30 June, 2021

Website revamp and better mobile phone access

 Hi Everyone,

I am just letting everyone know that today I have asked my website hosts to do some needed changes to

my website. They are also providing a better mobile phone access with faster speed to view my website.

I should have done this from the start, but hey; you know....dinosaur, lol. 

I have asked for my biography to be included  and reword my website. You will notice the location only shows Australia when the upgrade is done and that is because I work remotely. 

This job is about energy, so a client does not need to be physically present,  including mediumship. After all psychic phone lines have been around for decades, perhaps 40 odd years or longer. Because this is energy work, the quality of the reading is exactly the same. 

One thing not changed is the link to psychic predictions, they take you into my old blog. It would be too much hassle for the technical staff to re do that. However the link to my new blog is at the bottom of the website; where is says " visit our website"  All new predictions from 2021 will be on the new blog along with the duplicated ones from my old blog, all of which are tagged right down the bottom right hand side of my new blog. 😊


Warm and fuzzy hugs


29 June, 2021

Tarot card of the month; July 2021: 5 of Pentacles


                                                            Rejection, Hardship, Ill Health 

                                                            Planet: Venus Zodiac: Taurus  

Oh Joy, oh bliss.......NOT! This card represents where we are at presently. July is a month of hardship and suffering for many. Notice the image depicted on the card, it is one of misery and suffering. A cold harsh climate and being left out in the cold hard world.

If you look up close at the window of the church behind the couple you will see; what appears to be two little grey castles that look like they have been at war. Below that you can see a vine with fruit growing abundantly, that fruit as well as the pentacles represent money, wealth and abundance. You could say what humanity has harvested the fruits of their collective labour. It also alludes to the Knights Templar and their wealth, some of which was used in alms for the poor, to which the Vatican took umbrage to; and were the enemy of the Templars. 

In reality however the reality for others is the exact opposite, they are sick, impoverished and feeling rejected and unloved by others. This my friends is where we humans are at present. Watch the cost of living go up past the reach of more people coming up. The oil prices will lift again making using your car a luxury; and not a right for many people. 

People are still waiting to be vaccinated, but many are also not wanting the vaccine. Thus we have a duality just like in the card above. The haves and the have nots, sick and healthy. working or unemployed. Relationship break ups, or new relationships. 

Again look at the couple in the card, he is crippled and dependant on his wife. He is struggling to keep up with her. Only the strong and healthy survive this card tells us. However we can turn this around and help those in need. We can donate anything that we can afford to give. Keep that in mind, what we can do in a positive way to help others in need. Not reject them and let them suffer. That is what it means to be human and care for the less fortunate in our world. These imbalances do not have to be, they are allowed to happen because others are indifferent to suffering. 

On a friendship level this current world situation can divide friendships, some friendships may come to an end over beliefs. One must stand by their beliefs because everyone is entitled to their own opinions and has the right to uphold their principles. No one has the right to disempower or disrespect anyone else. Free will being violated causes an energy imbalance and if not corrected leads to more discord.

Is it worth losing a friendship over a differing of opinions? We must think carefully on that because it is not as cut and dry and some may think. Allow others wiggle room and be tolerant without  causing yourself to lose. You don't have to play the martyr ..no one does, that is a free will decision.

Keep it cool people and don't poke the bear, they do bite. 

28 June, 2021

Monday shits and giggles


More on climate lockdown


Back on March 3rd 2021 I came across climate lockdown, and here were are in June; and again the push is back to try to enforce this communist agenda. Get used to it; because it ain’t going away. Sure, why not  let your kids join Greta and push indoctrination for the masses. You will be forced to live in your prison that you helped create. You have also aided and abetted the political enslavement of your children!

You may be convinced of climate change but I call BS on it. But hey, if they can get away with it they will do it. Just wait until it is exposed as a lie, and it will. People are going to look foolish and be put in their place by those that have pointed out the lie. 

I am glad that I am not going to live to see the shit storm; that this will create for future generations robbed of their freedom. Knowing in my heart that I didn’t consent or contribute to an evil lie to control humanity and steal assets and money from the masses. Do you honestly think a clairvoyant can’t see lies? If  so, you clearly know nothing about clairvoyance, clairsentience or claircognisance.  


Duplicate blog is gaining more visits

 Yay, my blog is gaining more visibility. This blog I just won’t tinker with like the last one. 🤪🤪

I am just glad to see a big jump in visits suddenly. Today has had the largest visits so far. Now that is not bad considering I only started this a few months ago. Thank you for your visits everyone xxx


24 June, 2021

AstraZeneca likely to be phased out as Australia’s COVID vaccine forecast is revealed


Goodbye, we won’t miss you! 🤪 After all the back flipping and realising the public are not stupid.

"Experimental drug" is an alarm bell to most people. Caution is more prudent, wait and watch rather than just jump in and then say, oops! when it goes south it’s never a good look.

22 June, 2021

9 Health Benefits of Eating Oats and Oatmeal


Yummy, I was brought up with porridge as a child in Scotland, we take salt in our porridge. I expect that makes many people cringe reading that, lol.

I don’t eat breakfast cereals as they are processed foods and empty nutrition. I prefer good old porridge because it is good for the body. 

One thing in the article that made me shudder is cooking it with milk, eew. I cook with water and salt only. If I use a sweetener it is a spoon of honey, after I dish it up. Children usually like milk added to cool the porridge and a sprinkle of sugar. I know people that add brown sugar or maple syrup, eew; that’s just festy 🤣🤣🤣

Malt Makes a Comeback, Packing Powerful Nutritional Benefits


 Oh this takes me back to childhood in Scotland. My mum would give us a spoon of malt extract in winter mornings before we went off to school. I loved it, just as well my mum put it up high in the cupboard or I would have been in to the jar with a spoon. 

Take a look at the health benefits of malt in the article, this is the good nutrition booster kids need in the winter months. Perhaps before going off to school especially the fussy kids that don’t finish their breakfast, it will give them some nutrition each day. 

Mental health in winter: Seasonal affective disorder what to look out for


It could be worse, try living in the Arctic circle, places like Finland get this really bad because they don’t get much sunlight in the winter. When in any doubt see your doctor.


Mystery surrounds demonic 250m deep well


Very interesting, I had never heard of this hole, I expect the smell is toxic gas from deep in the earth as it is venting. 

21 June, 2021

A Scotsman, an Englishman and an Irishman

 A Scotsman, an Englishman and an Irishman walk into a bar……. Ouch! They should have really paid attention 🤪🤪

Tea is an evil substance


Shame on those women that can’t hold their tea! I drink mine responsibly. This reminds me of the “quick before it starts” joke, my dad told me many years ago🤣🤣🤣


20 June, 2021



Ah, the concentration span......oh look, a squirrel.....oh something bright and shiny, oh never mind!  

Call me old fashioned; but I prefer to read classic literature including E A Poe. Yes they are long and descriptive, but that is as Wes points out; there to help stimulate the mind. The only modern novel that I have read in recent years would have been Harry Potter series, when it originally came out. I also read  history and biographies because I am interested in how people lived in years gone by. 

Meditation is a good way to extend the mind as Wes also comments. Sadly many people today just cannot focus enough and their lives are so busy. I am aware though that some schools do teach meditation, that is all fine and good as long as it is just to aid focus and relax, and nothing metaphysical.

NOTE: If you, like myself would rather read the transcript than listen; click on the link that says download.

19 June, 2021

Shattering diagnosis after doctors blamed stomach pain on bushwalking


What a terrible thing to suffer from, and a poor survival rate. Let’s hope that research will improve this survival rate. 

My mother had ovarian cancer, and had no symptoms until one day she was in agony and went to her doctor. She was sent for a scan and then quickly into surgery, they discovered her cancer was at stage four. Surgery was a waste of time, they just closed her up as there was nothing they could do. She only had six months to live from the day she saw the doctor. 

It is vital that people do have proper health check ups on a regular basis, some diseases are very difficult to detect though. But if you feel something is wrong go straight to your doctor. It is best to have a negative test result than a positive test result. 

More updates on the AZ clots


18 June 2012


The rate of side effects is increasing! 19 June 2021

14 June, 2021

Wes Penre: VIDEO 260: Q&A SESSION #76


You can either listen to the video or download the pdf and read it. You will see the PDF icon above the video. Just click on it to download.

12 June, 2021

Non PC joke

 An American soldier, serving in World War II, had just returned from several weeks of intense action on the German front lines. He had finally been granted R&R and was on a train bound for London. The train was very crowded, so the soldier walked the length of the train, looking for an empty seat. The only unoccupied seat was directly adjacent to a well-dressed middle-aged lady and was being used by her little dog. The war weary soldier asked, "Please, ma'am, may I sit in that seat?" The English woman looked down her nose at the soldier, sniffed and said, "You Americans. You are such a rude class of people. Can't you see my little Fifi is using that seat?" The soldier walked away, determined to find a place to rest, but after another trip down to the end of the train, found himself again facing the woman with the dog. Again he asked, "Please, lady. May I sit there? I'm very tired." The English woman wrinkled her nose and snorted, "You Americans! Not only are you rude, you are also arrogant. Imagine!" The soldier didn't say anything else; he leaned over, picked up the little dog, tossed it out the window of the train and sat down in the empty seat. The woman shrieked and railed, and demanded that someone defend her and chastise the soldier. An English gentleman sitting across the aisle spoke up, "You know, sir, you Americans do seem to have a penchant for doing the wrong thing. You eat holding the fork in the wrong hand. You drive your cars on the wrong side of the road. And now, sir, you've thrown the wrong bitch out the window."

10 June, 2021

CLEAR study paves way for novel electron-based cancer therapy


Wow, this sounds really interesting. 

Viking’ was a job description, not a matter of heredity, massive ancient DNA study shows


I just love reading about the ancient world. When you think about they end of the Viking era, it’s not actually that long ago in the big scheme of things, this is still modern man. 

NSW woman's blood clot death linked to AstraZeneca vaccine


And the government insists that it’s safe for people 50 years old upwards. 


June 18 2021, back flip again. Kinda destroys my faith in the medical industry, lol. 


June 19, 2021 more blood clots in age group 50 to 59. Back flipping again. But apparently it’s safe….yeah right! 

Shipping costs surge raises retail price pressure and inflation risks


Well we knew this was going to happen, people will need to get used to hardship. As I have been saying for a while, we are going to see a return of harsh conditions like the Great Depression. Don’t buy what you don’t need. 

I blogged about a vision that I had 30 odd years ago, at the age of 26 or 28. Where I felt we were going to experience true suffering and hardship like the lead up to ww1 and the Great Depression. This is it starting to hit. Remember these things don’t just happen; there is a slow build up in and a slow down as we recover. The world will be a different place when we recover.

In my predictions you will see that I said Australia will take 20 to 30 years to fully recover. Including some manufacturing eventually being on Australian shores. 

Just be sensible with your money, you don’t need holidays overseas, I personally couldn’t afford to go on holiday during my married life, and I see them as a luxury, it is a want not a need. People are in for a rude shock and maybe that is not a bad thing, because there is so much greed in this world. Take a look at the amount of retail stores selling mass produced goods, many of which end up as land fill. We have an oversupply of goods. 

Most of which are absolute garbage quality, because of planned obsolescence to keep consumers on the retail treadmill. Take a look at the secondhand clothes shops, they are over stocked and many of the goods are cut up for rags or end up in land fill. I have been told this many times by the managers of charity shops. I often take clothes and other goods to secondhand shops if they no longer fit. Or in the case of goods, it is household items that have been used and still in good condition  or people giving me presents at Christmas over the years. Eventually it becomes too much; so I donate them. I don’t need a stack of serving dishes or other tableware. 

The middle class are disappearing fast, but the big money will always stay in the same hands. Do you think that is by accident? There is no such thing as an accident. Definitely not when it comes to depressions and recessions, they are created. 

So just read the writing on the wall, because there is no turning back from this current situation, just prepare and try to buffer your family from as much hardship as possible. You can’t do any more than that. Live within your means and avoid credit cards because they will drag you  down into poverty if you can’t repay on time or pay them off. I personally am totally against credit cards and have never used one.

If I can’t afford something then I don’t buy it, it is that simple. The smart people don’t try to keep up with the Jones’s. They just do their own thing. The focus should be on feeding the family and paying bills from here on in. The world will recover but that is many years away, decades. So just do your best to buffer your family, avoid extravagance. I have a YouTube video called the 1940’s house on my blog. I highly recommend people watch it to get an idea of what to expect. Don’t think for one minute that we will not be affected by war within the next five or six years, that itself will bring more hardship. 

09 June, 2021

Medium or large


If  a medium can talk to the dead, just imagine what a large can do!

New defence against superbugs: taking fish oil may reduce antibiotic resistance


Vitamins and minerals play a major role in our health and immunity. Vitamin D, Vitamin C and zinc are very important in building up the immune system. Keeping the body alkaline also means good health. As soon as acid levels rise so does infection.

Some people take pine needle tea ( Pinus Strobus or Pinus Sylvestris ) to help with their immune support. But you need the proper tea from a health food shop, and not just picking the leaves from some random tree. Some pine trees are toxic, so talk to the people in the know before you buy anything, and also do you homework on line by reading about pine needle tea. It has several uses; including helping lower blood pressure. Follow the recommended dosage too, some herbal teas can have a toxic effect if over used. Some can cause a miscarriage too, so don’t just take anything without medical approval. 

Please talk to your doctor about taking any alternative medications first, because they may not go well with medication that you may be taking. 

Always remember your  hygiene too; to stop bacteria spreading, wash your hands with soap and water especially if you have been at the shops or returning home from anywhere. This cuts down the spread of bugs and viruses. Good old fashioned hygiene, works well. It is amazing how people become so lazy about something as important as hygiene. After the past year and a bit, how many people have actually learned to be more mindful of staying free of bugs and viruses? 


Pine needle tea health benefits


I am actually trying to find some pine needle tea to try it. It seems to be in short supply in Australia at present. The Pinus Sylvestris or Scotch pine one preferably.  

08 June, 2021

Four dead in terrorists attack as driver runs over Muslim family in London, Ontario


This is horrible, something is wrong with humanity, when acts of sheer evil happen like this.

Innocent people that are just minding their own business and living their lives being killed in cold blood. My heart goes out to their loved ones and I pray the young boy makes a good recovery. 

07 June, 2021



An ancient Greek walks into a tailor's shop with a pair of torn trousers.

The tailor days; Euripides?

Yup; replies the guy


Tailor: Yup

06 June, 2021

Sometimes the world seems like a pretty mean place


Sunday funnies


Two guys chatting in the pub and one guy says, Hey, do you believe in clubs for women?

The other guy says, sure, if a smack round the back of the head doesn’t work.

Wes Penre: Video 259 Imagination versus the Internet


Imagination is the most powerful tool to help us create. The downfall of man is due to lack of imagination and desire to grow in intelligence and question beliefs. The mind becomes lazy when people lack the will to challenge themselves intellectually; to create and educate themselves with the powers of observation and deduction.

Too much reliance on the internet without being able to think critically can lead to stagnation or to a singular and limited route of thought.  Children need mental stimulation to learn and be creative. They need nature as a means to stimulate their curiosity spending time outdoors discovering the natural world and how it functions. From there curiosity will do it's work on their imaginations.

We need to fire up that curiosity and keep it active in our minds; that is how people become great pioneers in any field; including the arts. To be able to dream is to create.  Reading from the internet is informative and is a useful tool, but it must be kept as just a tool. When we interface with the internet we are putting our conscious thought into a cloud. Where does it go from there? The same cannot be said for books, we read books and absorb the information inwardly. Imagination and perception; both are powerful but used incorrectly can lead to unintended results. 

Physicist Claims That Information Is a New Form of Matter


oops been in draft since 4 June.

Did you know that the fastest form of communication is Tellawoman? 🤣🤣🤣

Newly released emails reveal Dr Fauci friendly messages


oops been in draft a few days

US paid Chinese People’s Liberation Army to engineer coronaviruses


I did say that there was American involvement in this incident right from the start, and that involvement is not in the way the media tells it. Neither the US or China are innocent in this matter.  

03 June, 2021

50 shades of driving


Pentagon report revealing classified UFO encounter secrets to be released imminently


Yawn! Don’t hold your breath on this one, most sightings are skunkworks technology, yes some real UFO’s  and some in the mix are allegedly from inner earth; which has been documented for thousands of years in ancient texts world wide. 

If genuine ET’s want public attention; then they will do so in their own way when they are ready. They don’t take orders from our leaders, more like the other way around. But I wouldn’t be getting hopeful of anything, all the public will get to know is basically garbage. 

Brain doctor reveals 1 thing you need to avoid if you’re depressed
