Showing posts with label PSYCHIC ENEGRY VAMPIRES/PSYCHIC ATTACKS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PSYCHIC ENEGRY VAMPIRES/PSYCHIC ATTACKS. Show all posts

07 May, 2021

Energetic implants, Etheridge implants, archonic implants, attachments

Interesting reading, use your discernment when reading metaphysics, some advice is good while some is not so good. I personally don’t believe in angels; from what I have read and learned over the past twenty years I am more than wary with anything non physical as much as I am with physical beings. Just because someone in times past put their trust in something, doesn’t make it right or safe. 

18 April, 2021

Every thought form lives

There is a very common spiritual saying that goes; what you think is. In reality that means every single thought that we have is alive, if left unchecked it can create a reality; and perhaps not one that the individual may want. 

People generally are not trained to be careful of their thoughts in our general society from a spiritual or metaphysical angle. People just literally don’t give it a second thought, pardon the pun. However those people who are on a strict spiritual path are very aware of the importance of guarding their own thoughts, lest they create a reality that is unwanted. 

Thought forms are a living thing, they carry a vibrational frequency; just as all life forms do. I am reminded as I write this,  of a comment made in a spiritual church; psychic development class, where the instructor said something rather interesting. She was instructing the class about incarceration, and she stated; when a human comes into the world they incarnate with a guide that is within them.

A preposterous notion I thought at the time. There are three levels of human consciousness, which we identify as the conscious self, that we identify with in the physical world. Then the soul, (light body) and the higher self; however the higher self never incarnates. You may also recognise as body, mind and spirit. The instructor at this point said along with this there is another being incarcerated with us to guide us. 

This is a mistake though, I feel she was referring to an archonic being and she may not have been aware of such beings. These beings are evil non physical beings that often masquerade as our thoughts. They live off  of our fears, anxiety and weaknesses such as addictions and perversion. These beings cause a spiritual imbalance within us and drain our energy. If we don’t know that they exist or could be affecting our thoughts and actions then we have no chance of defeating them. That proverbial enemy within. 

However when one is aware of such beings then steps are easily taken to eradicate them. You know like the saying, don’t let trolls live rent free in your head. Shame that instructor in my psychic development class was not better informed or better still having someone that could demonstrate to the class how to recognise and then defeat the nuisances.

That is all water under the bridge now, but the spiritual intrusion is still present with humanity. There are teachers out there presently; that have been researching these spiritual intruders and are actually now trying to inform the public. However it needs to be mainstream knowledge to fix the problem. Sadly that will never happen,  because it is being suppressed by agents of darkness for thousands of years and it is ramping up right now.

This is the major change in spiritual warfare occurring at present, the lead up to the First World War I suggest is the forerunner to where we are now. The Victorian era saw a huge interest in the occult and it has not abated, if anything it is getting more intense. We are living in a rather topsy Turvey world these days inching closer to war within the sphere of world politics, a ” world health crisis “ and ongoing divisions in society. These things don’t just happen, they are created. This is where we must guard our thoughts and emotions vigorously. Or we succumb to the dark energy surrounding humanity.

Be careful what you wish for and keep in mind dire warnings that have been given to humanity. I do recommend that people take responsibility in researching for themselves about these non physical beings. Some researchers are actually suggesting they may be a form of AI. But what ever they are they do not belong within us or around us. They were created in error allegedly by the goddess Sophia and you will find information in my blog in relation to that. I do feel one needs to keep an open mind on this and not be quick to form an opinion. on who or what Sophia (wisdom) and these archonic beings are.

Nothing is as we think it is from our physical world and from the canients that had no knowledge of AI or computers. I think we are still to find out more about these beings in the years to come.


13 March, 2021

PDF Operation Trojan Horse by J A Keel

If the top link doesn't work try this one below

I posted this on the Wes Penre post video 247 on 11 March 2021 as part of something else. I started to read this and felt that it needs to be shared , not so much as for the UFO stuff, but what he says in conjunction to this phenomenon. For those that follow this dark subject; heed my warning as well as Mr Keel's warning. 

If you read this please keep an open mind. But I need to draw your attention to the warnings in this book.

The Trojan Horse comes in many forms as you will discover when reading, BUT, I need to direct you  to The Cosmic Joker, the chapter when he mentions Malcom X and the harbinger of doom that visited him in prison. Look at pages 196/197 onwards. These are very serious warnings; that I have made in posts myself in regards to the Metaphysical world and the dangers, such as spells, magic, trance mediumship etc. DON'T DO IT!

I know of people that have lost all that was dear to them also, such as the family being split by divorce and other unhappy domestic situations and each individual case was due to esoteric stuff but especially channelling and in particular ET's, supposed guides and the usual stuff that I warn against.

How much do you value your life and your mental health? Because that is what you are staring down the barrel of. No if's or butt's. No matter how many people I have told not to do this and they still do. Hell mend you!  as we Scots say, you were warned and cannot say you weren't warned. This boils down to the individuals ego. The damage that could be done is irreparable as is the suffering.

Remember( look at my old blog for this) I was warned at a trance mediumship class to stay away from UFO stuff? Not just that being coerced several times into going on the trance mediumship against my better judgement (I have always disapproved of trans mediumship) and something very bad happened to me, but not the other person. She didn't want to know when I told her what happened to me either she just laughed in my face, but she kept her distance the rest of the weekend, she knew the score. She set me up for this course by badgering me numerous times saying it will be fun! Fun? For whom? It was not for me and it is something that I will never forgive. But hey; Satan looks after his own, her day will come.

Below is the link to my article on ley lines which is valid when looking into the cosmic joker.

Now after reading this chapter on the cosmic joker, can you see what is really going on? These entities play good cop bad cop for entertainment, not for our benefit and sure as hell not to benefit humanity spiritually. It’s all a con job. 

I would never recommend being a professional psychic or clairvoyant, (we are born with our abilities), I honestly wish that I had never chosen this career path. Yes, I see it as a spiritual calling, but it is a poisonous chalice. There is no money in this job unless you sell your soul, something that I would never do. I am a very grounded person that has no interest in fame and fortune, only a normal life. With good people around me, and animals of course; as I love them very much.

Please be wise and mindful when it comes to spiritual or other worldly matters, because nothing is what it seems and that includes religion. Be warned, be empowered, and be safe. Your actions are the emanations of your thoughts, that is why it is very, very important to practice mindfulness and be very carful of what thoughts you hold, they are often inserts by the cosmic jokers, your job is to know the difference between your thoughts and the jokers thoughts. 

A big clue can be a random thought that enters your mind and may be hard to dislodge. It can be something that is out of character with your personality or something that you know is wrong but you keep getting the urge to say or act on that thought. An example being, saying something that you know will hurt someone; and you deliberately go right ahead and say it. Which in turn can open the proverbial can of worms, and often backfires on you.

You then start to wonder why you acted that way and have terrible regrets. So you can see the danger here and need to be aware of your thoughts, your social filter etc, and think of what the outcome can be to others and yourself before you act impulsively or carelessly.

You don't want to have a trojan horse living rent free in your head. Evict it and keep your guard up by being mindful of your thoughts and actions. 


03 March, 2021

Konspiracy constipation, I haven't given a crap for a while

 I am just so over the whole K on s pir acy thing. I have had all that I can take of the crap. Yes, some of it is very real. But I just do not want to be bothered by it anymore.  I am "k on s pi racy constipated", I do not given a shit about it. I am well and truly over caring anymore. 

I am getting this stuff sent to me by well meaning people, but hey, I have been reading up on this since the 1990's it is not new to me. What you know, I already know.  OK!  Don't preach to me when you didn't want to know in the past when I told you all of this.

I also am much more aware on a psychic level, with visions, predictions etc. If you had actually bothered to ask me questions via Facebook or even read the stuff on my blog, you wouldn't be pissing me off right now. You would know that I am fully aware of "everything" and I mean everything.

To dwell on this is not healthy, I am not investing my energy in this a moment longer. Everyone is feeding each others fears and anxieties. Stop and think about that if you will. Who's interest does this serve? It sure isn't ours.

Living in a state of anxiety is not good for us and affects us mentally and physically. But not just that it also affects us on an energetic or psychic level, scattering our energy, thus dropping  our vibrational frequency. The powers that be are all too aware of this, from the beginning of the theosophy movement at least. These leaders are quite au fait with this energy manipulation through their own  secret societies, such as Fr ee    ma  son ry etc.

Those that originally promoted K on sp ir aci es in the first place, benefit from this of course. It is a game for Christ sake! Can't you see we are being played with, by both sides? DIVIDE AND CONQUER, just like a game of chess. This is a world of polarities/ duality. Look at a chess board, is it not dualistic? A wee clue right there from a damn fine game.

More precisely these people are feeding off our  energy or loosh, energy vampires or energy harvesting on a spiritual level. There are also entities that feed from this loosh, and that is what keeps them alive. They need stress, fear etc to live on. But I really don't care anymore. It is not my problem, it's yours humanity! 

News flash, yes, The world heading into  a     n   e    w     w   o  r   l d    o   r  d er.  We were told so many times by the media which is in line with cosmic law, so the spiritual guru's tell us. The masses chose to accept this by doing nothing other than attack the messenger as per instructions by M   S M. The masses have accepted the programming.  Most have not even noticed the trial run exercises world wide.

But, I am just too over this and the whole drama. I do not want this in my life at all. I want peace and quite in my life. This is not conducive to peace and harmony in my life. 

I am fed up with people bombarding me with all the crap about C  D  1 9. I know all about it. I now have had such a gut full and no longer care. Wear a mask or don't wear a mask. I don't give a damn. I know the world economy is collapsing.

Christ, I have predicted the economic collapse and saw this way back in 2005, but as I have said in other posts, when my first child was born in 1989, I had a knowing and vision of the world heading back to suffering like back in WW1 ( economically, lack of food, poverty and war), that feeling is something one cannot forget once experienced. So I have known what has to come since 1989, I was 26 years old then.

I am trying to get through my life without all of this crap.  I don't care anymore, it's information overload. I choose to focus on my spiritual well being as well as caring for my family.

 I choose no  part of what is going on with humanity. I choose my spiritual welfare.

The gaps between words is for a reason I am sure you know why

01 March, 2021

The Serial Provoker


More correctly called an overt narcissist. The solution is shut them down as soon as the open their mouth to start anything. Do not engage them in conversation, do not have anything to do with them.
These are parasitic people and they know full well what they are doing. They are deliberately attacking you to feed form you because they see you as weak. Also don’t expect anyone to assist you when this attack happens, no they will not take your side or they will become a target too. Those witnessing the attack generally remain silent they refuse to get involved due to self preservation.

All you can ever be to a serial provoker like this is a food source and slave. Do not be foolish enough to think they will change. They will not and cannot change. How can a serial predator  be sorry or compassionate? That just does not compute, their survival depends on being a predator no different to a psychopath or a sociopath.

Think of trolls on the internet and there are more and more of both types on earth than ever before. Most people can not even perceive the drop in the vibrational frequencies on earth right now. 
To have so many dysfunctional beings on the planet, the planet's vibrational frequency has to be dropped deliberately.

 I see this often and know exactly what is going on. I have had things happen on a personal level over the past few weeks myself. I have also been assisting others in similar circumstances also.

At the end of the day though the individual must step up and keep right away from parasitic bullies. No one can make the target of abuse stand up for themselves.They, the targeted person has to man up and help themselves. It is not other peoples position or responsibility to get you, the target out of the abusive situation, especially when there is a high likelihood of the victim going straight back to the abuser. 

The target themselves are dragging others into this train wreck wanting the rescuers to stop the abuser. The targeted person plays the vulnerable victim and then they step back letting the rescuer cop the abuse. The targeted person must own the issue and resolve it themselves. To expect others to solve the problem for the target is very selfish and in itself is an abuser creating a chain reaction. 

I am speaking from experience and have walked away from two women that dragged me in to their toxic narcissistic relationships. They just expected me to solve their crap for them, without them lifting a finger. That in itself is abuse and I let them know it. I no longer speak to the individuals. And YES, they are still dealing with the problem . Not my circus and not my monkeys. 

Heed the warning and take the responsible action needed, do not drag other people into your issues if you are not prepared to take action yourself, you are being selfish and that is a form of abuse in itself. I can tell you from trying to help these women, neither of them expressed any thanks, no,  they felt they were entitled to my help because of who I am, and being a fool that helps others in need, I obliged until I had had enough of them.  They didn’t care about their  issues interfering with my family and causing disruption, no they only cared about what they want. But the kicker is when things are happening in my life the silence is deafening, no one ever asks can they help, I just have to man up.

If you allow abuse, then the abusers and takers have no respect for you. They feel self entitled to take from you as if they own you. There are no free rides in this world unless you are foolish and allow it to happen. Good people can be the targets for abuse of this nature, the person that is a target of the abuse then transfers it to the good person they rope in to help them ( read to do the dirty work because they refuse to). My advice is walk away  from this or the whole lot will come down on you.

Do not ever take ownership of that which does not belong to you.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...