16 October, 2024

Exactly how often you should be washing your dog, according to an expert


This is an interesting article and quite important as to how often we should wash our doggie family members. My first Jack Russell loved the bath, he was in like Flynn as soon as I ran the bath for my children. Sparky thought that every time he heard the bath being run it was for him to play in. We did have a clam shell pool for him to use in summer. His doggie brother Gromit,  didn’t like water but was bathed at reasonable times and having long shaggy fur it required a trim regularly. Miss Ruby is not a fan of a bath either but I still manage to get her washed and then stand back as she does the Zoomies 🤣🤣🤣

Don’t forget to sing the rubber ducky song as you shampoo your fur babies 

Exactly how often you should be washing your dog, according to an expert

  https://honey.nine.com.au/pets/how-often-you-should-wash-your-dog-vet-advice/bc2bf29f-5394-4d69-a14b-4b7f21aa2b66 This is an interesting a...