. These people could elevate poverty instantly but don’t. They want to keep their millions of pounds. World poverty could be a thing of the past if these billionaires actually stepped up and shared the money by paying their taxes in full. That money that ordinary people helped them amass in blood sweat and tears. 

Gates owns vast tracts of farmland in the US and more assets than we know about like all the rest of these rich and powerful people. They don’t know what it’s like to be hungry, homeless and struggling to survive. So out of touch with you and I with no real empathy or compassion for the masses, their actions speak volumes about their priorities. They want us to give up everything in some cases even our lives, but not them. They are superior to the masses and will never be held accountable to anything but are herding people up to corporate communism for life. 

Brainwashing the youth of the world; that lack a real life experience and has no memory of suffering throughout the Great Depression and two world wars, and recessions throughout history, nor the reality of living through a communist regime. The young and naive don’t want to know the harsh reality of what they are singing up for but they will.  They point blank refuse to listen to the older people that have lived through this suffering and loss. 

But the climate change morons will grovel and hang on every word spouted by Greta, Gates, Al Gore etc; like the indoctrinated sycophants they are. Everyone clambering for a vegan diet; to stunt growth and intellect that any doctor and especially a neurologist will warn you about the damage done from a vegan diet. Oh, but it helps the planet, er no it doesn’t and is unsustainable. 

Well, I am glad that I won’t be alive to see the damage that will be done. Messing with nature which includes homosapiens  is an absolute disaster waiting to happen and it will. So who will be held to blame when it happens? History is being redacted currently and by the time things go pear shaped those really responsible will most likely be dead and unaccountable. So the buck stops with the masses. On a cosmic level the masses will be also held accountable too, because they lack the spiritual education to know what actually is and isn’t their doing.,  it will put their hands up for karmic punishment. That my friends is how it rolls. 

UPDATE: Check this out from 3 February 2024, young people voting left. What could possibly go wrong here? It’s on them because they are wanting communism and are willing to fight for it. Sure  why not!

18 July, 2022

ABC NEWS: Five big energy suckers in your home that are supercharging the cost of living crisis — and how to fix them

The title should omit the number five because the leftist idiots are the biggest energy suckers on the planet. The loony left advice to insult our intelligence 🤣🤣🤣 Can anyone spot what’s wrong here? Fully supported by the loony left of the ABC, because they have to justify their miserable existence the same as those putting forward their virtuous philosophy on how we should live. 

Propaganda to make you switch from gas to electricity, both are fossil fuels. The firstly Chai lives in Queensland, try freezing your arse off down south in areas that get down to minus 8. There are people with health issues that can’t switch off the heating for a start not to mention that some people do not have the money to upgrade to other technology. Then the heat in summer that can cause dehydration and heatstroke or death in babies, small children, animals, the elderly and people with serious illness. Ditto for severe cold. If modern man has the technology to warm and cool their homes then why would one forgo using this technology? This virtue signalling individual is not living in the real world, but a product of a lefty indoctrination where human rights are ignored for a political agenda. 

Why don’t you get your head out of your arse and do all the housework that women have to do every single day as well as work outside the home and often not through personal choice. Come home to look after your children while being exhausted and still have to attend to the children, cooking meals, attend to the laundry and many other tasks without any help.

Why don’t you and the rest of you leftists actually try to do "real" manual work in a hot factory 5 or 6 days a week instead of sitting in air conditioned offices? Or how about working on road gangs or other outdoor work full time; including  extreme weather conditions and see how hard real life is, and stop pushing a communist agenda. If you love that so much then go and live permanently in a communist country under the harsh circumstances of ordinary working class people and stop writing garbage propaganda for a political agenda. 

The climate  and energy situation is manufactured for an agenda and ordinary people are well aware of the lies and manufacturing of fear, to keep us in a constant state fear and we are sick of it. We are all having to keep an  eye on energy consumption because of the corporate greed pushing up the prices for personal gain.

Forcey obviously has a business agenda here hasn’t he. But he obviously had no problems working in the previous industry for years, Ka-Ching!  But he obviously had his sights set pushing this  new business venture to make more money. 

Again why don’t you take my advice and live on minimum wage in a dead end job like many people have to; and do all the tasks that I mentioned above and see what life is like. Not just real men, but what we women have added on top of paid employment every single day of our lives and quit the bullshit.

Some people do not actually have air conditioning or tumble dryers, especially if they live in a rental property which sometimes is a shared house because rent is so expensive. I know many people that work in retail and hospitality that do not have the luxury of 5 days a week full time employment. So the cost of these appliances is out of the equation. 

Try vacuuming and cleaning the kitchen, hanging out washing in the heat. Trying not to look like a sweaty mess if someone should knock on your front door. I am sure most women will agree with me on that front.

Also those that live in a rental property can’t dictate what the heating or cooling system is installed. Nor how efficient it is. Just try to close most of the ducted gas heating vents to save energy and you will damage the heating system. Most people would like to keep their families warm on freezing winter nights too. Children have a habit of kicking blankets off in their sleep too and one doesn’t want to have their little ones freezing or getting sick sleeping in a freezing room or even damp room. 

Tumble dryers are needed if you don’t have a suitable place to dry clothes, towels and sheets also factor in how many children or how many people live in each house or apartment. Living in a small apartment one doesn’t have access to a washing line. Living in a small house without adequate space and ventilation to put up drying racks safely is another factor especially when there are children playing indoors in poor weather or evenings. 

 People with disabilities are often unable to hang washing on a line. Working parents stuck for time often need to rely on tumble dryers especially in a wet year like this year. People are not stupid and are well aware of the cost of running tumble dryers and heating and cooling systems. They are not luxury items they are necessities in our busy lives. All of this is dictated by big corporations and designed for their benefit not ours. Whether it is being a consumer of white goods or a consumer of energy the masses are only seen as an income stream and being dictated to by government and corporations. 

Walking kids to school or sport is not always possible and for multiple reasons including distance and even multiple small children and babies. Clearly these men are not full time parents in an ordinary working class suburb or even living in a remote area with all the above responsibilities. Even better  try being a single parent in the above situations like thousands of people around Australia.

Oh and not everyone has the money in the bank to implement the “right and approved “ green technology. Which make the manufacturers that push the products on us even richer. No we have to live within our means and buy what we can afford when we have the money to do so. Not everyone has money to spare either. Many people live week to week or pay to pay often forgoing things that they need such as food or medication.

Read this ABC news article on the freezing conditions in rental houses, but even people with mortgages are freezing too and struggling. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

 Most Australia houses are not double glazed and are single brick. Even government houses in Europe and Britain are double glazed since the 1960's or 70's. Western Sydney is cold and damp and can go down to minus one in winter. I know because I lived in Liverpool all through the 1980's in rental housing. Apartments or units were solid back then to keep out the heat.  Try coming down to Goulburn or Canberra and do this testing because as I have already said we can get down as low as minus 8.

16 July, 2022

The extreme heat of 1666

Tonight I decided to look up the weather patterns from 1666 as I was well aware of it being a very hot summer that year. Please read this 2019 article and then go through the comments. Notice the one regarding Samuel Pepys Diary. I actually have this book, I must read it again along with the book by Neil Hanson, The dreadful judgment, the great fire of London in 1666. They are fascinating books to read and learn what was going on at the time. 

As I often say, weather goes in cycles throughout the entire universe and the public have deliberately been fed lies, but hey if people are that stupid to believe this garbage spouted by greenies and Al Gore and the criminal elite then they deserve the crap lives that are being dictated to them. Don’t expect the rich and powerful to live in the same restrictive environment that the masses will be subjected to. 

Just as food for thought, why are we seeing cities lit up with multiple fancy lights and colour shows of solidarity when an event happens? Lighting up the Sydney harbour bridge is a common sight as is the Sydney opera house. Or in Canberra, public buildings such as Telstra tower or the Carillion  being lit up. 

These things continue to be done year after year and no one points out the waste of electricity never mind the dumb virtue signalling to the masses. The latest being for Ukraine. Think about it people, science is right there to prove the hoax but scientists are too gutless to stand up and call out the lies. 

We are just going through a normal universal weather cycle and by the time the facts are actually publicly acknowledged, those guilty of this crime will be long dead. Don’t expect any justice or compensation for the wealth theft from everyone that had to pay to keep these criminals in the wealth they think they are entitled to.

 I would love all the names of every single person that benefits from this money grab published and them all changed with theft, fraud and environmental terrorism. Their families should be taken to world court and the money garnisheed  from their assets plus interest and compensation to the families of those alive at the time of these crimes. If it can be done to war criminals and any other criminals then it can be done to everyone involved with this, no matter what level of involvement they had in this crime.

Now they are coming after our right to use electricity and water which we actually pay to use. Are we supposed to just accept this abuse? Your call folks, I do not consent to this crime and violation of my human rights. Just be prepared to sacrifice your human rights and the loss of your right to wash yourself every day, wash your clothes and clean your house hygienically and the right to cook, heat, cool and use lights to see and also to prevent your home being burgled because the lights are off. What about needing power to charge your laptop, phone or medical equipment? The list is endless. But if you are not seriously rich then your voice will not be heard unless you take a stand against tyranny and abuse. Your call!  Weather in history read the notes for each entry.  1800 to 1849 up to 1899. 1900 up to 1949

Read the weather for January 1946/47, my dad often spoke of this winter, my dad was 11 years old then.  up to 1999.

Just some examples of the weather over a few hundred years, which is a grain of sand in the big scheme of things in the universe. As I have also mentioned in an older post apart from scientists taking core samples from the earth at random places on the planet, an astrological ephemeris can also give accurate information on the cycles of the weather. 

Today’s meteorology is politicised, this is bang out of line and totally unacceptable. 

Now read this from today’s news, or the garbage they pass off as news.

01 March, 2021

And you thought it was hot now? How a 24-DAY heatwave on Australia's east coast in January 1896 saw temperatures climb to 49 degrees and killed 437 people

I have history books and biography books mentioning the heat in Australia back in the1880s and 1890s that back this up, never mind the historical records that are being suppressed. I am sure many Australians have books stating how the weather back then was exactly as it is now. If there is one thing I will not tolerate it is lies. Tell the truth and shame the Devil, and that is the way it is. I have not time for lies and will expose them as I see them.

This universe works in cycles, some last thousands of years. So stop listening to the bullshit and educate yourselves. Most psychics and astrologers can tell you this, especially an astrologer, they work using cycles. No different to any other science and both have statistics to back them up. Astrologers use  books called an Ephemeris and the Almanac which logs the positions of the stars and planets for as long back as early man up into the future.

As I have stated in other blog posts over the years, nothing on this earth is new or unknown. The planet as well as the entire universe works on cycles, like wheels within wheels. Do not look to the ignorant journalists with scaremongering tactics. They base nothing on scientific fact. Most scientists DO NOT agree with the bullshit of climate change either despite what the mainstream media tell you.

 But I can tell you there most certainly is a gag on scientists in Australia, if not the world from speaking out. They are hounded into staying silent. A classic example was the wonderful Dr David Bellamy. I am utterly disgusted that such a well respected man was treated the way he was.

Never take what mainstream media tells you as truth, time and time again they are found out as liars, as the energy of the age of Aquarius affects truth. The truth will not stay silent forever, and people will pay the price of the lies.

UPDATE: 16/ 12/ 2019 Read what Milton Black also says about climate change and the Black Thursday fires of 6 February 1851.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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