Showing posts with label FOR THE LOVE OF ANIMALS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FOR THE LOVE OF ANIMALS. Show all posts

16 October, 2024

Exactly how often you should be washing your dog, according to an expert

This is an interesting article and quite important as to how often we should wash our doggie family members. My first Jack Russell loved the bath, he was in like Flynn as soon as I ran the bath for my children. Sparky thought that every time he heard the bath being run it was for him to play in. We did have a clam shell pool for him to use in summer. His doggie brother Gromit,  didn’t like water but was bathed at reasonable times and having long shaggy fur it required a trim regularly. Miss Ruby is not a fan of a bath either but I still manage to get her washed and then stand back as she does the Zoomies 🤣🤣🤣

Don’t forget to sing the rubber ducky song as you shampoo your fur babies 

21 January, 2024

Six-legged spaniel undergoes surgery to remove extra limbs

Omg, Poor little soul. I am so glad that these good Samaritans helped the poor pup. What a terrible thing she has suffered and to be abandoned by some cruel humans. Obviously there was to be an extra puppy but nature can get it wrong sometimes. 

I just hope that this little girl will be able to walk normally once she has healed. Such a sweet but sad little face. Hopefully someone with a loving heart will adopt her soon. 

08 January, 2024

Wildlife carers overwhelmed as grey-headed flying foxes experience mass starvation down Australia's east coast

This is heartbreaking, lovely flying teddy bears ❤️🥰🥰 After the terrible 2019 bushfires and flooding, tragedy and death just never seem to stop. A shortage of vets and not enough helpers makes things extremely difficult not to mention stressful. 

I can barely bring myself to read these news articles of suffering animals. It’s bad enough when it’s human suffering but poor helpless animals takes it to a higher level. 

                                                        Adorable flying teddy ❤️

21 December, 2023

Miss Ruby wishes everyone a Merry Christmas

 Miss Ruby wishes everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year. It has been a difficult year for many people around the world but we must have hope for the future. Please be that hope to be a guiding light to others. 

04 October, 2023

Update on Ruby’s eye surgery

 Well today miss Ruby had her surgery for the tumour on her eye lid. The thing actually popped a couple of days ago and I rang the vet to let them know. I was advised to bring her in today for them to check her out. So the vet told me that her tumour is on the lower rung of tumours but would quickly fill up with fluid again, so it would be better to operate today. 

All went very well and she is home resting. Oh, and with one of those Elizabethan collars and she is not amused one bit. She was drowsy when she came home but boy did she did ham it up as she started to get back to normal. Then there was the woe is me mummy, and she played me like a fiddle 🤣🤣 Mummy I can’t reach my food with this fang dangled collar on. But the moment daddy put some chicken on the floor she hoovered it up. I offered her, her food again and she played the woe is me act again. So daddy said give her more chicken, so I put it on top of her normal food and she hoovered it up and her wet food. 

Talk about spoiled, she has no problem eating when there is fresh chicken on offer. However to get her medication into her I have to bribe her with a doggy chocolate and then put the stuff in her eye while she is chomping on her chocolate button. The pain killer is liquid and fed by a syringe, it doesn’t taste very nice so she gets a doggy chocolate after that too. She also has to have artificial tears in her eye also to stop any irritation. She is not tolerant of of anything near her eyes so I have to bribe her with a treat for this too. 

Having to wear the Elizabethan collar for two weeks will not be pleasant for her, especially at bed time so I guess we will have two weeks of intermittent sleep all around. You should have seen her with her “get well soon“ treat. I forgot that she may have a problem trying to hold it to eat. However she did manage to pick it up and carry it through the house. She just can’t jump on the bed at present. So we have to pick her up.  

I have just discovered that I am allergic to her fur this week. I have never had a problem before but this week her fur against my skin results in a huge spotty rash that is so itchy. I have an 180mg Telfast tablet every morning and it won’t stop this rash. When I took Ruby  to the vet a few days ago for her consultation on her eye, I noticed a rash suddenly developing on my arms at the surgery and thought that’s odd. Today the same thing happened but also on one of my feet too. One thing crossed my mind was grass seed in her fur or forget me not seeds, but she wasn’t outside today and it has rained since last night non stop so I think it’s her fur that’s causing the problem. 

I didn’t think that I would have an allergic reaction to her fur as we have had other dogs long before Ruby was born and she is 11 years old now. I did have a reaction with our late cat Garfield’s fur and he had the softest baby fur. Garfield was a Persian tabby cross. His fur used to hurt my face and was itchy but I never had a rash from his fur. So this is something that I have only just developed. 

Peanut butter beef hide treat for being a brave little girl 🐶❤️

Miss Ruby in the bedroom going up to the window with her treat to hide it. To the left is a blanket box with her cover on it. She suns herself every afternoon on the blanket box. 

UPDATE: Well after a sleepless night, miss Ruby is a bit shirty today and has spent most of the day in bed or barking at the wind. She jumps off the bed with her usual vigor but is clearly not a happy camper with the collar on.

25 August, 2023

International Dog Day 26 August 2023

 Wishing all the doggies in the world a beautiful International Dog Day for all the pure unconditional love from your hearts to our hearts ❤️ 

Miss Ruby has freshly baked biscuits made for her to enjoy, well I actually made them a couple of days ago and let her have some already. She is so worth spoiling with her sweet little face and exuberant personality. May all dogs world wide have a beautiful day every day for the love that you give us unconditionally ❤️❤️❤️ 

12 August, 2023

International Cat Day, I missed it again, D’oh!

 Damn! I find out after the event 😳🤪 I do this every year, so I have finally stuck it in my google calendar for 8th August with it set to annual reminder and for International Dog Day on 26th August too. Just as well or Miss Ruby would have something to bark about. So for what it’s worth……happy belated International Cat Day to all kitties big and small. Meow 😻 


                                                         Miss Daisy 



Daisy and Garfield’s baby photo, it was not easy to get a photo of them together because they were usually scraping. Daisy was a very small cat and two weeks older than Garfield but Daisy was the one to wallop Garfield. He was a big kid and very cuddly but he was always up to mischief, his sister was more serious and laid the smack down on him often. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...