Showing posts with label BLING AND CRYSTALS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BLING AND CRYSTALS. Show all posts

22 December, 2024

Selenite Crystal


Selenite is a great crystal and especially when it's a generator crystal. I keep one in my bedroom and one in my office. Some of the properties of the ethereal selenite are, removing toxic energy or blocking negative energy, blocking negative entities and psychic attacks especially when  used with black tourmaline in energy grids. Cleansing the aura and balancing the chakras are part of its uses, as is enhancing one's psychic abilities and is used in healing work. 

Selenite is good for preventing nightmares, calming the mind and de-stressing. It is very important in spiritual work, use Selenite for emotional healing, mental clarity and focus. Selenite is connected to the crown chakra and the 5 chakras above the crown chakra. A word of caution in regards to the 5 chakras above your crown chakra. the first three are safe to use however the 4th and 5th can be used for connecting and communicating with non terrestrial beings or alien beings. I am not in favour of communicating with such beings and I feel this is not a safe or healthy pursuit.   

Caution should always be employed when dealing with the unseen world as carelessness can be very harmful to one's mental health. Do not mess with things you cannot control or understand, one should only communicate with one's higher self, anything or anyone communicating with you via meditation must go through your higher self as a safety filter.  Even then it is up to your discernment as to whether to allow the communication. This beautiful crystal is have guardian to keep by your side in this activity and other powerful protective crystals.

I strongly recommend you use rose essential oil on your main chakras, wrists, both the palms and backs of your hands, on your ankles, the top of your feet and the souls of your feet  when meditating, or doing any spiritual work because rose essential oil has a very high energy and is very good for spiritual connection and protection. Blue Idaho Spruce is the highest energy of all the essential oils but it may not be available as easily as Rose. Rose is my favourite due to the fragrance and its spiritual uses.

Use Selenite to cleanse and energise other crystals, it is a must have crystal in your crystal tool kit. It is a beautiful crystal just to own with is loving warmth, purity, ethereal power and appeal. Do not get Selenite wet as this will damage the crystal. 

You will see a list of Australian crystal retailer websites on my blog under the headings of crystals and bling and crystals. Enjoy your crystals and their energies in your life. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs, Alex

11 December, 2024

The Mother Crystal


A few months ago I bought a few crystals and this particular amethyst jumped out at me. The photo doesn’t do it justice though. When I got it home and put it in place, I did a cleansing on it and I heard the word, Mother. I keep hearing this often whenever I look at the crystal, this is a powerful little crystal and I am very fond of it. I get the feeling that it has a strong protective energy for me. Amethyst is a feminine energy and I feel the power of the divine feminine emanates from this beautiful crystal. This is quite interesting because as we move into 2025 feminine energies will be strong all year as we move into a new cycle for humanity. 

I have never felt such a strong connection to a crystal like this before. I do feel the energy of a crystal when I put my hand close to it. This energy feels like a strong tingling sensation similar to when doing spiritual healing. So this is how I intuitively feel the right crystal for me, the energy frequencies are important when buying a crystal. So if you are able to feel the energy emitting from a crystals that is a great sign. 

07 December, 2024

Jewelry and Crystals

I am a lover of crystals, bling and jewelry and I often love to share my places to buy these things. 

Here is a quick link to a few of my faves for sterling silver rings and earrings. I also have a few fave places to buy crystals and I have never been disappointed with the crystals or the service.

I am just a customer and I do not get paid to promote anyone and never intend to. I am just the sort of lady that likes to share  things. Happy treasure hunting peeps.  

Gemz Australia (Queensland)  This is where I got my Jade bangle from after breaking my last one.

The Jewelry Tree (Queensland)

Aus Crystals

Natures Magic

The Himalayan Salt Factory ( now known as the Crystal Factory)

Earth Inspired Gifts

Colliers Crystals

Earth and Soul

The National Dinosaur Museum at Gold Creek in Canberra. The prices are fantastic and they have a huge supply of crystals.

In  Canberra you may also find silver jewelry with semi precious stones at Fuse Silver at DFO in Fyshwick or at Flight of Fancy at Gold Creek Village. 

10 January, 2024

Blue crystals and blue clothes

Lately I have had the urge to wear a lot of blue including blue crystals, Angelite, Sodalite and Lapis Lazuli in particular. I have worn shades purples and pinks with either white or black for years. But over the past few months I am really drawn to blue. This is a very strong pull I might add, you know like when you just can’t stop being attracted to a certain colour. 

Isn’t it funny how we get strong pulls to wear particular colours suddenly. I recall my mother being told by a psychic, that I would wear a lot of blue 40 odd years ago. I was in my early 20’s then, wow such a long time ago. I did have a light sky blue mohair jumper that I wore to death back then but always loved purple shades and pink. So here I am filling my wardrobe with blue, but it has to be particular shades of blue,  I can’t stand turquoise, it has to be proper cold colours. The occasional pastels will do in summer though. 

These colours in the crystals below are more of the blues that I resonate with. Blue on a spiritual level is related to spirituality, calmness, peace, serenity, communication, integrity, intuition, healing, truth, confidence, power and wisdom. Blue is also related to the elements water and air, the star sign Libra (that’s me 🤣) Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces. 

The colour blue is aligned to both healing, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, and the third eye or crown chakra.the shades of blue are different thought the darker blue of sodalite is correlated to the throat chakra and the head chakra is 

                                               Pretty Angelite bracelet 

Angelite is a peaceful energy attuned to spiritual energy and relates to the throat, third eye and crown chakra. It assists in communication, calmness and dispelling fear, anger and anxiety. Don’t get this wet. 

I checked in my Crystal Bible volume 1 by Judy Hall, and this stone assists with learning Astrology and mathematics. Isn't that interesting?  This stone is not in the original, Crystal hand book by Ken Sullivan  which is an excellent book to have in your collection. I always use that book for a quick reference.

Angelite is connected to Aquarius.

Read the instructions in the link.,the%20astrological%20sign%20of%20Aquarius.


                                          Sodalite chip necklace courtesy of

Sodalite, used for logic, rational thinking and aligned to the throat chakra, enlightenment and broaden knowledge.  Beneficial in helping people be more objective and less critical. It is said to be useful in combatting the effects of both natural and artificial radiation for those who work around x ray equipment or radioactive material. Very beneficial for acupuncturists.

Sodalite is connected to Sagittarius 

                     (compliments to Natures Magik, I really love this crystal)

Blue Lace Agate

This beautiful shade of Blue Agate is lovely and soft, just the sort of soft blue tones that I love; which haronises with my Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite necklaces. Celestine is another on that looks similar to Angelite.

Blue Lace Agate is a healing stone with soft energy, its calming and cooling and works with the throat chakra. Assisting in self expression, dispeling anger. Dispelling old patterns of repression. A lovely crystal to use spiritually to bring about peace within you. 

Astrologically this stone has an afinity with Gemini and Pisces, as the blue colour relates to both air and water.

I just love the soft femanine feel of this crystal and to wear it with something to show off its beauty is a must. 


Lapis Lazuli used for the third eye, mind, body and spirit connection and purity. It is a cleansing stone for the respiratory system, throat, lungs and the nervous system. It also assists with blood purification and boosts the immune system. Its main function is for the mind and mental function. Lapis Lazuli is also a powerful thought amplifier. Know to increase psychic abilities and opening the third eye. 

Care is important in where to wear this stone, such as near the throat as possible, it must be used with great caution and care. It should be placed above the diaphragm and brings forth the individual’s inherent abilities and enhances their abilities. 

Lapis Lazuli is connected to Taurus, Aquarius and Sagittarius star signs. 

                                                                   Kyanite in light blue

Kyanite comes in a few colours this is the light blue version which has a lovely shimmer to it.
This crystal holds similar properties to the other blue crystals mentioned here, this one is my own which sits in my office or is worn in a little pouch. While this crystal has calming abilities, it is a healing crystal said to lower blood pressure, relieve pain, assisting with trauma, aids dream recall. it is a communication stone or crystal like all these blue crystals it assists communication and therefore good in the office or in communicating with others clearly. Again it is aligned to the throat chakra.

Kyanite is associated with Aries, Taurus and Libra.

Colours are a wonderful way of showing your personality and bring happiness to the person wearing the chosen colour and also may attract other people who are like minded or on the same frequency that you are resonating with. Colour is there to enjoy and enhance our lives as we interact with others. 

20 June, 2023


I have been after a new Jade bangle for a few months, I had to break the old one because it was affecting my circulation. Actually this is now my third Jade bangle, because I accidentally broke my original  by bumping it on a wall. I have been combing the internet for an Australian website that sells Jade bangles. So today I found this beautiful website with heaps of treasures. A girl could go nuts on this website honestly.

I am over the moon at discovering this website, and the lady went out of her way to help me get the right size of bangle. I am so appreciative and can’t wait for my precious bangle to arrive in the mail. I don’t like being without a Jade bangle.

There are two things that I need as far as jewelry goes, Pearls and Jade. Now I am a happy camper, woo hoo! 

Thank you Gems Australia 😻😻

23 July update, my Jade bangle arrived from sunny Queensland this morning and I am delighted. Now rocking my lovely trinket ❤️ 

18 June, 2023

Kyanite crystal

I happened to find one of these little guys in my office a few days ago while having a rummage, as one does. I have had  this little crystal for years, inside one of those little bags of stones and herbs for spiritual protection that a friend gave me. I had opened the little bag to see what was in it and discovered this little crystal. A pale blue and white finger length flake of kyanite. It has a really nice feel to it and very attractive looking. 

I didn’t look up its properties until just now, so here is a website with some information to share. I see why I was attracted to it, it has an affinity with Librans. 

Saturday evening humour just keeps on coming

  Especially when you are dealing with a psychic 🤣🤣🤣