Showing posts with label ALVIN BOYD KHUN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ALVIN BOYD KHUN. Show all posts

23 September, 2022

Tarot card of the month: October 2022, The Devil


                                              Planet: Saturn                     Zodiac sign: Capricorn

                                              Element: Fire                     Number 6 (1plus 5)

Mr Chicken drumstick legs πŸ˜‚ Last month I warned that something big is going to happen in October, We just seem to be getting a never ending can of whip-ass; non stop for the past few years and the can is getting bigger. Lets see what the TCOM says about this. 

Temptation, Emotions, Ego, Excess, Blind Authority, Anger, Rage, Disobedience, Vice, Hopelessness, Materialism, Enslavement/Bondage, Ignorance, Jealousy

Right  at the offset the first thing we notice is the male and female chained to a black cube. Notice they have little horns on their heads, this implies daemons rather than humans (or is it really souls/spirit?), that fall from grace that is mentioned in the bible. The primordial Adam and Eve. However there is a deeper story to this that the average person is totally unaware of due to being in a  state of spiritual ignorance or unawareness. Humanity for a start did not fall from grace, they were pushed. But that is a much bigger story than we have time for just now.

As I get into this; let me point out the black cube which represents the planet Saturn, it can allude to evil. Evil is the word Live backwards. That is a clue right there to humanity's present place of residence.

Looking at the Devil's hands he is  implying "As in as above, so is below." Add to that "As within, so is without" to this card too. The Devil card represents the Human ego, vices, addictions and enslavement in the third dimension. This card shows a lack of spirituality, and a lower vibrational frequency that keeps humanity here, it also reminds us that this is a dualistic world that we inhabit. 

Notice also the two individuals have red hair too, this is further secret esoteric knowledge of humanity's origins and also Jesus and Mary Magdalen were also redheads; which runs through royal families of the world and the elite of the planet. Red hair is often seen in religious art conveying a secret esoteric  message too. The male in the card looks at the female not as an equal here, he is not looking at her face, he looks as if he is looking at her with lustful intent. She on the other hand is looking at something unseen. Is that another astral plane, a higher spiritual knowledge? The female is a higher intuitive than the male as she is seen as a creator and an aspect of the goddess. Both are chained to the black cube, enslaved in the third dimension by evil means due to their naivety and trusting nature. 

The devil with his left hand is holding a burning torch pointing downwards to the ground (earth) It looks like it is just about burning the male beings tail. The devil seems to inflame base emotions within the male such as lust and jealousy. 

The female though has a tail that looks like it is purple grapes on a vine. Temptation, fertility, abundance, the blood of Christ. Purple is associated with royalty and the crown chakra so this points to a royal bloodline, the family of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Mary was a high priestess in the cult of Isis.

As a side note did you know that purple apples imply secret esoteric wisdom? There is a stained glass window artwork in Lincoln cathedral church England, in which purple apples are symbolic of Mary Magdalen. I came across this in the book entitled, The murder of Mary Magdalene by Dan Green.  However this is supposed to be grapes depicted on this card, which grow on a vine then this could still relate to the bloodline of Mary and Jesus. Fruits do often mean fertility so there can be  a couple interpretations of this symbol. 

Looking at the Devil's eyes, they look like they are boring right into what is in his line of vision, us the collective humanity. Getting into the mind of his victims. His right hand (male energy) is gesturing the hand sign Vau  from Hebrew which also carries the number 6 vibration, it is also the Vulcan sign made by Mr Spock on Star Trek. But notice the female is standing to the right and not the left hand side which is female energy. Remember 6 is the feminine number and 9 is male. So the Devil has a spite against the divine feminine and takes it out on womankind. (This is interesting reading) Duality again.

I also feel communism as I looked at this right hand and the white wing, I thought that was weird, I don't know why that came to me but it may be relevant given China is aligned with Russia, not to mention the New World Order is also communist.

Notice the inverted pentagram on the Devil's head right at the third eye or crown chakra, this to me symbolises infecting the human psyche with negative thoughts. His horns remind me of the goat of Mendes,  however the horns actually represents the zodiac sign of Capricorn which is the 10th house in astrology and ruled by the planet Saturn (restrictions). Now on his right palm is a symbol that I have trouble seeing clearly, It has a cross and something next to it, which is unclear to me but I suspect this is the symbols of male and female, so if that is the case the Devil has them in his hand so to speak, under his control. 

This entire message is telling us of  the age old spiritual fight between good and evil, a spiritual war that has raged  since the dawn of time. Not just in the physical world but also in the unseen world of spirit.

This card keeps informing us of the adage As above, So is below. Also the other  As within, So is without. This being a dualistic reality, there has to be opposites to everything. 

The black background is absorbing energy, some meanings for the colour black are Mystery, Knowledge,  Evil, Transformation (energy), Ignorance  (on a spiritual level in this case), Despair and Inertia (energy/emotions) 

Looking at the wings of the Devil we are again seeing duality, black and white, male/female, ying/yang, Duality. White in this card can symbolise Purity, Virtue (virtue signaling) Weakness, Sterility, Innocence.

Notice there is more black than white present. Energy is out of balance (ying and yang) here and that is not good. All energy must be balanced.

Nudity as depicted by the male and female symbolise the soul laid bear, they have no hidden agenda, nothing is hidden, all is out in the open, it can imply they are vulnerable and unprotected from any attack or harm. One other thing that dawned on me is the way the devil is symbolising and the male and female standing under the devil is almost like a holding spell or ritual. Also there is a triangle in the way the are standing as in the trinity or three levels of consciousness. Three is an important number in esoteric teachings, also when something is repeated three times it works as a spell.   We live in the third dimension also which is ruled over by the demiurge/ the devil/Lucifer or what ever name you want to use. 

So as you can see the male and female are held in a binding spell or ritual in the third dimension or hell. The devil's hand signs remind me of a binding spell, especially the symbol written on his right hand. I need to find out what this really is because it is so small all I can make out is the cross but not the other symbol. Basically humanity is under the influence of dark control for thousands of years in the physical world, which is a heavy energy or frequency. 

Now as for October 2022, the message is a warning and a message of caution and keeping our emotions in check for our own good. Act in haste and repent at leisure, choose your words and actions carefully people. Words can and do hurt and offend. They can inflame tensions, so it is best to not engage in conflict. Avoid any temptation to speak up against anything controversial.

This is a volatile energy and I feel it will continue to the end of the year and I am not looking forward to next year with the way things are going. This can include monarchists V's republicans, Pro-Ukraine V's Russia/China. I do feel the media as stoking the flames politically  and with many issues to get peoples backs up. Stay neutral and do not takes sides. This is a cat and mouse game to draw people into conflict deliberately just like the lead up to both world wars.   There is always two sides to everything, hence polarities or dualities  and this world is the devils playground.

The world is on an unsure footing right now, no one knows where they stand. I am drawn to the white wing on the right hand side of the devil. This tells me this is a distraction being created, while you are watching this space the left hand side is where the action really is. Outright deception played out right under our noses and we are unable to see what is happening on the other side.

The little white patch is like a window, it is only a very small window which means we cannot get a full view of what is taking place. Notice too the colour black is more prominent than white, the energy is way out of balance here. As I study the right hand side of the card, the black feels like I am looking at the back of a crowd of people who are all trying to see out of that small window. The crowd cannot really see what is happening so will rely on hearsay. But is it true information or yet more lies and deception?

The whole reality is not presented, nor is it meant to be. It is just enough to get the desired results from the masses; a fait accompli. This is a world event that is happening, it requires the entire world's attention. It is not what is actually taking place either, only a staged event. The real issue is taking place elsewhere out of sight of the public.  These events will not be made apparent until after the events. 

I feel the EU, UN, and the WEF connected to this, something big is happening in Europe politically and financially; banking it is connected to other situations also. I do not like the feeling of this. I get the feeling of other countries being made to join in unison  to an event or situation or miss out as in being penalized. This is an economic thing that whole nations must sign up to such as the WEF or the Climate scam. Don't forget the military side of things which will also drain money, a virtual cash cow for bankers.

I feel lots of money being funneled into this, draining many nations financially. This is a huge mistake, instant poverty for many nations. Talk about slight of hand movements. Watch the right hand while the left hand is doing the evil deed. I am talking billions of dollars here being funneled away this is stupidity on steroids. Dim witted politicians are being manipulated here and there are a lot of them, afraid to be seen as anti climate change so they will follow like lambs to the slaughter and be held unaccountable for the disaster this causes.

There is no concrete proof of these climate allegations but that is not the point, this is a heist of public funds on a global scale. I urge people world wide to stay  vigilant with financial matters in the news, also war, not just in Ukraine but in other places too.

Shortly Europe will start to really feel the pinch of not having any heating also and this will be yet another sore point. I feel something will also happen in France, this feels like social unrest yet again. I notice Australia doesn't have the same energy upheaval yet. All eyes will be on the northern hemisphere due to war, violence and unrest. Keep your eyes and ears open at this point because other things are happening in the shadows.

This card reminds me that humanity is under a dark and heavy spell, and that most of humanity are unaware of this and the fact that they are spiritual beings first and foremost.  

This world is actually what the bible would call hell. The physical body is a prison or tomb which is also alluded to in the bible. While we are "incarnated" in the flesh we are said to be dead. So everything that we believe is inverted.

I do realise that this comes as a shock to most people unless they actually read esoteric literature but here we are; and it is openly stated in the bible. However most people either do not read the bible or forget that part. Everything is inverted in the third dimension because it is a negative and locked frequency. New agers often talk about the planet being in quarantined due to other star races saying we are violent and can't be trusted. However this is not correct. As I always say this is a world of lies and deception.

Absolutely nothing is truth here and the longer humanity is here in spiritual ignorance the further deep into darkness they sink. Losing their connection to spirit and our true purpose. But what happens when the person hits the very bottom, is there any chance that they will have a spiritual epiphany and try to rectify this? Who knows, they may have to wait for the consummation of the ages to be absorbed back into primary source if that is even possible. Perception is the key to getting out of here.

Stay safe and look after your loved ones, warm and fuzzy hugs


Note: I am looking for the bible chapter that states the human body is a tomb for the soul etc. I have been aware of this for many years, but I will post it here as soon as I can find it. 

UPDATE: Belarus joins the war 11 October 2022. 

UPDATE: 23 May 2023, Re: the physical body being a tomb for the soul, it is in the link below. I only came across this by accident looking on my iPad for something else. Notice the comment by St Paul/Saul.


09 September, 2022

Wes Penre: Do we need to vibrate faster than the grid to exit? Pdf

The written format. One thing to keep in mind is the physical body vibrates around 62 to 70  MHz on physical death it drops to 25 MHz. The spirit is going to be free and therefore should be a higher frequency anyway, but I don’t believe it matters. As long as one is aware and focused on the reality that their intentions are to leave this world and exit the grid. Intentions are everything and you are non physical so everything that you do from then on is thought reactive. That’s how one moves from a to b, think and it is so.

Just a little more info on why we need to exit the matrix of this reality. Read up on the quote by St Paul/Saul, who was a cousin of Jesus. 

07 January, 2022

Becoming borealis: The Esoteric structure of the alphabet by Alvin Boyd Kuhn

I came across this website on one of my rummages on the net. As I was looking for this book by Alvin Boyd Kuhn. I am very grateful that the owner of the website has been so kind as to share this for free.

Just sharing the wisdom for others, to help them on their spiritual path 😊to which I say a humble thank you. 

The book is only 88 pages long so it won't take very long to read. You will see that as often stated in metaphysics; everything is inverted. There are many lights go on in my mind as I am reading this myself.

One thing that I immediately thought of was; the Ace of Cups in the Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck. I was at a conference many years ago in which Mary Greer was a guest speaker and we were discussing the Ace of Cups and the Meaning of the upside down M. Apart from Mary Magdalen as a suggestion for the meaning of the M, Mithras etc. I am now looking at the M as in Mother. The Sophia, (Zoe Sophia).

Arthur Waite sure left us in the dark with this one; and again in the dark, feminine energy as depicted in polarities, Ying and Yang is black. Male energy is white. Isn't it funny; how a little expression like "in the dark" can spark a thought (energy).

Please enjoy reading this PDF book that Becoming Borealis has lovingly shared. Once again thank you Becoming Borealis. πŸ’– 

Quote: from the book by Alvin Boyd Kuhn

And as St. Paul's Epistles (mainly Romans 7) so pointedly reveal, earth was that mount on which the divine soul, sinless in its celestial habitation, came under the dominion of sin. "Know ye not, my brethren," asks the Apostle, "how that a man is under the law (of sin and death) only as long as he liveth?"--that is, while he is here on earth. He implies that there is no sin in heaven, for he clearly states that "sin sprang to life" when the soul obeys the "command" to incarnate. Sin can touch the soul only from the side of body, and, he says, the soul goes "dead" under its power while here on earth until its resurrection "from the dead" in the course of evolution of spirit back to its divine condition. So that the earth is that "Mount of Sin," that "Mount Sin-ai" of the Scriptures.

Interesting quote here; When trapped in the physical body we are dead, and if you read right through my blog and my old blog you will see that I have always said this too. We are in a low and heavy vibrational frequency which is a very negative energy. The only thing we can do is try to raise our frequency and break the encryption that keeps us locked into this negative vibration.

Spiritual awakening is what one must do, but there is much more to this; that the average person won’t be capable of believing because they are heavily conditioned or programmed not to awaken spiritually.

20 May, 2021

Full text of "Jesus Was A Usurper And John The Baptist Was The True Christ. A Heretical Compilation"

Pay attention to the part about the Black Sun, this is important! I found this very interesting article last night, as I felt the need to explore more on Mary Magdalene etc; true enough nothing is ever what it seems to be.

Now as for Isis (goddess of darkness and chaos), you can see the strong connection to the terrorists using that name.

Of course the people that created this organisation are involved in the dark arts. That is obvious from the name. I have mentioned the connection in a post a few years ago. Even the colours used in the flag are esoteric, ying and yang, light and dark energy. People are constantly being lied to whether in regards to religion, history or current world events. 

There is no such thing as good magic either; that is an excuse to justify evil and the manipulation of the freewill, of others; magic draws an ego driven person like a moth to a flame. 

The reptilian mother mentioned is the Orion Queen of the stars, Mary represents her. 

The false light mentioned here is the exact same one of the New Ager cult, spouting, Love and Light; clearly showing their spiritual ignorance and blindly following the indoctrination they are taught but never question.

Notice the mention of Tiamat, now go back to the Wes Penre Papers and check this, Wes states Tiamat was a planet originally; and that our origins are based there. Personally though I am unsure if that is correct, however he presents a good case. 

This is a long eBook, keep scrolling down and be patient as this is very important information, you will see the dreaded Jesuits mentioned.

You will notice the connection between the Jesuits and the cult of Isis and the Black Sun, that is quite a revelation and a clue as to the real intentions. 

Rudolf Steiner comes into this information, that is another individual that I don’t care for. People are placed into situations for a reason, and not always for our benefit. 

The fourth Reich is very much alive if you know what you are looking at. Sadly most people live in a blinded reality and have no understanding of what is happening around them.

Soul splitting and the soul trap is also  mentioned in this text. This is very important and affects everyone on the planet. It has serious implications. Soul splitting causes severe trauma to the soul or spirit.

Note the endorsement of curses. This is wrong as it is a spell, which will have repercussions. How on earth can curses ever be accepted? 

You will notice deep in this text the mention of spiritual sovereignty, keep that in mind because it is important. These days the media is saying the sovereignty thing is communist. That depends on what sort of sovereignty you are talking about. Having said that. Reading between the lines Jesus comes across as a militant communist. It has been mentioned in this article that he was trained in military strategy. Why on earth would he be trained in military strategy unless he was a  proto-communist and out to destabilise the status quo? 

Right down at the bottom of the text the subject of the soul trap is mentioned again. I cannot stress enough the importance of understanding this matter. 

Now I highly recommend that people do their own research, you will only get one chance to get this right to exit the matrix. Learn at your own pace and do not be fearful. Fear drags you down to a lower frequency; you do not want to go there! Everything in our world and in spirit works on a vibrational frequency; the universe is made up of frequencies. 

Wes has videos that you can listen to or download in pdf format to read, however you won't fully understand everything unless you take the time to actually read the Wes Penre Papers; of which there are 5 levels to read.

You may want to read works by John Lamb Lash and Cameron Day. But there are many good researchers out there, so Google is the place to start learning the names of these researchers. Keep notes and print information off to use as resource tools. Like I said this incarnation is your last chance at spiritual freedom. Otherwise you are going to keep doing the groundhog day scenario over and over.

This does a lot of damage to the soul and causes a deep trauma. Thus feeding Loosh to these evil creatures. Notice the word evil is live backwards. As they say everything is inverted in our reality.

As for exiting this reality, there are holes in the grid that we just think our way through, but you need to understand how this works is by firm intention at the point of physical death, and do not speak to or acknowledge anything around you because they are decoys. Stick to you firm intention and beliefs. Let nothing distract you; as in the old saying, he who hesitates is lost. I personally would not be heading to Orion as some writers recommend. You however need to work out what is right for you and listen to your heart. Yes you will have several changes in opinion between now and the end of your life, just be honest and listen to your heart as that is your guide. Listen to your higher self by going deep within and absolutely not going external;  to what are mistakenly trusted as ascended masters, guides , angelic beings. These are projections of the Archonic matrix and your doom if you are foolish enough to accept them.

This is an important article too for further understanding of this reality, I also recommend reading books by Raph Ellis, you will find information on him on this blog. If you can buy the paper books that’s great but you can buy the eBooks via Amazon. Google his name and you will see his website too with relevant links. 

03 March, 2021

Not in his image by John Lamb Lash


I just bought this book and can’t put it down. It is a very handy resource tool and reference tool for me now. I actually wish that I bought it sooner. This book mentions the Zaddikim, they are a need to know about, violent  cult from Canaan (part of modern Palestine), that spread their way into Europe two thousand years ago, when reading up on Christianity and Salvationist beliefs, it helps one understand how it all came about. 

You can download the book on PDF, but I recommend buying the book. I had to order the book from England as my bookstore was out of copies. JLL also discusses the archons in this book, that’s the nasty energetic beings that I call the shit stains of the universe 🀣🀣  He calls them failed abortions, which is actually close to the fact. Because they were not meant to be, it was an mistake by Sophia that created them. 

Understanding the message JLL puts out here is important, as we are supposedly drawing closer to the consummation of the ages. Individuals need to sort out their spiritual goal plan of heading back to the pleroma or the spiritual home of humanity. 

You can find more information on his website which is on the hand out booklet that I gave to everybody that came to me for a reading from 2006 up until January 2020. However that information is also on my blog. You can read about archons on John’s website too. They can be overcome but that takes practice as he says. Think of them like a dangerous and destructive virus or a software virus, these entities don’t always fall away from us at physical death by the way. They can still be attached to a person when they go into the spirit world (which by the way is not our home that is the Pleroma). The reason being is that is their home turf as it is created by the Demiurge. Wetiko is the Native American name for them. They are in short a non organic life form but created by accident.

Anyway I hope some people out there will read the book, even if you borrow it from a public library, it is worth the read.

UPDATE: 23May 2023, please have a look at this link from an earlier post in 2022 about the human body being a physical tomb for the spirit and soul. We are said to be dead while in the physical body, that is spiritually dead because we are cut off from pure spirit, our higher self and with the true divine spirit.

01 March, 2021

Alvin Boyd Khun Books


First here is a blurb on who he is. When learning about metaphysics, spirituality etc, you do have to do a lot of reading, learning and unlearning. For me it has also been trusting and then distrusting as I have gone along my path of learning.

The first thing that I tell people is do not just blindly accept what you are told, because most people learn this stuff parrot fashion, very lazy and can be very dangerous, leading you down blind alleys.
In short you are going no where. You are not really awakening, you are being manipulated into a different paradigm that's all.

Knowing the difference takes time, you must make the effort to take the time and be discerning.
My main rule of thumb is tell the truth and shame the devil. I take nothing at face value after going down some blind alleys over the years under tuition from various places only to leave very much disappointed.

I am trying to bring information to peoples attention and saying , have a look at this, but do not form a firm or fixed opinion. You need to remain impartial and free to keep your mind sharp ready for the day you leave this world. Your real mission here on earth in the third dimension is to awaken, be empowered and escape the matrix.

Now Alvin Boyd Khun has been a must read author of spiritual material. I ask you to read as much as you can on his works and not hold a firm opinion. Just use the information  presented. Then compare Wes Penre's notes, Gerald Massey, other esoteric authors, and again keep an open and free mind.

There are free PDF books by Alvin Boyd Khun in the internet that you can download for free.
Michael Tsarion also has a list of books by this author that are highly recommended reading.
I expect many of my readers are aware of them already.

Now with any of these authors and their books, you need to read each one several times to take it all on board. Even I have moments where I forget things that I have learned and have to go back to the start gain, lol the joys of getting older.

NOTE: These are taken from Wikipedia, but as I said Google his books there are more that what is mentioned on Wikipedia.  Happy reading peeps.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...